package jp.aonir.fuzzyxml; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.event.FuzzyXMLErrorEvent; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.event.FuzzyXMLErrorListener; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLAttributeImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLCDATAImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLCommentImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLDocTypeImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLDocumentImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLElementImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLPreImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLProcessingInstructionImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLScriptImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLStyleImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLTextImpl; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.FuzzyXMLUtil; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.internal.RenderContext; import jp.aonir.fuzzyxml.resources.Messages; import org.objectstyle.wolips.wodclipse.core.util.WodHtmlUtils; public class FuzzyXMLParser { private Stack<FuzzyXMLNode> _stack = new Stack<FuzzyXMLNode>(); private String _originalSource; private List<FuzzyXMLNode> _roots; private FuzzyXMLDocType _docType; private List<FuzzyXMLErrorListener> _listeners = new ArrayList<FuzzyXMLErrorListener>(); private List<FuzzyXMLElement> _nonCloseElements = new ArrayList<FuzzyXMLElement>(); private List<String> _looseNamespaces = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> _autocloseTags = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> _looseTags = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean _wellFormedRequired = false; private boolean _isHTML = false; // �p�[�X�Ɏg�p���鐳�K�\�� private Pattern _tag = Pattern.compile("<((|/)([^<>]*))([^<]?|>)"); // private Pattern attr = // Pattern.compile("([\\w:]+?)\\s*=(\"|')([^\"]*?)\\2"); private Pattern _docTypeName = Pattern.compile("^<!DOCTYPE[ \r\n\t]+([\\w\\-_]*)"); private Pattern _docTypePublic = Pattern.compile("PUBLIC[ \r\n\t]+\"([^\"]*)\"[ \r\n\t]*\"*([^\">]*)\"*"); private Pattern _docTypeSystem = Pattern.compile("SYSTEM[ \r\n\t]+\"([^\"]*)\""); private Pattern _docTypeSubset = Pattern.compile("\\[([^\\]]*)\\]>"); private Pattern _invalidStringPattern = Pattern.compile("([<>&])"); private Pattern _preCloseTagPattern = Pattern.compile("<\\s*/\\s*PRE\\s*>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); public FuzzyXMLParser(boolean wellFormedRequired) { this(wellFormedRequired, false); } public FuzzyXMLParser(boolean wellFormedRequired, boolean isHTML) { super(); _wellFormedRequired = wellFormedRequired; _roots = new LinkedList<FuzzyXMLNode>(); _isHTML = isHTML; // MS: Hardcoded that "wo" is a loose namespace addLooseNamespace("wo"); addLooseNamespace("webobject"); addLooseNamespace("webobjects"); if (!_wellFormedRequired) { addAutocloseTag("img"); addAutocloseTag("br"); addAutocloseTag("hr"); addAutocloseTag("meta"); addAutocloseTag("link"); addAutocloseTag("input"); addAutocloseTag("spacer"); addAutocloseTag("frame"); addAutocloseTag("basefont"); addAutocloseTag("base"); addAutocloseTag("area"); addAutocloseTag("col"); addAutocloseTag("isindex"); addAutocloseTag("param"); addLooseTag("p"); addLooseTag("li"); } } /** * An autoclose tag is like br or link where it commonly does not have a * closing tag * but it also never has contents. * * @param autocloseTag * the name of the tag to make loose */ public void addAutocloseTag(String autocloseTag) { _autocloseTags.add(autocloseTag); addLooseTag(autocloseTag); } /** * A "loose" tag is like li or p where people lazily often do not close them * properly, * but they may have