package com.aggrepoint.winlet.utils; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.sql.SQLException; /** * Bean属性定义 * * 创建日期:(2002-11-27) * * @author: Yang Jiang Ming */ public class BeanProperty implements PropertyTypeCode { protected static Object[] EMPTYOBJECTARRAY = new Object[0]; /** 属性名称。如果不是通过属性指定的,则为null */ protected String m_strPropertyName; /** 属性字段名称。如果不映射到字段,则为null */ protected String m_strFieldName; /** 属性字段。如果不映射到字段,则为null */ protected Field m_f; /** 属性Get方法的名称。如果不对应到Get和Set方法则为null */ protected String m_strGetName; /** 属性Get方法。如果不对应到Get和Set方法则为null */ protected Method m_mGet; /** 属性Set方法的名称。如果不对应到Get和Set方法则为null */ protected String m_strSetName; /** 属性Set方法。如果不对应到Get和Set方法则为null */ protected Method m_mSet; /** 属性类型 */ protected Class<?> m_cType; /** 用数值来表示的属性类型 */ protected int m_iType; /** 属性空类型 */ protected int m_iNullType; /** * 获取数据类型 */ public static int getTypeCode(Class<?> c) { int iType = 0; String strFieldType = c.getName(); if (strFieldType.equals("short") || strFieldType.equals(Short.class.getName())) iType = SHORT; else if (strFieldType.equals("int") || strFieldType.equals(Integer.class.getName())) iType = INTEGER; else if (strFieldType.equals("long") || strFieldType.equals(Long.class.getName())) iType = LONG; else if (strFieldType.equals("float") || strFieldType.equals(Float.class.getName())) iType = FLOAT; else if (strFieldType.equals("double") || strFieldType.equals(Double.class.getName())) iType = DOUBLE; else if (strFieldType.equals("boolean") || strFieldType.equals(Boolean.class.getName())) iType = BOOLEAN; else if (strFieldType.equals("java.lang.String")) iType = STRING; else if (java.sql.Timestamp.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) iType = TIMESTAMP; else if (java.sql.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) iType = DATE; else if ( iType = INPUTSTREAM; else if (java.util.Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) iType = COLLECTION; return iType; } /** * 获取数据类型 */ static int getNullTypeCode(Class<?> c) { int iType = 0; String strFieldType = c.getName(); if (strFieldType.equals("short") || strFieldType.equals(Short.class.getName())) iType = java.sql.Types.SMALLINT; else if (strFieldType.equals("int") || strFieldType.equals(Integer.class.getName())) iType = java.sql.Types.INTEGER; else if (strFieldType.equals("long") || strFieldType.equals(Long.class.getName())) iType = java.sql.Types.BIGINT; else if (strFieldType.equals("float") || strFieldType.equals(Float.class.getName())) iType = java.sql.Types.FLOAT; else if (strFieldType.equals("double") || strFieldType.equals(Double.class.getName())) iType = java.sql.Types.DOUBLE; else if (strFieldType.equals("boolean") || strFieldType.equals(Boolean.class.getName())) iType = java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN; else if (strFieldType.equals("java.lang.String")) iType = java.sql.Types.VARCHAR; else if (java.sql.Timestamp.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) iType = java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP; else if (java.sql.Date.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) iType = java.sql.Types.DATE; else if ( iType = java.sql.Types.BINARY; return iType; } /** * 从方法数组中根据方法名称找出方法 */ static Method getMethodByName(Method[] methods, String methodName) { for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) if (methods[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(methodName)) return methods[i]; return null; } protected BeanProperty() { } protected void init(Class<?> cBean, String propertyName, boolean readable, boolean writable, Class<?> type, Class<?>... args) throws BeanPropertyException { m_strPropertyName = propertyName; m_strFieldName = m_strGetName = m_strSetName = null; m_f = null; m_mGet = m_mSet = null; m_cType = null; m_iType = 0; // {首先试将属性看作为字段 if (args == null || args.length == 0) { try { m_f = cBean.getField(m_strPropertyName); m_strFieldName = m_strPropertyName; if (type != null) m_cType = type; else m_cType = m_f.getType(); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { } if (m_f != null) { // 是字段 m_iType = getTypeCode(m_cType); m_iNullType = getNullTypeCode(m_cType); return; } } // } Method[] methods = cBean.getMethods(); Class<?>[] params; Class<?> cGetType = null, cSetType = null; // {尝试get方法 if (readable) { m_mGet = getMethodByName(methods, "get" + propertyName); if (m_mGet == null) m_mGet = getMethodByName(methods, propertyName); if (m_mGet == null) throw new BeanPropertyException("Property " + propertyName + " of class " + cBean.getName() + " should be readable."); m_strGetName = m_mGet.getName(); // {检查Get方法所带参数,并获取Get方法的返回值类型 params = m_mGet.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length != (args == null ? 