/** * Copyright (C) 2010 eXo Platform SAS. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.xcmis.spi.tck; import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.xcmis.spi.BaseContentStream; import org.xcmis.spi.CmisConstants; import org.xcmis.spi.ConstraintException; import org.xcmis.spi.ContentStream; import org.xcmis.spi.ItemsTree; import org.xcmis.spi.NotSupportedException; import org.xcmis.spi.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.xcmis.spi.RenditionFilter; import org.xcmis.spi.StreamNotSupportedException; import org.xcmis.spi.model.AccessControlEntry; import org.xcmis.spi.model.CapabilityACL; import org.xcmis.spi.model.CmisObject; import org.xcmis.spi.model.ContentStreamAllowed; import org.xcmis.spi.model.IncludeRelationships; import org.xcmis.spi.model.Property; import org.xcmis.spi.model.TypeDefinition; import org.xcmis.spi.model.VersioningState; import org.xcmis.spi.utils.MimeType; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; public class VersioningTest extends BaseTest { private static String testRootFolderId; private static TypeDefinition documentTypeVersionable; private static TypeDefinition documentTypeNotVersionable; private String principal = "root"; @BeforeClass public static void start() throws Exception { testRootFolderId = createFolder(rootFolderID, CmisConstants.FOLDER, "versioning_testroot", null, null, null); TypeDefinition documentType = connection.getTypeDefinition(CmisConstants.DOCUMENT); List<ItemsTree<TypeDefinition>> allDocs = connection.getTypeDescendants(documentType.getId(), -1, true); if (documentType.isVersionable()) { documentTypeVersionable = documentType; } else { documentTypeNotVersionable = documentType; } if (documentTypeNotVersionable == null) { documentTypeNotVersionable = getNotVersionableDocType(allDocs); } if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { documentTypeVersionable = getVersionableDocType(allDocs); } System.out.println("Running Versioning Service tests"); } @AfterClass public static void stop() throws Exception { if (testRootFolderId != null) { clear(testRootFolderId); } } /** * checkout. * <p> * Create a private working copy of the document. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCheckOut() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); CmisObject pwcObject = null; try { pwcObject = connection.getObject(pwc, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { fail("PWC not found. "); } assertNotNull(pwcObject); validateVersionSeries(pwcObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(), document, pwc); validateCheckedOutState(document, pwc); validateCheckedOutState(pwc, pwc); } /** * checkout. * <p> * {@link ConstraintException} must be throw if document type is not * versionable. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCheckOut_ConstraintException() throws Exception { if (documentTypeNotVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeNotVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeNotVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); try { connection.checkout(document); fail("ConstraintException must be thrown since document type is not versionable. "); } catch (ConstraintException e) { } } /** * cancelCheckout. * <p> * Removes the private working copy of the checked-out document, allowing * other documents in the version series to be checked out again. Call * cancelCheckout on PWC. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCancelCheckOut_PWC() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); connection.cancelCheckout(pwc); validateVersionSeries(vs, document); validateCheckedInState(document); try { connection.getObject(pwc, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); fail("PWC must be removed. "); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { } } /** * cancelCheckout. * <p> * Removes the private working copy of the checked-out document, allowing * other documents in the version series to be checked out again. Call * cancelCheckout on original document. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCancelCheckOut_Document() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); connection.cancelCheckout(document); validateVersionSeries(vs, document); validateCheckedInState(document); try { connection.getObject(pwc, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); fail("PWC must be removed. "); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { } } /** * cancelCheckout. * <p> * {@link ConstraintException} must be throw if document type is not * versionable. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCancelCheckOut_ConstraintException() throws Exception { if (documentTypeNotVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeNotVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeNotVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); try { connection.cancelCheckout(document); fail("ConstraintException must be thrown since document type is not versionable. "); } catch (ConstraintException e) { } } /** * checkin. * <p> * Checks-in the Private Working Copy of document. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCheckIn() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, null); validateVersionSeries(vs, document, v1); validateCheckedInState(document); } /** * checkin. * <p> * Checks-in the Private Working Copy of document and apply ACL to it. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCheckIn_ApplyACL() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); List<AccessControlEntry> acl = createACL(principal, "cmis:all"); // Different behavior dependent to storage capabilities. if (capabilities.getCapabilityACL() != CapabilityACL.MANAGE) { try { connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", acl, null, null); fail("NotSupportedException must be thrown, managin ACL is not supported. "); } catch (NotSupportedException e) { } } else if (!documentTypeVersionable.isControllableACL()) { try { connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", acl, null, null); fail("ConstraintException must be thrown, type is not controllable by ACL. "); } catch (ConstraintException e) { } } else { String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", acl, null, null); validateVersionSeries(vs, document, v1); validateCheckedInState(document); List<AccessControlEntry> actualACL = connection.getACL(v1, false); validateACL(actualACL); checkACL(acl, actualACL); } } /** * checkin. * <p> * Checks-in the Private Working Copy of document and apply ACL to it. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCheckIn_ApplyPolicy() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null || !isPoliciesSupported) { return; } TypeDefinition policyType = connection.getTypeDefinition(CmisConstants.POLICY); String policy = createPolicy(policyType.isFileable() ? testRootFolderId : null, policyType.getId(), generateName(policyType, null), "policy1", null, null, null); String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); // Different behavior dependent to storage capabilities. if (!documentTypeVersionable.isControllablePolicy()) { try { connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, Arrays.asList(policy)); fail("ConstraintException must be thrown, type is not controllable by policy. "); } catch (ConstraintException e) { } } else { String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, Arrays.asList(policy)); validateVersionSeries(vs, document, v1); validateCheckedInState(document); List<CmisObject> policies = connection.getAppliedPolicies(v1, true, null); assertTrue(policies.size() >= 1); Set<String> policiesId = new HashSet<String>(policies.size()); for (CmisObject o : policies) { policiesId.add(o.getObjectInfo().getId()); } assertTrue("Expected policy is not found. ", policiesId.contains(policy)); } } /** * checkin. * <p> * Update content when checkin. {@link ConstraintException} must be thrown if * the "contentStreamAllowed" attribute of the object type definition * specified by the cmis:objectTypeId property value is set to "not allowed" * and a contentStream input parameter is provided. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testCheckIn_UpdateContent() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); if (documentTypeVersionable.getContentStreamAllowed() == ContentStreamAllowed.NOT_ALLOWED) { try { connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, TEST_CONTENT_STREAM, "testCheckIn", null, null, null); fail("ConstraintException must be thrown, content stream is not allowed. "); } catch (StreamNotSupportedException e) { } } else { byte[] newContent = "__CONTENT__".getBytes(); String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, new BaseContentStream(newContent, "", new MimeType("text", "plain")), "testCheckIn", null, null, null); validateVersionSeries(vs, document, v1); validateCheckedInState(document); ContentStream content = connection.getContentStream(v1, null); assertEquals(content.getMediaType(), content.getMediaType()); byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; int read = content.getStream().read(buf); byte[] res = new byte[read]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, res, 0, read); assertArrayEquals(newContent, res); } } /** * getObjectOfLatestVersion. * <p> * Get latest version of document in the version series without any * additional info about relationships, policies, renditions. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGetObjectOfLatestVersion() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, null); pwc = connection.checkout(v1); String v2 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, null); CmisObject latest = connection.getObjectOfLatestVersion(vs, false, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); assertNotNull(latest); assertEquals(v2, latest.getObjectInfo().getId()); assertNull(latest.getAllowableActions()); assertEquals(0, latest.getPolicyIds().size()); assertEquals(0, latest.getRelationship().size()); assertEquals(0, latest.getRenditions().size()); } /** * getObjectOfLatestVersion. * <p> * Get latest version of document in the version series with additional info * about allowable actions. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGetObjectOfLatestVersion_AllowableActions() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, null); CmisObject latest = connection.getObjectOfLatestVersion(vs, false, true, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); assertNotNull(latest); assertEquals(v1, latest.getObjectInfo().getId()); assertNotNull(latest.getAllowableActions()); } /** * getObjectOfLatestVersion. * <p> * Get latest version of document in the version series with additional info * about policies applied to object. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGetObjectOfLatestVersion_IncludePolicies() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null || !isPoliciesSupported || !documentTypeVersionable.isControllablePolicy()) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); TypeDefinition policyType = connection.getTypeDefinition(CmisConstants.POLICY); String policy = createPolicy(policyType.isFileable() ? testRootFolderId : null, policyType.getId(), generateName(policyType, null), "policy1", null, null, null); String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, Arrays.asList(policy)); CmisObject latest = connection.getObjectOfLatestVersion(vs, false, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, true, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); assertNotNull(latest); assertEquals(v1, latest.getObjectInfo().getId()); assertTrue(latest.getPolicyIds().size() >= 1); assertTrue("Expected policy " + policy + " not found in result. ", latest.getPolicyIds().contains(policy)); } /** * getObjectOfLatestVersion. * <p> * Get latest version of document in the version series with additional info * about ACL. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGetObjectOfLatestVersion_IncludeACL() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null || capabilities.getCapabilityACL() != CapabilityACL.MANAGE || !documentTypeVersionable.isControllableACL()) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); List<AccessControlEntry> acl = createACL(principal, "cmis:all"); String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", acl, null, null); CmisObject latest = connection.getObjectOfLatestVersion(vs, false, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, true, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); assertNotNull(latest); assertEquals(v1, latest.getObjectInfo().getId()); List<AccessControlEntry> actualACL = latest.getACL(); validateACL(actualACL); checkACL(acl, actualACL); } /** * getObjectOfLatestVersion. * <p> * If parameter "major" is true then latest major version must be returned. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGetObjectOfLatestVersion_Major() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, null); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, true, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, null); pwc = connection.checkout(v1); String v2 = connection.checkin(pwc, false, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, null); CmisObject latest = connection.getObjectOfLatestVersion(vs, true, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); assertNotNull(latest); assertEquals(v1, latest.getObjectInfo().getId()); // v1 is latest major, v2 is not major. } /** * getObjectOfLatestVersion. * <p> * {@link ObjectNotFoundException} must be thrown if parameter "major" is * true and version series doe not have any major version. * </p> * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGetObjectOfLatestVersion_Major_ObjectNotFoundException() throws Exception { if (documentTypeVersionable == null) { return; } String document = createDocument(testRootFolderId, documentTypeVersionable.getId(), generateName(documentTypeVersionable, null), null, null, null, null, VersioningState.MINOR); CmisObject documentObject = connection.getObject(document, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); String vs = documentObject.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId(); String pwc = connection.checkout(document); String v1 = connection.checkin(pwc, false, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, null); pwc = connection.checkout(v1); String v2 = connection.checkin(pwc, false, null, null, "testCheckIn", null, null, null); try { connection.getObjectOfLatestVersion(vs, true, false, IncludeRelationships.NONE, false, false, true, null, RenditionFilter.NONE); fail("ObjectNotFoundException must be thrown, there is not major versions in version series."); } catch (ObjectNotFoundException e) { } } private void validateCheckedOutState(String d, String pwc) throws Exception { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(CmisConstants.IS_VERSION_SERIES_CHECKED_OUT); b.append(CmisConstants.VERSION_SERIES_CHECKED_OUT_ID); CmisObject object = connection.getProperties(d, true, b.toString()); for (Map.Entry<String, Property<?>> p : object.getProperties().entrySet()) { if (p.getKey().equals(CmisConstants.IS_VERSION_SERIES_CHECKED_OUT)) { Boolean checkedout = (Boolean)p.getValue().getValues().get(0); assertTrue(checkedout); } if (p.getKey().equals(CmisConstants.VERSION_SERIES_CHECKED_OUT_ID)) { String pwc0 = (String)p.getValue().getValues().get(0); assertEquals(pwc, pwc0); } } } private void validateCheckedInState(String d) throws Exception { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append(CmisConstants.IS_VERSION_SERIES_CHECKED_OUT); b.append(CmisConstants.VERSION_SERIES_CHECKED_OUT_ID); CmisObject object = connection.getProperties(d, true, b.toString()); for (Map.Entry<String, Property<?>> p : object.getProperties().entrySet()) { if (p.getKey().equals(CmisConstants.IS_VERSION_SERIES_CHECKED_OUT)) { Boolean checkedout = (Boolean)p.getValue().getValues().get(0); assertFalse(checkedout); } if (p.getKey().equals(CmisConstants.VERSION_SERIES_CHECKED_OUT_ID)) { assertTrue("cmis:versionSeriesCheckedOutId must not be set. ", p.getValue().getValues().isEmpty()); } } } private void validateVersionSeries(String vs, String... exp) throws Exception { List<CmisObject> versions = connection.getAllVersions(vs, false, true, null); assertEquals(exp.length, versions.size()); Set<String> ids = new HashSet<String>(versions.size()); for (CmisObject v : versions) { assertEquals(vs, v.getObjectInfo().getVersionSeriesId()); ids.add(v.getObjectInfo().getId()); } for (String v : exp) { assertTrue("Expected version " + v + "not found in version series.", ids.contains(v)); } } }