content. * * @param looseTag * the name of the tag to make loose */ public void addLooseTag(String looseTag) { _looseTags.add(looseTag); } /** * A "loose" namespace is like the wo: namespace. We don't actually require * that * wo:if have a corresponding wo:if close tag -- it actually just needs a * wo close tag. * * @param namespace * the name of the namespace to make loose */ public void addLooseNamespace(String namespace) { _looseNamespaces.add(namespace); } /** * �G���[�n���h�����O�p�̃��X�i��lj����܂��B * * @param listener * ���X�i */ public void addErrorListener(FuzzyXMLErrorListener listener) { _listeners.add(listener); } private void fireErrorEvent(int offset, int length, String message, FuzzyXMLNode node) { FuzzyXMLErrorEvent evt = new FuzzyXMLErrorEvent(offset, length, message, node); for (FuzzyXMLErrorListener listener : _listeners) { listener.error(evt); } } /** * ��̓X�g���[������XML�h�L�������g���p�[�X���܂��B * �����R�[�h��XML�錾�ɂ��������Ĕ��ʂ���܂��B * * @param in * ��̓X�g���[�� * @return �p�[�X���� * @throws IOException */ public FuzzyXMLDocument parse(InputStream in) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = FuzzyXMLUtil.readStream(in); String encode = FuzzyXMLUtil.getEncoding(bytes); if (encode == null) { return parse(new String(bytes)); } return parse(new String(bytes, encode)); } /** * �t�@�C������XML�h�L�������g���p�[�X���܂��B * �����R�[�h��XML�錾�ɂ��������Ĕ��ʂ���܂��B * * @param file * �t�@�C�� * @return �p�[�X���� * @throws IOException */ public FuzzyXMLDocument parse(File file) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = FuzzyXMLUtil.readStream(new FileInputStream(file)); String encode = FuzzyXMLUtil.getEncoding(bytes); if (encode == null) { return parse(new String(bytes)); } return parse(new String(bytes, encode)); } protected int _parse(String source, int initialOffset, boolean woOnly, boolean parseAsSynthetic) { // �p�[�X���J�n Matcher matcher = _tag.matcher(source); int lastIndex = initialOffset - 1; while (matcher.find()) { int start = matcher.start() + initialOffset; int end = matcher.end() + initialOffset; if (lastIndex == -1 && start > 0) { handleText(0, start, true); } else if (lastIndex != (initialOffset - 1) && lastIndex < start) { handleText(lastIndex, start, true); } String originalText =; String text = originalText.trim(); // �‚��^�O if (!woOnly && text.startsWith("%")) { // ignore handleText(start, end, false); } else if (!woOnly && text.startsWith("?")) { handleDeclaration(start, end); } else if (!woOnly && (text.startsWith("!DOCTYPE") || text.startsWith("!doctype"))) { handleDoctype(start, end, text); } else if (!woOnly && text.startsWith("![CDATA[")) { handleCDATA(start, end, _originalSource.substring(start, end)); } else if (!woOnly && (text.equalsIgnoreCase("pre") || text.toLowerCase().startsWith("pre "))) { end = handlePreTag(start, end); matcher.region(end, source.length()); } else if (text.startsWith("/") && (!woOnly || WodHtmlUtils.isWOTag(text.substring(1)))) { handleCloseTag(start, end, text); } else if (text.endsWith("/") && (!woOnly || WodHtmlUtils.isWOTag(text))) { if (originalText.endsWith(" ")) { fireErrorEvent(start, end - start, "You can not have a space between the / and the > in your webobject tags.", null); } handleEmptyTag(start, end, parseAsSynthetic); } else if (!woOnly && text.startsWith("!