package; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Webcam class. It wraps webcam device obtained from webcam driver. * * @author Bartosz Firyn (bfiryn) */ public class Webcam { /** * Class used to asynchronously notify all webcam listeners about new image available. * * @author Bartosz Firyn (sarxos) */ private static final class ImageNotification implements Runnable { /** * Camera. */ private final Webcam webcam; /** * Acquired image. */ private final BufferedImage image; /** * Create new notification. * * @param webcam the webcam from which image has been acquired * @param image the acquired image */ public ImageNotification(Webcam webcam, BufferedImage image) { = webcam; this.image = image; } @Override public void run() { if (image != null) { WebcamEvent we = new WebcamEvent(WebcamEventType.NEW_IMAGE, webcam, image); for (WebcamListener l : webcam.getWebcamListeners()) { try { l.webcamImageObtained(we); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(String.format("Notify image acquired, exception when calling listener %s", l.getClass()), e); } } } } } private final class NotificationThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory { @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(r, String.format("notificator-[%s]", getName())); t.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(WebcamExceptionHandler.getInstance()); t.setDaemon(true); return t; } } /** * Logger instance. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Webcam.class); /** * List of driver classes names to search for. */ private static final List<String> DRIVERS_LIST = new ArrayList<String>(); /** * List of driver classes to search for. */ private static final List<Class<?>> DRIVERS_CLASS_LIST = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); /** * Discovery listeners. */ private static final List<WebcamDiscoveryListener> DISCOVERY_LISTENERS = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<WebcamDiscoveryListener>()); /** * Webcam driver (LtiCivil, JMF, FMJ, JQT, OpenCV, VLCj, etc). */ private static volatile WebcamDriver driver = null; /** * Webcam discovery service. */ private static volatile WebcamDiscoveryService discovery = null; /** * Is automated deallocation on TERM signal enabled. */ private static boolean deallocOnTermSignal = false; /** * Is auto-open feature enabled? */ private static boolean autoOpen = false; /** * Webcam listeners. */ private List<WebcamListener> listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<WebcamListener>(); /** * List of custom resolution sizes supported by webcam instance. */ private List<Dimension> customSizes = new ArrayList<Dimension>(); /** * Shutdown hook. */ private WebcamShutdownHook hook = null; /** * Underlying webcam device. */ private WebcamDevice device = null; /** * Is webcam open? */ private AtomicBoolean open = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * Is webcam already disposed? */ private AtomicBoolean disposed = new AtomicBoolean(false); /** * Is non-blocking (asynchronous) access enabled? */ private volatile boolean asynchronous = false; /** * Current FPS. */ private volatile double fps = 0; /** * Webcam image updater. */ private volatile WebcamUpdater updater = null; /** * Image transformer. */ private volatile WebcamImageTransformer transformer = null; /** * Lock which denies access to the given webcam when it's already in use by other webcam capture * API process or thread. */ private WebcamLock lock = null; /** * Executor service for image notifications. */ private ExecutorService notificator = null; /** * Webcam class. * * @param device - device to be used as webcam * @throws IllegalArgumentException when device argument is null */ protected Webcam(WebcamDevice device) { if (device == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Webcam device cannot be null"); } this.device = device; this.lock = new WebcamLock(this); } /** * Asynchronously start new thread which will notify all webcam listeners about the new image * available. */ protected void notifyWebcamImageAcquired(BufferedImage image) { // notify webcam listeners of new image available, do that only if there // are any webcam listeners available because there is no sense to start // additional threads for no purpose if (getWebcamListenersCount() > 0) { notificator.execute(new ImageNotification(this, image)); } } /** * Open the webcam in blocking (synchronous) mode. * * @return True if webcam has been open, false otherwise * @see #open(boolean, DelayCalculator) * @throws WebcamException when something went wrong */ public boolean open() { return open(false); } /** * Open