package org.archive.resource.html; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.archive.extract.ExtractingResourceFactoryMapper; import org.archive.extract.ExtractingResourceProducer; import org.archive.extract.ProducerUtils; import org.archive.extract.ResourceFactoryMapper; import org.archive.resource.MetaData; import org.archive.resource.Resource; import org.archive.resource.ResourceParseException; import org.archive.resource.ResourceProducer; import org.htmlparser.nodes.TextNode; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class ExtractingParseObserverTest extends TestCase { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(ExtractingParseObserverTest.class.getName()); public void testHandleStyleNodeExceptions() throws Exception { String[] tests = { "some css", "url()", "url () ", "url ('')", "url (' ')", "url('\")", "url(')", "url('\"')", "url('\\\"\"')", "url(''''')" }; boolean except = false; HTMLMetaData md = new HTMLMetaData(new MetaData()); ExtractingParseObserver epo = new ExtractingParseObserver(md); for(String css : tests) { try { TextNode tn = new TextNode(css); epo.handleStyleNode(tn); } catch(Exception e) { System.err.format("And the winner is....(%s)\n", css); e.printStackTrace(); except = true; throw e; } assertFalse(except); } } public void testHandleStyleNode() throws Exception { String[][] tests = { {""}, {"url(foo.gif)","foo.gif"}, {"url('foo.gif')","foo.gif"}, {"url(\"foo.gif\")","foo.gif"}, {"url(\\\"foo.gif\\\")","foo.gif"}, {"url(\\'foo.gif\\')","foo.gif"}, {"url(''foo.gif'')","foo.gif"}, {"url( foo.gif )","foo.gif"}, {"url('''')"}, {"url('foo.gif'')","foo.gif"}, }; for(String[] testa : tests) { checkExtract(testa); } } /** * Test whether the pattern matcher does extract nothing and also does not * not hang-up if an overlong CSS link is truncated. */ public void testHandleStyleNodeNoHangupTruncated() throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("url("); for (int i = 0; i < 500000; i++) sb.append('\''); sb.append("foo.gif"); for (int i = 0; i < 499000; i++) sb.append('\''); String[] test = new String[1]; test[0] = sb.toString(); checkExtract(test); } private void checkExtract(String[] data) throws JSONException { // System.err.format("CSS(%s) want[0](%s)\n",css,want[0]); String css = data[0]; HTMLMetaData md = new HTMLMetaData(new MetaData()); ExtractingParseObserver epo = new ExtractingParseObserver(md); try { TextNode tn = new TextNode(css); epo.handleStyleNode(tn); } catch(Exception e) { fail("Exception with CSS:" + css); } JSONArray a = md.optJSONArray("Links"); if(data.length > 1) { assertNotNull(a); assertEquals(data.length-1,a.length()); for(int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { Object o = a.optJSONObject(i-1); assertTrue(o instanceof JSONObject); JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) o; assertEquals("CSS link extraction failed for <" + css + ">", data[i], jo.getString("href")); } } else { assertNull("Expected no extracted link for <" + css + ">", a); } } private void checkLink(Multimap<String,String> links, String url, String path) { assertTrue("Link with URL " + url + " not found", links.containsKey(url)); assertTrue("Wrong path " + path + " for " + url, links.get(url).contains(path)); } private void checkLinks(Resource resource, String[][] expectedLinks) { assertNotNull(resource); assertTrue("Wrong instance type of Resource: " + resource.getClass(), resource instanceof HTMLResource); MetaData md = resource.getMetaData();; Multimap<String, String> links = ArrayListMultimap.create(); JSONObject head = md.optJSONObject("Head"); if (head != null) { // <base href="" /> String baseUrl = (String) head.opt("Base"); if (baseUrl != null) { links.put(baseUrl, "__base__"); } // <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="5; URL=" /> JSONArray metas = head.optJSONArray("Metas"); if (metas != null) { for (int i = 0; i < metas.length(); i++) { JSONObject o = (JSONObject) metas.optJSONObject(i); String httpEquiv = o.optString("http-equiv"); if (httpEquiv != null && httpEquiv.equalsIgnoreCase("Refresh")) { String metaRefreshTarget = o.optString("content"); if (metaRefreshTarget != null) { metaRefreshTarget = metaRefreshTarget.replaceFirst("(?i)(?:^\\d+\\s*;)?