--")) { end = _originalSource.indexOf("-->", start); if (end > 0) { end += 3; } handleComment(start, end, _originalSource.substring(start, end)); matcher.region(end, source.length()); } else if (!woOnly || WodHtmlUtils.isWOTag(text)) { handleStartTag(start, end, parseAsSynthetic); } lastIndex = end; } return lastIndex; } /** * ��Ƃ��ēn���ꂽXML�\�[�X���p�[�X����FuzzyXMLDocument�I�u�W�F�N�g��ԋp���܂��B * * @param source * XML�\�[�X * @return �p�[�X���ʂ�FuzzyXMLDocument�I�u�W�F�N�g */ public FuzzyXMLDocument parse(String source) { // �I���W�i���̃\�[�X��ۑ����Ă��� _originalSource = source; // �R�����g�ACDATA�ADOCTYPE���������� source = FuzzyXMLUtil.comment2space(source, true); source = FuzzyXMLUtil.escapeScript(source); source = FuzzyXMLUtil.scriptlet2space(source, true); source = FuzzyXMLUtil.cdata2space(source, true); source = FuzzyXMLUtil.doctype2space(source, true); source = FuzzyXMLUtil.processing2space(source, true); source = FuzzyXMLUtil.escapeString(source); int lastIndex = _parse(source, 0, false, false); if (_stack.size() > 0 && _nonCloseElements.size() > 0) { FuzzyXMLElementImpl lastElement = (FuzzyXMLElementImpl) _nonCloseElements.get(_nonCloseElements.size() - 1); String lowercaseLastElementName = lastElement.getName().toLowerCase(); if (!_looseTags.contains(lowercaseLastElementName)) { fireErrorEvent(lastElement.getOffset(), lastElement.getLength(), Messages.getMessage("error.noCloseTag", lastElement.getName()), null); } for (FuzzyXMLNode openNode : _stack) { if (openNode instanceof FuzzyXMLElementImpl) { FuzzyXMLElementImpl openElement = (FuzzyXMLElementImpl) openNode; openElement.setLength(lastIndex - openElement.getOffset()); if (openElement.getParentNode() == null) { _roots.add(openElement); } else { ((FuzzyXMLElementImpl) openElement.getParentNode()).appendChildWithNoCheck(openElement); } } } } // MS: Capture trailing text that isn't inside of a tag at all if (lastIndex != source.length()) { handleText(Math.max(0, lastIndex), source.length(), true); } FuzzyXMLElement docElement = null; if (_roots.size() == 0) { docElement = new FuzzyXMLElementImpl(null, "document", 0, _originalSource.length(), 0); // docElement.appendChild(root); } else { FuzzyXMLNode firstRoot = _roots.get(0); FuzzyXMLNode lastRoot = _roots.get(_roots.size() - 1); docElement = new FuzzyXMLElementImpl(null, "document", firstRoot.getOffset(), lastRoot.getOffset() + lastRoot.getLength() - firstRoot.getOffset(), 0); for (FuzzyXMLNode root : _roots) { ((FuzzyXMLElementImpl) docElement).appendChildWithNoCheck(root); } } FuzzyXMLDocumentImpl doc = new FuzzyXMLDocumentImpl(docElement, _docType); doc.setHTML(_isHTML); return doc; } /** CDATA�m�[�h���������܂��B */ private void handleCDATA(int offset, int end, String text) { closeAutocloseTags(); text = text.replaceFirst("<!\\[CDATA\\[", ""); text = text.replaceFirst("\\]\\]>", ""); FuzzyXMLCDATAImpl cdata = new FuzzyXMLCDATAImpl(getParent(), text, offset, end - offset); if (getParent() != null) { ((FuzzyXMLElement) getParent()).appendChild(cdata); } else { _roots.add(cdata); } _stack.push(cdata); _parse(text, offset + "<![CDATA[".length(), true, true); FuzzyXMLNode poppedNode = _stack.pop(); if (poppedNode != cdata) { _stack.push(poppedNode); } } private int handlePreTag(int offset, int end) { closeAutocloseTags(); String[] content = _preCloseTagPattern.split(_originalSource.substring(end, _originalSource.length()), 2); String text = content[0]; TagInfo info = parseTagContents(_originalSource.substring(offset + 1, end - 1)); FuzzyXMLPreImpl preNode = new FuzzyXMLPreImpl(getParent(), text, offset, text.length()); handleStartTag(preNode, info, offset, end); String preBlock = _originalSource.substring(offset, end + text.length() + 1); return _parse(preBlock, offset, true, false) - 1; } /** �e�L�X�g�m�[�h���������܂��B */ private void handleText(int offset, int end, boolean escape) { String text = _originalSource.substring(offset, end); // System.out.println("FuzzyXMLParser.handleText: '" + text + "'"); closeAutocloseTags(); FuzzyXMLTextImpl textNode = new FuzzyXMLTextImpl(getParent(), FuzzyXMLUtil.decode(text, _isHTML), offset, end - offset); textNode.setEscape(escape); if (getParent() != null) { ((FuzzyXMLElement) getParent()).appendChild(textNode); } else { _roots.add(textNode); } } /** XML�錾�i�������߁j���������܂��B */ private void handleDeclaration(int offset, int end) { closeAutocloseTags(); String text = _originalSource.substring(offset, end); text = text.replaceFirst("^<\\?", ""); text = text.replaceFirst("\\?