0 : args.length)) throw new BeanPropertyException("Getter method \"" + m_strGetName + "\" of class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\" has wrong number of parameters."); if (args != null) for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) if (!params[i].isAssignableFrom(args[i])) throw new BeanPropertyException("Getter method \"(" + m_strGetName + ")\" of class \"(" + cBean.getName() + ")\" has wrong parameter types."); cGetType = m_mGet.getReturnType(); // } } // } // {尝试set方法 if (writable) { m_mSet = getMethodByName(methods, "set" + propertyName); if (m_mSet == null) m_mSet = getMethodByName(methods, propertyName); if (m_mSet == null) throw new BeanPropertyException("Property " + propertyName + " of class " + propertyName + " should be writable."); m_strSetName = m_mSet.getName(); // {Set方法的参数类型 params = m_mSet.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length != (1 + (args == null ? 0 : args.length))) throw new BeanPropertyException("Setter method \"" + m_strSetName + "\" of class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\" has wrong number of parameters."); if (args != null) for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) if (!params[i].isAssignableFrom(args[i])) throw new BeanPropertyException("Setter method \"" + m_strSetName + "\" of class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\" has wrong parameter types."); cSetType = params[params.length - 1]; // } } // } if (cGetType == null && cSetType == null) // 没有找到对应的属性 throw new BeanPropertyException("Property " + propertyName + " not exist in class " + cBean.getName() + "."); // {检验get方法与set方法是否一致 if (cGetType != null && cSetType != null) if (! && !java.sql.Blob.class.isAssignableFrom(cSetType)) if (!cSetType.equals(cGetType)) { throw new BeanPropertyException("Type of setter method \"" + m_strSetName + "\" and getter method \"" + m_strGetName + "\" of class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\" do not match."); } if (type != null) m_cType = type; else if (cGetType != null) m_cType = cGetType; else m_cType = cSetType; // } m_iType = getTypeCode(m_cType); m_iNullType = getNullTypeCode(m_cType); } public BeanProperty(Class<?> cBean, String propertyName, boolean readable, boolean writable, Class<?> type, Class<?>... args) throws BeanPropertyException { init(cBean, propertyName, readable, writable, type, args); } public BeanProperty(Class<?> cBean, String propertyName, boolean readable, boolean writable) throws BeanPropertyException { init(cBean, propertyName, readable, writable, null); } /** * 初始化 * * @param cBean * 对应Bean的类型 * @param fieldName * 如果该属性是通过字段去访问的,则为字段名称,否则应设置为null 如果该参数不为空,则忽略下面两个参数 * @param getName * 如果该属性可通过get方法去访问,则为方法名称,否则应设置为null * @param setName * 如果该属性可通过set方法去设置,则为方法名称,否则应设置为null */ public BeanProperty(Class<?> cBean, String fieldName, String getName, String setName, Class<?>... args) throws BeanPropertyException { if (fieldName != null && fieldName.equals("")) fieldName = null; if (getName != null && getName.equals("")) getName = null; if (setName != null && setName.equals("")) setName = null; m_strPropertyName = m_strFieldName = m_strGetName = m_strSetName = null; m_f = null; m_mGet = m_mSet = null; if (fieldName == null && getName == null && setName == null) throw new BeanPropertyException( "Field name or setter method name or getter method name not specified."); m_cType = null; m_iType = 0; if (fieldName != null) { // 属性字段 m_strFieldName = fieldName; try { m_f = cBean.getField(m_strFieldName); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new BeanPropertyException("Field \"" + m_strFieldName + "\" not exist in class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\""); } m_cType = m_f.getType(); } else { // 属性方法 m_strFieldName = null; Method[] methods = cBean.getMethods(); Class<?>[] params; Class<?> cGetType = null, cSetType = null; // Get方法 if (getName != null) { m_strGetName = getName; m_mGet = getMethodByName(methods, m_strGetName); if (m_mGet == null) throw new BeanPropertyException("Getter method \"" + m_strGetName + "\" not exist in class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\"."); // {检查Get方法所带参数,并获取Get方法的返回值类型 params = m_mGet.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length != (args == null ? 