the webcam in either blocking (synchronous) or non-blocking * (asynchronous) mode. If the non-blocking mode is enabled the * DefaultDelayCalculator is used for calculating delay between two image * fetching. * * @param async true for non-blocking mode, false for blocking * @return True if webcam has been open, false otherwise * @see #open(boolean, DelayCalculator) * @throws WebcamException when something went wrong */ public boolean open(boolean async) { return open(async, new DefaultDelayCalculator()); } /** * Open the webcam in either blocking (synchronous) or non-blocking * (asynchronous) mode.The difference between those two modes lies in the * image acquisition mechanism.<br> * <br> * In blocking mode, when user calls {@link #getImage()} method, device is * being queried for new image buffer and user have to wait for it to be * available.<br> * <br> * In non-blocking mode, there is a special thread running in the background * which constantly fetch new images and cache them internally for further * use. This cached instance is returned every time when user request new * image. Because of that it can be used when timeing is very important, * because all users calls for new image do not have to wait on device * response. By using this mode user should be aware of the fact that in * some cases, when two consecutive calls to get new image are executed more * often than webcam device can serve them, the same image instance will be * returned. User should use {@link #isImageNew()} method to distinguish if * returned image is not the same as the previous one. <br> * The background thread uses implementation of DelayCalculator interface to * calculate delay between two image fetching. Custom implementation may be * specified as parameter of this method. If the non-blocking mode is * enabled and no DelayCalculator is specified, DefaultDelayCalculator will * be used. * * @param async true for non-blocking mode, false for blocking * @param delayCalculator responsible for calculating delay between two * image fetching in non-blocking mode; It's ignored in blocking * mode. * @return True if webcam has been open * @throws WebcamException when something went wrong */ public boolean open(boolean async, DelayCalculator delayCalculator) { if (open.compareAndSet(false, true)) { assert lock != null; notificator = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new NotificationThreadFactory()); // lock webcam for other Java (only) processes lock.lock(); // open webcam device WebcamOpenTask task = new WebcamOpenTask(driver, device); try {; } catch (InterruptedException e) { lock.unlock(); open.set(false); LOG.debug("Thread has been interrupted in the middle of webcam opening process!", e); return false; } catch (WebcamException e) { lock.unlock(); open.set(false); LOG.debug("Webcam exception when opening", e); throw e; } LOG.debug("Webcam is now open {}", getName()); // install shutdown hook try { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(hook = new WebcamShutdownHook(this)); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { LOG.debug("Shutdown in progress, do not open device"); LOG.trace(e.getMessage(), e); close(); return false; } // setup non-blocking configuration if (asynchronous = async) { if (updater == null) { updater = new WebcamUpdater(this, delayCalculator); } updater.start(); } // notify listeners WebcamEvent we = new WebcamEvent(WebcamEventType.OPEN, this); Iterator<WebcamListener> wli = listeners.iterator(); WebcamListener l = null; while (wli.hasNext()) { l =; try { l.webcamOpen(we); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(String.format("Notify webcam open, exception when calling listener %s", l.getClass()), e); } } } else { LOG.debug("Webcam is already open {}", getName()); } return true; } /** * Close the webcam. * * @return True if webcam has been open, false otherwise */ public boolean close() { if (open.compareAndSet(true, false)) { LOG.debug("Closing webcam {}", getName()); assert lock != null; // close webcam WebcamCloseTask task = new WebcamCloseTask(driver, device); try { task.close(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { open.set(true); LOG.debug("Thread has been interrupted before webcam was closed!", e); return false; } catch (WebcamException e) { open.set(true); throw e; } // stop updater if (asynchronous) { updater.stop(); } // remove shutdown hook (it's not more necessary) removeShutdownHook(); // unlock webcam so other Java processes can start using it lock.unlock(); // notify listeners WebcamEvent we = new WebcamEvent(WebcamEventType.CLOSED, this); Iterator<WebcamListener> wli = listeners.iterator(); WebcamListener l = null; while (wli.hasNext()) { l =; try { l.webcamClosed(we); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(String.format("Notify webcam closed, exception when calling %s listener", l.getClass()), e); } } notificator.shutdown(); while (!notificator.isTerminated()) { try { notificator.awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return false; } } LOG.debug("Webcam {} has been closed", getName()); } else { LOG.debug("Webcam {} is already closed", getName()); } return true; } /** * Return underlying webcam device. Depending on the driver used to discover devices, this * method can return instances of different class. By default {@link WebcamDefaultDevice} is * returned when no external driver is used. * * @return Underlying webcam device instance */ public WebcamDevice getDevice() { assert device != null; return device; } /** * Completely dispose capture device. After this operation webcam cannot be used any more and * full reinstantiation is required. */ protected void dispose() { assert disposed != null; assert open != null; assert driver != null; assert device != null; assert listeners != null; if (!disposed.compareAndSet(false, true)) { return; } open.set(false);"Disposing webcam {}", getName()); WebcamDisposeTask task = new WebcamDisposeTask(driver, device); try { task.dispose(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Processor has been interrupted before webcam was disposed!", e); return; } WebcamEvent we = new WebcamEvent(WebcamEventType.DISPOSED, this); Iterator<WebcamListener> wli = listeners.iterator(); WebcamListener l = null; while (wli.hasNext()) { l =; try { l.webcamClosed(we); l.webcamDisposed(we); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(String.format("Notify webcam disposed, exception when calling %s listener", l.getClass()), e); } } removeShutdownHook(); LOG.debug("Webcam disposed {}", getName()); } private void removeShutdownHook() { // hook can be null because there is a possibility that webcam has never // been open and therefore hook was not created if (hook != null) { try { Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(hook); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { LOG.trace("Shutdown in progress, cannot remove hook"); } } } /** * TRansform image using image transformer. If image transformer has not been set, this method * return instance passed in the argument, without any modifications. * * @param image the image to be transformed * @return Transformed image (if transformer is set) */ protected BufferedImage transform(BufferedImage image) { if (image != null) { WebcamImageTransformer tr = getImageTransformer(); if (tr != null) { return tr.transform(image); } } return image; } /** * Is webcam open? * * @return true if open, false otherwise */ public boolean isOpen() { return open.get(); } /** * Get current webcam resolution in pixels. * * @return Webcam resolution (picture size) in pixels. */ public Dimension getViewSize() { return device.getResolution(); } /** * Return list of supported view sizes. It can differ between vary webcam data sources. * * @return Array of supported dimensions */ public Dimension[] getViewSizes() { return device.getResolutions(); } /** * Set custom resolution. If you are using this method you have to make sure that your webcam * device can support this specific resolution. * * @param sizes the array of custom resolutions to be supported by webcam */ public void setCustomViewSizes(Dimension... sizes) { assert customSizes != null; if (sizes == null) { customSizes.clear(); return; } customSizes = Arrays.asList(sizes); } public Dimension[] getCustomViewSizes() { assert customSizes != null; return customSizes.toArray(new Dimension[customSizes.size()]); } /** * Set new view size. New size has to exactly the same as one of the default sized or exactly * the same as one of the custom ones. * * @param size the new view size to be set * @see Webcam#setCustomViewSizes(Dimension[]) * @see Webcam#getViewSizes() */ public void setViewSize(Dimension size) { if (size == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resolution cannot be null!"); } if (open.get()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot change resolution when webcam is open, please close it first"); } // check if new resolution is the same as current one Dimension current = getViewSize(); if (current != null && current.width == size.width && current.height == size.height) { return; } // check if new resolution is valid Dimension[] predefined = getViewSizes(); Dimension[] custom = getCustomViewSizes(); assert predefined != null; assert custom != null; boolean ok = false; for (Dimension d : predefined) { if (d.width == size.width && d.height == size.height) { ok = true; break; } } if (!ok) { for (Dimension d : custom) { if (d.width == size.width && d.height == size.height) { ok = true; break; } } } if (!ok) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Incorrect dimension ["); sb.append(size.width).append("x").append(size.height).append("] "); sb.append("possible ones are "); for (Dimension d : predefined) { sb.append("[").append(d.width).append("x").append(d.height).append("] "); } for (Dimension d : custom) { sb.append("[").append(d.width).append("x").append(d.height).append("] "); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } LOG.debug("Setting new resolution {}x{}", size.width, size.height); device.setResolution(size); } /** * Capture image from webcam and return it. Will return image object or null if webcam is closed * or has been already disposed by JVM.<br> * <br> * <b>IMPORTANT NOTE!!!</b><br> * <br> * There are two possible behaviors of what webcam should do when you try to get image and * webcam is actually closed. Normally it will return null, but there is a special flag which * can be statically set to switch all webcams to auto open mode. In this mode, webcam will be * automatically open, when you try to get image from closed webcam. Please be aware of some * side effects! In case of multi-threaded applications, there is no guarantee that one thread * will not try to open webcam even if it was manually closed in different thread. * * @return Captured image or null if webcam is closed or disposed by JVM */ public BufferedImage getImage() { if (!isReady()) { return null; } long t1 = 0; long t2 = 0; if (asynchronous) { return updater.getImage(); } else { // get image t1 = System.currentTimeMillis(); BufferedImage image = transform(new WebcamGetImageTask(driver, device).getImage()); t2 = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (image == null) { return null; } // get FPS if (device instanceof WebcamDevice.FPSSource) { fps = ((WebcamDevice.FPSSource) device).getFPS(); } else { // +1 to avoid division by zero fps = (4 * fps + 1000 / (t2 - t1 + 1)) / 5; } // notify webcam listeners about new image available notifyWebcamImageAcquired(image); return image; } } public boolean isImageNew() { if (asynchronous) { return updater.isImageNew(); } return true; } public double getFPS() { if (asynchronous) { return updater.getFPS(); } else { return fps; } } /** * Get RAW image ByteBuffer. It will always return buffer with 3 x 1 bytes per each pixel, where * RGB components are on (0, 1, 2) and color space is sRGB.<br> * <br> * <b>IMPORTANT!</b><br> * Some drivers can return direct ByteBuffer, so there is no guarantee that underlying bytes * will not be released in next read image operation. Therefore, to avoid potential bugs you * should convert this ByteBuffer to bytes array before you fetch next image. * * @return Byte buffer */ public ByteBuffer getImageBytes() { if (!isReady()) { return null; } assert driver != null; assert device != null; // some devices can support direct image buffers, and for those call // processor task, and for those which does not support direct image // buffers, just convert image to RGB byte array if (device instanceof BufferAccess) { return new WebcamGetBufferTask(driver, device).getBuffer(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Driver %s does not support buffer access", driver.getClass().getName())); } } /** * Get RAW image ByteBuffer. It will always return buffer with 3 x 1 bytes per each pixel, where * RGB components are on (0, 1, 2) and color space is sRGB.<br> * <br> * <b>IMPORTANT!</b><br> * Some drivers can return direct ByteBuffer, so there is no guarantee that underlying bytes * will not be released in next read image operation. Therefore, to avoid potential bugs you * should convert this ByteBuffer to bytes array before you fetch next image. * * @param target the target {@link ByteBuffer} object to copy data into */ public void getImageBytes(ByteBuffer target) { if (!isReady()) { return; } assert driver != null; assert device != null; // some devices can support direct image buffers, and for those call // processor task, and for those which does not support direct image // buffers, just convert image to RGB byte array if (device instanceof BufferAccess) { new WebcamReadBufferTask(driver, device, target).readBuffer(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Driver %s does not support buffer access", driver.getClass().getName())); } } /** * If the underlying device implements Configurable interface, specified * parameters are passed to it. May be called before the open method or * later in dependence of the device implementation. * * @param parameters - Map of parameters changing device defaults * @see Configurable */ public void setParameters(Map<String, ?