>$", ""); text = text.trim(); String[] dim = text.split("[ \r\n\t]+"); String name = dim[0]; String data = text.substring(name.length()).trim(); FuzzyXMLProcessingInstructionImpl pi = new FuzzyXMLProcessingInstructionImpl(null, name, data, offset, end - offset); if (getParent() != null) { // �]�v�ȕ�������� ((FuzzyXMLElement) getParent()).appendChild(pi); } else { _roots.add(pi); } // XML should not have autoclosing tags if (name.startsWith("xml")) { _autocloseTags.clear(); } } /** DOCTYPE�錾���������܂��B */ private void handleDoctype(int offset, int end, String text) { closeAutocloseTags(); if (_docType == null) { String name = ""; String publicId = ""; String systemId = ""; String internalSubset = ""; text = _originalSource.substring(offset, end); Matcher matcher = _docTypeName.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { name =; } matcher = _docTypePublic.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { publicId =; systemId =; } else { matcher = _docTypeSystem.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { systemId =; } } matcher = _docTypeSubset.matcher(text); if (matcher.find()) { internalSubset =; } _docType = new FuzzyXMLDocTypeImpl(null, name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset, offset, end - offset); } } private void closeAutocloseTags() { if (_stack.size() > 0) { FuzzyXMLElementImpl lastOpenElement = (FuzzyXMLElementImpl) _stack.peek(); String name = lastOpenElement.getName().toLowerCase(); if (_autocloseTags.contains(name) || lastOpenElement.isForbiddenFromHavingChildren()) { int openTagEndOffset = lastOpenElement.getOffset() + lastOpenElement.getOpenTagLength(); handleCloseTag(openTagEndOffset, openTagEndOffset, "/" + name, false); } } } /** �‚��^�O���������܂��B */ private void handleCloseTag(int offset, int end, String text) { handleCloseTag(offset, end, text, true); } private void handleCloseTag(int offset, int end, String text, boolean showMismatchError) { if (_stack.size() == 0) { return; } String tagName = text.substring(1).trim(); // MS: Chuck does close tags like </webobject closing something else> int chuckIndex = tagName.indexOf(' '); if (chuckIndex != -1) { String chuckWord = tagName.substring(0, chuckIndex); if (WodHtmlUtils.isWOTag(chuckWord)) { tagName = chuckWord; } } FuzzyXMLElementImpl lastOpenElement = (FuzzyXMLElementImpl) _stack.pop(); String lowercaseLastOpenElementName = lastOpenElement.getName().toLowerCase(); String lowercaseCloseTagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); boolean closeTagMatches = lowercaseLastOpenElementName.equals(lowercaseCloseTagName); // System.out.println("FuzzyXMLParser.handleCloseTag: lastOpen = " + // lowercaseLastOpenElementName + ", close = " + lowercaseCloseTagName); if (!closeTagMatches) { closeAutocloseTags(); // Allow </wo> to close </wo:if> boolean looseNamespace = false; int colonIndex = lowercaseLastOpenElementName.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex != -1) { String elementNamespace = lowercaseLastOpenElementName.substring(0, colonIndex); if (lowercaseCloseTagName.equals(elementNamespace) && _looseNamespaces.contains(elementNamespace)) { tagName = lastOpenElement.getName(); lowercaseCloseTagName = lowercaseLastOpenElementName; looseNamespace = true; } } if (!looseNamespace) { boolean looseTag = false; if (_looseTags.contains(lowercaseLastOpenElementName)) { looseTag = true; } if (looseTag) { while (lowercaseLastOpenElementName != null && !lowercaseLastOpenElementName.equals(lowercaseCloseTagName) && _looseTags.contains(lowercaseLastOpenElementName)) { int lastOpenElementEndOffset = end; // int lastOpenElementEndOffset = lastOpenElement.getOffset() + // lastOpenElement.getLength(); _stack.push(lastOpenElement); handleCloseTag(lastOpenElementEndOffset, lastOpenElementEndOffset, "/" + lastOpenElement.getName(), false); /* * FuzzyXMLElement looseElement = lastOpenElement; * FuzzyXMLNode[] looseElementChildren = * lastOpenElement.getChildren(); * FuzzyXMLElement looseElementParent = (FuzzyXMLElement) * lastOpenElement.getParentNode(); * for (FuzzyXMLNode looseElementChild : looseElementChildren) { * looseElement.removeChild(looseElementChild); * looseElementParent.insertAfter(looseElementChild, looseElement); * //((AbstractFuzzyXMLNode) * looseElementChild).setOffset(looseElementChild.getOffset() + 1); * } */ if (_stack.size() == 0) { lastOpenElement = null; lowercaseLastOpenElementName = null; } else { lastOpenElement = (FuzzyXMLElementImpl) _stack.pop(); lowercaseLastOpenElementName = lastOpenElement.getName().toLowerCase(); } } } else { FuzzyXMLElement matchingOpenElement = null; for (FuzzyXMLElement nonCloseElement : _nonCloseElements) { if (nonCloseElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(lowercaseCloseTagName)) { matchingOpenElement = nonCloseElement; } } if (matchingOpenElement == null) { if (showMismatchError) { fireErrorEvent(offset, end - offset, Messages.getMessage("error.noStartTag", tagName), null); } _stack.push(lastOpenElement); return; } // System.out.println("FuzzyXMLParser.handleCloseTag: mismatched close " // + lastOpenElement.getName()); if (showMismatchError) { // fireErrorEvent(offset, end - offset, "Found </" + tagName + // "> before </" + lastOpenElement.getName() + ">", null); fireErrorEvent(lastOpenElement.getOffset(), lastOpenElement.getLength(), "Missing </" + lastOpenElement.getName() + "> tag", null); } _stack.push(lastOpenElement); handleCloseTag(offset, offset, "/" + lastOpenElement.getName(), false); lastOpenElement = (FuzzyXMLElementImpl) _stack.pop(); lowercaseLastOpenElementName = lastOpenElement.getName().toLowerCase(); } /* * boolean matchesOpenElement = false; * if (looseTag) { * for (FuzzyXMLElement nonCloseElement : nonCloseElements) { * if * (nonCloseElement.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(lowercaseCloseTagName)) { * matchesOpenElement = true; * } * } * if (matchesOpenElement) { * nonCloseElements.remove(lastOpenElement); * } * } * * if (lastOpenElement.getParentNode() != null) { * ((FuzzyXMLElementImpl) * lastOpenElement.getParentNode()).appendChildWithNoCheck * (lastOpenElement); * FuzzyXMLNode[] nodes = lastOpenElement.getChildren(); * for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { * ((AbstractFuzzyXMLNode) * nodes[i]).setParentNode(lastOpenElement.getParentNode()); * lastOpenElement.removeChild(nodes[i]); * ((FuzzyXMLElementImpl) * lastOpenElement.getParentNode()).appendChildWithNoCheck(nodes[i]); * } * } * else { * //System.out.println(tagName + "�̊J�n�^�O�����‚���܂���B"); * fireErrorEvent(offset, end - offset, * Messages.getMessage("error.noStartTag", tagName), null); * } * if (matchesOpenElement) { * handleCloseTag(offset, end, text); * } * // stack.push(element); * return; */ } } if (lastOpenElement != null) { // ��^�O�̏ꍇ�͋�̃e�L�X�g�m�[�h��lj����Ă��� if (lastOpenElement.getChildren().length == 0) { // MS: Hopefully this doesn't break things ... Sure wish I could read // Japanese to know what the original author said about this :) // lastOpenElement.appendChild(new FuzzyXMLTextImpl(getParent(), "", // offset, 0)); } lastOpenElement.setLength(end - lastOpenElement.getOffset()); if (closeTagMatches) { lastOpenElement.setCloseTagOffset(offset); lastOpenElement.setCloseTagLength(end - offset - 2); lastOpenElement.setCloseNameOffset(text.indexOf(tagName)); } _nonCloseElements.remove(lastOpenElement); if (lastOpenElement.getParentNode() == null) { _roots.add(lastOpenElement); for (FuzzyXMLElement error : _nonCloseElements) { // System.out.println(error.getName() + "�͕‚��Ă��܂���B"); if (showMismatchError) { fireErrorEvent(error.getOffset(), error.getLength(), Messages.getMessage("error.noCloseTag", error.getName()), error); } } } else { ((FuzzyXMLElementImpl) lastOpenElement.getParentNode()).appendChildWithNoCheck(lastOpenElement); } } } private void checkAttributeValue(FuzzyXMLAttribute attr) { String str = attr.getRawValue(); if (str != null) { // MS: Don't consider nested tags for escaping ... if (attr.hasNestedTag()) { str = str.replaceAll("<[^>]*>", ""); } str = str.replaceAll("&[^&; \"]+;", " "); Matcher invalidStringMatcher = _invalidStringPattern.matcher(str); while (invalidStringMatcher.find()) { String invalidPart =; fireErrorEvent(attr.getParentNode().getOffset() + attr.getValueDataOffset() + 1, attr.getValueDataLength(), "The character '" + invalidPart + "' must be escaped.", attr); } } } /** ��^�O���������܂��B */ private void handleEmptyTag(int offset, int end, boolean synthetic) { closeAutocloseTags(); TagInfo info = parseTagContents(_originalSource.substring(offset + 1, end - 1)); FuzzyXMLNode parent = getParent(); FuzzyXMLElementImpl element = new FuzzyXMLElementImpl(parent,, offset, end - offset, info.nameOffset); if (parent == null) { _roots.add(element); } else { ((FuzzyXMLElement) parent).appendChild(element); } // ������lj� AttrInfo[] attrs = info.getAttrs(); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { FuzzyXMLAttributeImpl attr = createFuzzyXMLAttribute(element, offset, attrs[i]); element.appendChild(attr); } element.setSynthetic(synthetic); checkElement(element); } protected void checkElement(FuzzyXMLElement element) { for (FuzzyXMLAttribute attr : element.getAttributes()) { if (!_wellFormedRequired) { if (!WodHtmlUtils.isWOTag((FuzzyXMLElement) attr.getParentNode())) { _stack.push(attr.getParentNode()); _parse(attr.getValue(), element.getOffset() + attr.getValueDataOffset() + 1, true, true); FuzzyXMLNode poppedNode = _stack.pop(); if (poppedNode != attr.getParentNode()) { _stack.push(poppedNode); } } } else { checkAttributeValue(attr); } } } /** �R�����g���������܂��B */ private void handleComment(int offset, int end, String text) { closeAutocloseTags(); FuzzyXMLNode parent = getParent(); FuzzyXMLCommentImpl comment = new FuzzyXMLCommentImpl(parent, text, offset, end - offset); if (parent == null) { _roots.add(comment); } else { ((FuzzyXMLElement) parent).appendChild(comment); } _stack.push(comment); _parse(text.replaceFirst("<[^>]+-->$", ""), offset, true, true); FuzzyXMLNode poppedNode = _stack.pop(); if (poppedNode != comment) { _stack.push(poppedNode); } } /** �J�n�^�O���������܂��B */ private void handleStartTag(int offset, int end, boolean synthetic) { closeAutocloseTags(); String tagContents = _originalSource.substring(offset, end); // MS: If you're in the middle of typing, offset + 1 to end - 1 can put // you in an invalid state (for instance, if you just type "<" that will // overlap. if (tagContents.startsWith("<")) { tagContents = tagContents.substring(1); } if (tagContents.endsWith(">")) { tagContents = tagContents.substring(0, tagContents.length() - 1); } TagInfo info = parseTagContents(tagContents); // System.out.println("FuzzyXMLParser.handleStartTag: open " +; FuzzyXMLElement element; if ("script")) { element = new FuzzyXMLScriptImpl(getParent(),, offset, end - offset, info.nameOffset); } else if ("style")) { element = new FuzzyXMLStyleImpl(getParent(),, offset, end - offset, info.nameOffset); } else { element = new FuzzyXMLElementImpl(getParent(),, offset, end - offset, info.nameOffset); } handleStartTag(element, info, offset, end); element.setSynthetic(synthetic); } protected FuzzyXMLAttributeImpl createFuzzyXMLAttribute(FuzzyXMLElement element, int offset, AttrInfo attrInfo) { String namespace = null; String name =; if (name != null) { int colonIndex = name.indexOf(':'); if (colonIndex != -1) { namespace = name.substring(0, colonIndex); name = name.substring(colonIndex + 1); } } if (_wellFormedRequired) { FuzzyXMLAttributeImpl attr = new FuzzyXMLAttributeImpl(element, namespace, name, FuzzyXMLUtil.decode(attrInfo.value, false), attrInfo.rawValue, attrInfo.offset + offset, attrInfo.end - attrInfo.offset + 1, attrInfo.valueOffset); attr.setHasNestedTag(attrInfo.hasNestedTag); attr.setQuoteCharacter(attrInfo.quote); return attr; } FuzzyXMLAttributeImpl attr = new FuzzyXMLAttributeImpl(element, namespace, name, attrInfo.value, attrInfo.rawValue, attrInfo.offset + offset, attrInfo.end - attrInfo.offset + 1, attrInfo.valueOffset); attr.setHasNestedTag(attrInfo.hasNestedTag); attr.setQuoteCharacter(attrInfo.quote); if (attrInfo.value.indexOf('"') >= 0 || attrInfo.value.indexOf('\'') >= 0 || attrInfo.value.indexOf('<') >= 0 || attrInfo.value.indexOf('>') >= 0 || attrInfo.value.indexOf('&') >= 0) { attr.setEscape(false); } return attr; } /** �J�n�^�O���������܂��B */ private void handleStartTag(FuzzyXMLElement element, TagInfo info, int offset, int end) { // ������lj� AttrInfo[] attrs = info.getAttrs(); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { // // ���O��Ԃ̃T�|�[�g // if(attrs[i].name.startsWith("xmlns")){ // String uri = attrs[i].value; // String prefix = null; // String[] dim = attrs[i].name.split(":"); // if(dim.length > 1){ // prefix = dim[1]; // } // element.addNamespaceURI(prefix,uri); // } element.appendChild(createFuzzyXMLAttribute(element, offset, attrs[i])); } _stack.push(element); _nonCloseElements.add(element); checkElement(element); } /** �X�^�b�N�̍Ō�̗v�f���擾���܂�(�X�^�b�N����͍폜���܂���)�B */ private FuzzyXMLNode getParent() { if (_stack.size() == 0) { return null; } return _stack.get(_stack.size() - 1); } /** �^�O�������p�[�X���܂��B */ private TagInfo parseTagContents(String text) { // �g���� Range trimmedRange = Range.trimmedRange(text); text = trimmedRange.trim(text); // �‚��^�O��������Ō�̃X���b�V�����폜 if (text.endsWith("/")) { text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1); } // �ŏ��̃X�y�[�X�܂ł��^�O�� TagInfo info = new TagInfo(); if (FuzzyXMLUtil.getSpaceIndex(text) != -1) { = text.substring(0, FuzzyXMLUtil.getSpaceIndex(text)).trim(); info.nameOffset = trimmedRange.getOffset(); parseAttributeContents(info, text); } else { = text; } return info; } private static enum AttributeParseState { Start, BeforeAttributeName, InAttributeName, AfterAttributeName, InAttributeValue, InNestedTag, } /** �A�g���r���[�g�������p�[�X���܂��B */ private void parseAttributeContents(TagInfo info, String text) { AttributeParseState state = AttributeParseState.Start; StringBuffer tokenBuffer = new StringBuffer(); String name = null; char quoteCharacter = 0; int start = -1; int valueOffset = -1; boolean escape = false; boolean hasNestedTag = false; for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++) { char c = text.charAt(i); if (state == AttributeParseState.Start && FuzzyXMLUtil.isWhitespace(c)) { state = AttributeParseState.BeforeAttributeName; } else if (state == AttributeParseState.BeforeAttributeName && !FuzzyXMLUtil.isWhitespace(c)) { if (start == -1) { start = i; } state = AttributeParseState.InAttributeName; tokenBuffer.append(c); } else if (state == AttributeParseState.InAttributeName) { if (c == '=') { state = AttributeParseState.AfterAttributeName; name = tokenBuffer.toString().trim(); tokenBuffer.setLength(0); valueOffset = -1; } else { tokenBuffer.append(c); } } else if (state == AttributeParseState.AfterAttributeName && !FuzzyXMLUtil.isWhitespace(c)) { if (valueOffset == -1) { valueOffset = i; } if (c == '\'' || c == '\"') { quoteCharacter = c; } else { quoteCharacter = 0; tokenBuffer.append(c); } state = AttributeParseState.InAttributeValue; } else if (state == AttributeParseState.InAttributeValue) { if (c == quoteCharacter && escape == true) { tokenBuffer.append(c); escape = false; } else if (c == quoteCharacter || (quoteCharacter == 0 && FuzzyXMLUtil.isWhitespace(c))) { // add an attribute AttrInfo attr = new AttrInfo(); = FuzzyXMLUtil.decode(name, _isHTML); attr.rawValue = tokenBuffer.toString(); attr.value = FuzzyXMLUtil.decode(attr.rawValue, _isHTML); attr.valueOffset = valueOffset; attr.offset = start; attr.end = i + 1; attr.quote = quoteCharacter; attr.hasNestedTag = hasNestedTag; info.addAttr(attr); // reset tokenBuffer.setLength(0); state = AttributeParseState.BeforeAttributeName; start = -1; hasNestedTag = false; } else if (c == '\\') { if (escape == true) { tokenBuffer.append(c); escape = false; } else { // MS: I took out escaping .. This is potentially a really sketchy // thing to do, but it // was breaking attributes like numberformat = "\$#,##0.00" // Q: moved append to following 'else' block escape = true; } } else if (c == '<') { hasNestedTag = true; state = AttributeParseState.InNestedTag; tokenBuffer.append(c); } else { if (escape) { tokenBuffer.append('\\'); escape = false; } tokenBuffer.append(c); } } else if (state == AttributeParseState.InNestedTag) { tokenBuffer.append(c); if (c == '>') { state = AttributeParseState.InAttributeValue; } } } if ((state == AttributeParseState.InAttributeValue || state == AttributeParseState.InNestedTag) && quoteCharacter == 0) { AttrInfo attr = new AttrInfo(); = FuzzyXMLUtil.decode(name, _isHTML); attr.rawValue = tokenBuffer.toString(); attr.value = FuzzyXMLUtil.decode(attr.rawValue, _isHTML); attr.valueOffset = valueOffset; attr.offset = start; attr.end = text.length(); attr.quote = quoteCharacter; attr.hasNestedTag = hasNestedTag; info.addAttr(attr); } if (state == AttributeParseState.InAttributeValue && quoteCharacter != 0) { // System.out.println("FuzzyXMLParser.parseAttributeContents: " + //; } // Matcher matcher = attr.matcher(text); // while(matcher.find()){ // AttrInfo attr = new AttrInfo(); // =; // attr.value = FuzzyXMLUtil.decode(; // attr.offset = matcher.start(); // attr.end = matcher.end(); // info.addAttr(attr); // } } private class TagInfo { private String name; private int nameOffset; private ArrayList<AttrInfo> attrs = new ArrayList<AttrInfo>(); public void addAttr(AttrInfo attr) { // �������̂������Ă��lj����Ȃ� AttrInfo[] info = getAttrs(); for (int i = 0; i < info.length; i++) { if (info[i].name.equals( { return; } } attrs.add(attr); } public AttrInfo[] getAttrs() { return attrs.toArray(new AttrInfo[attrs.size()]); } } private class AttrInfo { private String name; private String value; private String rawValue; private int offset; private int valueOffset; private int end; private char quote; private boolean hasNestedTag; } public static class Range { private int _offset; private int _length; public Range() { } public int getOffset() { return _offset; } public int getLength() { return _length; } public String trim(String str) { return str.substring(_offset, _offset + _length); } public static Range trimmedRange(String str) { int i = 0; int length = str.length(); Range r = new Range(); for (i = 0; i < length && str.charAt(i) <= ' '; i++) { // DO NOTHING } r._offset = i; for (i = length - 1; i > r._offset && str.charAt(i) <= ' '; i--) { // DO NOTHING } r._length = (i - r._offset + 1); return r; } } }