\\s*url=", ""); links.put(metaRefreshTarget, "__meta_refresh__"); } } } } } // extract outlinks List<JSONArray> linkArrays = new ArrayList<JSONArray>(); if (md.optJSONArray("Links") != null) { linkArrays.add(md.optJSONArray("Links")); } try { if (md.getJSONObject("Head") != null && md.getJSONObject("Head").getJSONArray("Link") != null) { linkArrays.add(md.getJSONObject("Head").getJSONArray("Link")); } } catch (JSONException e1) { } for (JSONArray ldata : linkArrays) { for (int i = 0; i < ldata.length(); i++) { JSONObject o = (JSONObject) ldata.optJSONObject(i); try { String url = o.getString("url"); links.put(url, o.getString("path"));" found link: " + o.getString("url") + " " + o.getString("path")); } catch (JSONException e) { fail("Failed to extract URL from link: " + e.getMessage()); } } } assertEquals("Unexpected number of links", expectedLinks.length, links.size()); for (String[] l : expectedLinks) { checkLink(links, l[0], l[1]); } } public void testLinkExtraction() throws ResourceParseException, IOException { String testFileName = "link-extraction-test.warc"; ResourceProducer producer = ProducerUtils.getProducer(getClass().getResource(testFileName).getPath()); ResourceFactoryMapper mapper = new ExtractingResourceFactoryMapper(); ExtractingResourceProducer extractor = new ExtractingResourceProducer(producer, mapper); extractor.getNext(); // skip warcinfo record String[][] html4links = { {"", "__base__"}, {"", "__meta_refresh__"}, {"background.jpg", "BODY@/background"}, {"", "A@/href"}, {"#anchor", "A@/href"}, {"image.png", "IMG@/src"}, {"image.gif", "IMG@/src"}, {"", "IMG@/longdesc"}, {"helloworld.swf", "OBJECT@/data"}, {"", "Q@/cite"}, {"", "BLOCKQUOTE@/cite"} }; checkLinks(extractor.getNext(), html4links); String[][] html5links = { {"http:///", "LINK@/href", "canonical"}, {"video.rss", "LINK@/href", "alternate"}, {"", "VIDEO@/poster"}, {"", "SOURCE@/src"}, {"", "SOURCE@/src"}, {"", "SOURCE@/src"} }; checkLinks(extractor.getNext(), html5links); String[][] html5links2 = { {"", "A@/href"}, }; checkLinks(extractor.getNext(), html5links2); String[][] fbVideoLinks = { {"", "BLOCKQUOTE@/cite"}, {"", "A@/href"}, {"", "A@/href"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"} }; checkLinks(extractor.getNext(), fbVideoLinks); String[][] dataHrefLinks = { {"standard.css", "LINK@/href", "stylesheet"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"}, {"", "BLOCKQUOTE@/cite"}, {"", "A@/href"}, {"", "A@/href"}, {"//", "SOURCE@/src"}, {"//", "SOURCE@/src"}, {"//", "BUTTON@/data-href"}, {"/content-page", "ARTICLE@/data-href"}, {"/content-page", "A@/href"}, {"/tags/content","A@/href"}, {"/tags/headlines", "A@/href"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"}, {"green.css", "LINK@/data-href"}, {"blue.css", "LINK@/data-href"}, {"", "A@/data-href"}, {"jackbox/img/thumbs/4.jpg", "IMG@/src"}, {"//venobox-destination", "A@/data-href"}, {"#", "A@/href"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"}, {"#", "A@/href"}, {"", "IFRAME@/src"} }; checkLinks(extractor.getNext(), dataHrefLinks); String[][] fbSocialLinks = { {"", "DIV@/data-uri"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"}, {"", "BLOCKQUOTE@/cite"}, {"", "A@/href"}, {"", "DIV@/data-href"} }; checkLinks(extractor.getNext(), fbSocialLinks); } }