> parameters) { WebcamDevice device = getDevice(); if (device instanceof Configurable) { ((Configurable) device).setParameters(parameters); } else { LOG.debug("Webcam device {} is not configurable", device); } } /** * Is webcam ready to be read. * * @return True if ready, false otherwise */ private boolean isReady() { assert disposed != null; assert open != null; if (disposed.get()) { LOG.warn("Cannot get image, webcam has been already disposed"); return false; } if (!open.get()) { if (autoOpen) { open(); } else { return false; } } return true; } /** * Get list of webcams to use. This method will wait predefined time interval for webcam devices * to be discovered. By default this time is set to 1 minute. * * @return List of webcams existing in the system * @throws WebcamException when something is wrong * @see Webcam#getWebcams(long, TimeUnit) */ public static List<Webcam> getWebcams() throws WebcamException { // timeout exception below will never be caught since user would have to // wait around three hundreds billion years for it to occur try { return getWebcams(Long.MAX_VALUE); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Get list of webcams to use. This method will wait given time interval for webcam devices to * be discovered. Time argument is given in milliseconds. * * @param timeout the time to wait for webcam devices to be discovered * @return List of webcams existing in the ssytem * @throws TimeoutException when timeout occurs * @throws WebcamException when something is wrong * @throws IllegalArgumentException when timeout is negative * @see Webcam#getWebcams(long, TimeUnit) */ public static List<Webcam> getWebcams(long timeout) throws TimeoutException, WebcamException { if (timeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Timeout cannot be negative (%d)", timeout)); } return getWebcams(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** * Get list of webcams to use. This method will wait given time interval for webcam devices to * be discovered. * * @param timeout the devices discovery timeout * @param tunit the time unit * @return List of webcams * @throws TimeoutException when timeout has been exceeded * @throws WebcamException when something is wrong * @throws IllegalArgumentException when timeout is negative or tunit null */ public static synchronized List<Webcam> getWebcams(long timeout, TimeUnit tunit) throws TimeoutException, WebcamException { if (timeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Timeout cannot be negative (%d)", timeout)); } if (tunit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time unit cannot be null!"); } WebcamDiscoveryService discovery = getDiscoveryService(); assert discovery != null; List<Webcam> webcams = discovery.getWebcams(timeout, tunit); if (!discovery.isRunning()) { discovery.start(); } return webcams; } /** * Will discover and return first webcam available in the system. * * @return Default webcam (first from the list) * @throws WebcamException if something is really wrong * @see Webcam#getWebcams() */ public static Webcam getDefault() throws WebcamException { try { return getDefault(Long.MAX_VALUE); } catch (TimeoutException e) { // this should never happen since user would have to wait 300000000 // years for it to occur throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Will discover and return first webcam available in the system. * * @param timeout the webcam discovery timeout (1 minute by default) * @return Default webcam (first from the list) * @throws TimeoutException when discovery timeout has been exceeded * @throws WebcamException if something is really wrong * @throws IllegalArgumentException when timeout is negative * @see Webcam#getWebcams(long) */ public static Webcam getDefault(long timeout) throws TimeoutException, WebcamException { if (timeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Timeout cannot be negative (%d)", timeout)); } return getDefault(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /** * Will discover and return first webcam available in the system. * * @param timeout the webcam discovery timeout (1 minute by default) * @param tunit the time unit * @return Default webcam (first from the list) * @throws TimeoutException when discovery timeout has been exceeded * @throws WebcamException