package org.weso.wesearch.model; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.weso.utils.OntoModelException; import org.weso.wesearch.domain.Matter; import org.weso.wesearch.domain.Matters; import org.weso.wesearch.domain.Properties; import org.weso.wesearch.domain.Property; import org.weso.wesearch.domain.ValueSelector; import org.weso.wesearch.domain.impl.JenaPropertyImpl; import org.weso.wesearch.domain.impl.MatterImpl; import org.weso.wesearch.domain.impl.PropertiesImpl; import org.weso.wesearch.domain.impl.SubjectsImpl; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntClass; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntModel; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntProperty; import com.hp.hpl.jena.ontology.OntResource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.iterator.ExtendedIterator; import com.hp.hpl.jena.vocabulary.RDFS; /** * This is an auxiliary class that allow wesearch work with ontologies using * Apache Jena. * @author Ignacio Fuertes Bernardo * */ public class OntologyHelper { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OntologyHelper.class); /** * This method creates a matter from a uri and a jena model * @param resource The uri of the resource * @param model The model where is the resource * @return The created matter */ public static Matter createMatter(String resource, OntModel model) { String label = getLabel(resource, model); String comment = getComment(resource, model); return new MatterImpl(label, resource, comment); } /** * This method creates a matter from a jena resource * @param res The resource to create the matter * @return The created matter */ public static Matter createMatter(Resource res) { String uri = res.getURI(); String label = getLabel(res); String comment = getComment(res); return new MatterImpl(label, uri, comment); } /** * This method obtains the property rdfs:label from a Jena resource * @param res The resource to obtain the property rdfs:label * @return The value of property rdfs:label */ public static String getLabel(Resource res) { if(res instanceof OntResource) { return getLabelFromOntResource(res); } else { return getLabelFromResource(res); } } /** * This method obtains the property rdfs:label from a Jena resource * @param res The resource to obtain the property rdfs:label * @return The value of property rdfs:label */ private static String getLabelFromResource(Resource res) { Statement labelProp = res.getProperty(RDFS.label); if (labelProp != null && labelProp.getString().length() > 0) { return labelProp.getString(); } else { return (res.getURI()!=null?res.getModel().getGraph() .getPrefixMapping().shortForm(res.getURI()): "Label not available"); } } /** * This method obtains the property rdfs:label from a jena OntResource * using xml:lang attribute. * @param res The resource to obtain the property rdfs:label * @return The value of the property rdfs:label */ private static String getLabelFromOntResource(Resource res) { OntResource resource = ((OntResource)res); if(resource.getLabel("es") != null) { return resource.getLabel("es"); } else if (resource.getLabel("en") != null) { return resource.getLabel("en"); } else if (resource.getLabel(null) != null) { return resource.getLabel(null); } else { return (res.getURI()!=null?res.getModel().getGraph() .getPrefixMapping().shortForm(res.getURI()): "Label not available"); } } /** * This method obtains the property rdfs:comment from a Jena resource * @param res The resource to obtain the property rdfs:comment * @return The value of property rdfs:comment */ public static String getComment(Resource res) { if(res instanceof OntResource) { return getCommentFromOntResource(res); } else { return getCommentFromResource(res); } } /** * This method obtains the property rdfs:comment from a Jena resource * @param res The resource to obtain the property rdfs:comment * @return The value of property rdfs:comment */ private static String getCommentFromResource(Resource res) { Statement labelProp = res.getProperty(RDFS.comment); if (labelProp != null && labelProp.getString().length() > 0) { return labelProp.getString(); } else { return (res.getURI()!=null?res.getModel().getGraph() .getPrefixMapping().shortForm(res.getURI()): "Comment not available"); } } /** * This method obtains the property rdfs:comment from a jena OntResource * using xml:lang attribute. * @param res The resource to obtain the property rdfs:comment * @return The value of the property rdfs:comment */ private static String getCommentFromOntResource(Resource res) { OntResource ontResource = (OntResource)res; if(ontResource.getComment("es") != null) { return ontResource.getComment("es"); } else if (ontResource.getComment("en") != null) { return ontResource.getComment("en"); } else if (ontResource.getComment(null) != null) { return ontResource.getComment(null); } else { return (res.getURI()!=null?res.getModel().getGraph() .getPrefixMapping().shortForm(res.getURI()): "Comment not available"); } } /** * This method obtains the property rdfs:label from the URI of a Jena * resource * @param resource The URI of the resource to obtain the property rdfs:label * @param model The ontology model to obtain the property value * @return The value of property rdfs:label */ public static String getLabel(String resource, OntModel model) { OntClass res = model.getOntClass(resource); if(res == null) { return "Label not available"; } return getLabel(res); } /** * This method obtains the property rdfs:comment from the URI of a Jena * resource * @param resource The URI of the resource to obtain the property * rdfs:comment * @param model The ontology model to obtain the value * @return The value of property rdfs:comment */ public static String getComment(String resource, OntModel model) { OntClass res = model.getOntClass(resource); if(res == null) { return "Comment not available"; } return getComment(res); } /** * This method obtains all properties of one class of the ontologies * @param ontClass The class to obtain all its properties * @param superClasses A list of super-classes of the class to obtain all * inherited properties * @return A collection of all properties of one class */ public static Properties obtainPropertiesByMatter(OntClass ontClass, ExtendedIterator<OntClass> superClasses) { Properties properties = new PropertiesImpl(); extractPropertiesFromOntClass(properties, ontClass); while(superClasses.hasNext()) { OntClass auxOntClass =; extractPropertiesFromOntClass(properties, auxOntClass); } return properties; } /** * This method has to extract all properties of one class and insert them * in a collection * @param properties The collection in which the method has to insert the * properties * @param ontClass The class to extract all its properties */ public static void extractPropertiesFromOntClass(Properties properties, OntClass ontClass) { ExtendedIterator<OntProperty> ontProperties = ontClass.listDeclaredProperties(); while(ontProperties.hasNext()) { OntProperty ontProp =; properties.addProperty(createProperty(ontProp)); } } /** * This method has to create a property object from a Jena resource * @param res The resource from which the method has to create the property * object * @return The created Property */ public static Property createProperty(Resource res) { String uri = res.getURI(); String label = getLabel(res); String description = getComment(res); return new JenaPropertyImpl(uri, label, description); } /** * Given an OntProperty object, the method has to obtains its range. * @param ontProperty The given property to obtain its range * @return A String indicating the range of the property */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static String extractPropertyRange(OntProperty ontProperty) { if(ontProperty != null) { ExtendedIterator ranges = null; if(ontProperty.isDatatypeProperty()) { ranges = ontProperty.asDatatypeProperty().listRange(); return extractValueSelectorFromList(ranges); } else { return ValueSelector.OBJECT; } } return ValueSelector.UNDEFINED; } /** * This method has to extract the value selector according to a list of * ontology resources. * @param it The list of ontology resources * @return The string corresponding to the value selector of the list of * ontolgy resources */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private static String extractValueSelectorFromList( ExtendedIterator it) { String result = null; while(it.hasNext()) { OntResource ont = (OntResource); result = extractValueSelector(ont); if(!result.equals(ValueSelector.UNDEFINED)) { return result; } } return ValueSelector.UNDEFINED; } /** * This method extract the value selector of one ontolgy resource * @param range The ontology resource to obtain its value selector * @return A string indicates the value selector */ private static String extractValueSelector(OntResource range) { if(range == null) { return ValueSelector.UNDEFINED; } String uriRange = range.getURI(); if(isDateRange(uriRange)) { return ValueSelector.DATE; } else if (isNumericRange(uriRange)) { return ValueSelector.NUMERIC; } else if (isTextRange(uriRange)) { return ValueSelector.TEXT; } return ValueSelector.UNDEFINED; } /** * This method has to return if the range of a property is a text or no * @param uriRange The range of a property * @return A boolean indicates if the range must be a string or no */ private static boolean isTextRange(String uriRange) { return uriRange.equals("") || uriRange.equals( ""); } /** * This method has to return if the range of a property is numeric or no * @param uriRange The range of a property * @return A boolean indicates if the range must be a number or no */ private static boolean isNumericRange(String uriRange) { return uriRange.equals("") || uriRange.equals("") || uriRange.equals("") || uriRange.equals("") || uriRange.equals("") || uriRange.equals(""); } /** * This method has to return if the range is of date type * @param uriRange The range of a property * @return A boolean indicates if the range must be a date or no */ private static boolean isDateRange(String uriRange) { return uriRange.equals("") || uriRange.equals("") || uriRange.equals(""); } /** * This method has to create a collection of Matter objects that represents * the range of a resource when its range is a class of the ontology * @param listRange A list of classes of the ontology that can be range of * a property * @return A colleciont of Matter objects * @throws OntoModelException This exception is thrown if there are some * problem with the ontology */ public static Matters createRangeMatters( ExtendedIterator<? extends OntResource> listRange) throws OntoModelException { if(listRange == null) { logger.error("The list of ranges cannot be null"); throw new OntoModelException("The list of ranges cannot be null"); } Matters matters = new SubjectsImpl(); while(listRange.hasNext()) { OntResource res =; if(res.getURI() != null) { Matter m = new MatterImpl(getLabel(res), res.getURI(), getComment(res)); matters.addMatter(m); } } return matters; } /** * This method has to extracts all subclasses of one class of the ontology * @param matter The class of the ontolgy that the method has to extract * its subclasses * @param model The ontology model from which the method has to obtain * the subclasses * @return A list of URIs of the subclasses */ public static List<String> extractSubclasses(Matter matter, OntModel model) { List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>(); OntClass ontClass = model.getOntClass(matter.getUri()); if(ontClass != null) { ExtendedIterator<OntClass> it = ontClass.listSubClasses(); while(it.hasNext()) { OntClass aux =; result.add(aux.getURI()); } } return result; } }