0 : args.length)) throw new BeanPropertyException("Getter method \"" + m_strGetName + "\" of class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\" has wrong number of parameters."); if (args != null) for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) if (!params[i].isAssignableFrom(args[i])) throw new BeanPropertyException("Getter method \"" + m_strGetName + "\" of class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\" has wrong parameter types."); cGetType = m_mGet.getReturnType(); // } } // Set方法 if (setName != null) { m_strSetName = setName; m_mSet = getMethodByName(methods, m_strSetName); if (m_mSet == null) throw new BeanPropertyException("Setter method \"" + m_strSetName + "\" not exist in class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\"."); // {Set方法的参数类型 params = m_mSet.getParameterTypes(); if (params.length != (1 + (args == null ? 0 : args.length))) throw new BeanPropertyException("Setter method \"" + m_strSetName + "\" of class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\" has wrong number of parameters."); if (args != null) for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) if (!params[i].isAssignableFrom(args[i])) throw new BeanPropertyException("Setter method \"" + m_strSetName + "\" of class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\" has wrong parameter types."); cSetType = params[params.length - 1]; // } } if (cGetType != null && cSetType != null) if (! && !java.sql.Blob.class.isAssignableFrom(cSetType)) if (!cSetType.equals(cGetType)) throw new BeanPropertyException( "Type of setter method \"" + m_strSetName + "\" and getter method \"" + m_strGetName + "\" of class \"" + cBean.getName() + "\" do not match."); if (cGetType != null) m_cType = cGetType; else m_cType = cSetType; } m_iType = getTypeCode(m_cType); m_iNullType = getNullTypeCode(m_cType); } /** * 获取属性名称 */ public String getPropertyName() { return m_strPropertyName; } /** * 获取属性类型 * * @return Class 属性类型 */ public Class<?> getType() { return m_cType; } /** * 获取属性类型编号 * * @return int 属性类型编号 */ public int getTypeCode() { return m_iType; } public int getNullTypeCode() { return m_iNullType; } /** * 获取属性对应的字段名称 */ public String getFieldName() { if (m_strFieldName == null) return ""; return m_strFieldName; } /** * 获取属性对应的Get方法名称 */ public String getGetMethodName() { if (m_strGetName == null) return ""; return m_strGetName; } /** * 获取属性对应的Set方法名称 */ public String getSetMethodName() { if (m_strSetName == null) return ""; return m_strSetName; } /** * 获取属性名称。 如果属性对应字段,则返回字段名称,否则返回[get 方法名称]|[set 方法名称] */ public String getName() { if (m_strFieldName != null) return m_strFieldName; String str; if (m_strGetName != null) str = m_strGetName + "()|"; else str = "|"; if (m_strSetName != null) return str + m_strSetName; return str; } /** * 获取属性值 * * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws BeanPropertyException */ public Object get(Object obj, Object... args) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, BeanPropertyException, NoSuchMethodException { if (m_f != null) return m_f.get(obj); if (m_mGet != null) if (args == null || args.length == 0) return m_mGet.invoke(obj); else return m_mGet.invoke(obj, args); throw new BeanPropertyException("Try to read write-only property."); } public static Object convert(Object val, int type, boolean[] noValue) throws SQLException { boolean bNoValue = false; if (val == null) { switch (type) { case SHORT: val = new Short((short) 0); break; case INTEGER: val = new Integer(0); break; case LONG: val = new Long(0l); break; case FLOAT: val = new Float(0.0f); break; case DOUBLE: val = new Double(0.0d); break; case BOOLEAN: val = new Boolean(false); break; } } else if (val instanceof String) { switch (type) { case SHORT: if (val.equals("")) bNoValue = true; else val = new Short((String) val); break; case INTEGER: if (val.equals("")) bNoValue = true; else val = new Integer(((String) val).replaceAll(",", "")); break; case LONG: if (val.equals("")) bNoValue = true; else val = new Long(((String) val).replaceAll(",", "")); break; case FLOAT: if (val.equals("")) bNoValue = true; else val = new Float(((String) val).replaceAll(",", "")); break; case DOUBLE: if (val.equals("")) bNoValue = true; else val = new Double(((String) val).replaceAll(",", "")); break; case BOOLEAN: if (val.equals("")) val = false; else val = new Boolean( (new Integer((String) val)).intValue() != 0); break; } } else if (type == BOOLEAN) { if (val instanceof Short) val = new Boolean(((Short) val).shortValue() != 0); else if (val instanceof Integer) val = new Boolean(((Integer) val).shortValue() != 0); else if (val instanceof Long) val = new Boolean(((Long) val).shortValue() != 0); else if (val instanceof BigDecimal) val = new Boolean(((BigDecimal) val).shortValue() != 0); } else if (type == SHORT) { if (val instanceof Integer) val = new Short(((Integer) val).shortValue()); else if (val instanceof Long) val = new Short(((Long) val).shortValue()); else if (val instanceof String) val = new Short((short) Integer.parseInt((String) val)); else if (val instanceof