if something is really wrong * @throws IllegalArgumentException when timeout is negative or tunit null * @see Webcam#getWebcams(long, TimeUnit) */ public static Webcam getDefault(long timeout, TimeUnit tunit) throws TimeoutException, WebcamException { if (timeout < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Timeout cannot be negative (%d)", timeout)); } if (tunit == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time unit cannot be null!"); } List<Webcam> webcams = getWebcams(timeout, tunit); assert webcams != null; if (!webcams.isEmpty()) { return webcams.get(0); } LOG.warn("No webcam has been detected!"); return null; } /** * Get webcam name (device name). The name of device depends on the value returned by the * underlying data source, so in some cases it can be human-readable value and sometimes it can * be some strange number. * * @return Name */ public String getName() { assert device != null; return device.getName(); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("Webcam %s", getName()); } /** * Add webcam listener. * * @param l the listener to be added * @return True if listener has been added, false if it was already there * @throws IllegalArgumentException when argument is null */ public boolean addWebcamListener(WebcamListener l) { if (l == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Webcam listener cannot be null!"); } assert listeners != null; return listeners.add(l); } /** * @return All webcam listeners */ public WebcamListener[] getWebcamListeners() { assert listeners != null; return listeners.toArray(new WebcamListener[listeners.size()]); } /** * @return Number of webcam listeners */ public int getWebcamListenersCount() { assert listeners != null; return listeners.size(); } /** * Removes webcam listener. * * @param l the listener to be removed * @return True if listener has been removed, false otherwise */ public boolean removeWebcamListener(WebcamListener l) { assert listeners != null; return listeners.remove(l); } /** * Return webcam driver. Perform search if necessary.<br> * <br> * <b>This method is not thread-safe!</b> * * @return Webcam driver */ public static synchronized WebcamDriver getDriver() { if (driver != null) { return driver; } if (driver == null) { driver = WebcamDriverUtils.findDriver(DRIVERS_LIST, DRIVERS_CLASS_LIST); } if (driver == null) { driver = new WebcamDefaultDriver(); }"{} capture driver will be used", driver.getClass().getSimpleName()); return driver; } /** * Set new video driver to be used by webcam.<br> * <br> * <b>This method is not thread-safe!</b> * * @param wd new webcam driver to be used (e.g. LtiCivil, JFM, FMJ, QTJ) * @throws IllegalArgumentException when argument is null */ public static void setDriver(WebcamDriver wd) { if (wd == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Webcam driver cannot be null!"); } LOG.debug("Setting new capture driver {}", wd); resetDriver(); driver = wd; } /** * Set new video driver class to be used by webcam. Class given in the argument shall extend * {@link WebcamDriver} interface and should have public default constructor, so instance can be * created by reflection.<br> * <br> * <b>This method is not thread-safe!</b> * * @param driverClass new video driver class to use * @throws IllegalArgumentException when argument is null */ public static void setDriver(Class<? extends WebcamDriver> driverClass) { if (driverClass == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Webcam driver class cannot be null!"); } resetDriver(); try { driver = driverClass.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new WebcamException(e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new WebcamException(e); } } /** * Reset webcam driver.<br> * <br> * <b>This method is not thread-safe!</b> */ public static void resetDriver() { synchronized (DRIVERS_LIST) { DRIVERS_LIST.clear(); } if (discovery != null) { discovery.shutdown(); discovery = null; } driver = null; } /** * Register new webcam video driver. * * @param clazz webcam video driver class * @throws IllegalArgumentException when argument is null */ public static void registerDriver(Class<? extends WebcamDriver> clazz) { if (clazz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Webcam driver class to register cannot be null!"); } DRIVERS_CLASS_LIST.add(clazz); registerDriver(clazz.getCanonicalName()); } /** * Register new webcam video driver. * * @param clazzName webcam video driver class name * @throws IllegalArgumentException when argument is null */ public static void registerDriver(String clazzName) { if (clazzName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Webcam driver class name to register cannot be null!"); } DRIVERS_LIST.add(clazzName); } /** * <b>CAUTION!!!