/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2009 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.common.actions; import java.net.URI; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.EFS; import org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection; import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput; import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart; import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorReference; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPage; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow; import org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException; import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI; import org.eclipse.ui.ide.FileStoreEditorInput; import org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE; import org.eclipse.ui.part.FileEditorInput; import org.eclipse.wst.common.uriresolver.internal.util.URIHelper; import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.adapters.XSDBaseAdapter; import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.adapters.XSDSchemaDirectiveAdapter; import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.adt.actions.BaseSelectionAction; import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.adt.editor.ADTFileStoreEditorInput; import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.adt.editor.ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput; import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.common.util.Messages; import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.editor.InternalXSDMultiPageEditor; import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.editor.XSDEditorPlugin; import org.eclipse.wst.xsd.ui.internal.editor.XSDFileEditorInput; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDConcreteComponent; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDFeature; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDRedefine; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchema; import org.eclipse.xsd.XSDSchemaDirective; import org.eclipse.xsd.impl.XSDImportImpl; public class OpenInNewEditor extends BaseSelectionAction { public static final String ID = "OpenInNewEditor"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public OpenInNewEditor(IWorkbenchPart part) { super(part); setText(Messages._UI_ACTION_OPEN_IN_NEW_EDITOR); //$NON-NLS-1$ setId(ID); } protected boolean calculateEnabled() { return true; } public void run() { Object selection = ((IStructuredSelection) getSelection()).getFirstElement(); IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); IWorkbenchPage page = null; IEditorInput editorInput = null; if (workbenchWindow != null) { page = workbenchWindow.getActivePage(); IEditorPart activeEditor = page.getActiveEditor(); if (activeEditor != null) { editorInput = activeEditor.getEditorInput(); } } if (selection instanceof XSDBaseAdapter) { XSDBaseAdapter xsdAdapter = (XSDBaseAdapter) selection; XSDConcreteComponent fComponent = (XSDConcreteComponent) xsdAdapter.getTarget(); XSDSchema schema = fComponent.getSchema(); boolean isReference = false; if (fComponent instanceof XSDFeature) { isReference = ((XSDFeature)fComponent).isFeatureReference(); fComponent = ((XSDFeature)fComponent).getResolvedFeature(); } String schemaLocation = null; IPath schemaPath = null; IFile schemaFile = null; // Special case any imports/includes if (selection instanceof XSDSchemaDirectiveAdapter) { XSDSchemaDirective dir = (XSDSchemaDirective)((XSDSchemaDirectiveAdapter)selection).getTarget(); // force load of imported schema if (dir instanceof XSDImportImpl) { ((XSDImportImpl)dir).importSchema(); } if (dir.getResolvedSchema() != null) { schemaLocation = URIHelper.removePlatformResourceProtocol(dir.getResolvedSchema().getSchemaLocation()); schemaPath = new Path(schemaLocation); schemaFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(schemaPath); schema = dir.getResolvedSchema(); fComponent = dir.getResolvedSchema(); } } // Handle any other external components else if (fComponent.getSchema() != null && fComponent.eContainer() instanceof XSDSchema || fComponent.eContainer() instanceof XSDRedefine || isReference) { schemaLocation = URIHelper.removePlatformResourceProtocol(fComponent.getSchema().getSchemaLocation()); schemaPath = new Path(schemaLocation); schemaFile = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(schemaPath); try { XSDSchema xsdSchema = (XSDSchema)getWorkbenchPart().getAdapter(XSDSchema.class); if (fComponent.getSchema() == xsdSchema) { IEditorPart editorPart = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().getActiveEditor(); if (editorPart instanceof InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) { ((InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) editorPart).openOnGlobalReference(fComponent); } return; } } catch (Exception e) { } } // If the schemaFile exists in the workspace if (page != null && schemaFile != null && schemaFile.exists()) { try { // Get the current editor's schema XSDSchema xsdSchema = (XSDSchema)getWorkbenchPart().getAdapter(XSDSchema.class); IEditorPart editorPart = null; // This first check is to ensure that the schema is actually // different than the current one we are editing against in the editor, and that we // are in the same resource file....hence multiple schemas in the same file. if (xsdSchema != null && fComponent.getRootContainer().eResource() == xsdSchema.eResource() && xsdSchema != schema) { String editorName = null; XSDFileEditorInput xsdFileEditorInput = new XSDFileEditorInput(schemaFile, fComponent.getSchema()); // will use FileEditorInput's name if still null // Try to use the same editor name as the current one if (editorInput != null) { editorName = editorInput.getName(); xsdFileEditorInput.setEditorName(editorName); } editorPart = getExistingEditorForInlineSchema(page, schemaFile, schema); if (editorPart == null) { editorPart = page.openEditor(xsdFileEditorInput, XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID, true, 0); } } else { editorPart = page.openEditor(new FileEditorInput(schemaFile), XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID); } if (editorPart instanceof InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) { ((InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) editorPart).openOnGlobalReference(fComponent); } } catch (Exception e) { } } else { // open the xsd externally if (schemaLocation != null) openExternalFiles(page, schemaLocation, fComponent); } } } public static void openXSDEditor(IEditorInput editorInput, XSDConcreteComponent xsdComponent) { openXSDEditor(editorInput, xsdComponent.getSchema(), xsdComponent); } public static void openXSDEditor(IEditorInput editorInput, XSDSchema schema, XSDConcreteComponent xsdComponent) { IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); IWorkbenchPage page = null; if (workbenchWindow != null) { page = workbenchWindow.getActivePage(); } String resource = schema.getSchemaLocation(); if (editorInput instanceof FileEditorInput && resource != null && !resource.startsWith("http")) { String schemaLocation = URIHelper.removePlatformResourceProtocol(resource); openWorkspaceFile(page, schemaLocation, xsdComponent); } else { openExternalFiles(page, resource, xsdComponent); } } public static void openInlineSchema(IEditorInput editorInput, XSDConcreteComponent xsdComponent, XSDSchema schema, String editorName) { IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow(); IWorkbenchPage page = null; if (workbenchWindow != null) { page = workbenchWindow.getActivePage(); } boolean isWorkspaceFile = false; String schemaLocation = schema.getSchemaLocation(); String workspaceFileLocation = URIHelper.removePlatformResourceProtocol(schemaLocation); IPath workspaceFilePath = new Path(workspaceFileLocation); IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(workspaceFilePath); if (page != null && file != null && file.exists()) { isWorkspaceFile = true; } if (isWorkspaceFile) { try { IEditorPart editorPart = null; XSDFileEditorInput xsdFileEditorInput = new XSDFileEditorInput(file, schema); xsdFileEditorInput.setEditorName(editorName); IEditorReference[] refs = page.getEditorReferences(); int length = refs.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { IEditorInput input = refs[i].getEditorInput(); if (input instanceof XSDFileEditorInput) { IFile aFile = ((XSDFileEditorInput) input).getFile(); if (aFile.getFullPath().equals(file.getFullPath())) { if (((XSDFileEditorInput) input).getSchema() == schema) { editorPart = refs[i].getEditor(true); page.activate(refs[i].getPart(true)); break; } } } } if (editorPart == null) { editorPart = page.openEditor(xsdFileEditorInput, XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID, true, 0); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (editorPart instanceof InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) { InternalXSDMultiPageEditor xsdEditor = (InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) editorPart; xsdEditor.openOnGlobalReference(xsdComponent); } } catch (PartInitException pie) { } } else { if (schemaLocation != null && !schemaLocation.startsWith("http")) { String fileLocation = null; // This is to workaround the difference in URI resolution. On linux, the resolved location is // platform:/resource/ On Windows, it's file:// // if (java.io.File.separatorChar == '/') { fileLocation = "/" + URIHelper.removePlatformResourceProtocol(schemaLocation); } else // Windows { fileLocation = URIHelper.removeProtocol(schemaLocation); } IPath schemaPath = new Path(fileLocation); IFileStore fileStore = EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(schemaPath); if (!fileStore.fetchInfo().isDirectory() && fileStore.fetchInfo().exists()) { try { ADTFileStoreEditorInput xsdFileStoreEditorInput = new ADTFileStoreEditorInput(fileStore, schema); xsdFileStoreEditorInput.setEditorName(editorName); IEditorPart editorPart = null; IEditorReference[] refs = page.getEditorReferences(); int length = refs.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { IEditorInput input = refs[i].getEditorInput(); if (input instanceof ADTFileStoreEditorInput) { URI uri = ((ADTFileStoreEditorInput) input).getURI(); if (uri.equals(xsdFileStoreEditorInput.getURI()) && ((ADTFileStoreEditorInput) input).getSchema() == xsdFileStoreEditorInput.getSchema()) { editorPart = refs[i].getEditor(true); page.activate(refs[i].getPart(true)); break; } } } if (page != null && editorPart == null) { editorPart = page.openEditor(xsdFileStoreEditorInput, XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID, true, 0); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (editorPart instanceof InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) { InternalXSDMultiPageEditor xsdEditor = (InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) editorPart; xsdEditor.openOnGlobalReference(xsdComponent); } } catch (PartInitException pie) { } } } else { try { IEditorPart editorPart = null; IEditorReference[] refs = page.getEditorReferences(); int length = refs.length; // Need to find if an editor on that schema has already been opened for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { IEditorInput input = refs[i].getEditorInput(); if (input instanceof ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput) { ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput xsdFileStorageEditorInput = (ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput) input; if (xsdFileStorageEditorInput.getUrlString().equals(schemaLocation) && xsdFileStorageEditorInput.getEditorID().equals(XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID)) { editorPart = refs[i].getEditor(true); page.activate(refs[i].getPart(true)); break; } } } if (editorPart == null) { ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput xsdFileStorageEditorInput = new ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput(schemaLocation); xsdFileStorageEditorInput.setSchema(schema); xsdFileStorageEditorInput.setEditorName(editorName); xsdFileStorageEditorInput.setEditorID(XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID); editorPart = page.openEditor(xsdFileStorageEditorInput, XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID, true, 0); } if (editorPart instanceof InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) { InternalXSDMultiPageEditor xsdEditor = (InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) editorPart; xsdEditor.openOnGlobalReference(xsdComponent); } } catch (PartInitException pie) { } } return; } } private IEditorPart getExistingEditorForInlineSchema(IWorkbenchPage page, IFile schemaFile, XSDSchema schema) { IEditorReference [] refs = page.getEditorReferences(); int length = refs.length; IEditorPart editorPart = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { IEditorInput input = refs[i].getEditorInput(); if (input instanceof XSDFileEditorInput) { IFile aFile = ((XSDFileEditorInput)input).getFile(); if (aFile.getFullPath().equals(schemaFile.getFullPath())) { if (((XSDFileEditorInput)input).getSchema() == schema) { editorPart = refs[i].getEditor(true); page.activate(refs[i].getPart(true)); break; } } } } } catch (PartInitException e) { } return editorPart; } public static void openWorkspaceFile(IWorkbenchPage page, String schemaLocation, XSDConcreteComponent xsdComponent) { IPath schemaPath = new Path(schemaLocation); IFile file = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(schemaPath); if (page != null && file != null && file.exists()) { try { IEditorPart editorPart = IDE.openEditor(page, file, true); if (editorPart instanceof InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) { InternalXSDMultiPageEditor xsdEditor = (InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) editorPart; xsdEditor.openOnGlobalReference(xsdComponent); } } catch (PartInitException pie) { } } } public static void openExternalFiles(IWorkbenchPage page, String schemaLocation, XSDConcreteComponent fComponent) { if (schemaLocation == null) return; // Assert not null IPath schemaPath = new Path(schemaLocation); // Initially tried to use schemaPath.getDevice() to determine if it is an http reference. However, on Linux, it is null. // So as a result of bug 221421, we will just use the schemaLocation. if (!schemaLocation.startsWith("http")) { schemaPath = new Path(URIHelper.removeProtocol(schemaLocation)); } IFileStore fileStore = EFS.getLocalFileSystem().getStore(schemaPath); URI schemaURI = URI.create(schemaLocation); if (!fileStore.fetchInfo().isDirectory() && fileStore.fetchInfo().exists()) { try { IEditorPart editorPart = null; IEditorReference[] refs = page.getEditorReferences(); int length = refs.length; // Need to find if an editor on that schema has already been opened for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { IEditorInput input = refs[i].getEditorInput(); if (input instanceof FileStoreEditorInput) { URI uri = ((FileStoreEditorInput) input).getURI(); if (uri.equals(schemaURI)) { editorPart = refs[i].getEditor(true); page.activate(refs[i].getPart(true)); break; } } } if (editorPart == null) { editorPart = IDE.openEditorOnFileStore(page, fileStore); } if (editorPart instanceof InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) { InternalXSDMultiPageEditor xsdEditor = (InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) editorPart; xsdEditor.openOnGlobalReference(fComponent); } } catch (PartInitException pie) { } } else { try { if (schemaLocation.startsWith("http")) { try { IEditorPart editorPart = null; IEditorReference[] refs = page.getEditorReferences(); int length = refs.length; // Need to find if an editor on that schema has already been opened for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { IEditorInput input = refs[i].getEditorInput(); if (input instanceof ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput) { ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput readOnlyEditorInput = (ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput) input; if (readOnlyEditorInput.getUrlString().equals(schemaLocation) && XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID.equals(readOnlyEditorInput.getEditorID())) { editorPart = refs[i].getEditor(true); page.activate(refs[i].getPart(true)); break; } } } if (editorPart == null) { ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput readOnlyStorageEditorInput = new ADTReadOnlyFileEditorInput(schemaLocation); readOnlyStorageEditorInput.setEditorID(XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID); editorPart = page.openEditor(readOnlyStorageEditorInput, XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID, true, 0); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (editorPart instanceof InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) { InternalXSDMultiPageEditor xsdEditor = (InternalXSDMultiPageEditor) editorPart; xsdEditor.openOnGlobalReference(fComponent); } } catch (PartInitException pie) { } } else { FileStoreEditorInput xsdFileStoreEditorInput = new FileStoreEditorInput(fileStore); page.openEditor(xsdFileStoreEditorInput, XSDEditorPlugin.EDITOR_ID, true, 0); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } catch (PartInitException e) { } } } }