BigDecimal) val = new Short(((BigDecimal) val).shortValue()); } else if (type == INTEGER) { if (val instanceof Long) val = new Integer(((Long) val).intValue()); else if (val instanceof String) val = new Integer(Integer.parseInt((String) val)); else if (val instanceof BigDecimal) val = new Integer(((BigDecimal) val).intValue()); } else if (type == LONG) { if (val instanceof String) val = new Long(Long.parseLong((String) val)); else if (val instanceof BigDecimal) val = new Long(((BigDecimal) val).longValue()); } else if (type == FLOAT) { if (val instanceof Long) val = new Float(((Long) val).longValue()); else if (val instanceof String) val = new Float(Float.parseFloat((String) val)); else if (val instanceof Double) val = new Float(((Double) val).floatValue()); else if (val instanceof BigDecimal) val = new Float(((BigDecimal) val).floatValue()); } else if (type == DOUBLE) { if (val instanceof Long) val = new Double(((Long) val).longValue()); else if (val instanceof String) val = new Double(Double.parseDouble((String) val)); else if (val instanceof Float) val = new Double(((Float) val).floatValue()); else if (val instanceof BigDecimal) val = new Double(((BigDecimal) val).doubleValue()); } else if (type == DATE) { if (val instanceof java.util.Date) val = new java.sql.Date(((java.util.Date) val).getTime()); } else if (type == TIMESTAMP) { if (!(val instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) && val instanceof java.util.Date) val = new java.sql.Timestamp(((java.util.Date) val).getTime()); } else if (type == STRING) { val = val.toString(); } noValue[0] = bNoValue; return val; } /** * 设置属性值 * * @throws SQLException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws BeanPropertyException */ public void set(Object obj, Object val, Object... args) throws SQLException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, BeanPropertyException, NoSuchMethodException { boolean noValue[] = new boolean[1]; val = convert(val, getTypeCode(), noValue); if (noValue[0]) return; if (m_f != null) { m_f.set(obj, val); return; } if (m_mSet != null) { if (args == null || args.length == 0) m_mSet.invoke(obj, val); else { Object[] all = new Object[args.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) all[i] = args[i]; all[all.length - 1] = val; m_mSet.invoke(obj, all); } return; } throw new BeanPropertyException("Try to write read-only property."); } /** * 判断属性是否为数值型 */ public boolean isNum() { return (getTypeCode() == SHORT || getTypeCode() == INTEGER || getTypeCode() == LONG); } /** * 判断属性是否为可读写 */ public boolean isReadWrite() { if (m_f != null) return true; if (m_mSet != null && m_mGet != null) return true; return false; } /** * 判断属性是否为只读 */ public boolean isReadOnly() { if (m_f != null) return false; if (m_mSet != null) return false; return true; } /** * 判断属性是否为只写 */ public boolean isWriteOnly() { if (m_f != null) return false; if (m_mGet != null) return false; return true; } /** * 获取数值型的属性值 * * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws BeanPropertyException */ public long getNum(Object obj) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, BeanPropertyException, NoSuchMethodException { switch (getTypeCode()) { case SHORT: if (m_f != null) return (long) m_f.getShort(obj); if (m_mGet != null) return ((Short) m_mGet.invoke(obj, EMPTYOBJECTARRAY)) .shortValue(); break; case INTEGER: if (m_f != null) return (long) m_f.getInt(obj); if (m_mGet != null) return ((Integer) m_mGet.invoke(obj, EMPTYOBJECTARRAY)) .intValue(); break; case LONG: if (m_f != null) return m_f.getLong(obj); if (m_mGet != null) return ((Long) m_mGet.invoke(obj, EMPTYOBJECTARRAY)) .longValue(); break; default: throw new BeanPropertyException("Property is not numeric."); } throw new BeanPropertyException("Try to read write-only property."); } /** * 获取数值型的属性值 * * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws BeanPropertyException */ public void setNum(Object obj, long val) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, BeanPropertyException, NoSuchMethodException { switch (getTypeCode()) { case SHORT: if (m_f != null) { m_f.setShort(obj, (short) val); return; } if (m_mSet != null) { m_mSet.invoke(obj, new Object[] { new Short((short) val) }); return; } break; case INTEGER: if (m_f != null) { m_f.setInt(obj, (int) val); return; } if (m_mSet != null) { m_mSet.invoke(obj, new Object[] { new Integer((int) val) }); return; } break; case LONG: if (m_f != null) { m_f.setLong(obj, val); return; } if (m_mSet != null) { m_mSet.invoke(obj, new Object[] { new Long(val) }); return; } break; default: throw new BeanPropertyException("Property is not numeric."); } throw new BeanPropertyException("Try to write read-only property."); } }