/** * Copyright 2011 meltmedia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.xchain.namespaces.jsl; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.xchain.Command; import org.xchain.framework.sax.SaxEventRecorder; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; /** * @author Christian Trimble */ public class TestAttributeCommand extends BaseTestSaxEvents { public static String CATALOG_URI = "resource://context-class-loader/org/xchain/namespaces/jsl/attribute.xchain"; public static String JSL_NAMESPACE_URI = "http://www.xchain.org/jsl/1.0"; public static QName TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE = new QName(JSL_NAMESPACE_URI, "template-attribute"); public static QName ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE = new QName(JSL_NAMESPACE_URI, "element-attribute"); public static QName NO_PREFIX_WITH_MAPPING = new QName(JSL_NAMESPACE_URI, "no-prefix-with-mapping"); public static QName NO_PREFIX_WITHOUT_MAPPING = new QName(JSL_NAMESPACE_URI, "no-prefix-without-mapping"); public static QName CONFLICTING_PREFIX_DECL_WITH_PARENT = new QName(JSL_NAMESPACE_URI, "conflicting-prefix-decl-with-parent"); public static QName CONFLICTING_PREFIX_DECL_WITH_ATTRIBUTE = new QName(JSL_NAMESPACE_URI, "conflicting-prefix-decl-with-attribute"); public static String TEST_1_PREFIX = "test1"; public static String TEST_1_NAMESPACE = "http://test/1"; public static String TEST_2_PREFIX = "test2"; public static String TEST_2_NAMESPACE = "http://test/2"; public static String ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME = "element"; protected Command command = null; public TestAttributeCommand() { catalogUri = CATALOG_URI; } /** * Tests deep documents that have alternating prefixes. */ private void attributeTest( QName commandName, int depth, boolean withNamespaces ) throws Exception { // get the command. Command command = catalog.getCommand(commandName); // track document and element events. recorder.setTrackDocumentEvents(true); recorder.setTrackElementEvents(true); recorder.setTrackPrefixMappingEvents(withNamespaces); recorder.setTrackCharactersEvents(true); // execute the command. command.execute(context); Iterator<SaxEventRecorder.SaxEvent> eventIterator = recorder.getEventList().iterator(); // prefix mappings. Map<String, String> prefixMappings = new HashMap<String, String>(); // check the document. assertStartDocument(eventIterator); for( int i = 0; i <= depth; i++ ) { String namespace = i % 2 == 0 ? TEST_1_NAMESPACE : TEST_2_NAMESPACE; if( withNamespaces ) { prefixMappings.put("test", namespace); assertStartPrefixMappings(eventIterator, prefixMappings, true); prefixMappings.clear(); } AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl(); attributes.addAttribute(namespace, "attribute", "test:attribute", "CDATA", "this is the attribute value"); assertStartElement(eventIterator, "", ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME, attributes); } for( int i = depth; i >= 0; i-- ) { String namespace = i % 2 == 0 ? TEST_1_NAMESPACE : TEST_2_NAMESPACE; assertEndElement(eventIterator, "", ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME); if( withNamespaces ) { // test the prefix mappings ending. prefixMappings.put("test", namespace); assertEndPrefixMappings(eventIterator, prefixMappings.keySet(), true); prefixMappings.clear(); } } assertEndDocument(eventIterator); assertNoMoreEvents(eventIterator); } private void attributeExceptionTest( QName commandName ) throws Exception { try { // get the command. Command command = catalog.getCommand(commandName); // track document and element events. recorder.setTrackDocumentEvents(true); recorder.setTrackElementEvents(true); recorder.setTrackPrefixMappingEvents(true); recorder.setTrackCharactersEvents(true); // execute the command. command.execute(context); fail("The command "+commandName+" should have caused an Exception to be thrown."); } catch( Exception e ) { } } @Test public void templateAttribute() throws Exception { attributeTest( TEMPLATE_ATTRIBUTE, 0, true ); } @Test public void elementAttribute() throws Exception { attributeTest( ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTE, 0, true ); } @Test public void noPrefixWithoutMapping() throws Exception { // get the command. Command command = catalog.getCommand(NO_PREFIX_WITHOUT_MAPPING); // track document and element events. recorder.setTrackElementEvents(true); // execute the command. command.execute(context); Iterator<SaxEventRecorder.SaxEvent> eventIterator = recorder.getEventList().iterator(); AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl(); attributes.addAttribute("", "attribute", "attribute", "CDATA", "this is the attribute value"); assertStartElement(eventIterator, "", ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME, attributes); assertEndElement(eventIterator, "", ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME); } @Test public void noPrefixWithMapping() throws Exception { // get the command. Command command = catalog.getCommand(NO_PREFIX_WITH_MAPPING); // track document and element events. recorder.setTrackElementEvents(true); // execute the command. command.execute(context); Iterator<SaxEventRecorder.SaxEvent> eventIterator = recorder.getEventList().iterator(); AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl(); attributes.addAttribute("", "attribute", "attribute", "CDATA", "this is the attribute value"); assertStartElement(eventIterator, TEST_1_NAMESPACE, ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME, attributes); assertEndElement(eventIterator, TEST_1_NAMESPACE, ELEMENT_LOCAL_NAME); } @Test public void conflictingPrefixDeclWithParent() throws Exception { attributeExceptionTest(CONFLICTING_PREFIX_DECL_WITH_PARENT); } @Test public void conflictingPrefixDeclWithAttribute() throws Exception { attributeExceptionTest(CONFLICTING_PREFIX_DECL_WITH_ATTRIBUTE); } }