package com.canoo.webtest.ant; import; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import; import; import; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; /** * Ant task that reads the WebTest results from a WebTest results file. * * @author Marc Guillemot * @webtest.step category="Extension" * name="countWebtestResults" * description="This <key>ANT</key> task counts the WebTest results in the provided result file * and can produce a build failure when some webtests have failed" */ public class CountWebtestResults extends Task { private boolean failOnError = true; private String failureProperty; private String successProperty; private int nbSuccessful = 0; private int nbFailed = 0; private File fResultFile; /** * Minimal SAX event handler counting the results */ private class WebTestResultCounter extends DefaultHandler { public void startElement(final String _uri, final String _localName, final String _name, final Attributes _attributes) throws SAXException { if ("summary".equals(_name)) { final boolean success = "yes".equals(_attributes.getValue("successful")); if (success) ++nbSuccessful; else ++nbFailed; } } } public void execute() throws BuildException { readResults(); setProperties(); final int nbTests = nbFailed + nbSuccessful; if (failOnError && nbFailed != 0) { throw new BuildException(nbFailed + " of " + nbTests + " webtests have failed (" + nbSuccessful + " successful)!"); } // log at warn level as it is displayed by default log(nbTests + " webtests run (successful: " + nbSuccessful + ", failed: " + nbFailed + ")", Project.MSG_WARN); } /** * Sets the Ant properties with the number of failed / successful results */ void setProperties() { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(failureProperty) && getNbFailed() != 0) { getProject().setNewProperty(failureProperty, String.valueOf(getNbFailed())); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(successProperty) && getNbSuccessful() != 0) { getProject().setNewProperty(successProperty, String.valueOf(getNbSuccessful())); } } /** * Reads the result from the xml file */ void readResults() { if (fResultFile == null) throw new BuildException("Mandatory attribute >resultFile< not set!"); if (!fResultFile.exists()) throw new BuildException("Can't find result file >" + fResultFile.getAbsolutePath() + "<"); final WebTestResultCounter counter = new WebTestResultCounter(); final SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); final SAXParser saxParser; try { saxParser = factory.newSAXParser(); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new BuildException("Failed to create SAX parser", e); } try { saxParser.parse(fResultFile, counter); } catch (final Exception e) { throw new BuildException("Failed to parse result file >" + fResultFile + "<", e); } } /** * @return the failOnError. */ public boolean isFailOnError() { return failOnError; } /** * @param _failOnError the failOnError to set * @webtest.parameter required="no" * default="true" * description="Stops the build process if a webtest failed." */ public void setFailOnError(boolean _failOnError) { failOnError = _failOnError; } /** */ public String getFailureProperty() { return failureProperty; } /** * @webtest.parameter required="no" * description="The name of the Ant property that will be set with the numbers of failures. * The property is not set if no failure was found." */ public void setFailureProperty(final String _failuresProperty) { failureProperty = _failuresProperty; } /** * @return the successProperty. */ public String getSuccessProperty() { return successProperty; } /** * @param _successProperty the successProperty to set * @webtest.parameter required="no" * description="The name of the Ant property that will be set with the numbers of successful webtests. * The property is not set if no successful test was found." */ public void setSuccessProperty(final String _successProperty) { successProperty = _successProperty; } /** * @return the fResultFile. */ public File getResultFile() { return fResultFile; } /** * @param _resultFile the fResultFile to set * @webtest.parameter required="yes" * description="the file containing the WebTest results" */ public void setResultFile(final File _resultFile) { fResultFile = _resultFile; } /** * @return the nbSuccessful. */ protected int getNbSuccessful() { return nbSuccessful; } /** * @return the nbFailed. */ protected int getNbFailed() { return nbFailed; } }