</b><br> * <br> * This is experimental feature to be used mostly in in development phase. After you set handle * term signal to true, and fetch capture devices, Webcam Capture API will listen for TERM * signal and try to close all devices after it has been received. <b>This feature can be * unstable on some systems!</b> * * @param on signal handling will be enabled if true, disabled otherwise */ public static void setHandleTermSignal(boolean on) { if (on) { LOG.warn("Automated deallocation on TERM signal is now enabled! Make sure to not use it in production!"); } deallocOnTermSignal = on; } /** * Is TERM signal handler enabled. * * @return True if enabled, false otherwise */ public static boolean isHandleTermSignal() { return deallocOnTermSignal; } /** * Switch all webcams to auto open mode. In this mode, each webcam will be automatically open * whenever user will try to get image from instance which has not yet been open. Please be * aware of some side effects! In case of multi-threaded applications, there is no guarantee * that one thread will not try to open webcam even if it was manually closed in different * thread. * * @param on true to enable, false to disable */ public static void setAutoOpenMode(boolean on) { autoOpen = on; } /** * Is auto open mode enabled. Auto open mode will will automatically open webcam whenever user * will try to get image from instance which has not yet been open. Please be aware of some side * effects! In case of multi-threaded applications, there is no guarantee that one thread will * not try to open webcam even if it was manually closed in different thread. * * @return True if mode is enabled, false otherwise */ public static boolean isAutoOpenMode() { return autoOpen; } /** * Add new webcam discovery listener. * * @param l the listener to be added * @return True, if listeners list size has been changed, false otherwise * @throws IllegalArgumentException when argument is null */ public static boolean addDiscoveryListener(WebcamDiscoveryListener l) { if (l == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Webcam discovery listener cannot be null!"); } return DISCOVERY_LISTENERS.add(l); } public static WebcamDiscoveryListener[] getDiscoveryListeners() { return DISCOVERY_LISTENERS.toArray(new WebcamDiscoveryListener[DISCOVERY_LISTENERS.size()]); } /** * Remove discovery listener * * @param l the listener to be removed * @return True if listeners list contained the specified element */ public static boolean removeDiscoveryListener(WebcamDiscoveryListener l) { return DISCOVERY_LISTENERS.remove(l); } /** * Return discovery service. * * @return Discovery service */ public static synchronized WebcamDiscoveryService getDiscoveryService() { if (discovery == null) { discovery = new WebcamDiscoveryService(getDriver()); } return discovery; } /** * Return discovery service without creating it if not exists. * * @return Discovery service or null if not yet created */ public static synchronized WebcamDiscoveryService getDiscoveryServiceRef() { return discovery; } /** * Return image transformer. * * @return Transformer instance */ public WebcamImageTransformer getImageTransformer() { return transformer; } /** * Set image transformer. * * @param transformer the transformer to be set */ public void setImageTransformer(WebcamImageTransformer transformer) { this.transformer = transformer; } /** * Return webcam lock. * * @return Webcam lock */ public WebcamLock getLock() { return lock; } /** * Shutdown webcam framework. This method should be used <b>ONLY</b> when you * are exiting JVM, but please <b>do not invoke it</b> if you really don't * need to. */ protected static void shutdown() { // stop discovery service WebcamDiscoveryService discovery = getDiscoveryServiceRef(); if (discovery != null) { discovery.stop(); } // stop processor WebcamProcessor.getInstance().shutdown(); } /** * Return webcam with given name or null if no device with given name has * been found. Please note that specific webcam name may depend on the order * it was connected to the USB port (e.g. /dev/video0 vs /dev/video1). * * @param name the webcam name * @return Webcam with given name or null if not found * @throws IllegalArgumentException when name is null */ public static Webcam getWebcamByName(String name) { if (name == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Webcam name cannot be null"); } for (Webcam webcam : getWebcams()) { if (webcam.getName().equals(name)) { return webcam; } } return null; } }