package net.sourceforge.wurfl.spring; import java.util.List; import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.DefaultDeviceProvider; import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.DefaultWURFLManager; import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.DefaultWURFLService; import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.WURFLManager; import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.matchers.MatcherManager; import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.resource.DefaultWURFLModel; import net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.resource.WURFLResources; import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import; import org.springframework.util.Assert; /** * Factory that constructs the central {@link WURFLManager} and exports it as a Spring bean that can be injected into other beans. * The specifics of this factory class are hidden when working with the wurfl-device-resolver tag in the wurfl-spring XML namespace. * @author Keith Donald * @author Roy Clarkson */ public class WurflManagerFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<WURFLManager>, InitializingBean { private final Resource rootLocation; private List<? extends Resource> patchLocations; private WURFLManager manager; /** * Constructs a WurflManagerFactoryBean that loads the root Device model from the XML file at the specified resource path. * The specified resource must be resolvable to a file on the filesystem. * @param rootLocation the path to the root device model XML file */ public WurflManagerFactoryBean(Resource rootLocation) { Assert.notNull(rootLocation, "The rootResource property cannot be null"); this.rootLocation = rootLocation; } /** * Set additional resource paths for patches that should be applied atop the root model. * If not set, no patches will be applied. * The specified resources must be resolvable to files on the filesystem. * @param patchLocations the XML-based patch resources to apply */ public void setPatchLocations(List<? extends Resource> patchLocations) { this.patchLocations = patchLocations; } // implementing InitializingBean public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { this.manager = createWURFLManager(); } // implementing FactoryBean public Class<?> getObjectType() { return WURFLManager.class; } public WURFLManager getObject() throws Exception { return manager; } public boolean isSingleton() { return true; } // internal helpers private WURFLManager createWURFLManager() { DefaultWURFLModel model = new DefaultWURFLModel(getRoot(), getPatches()); MatcherManager matcherManager = new MatcherManager(model); DefaultDeviceProvider deviceProvider = new DefaultDeviceProvider(model); DefaultWURFLService service = new DefaultWURFLService(matcherManager, deviceProvider); return new DefaultWURFLManager(service); } private SpringXMLResourceAdapter getRoot() { return new SpringXMLResourceAdapter(rootLocation); } private WURFLResources getPatches() { if (patchLocations == null) { return null; } WURFLResources patches = new WURFLResources(); for (Resource patch : patchLocations) { patches.add(new SpringXMLResourceAdapter(patch)); } return patches; } }