package com.yanp.way.asyncTasks; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.yanp.way.Constants; import com.yanp.way.Decoder; import com.yanp.way.R; import com.yanp.way.route.Route; import com.yanp.way.route.activity.CreateRoute; import com.yanp.way.route.downloaded.DirectionsResponse; import com.yanp.way.route.downloaded.Legs; /* * R????cup????re les d????tails d'un trajet via l'API DirectionsResponse */ /** * Get the details of a route using Google DirectionsResponse API, draw this route on the map. * @author YPierru * */ public class CallsDirRespAPIAndDrawRoute extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, DirectionsResponse> { private String url_pattern; private ProgressDialog progressDialog; private Route route; private ArrayList<Marker> listMarkers; private CreateRoute createRouteInstance; private GoogleMap googleMap; /** * * @param createRouteInstance - Reference of the activity where the route will be draw * @param route - The route, this object will be filled with data here * @param listMarkers - The list of the markers created on the map by the user * @param googleMap - The Google Map */ public CallsDirRespAPIAndDrawRoute(CreateRoute createRouteInstance, Route route,ArrayList<Marker> listMarkers, GoogleMap googleMap) { this.createRouteInstance=createRouteInstance; this.progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(createRouteInstance); this.route=route; this.listMarkers=listMarkers; this.googleMap=googleMap; this.url_pattern=this.createRouteInstance.getResources().getString(R.string.url_pattern_directionsapi)+"&language="+Constants.CURRENT_LANGUAGE.getLanguage(); } /** * Display the informative message during the wait */ protected void onPreExecute() { super.onPreExecute(); this.progressDialog.setMessage(this.createRouteInstance.getResources().getString(R.string.drawing_in_progress)+"...");; } protected DirectionsResponse doInBackground(Void... arg0) { String str=constructStringPoints(); DirectionsResponse dataFromDirRespAPI = callAPI(str); return dataFromDirRespAPI; } /** * Transform a list of LatLng points, in a String with the pattern : "point1.x,point1.y|point2.x,point2.y|...|pointN.x,pointN.y" * @return the String of the points */ private String constructStringPoints(){ /** * First, we get the LatLng positions of the markers. */ ArrayList<LatLng>listIntermediaryPoints = this.route.getListMarkersLatLng(); /** * The first and last points will be in the URL, we must remove them here. */ listIntermediaryPoints.remove(0); listIntermediaryPoints.remove(listIntermediaryPoints.size() - 1); String intermiediaryPoints = "&waypoints="; /** * Construction of the String */ for (int i = 0; i < listIntermediaryPoints.size(); i++) { intermiediaryPoints += listIntermediaryPoints.get(i).latitude + "," + listIntermediaryPoints.get(i).longitude; if (i + 1 < listIntermediaryPoints.size()) { intermiediaryPoints += "|"; } } return intermiediaryPoints; } /** * Construct the URL, call the API, parse the result * @param intermediaryPointsString * @return The JAVA struct from the JSON */ private DirectionsResponse callAPI(String intermediaryPointsString){ DirectionsResponse dataFromDirRespAPI = null; /** * See */ String mode = "driving"; LatLng origin = this.route.getListMarkersLatLng().get(0); LatLng destination = this.route.getListMarkersLatLng().get(this.route.getListMarkersLatLng().size()-1); URL url = null; try { url = new URL(this.url_pattern + "&mode=" + mode + "&origin=" + origin.latitude + ","+ origin.longitude + "&destination=" + destination.latitude + ","+ destination.longitude + intermediaryPointsString); /** * Here we get the data from the API. * Then the JSON is convert to a JAVA structure (DirectionsResponse) */ InputStream is = url.openStream(); String jsonData = IOUtils.toString(is); //Log.d("DEBUUUUUUUUG", jsonData); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); dataFromDirRespAPI = gson.fromJson(jsonData, DirectionsResponse.class); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return dataFromDirRespAPI; } protected void onPostExecute(DirectionsResponse dataFromDirRespAPI) { super.onPostExecute(dataFromDirRespAPI); /** * We add the data to the route */ this.route.getListSegment().clear(); this.route.getListSegment().add(dataFromDirRespAPI); replaceMarkers(dataFromDirRespAPI); drawRouteOnMap(dataFromDirRespAPI); writeRouteDetailsOnActionBar(); this.progressDialog.dismiss(); } /** * Replace the markers on the road. * @param dataFromDirRespAPI */ private void replaceMarkers(DirectionsResponse dataFromDirRespAPI){ List<Legs> listLegs = dataFromDirRespAPI.getRoutes().get(0).getLegs(); ArrayList<LatLng> tmpPoints = new ArrayList<LatLng>(); for (int i = 0; i < listLegs.size(); i++) { tmpPoints.add(new LatLng(listLegs.get(i).getStart_location().getLat(), listLegs.get(i).getStart_location().getLng())); if (i + 1 == listLegs.size()) { tmpPoints.add(new LatLng(listLegs.get(i).getEnd_location().getLat(), listLegs.get(i).getEnd_location().getLng())); } } this.route.setListMarkersLatLng(tmpPoints); for (int i = 0; i < this.listMarkers.size(); i++) { this.listMarkers.get(i).setPosition(tmpPoints.get(i)); } } /** * Draw the route on the Google Map */ private void drawRouteOnMap(DirectionsResponse dataFromDirRespAPI){ /** * We decode the points of the route */ ArrayList<LatLng> listOverviewPolylinePoints = Decoder.decodePoly(dataFromDirRespAPI.getRoutes().get(0).getOverview_polyline().getPoints()); PolylineOptions options = new PolylineOptions() .geodesic(false) .width(Constants.WIDTH_POLYLINE) .color(Constants.COLOR_POLYLINE); for (int i = 0; i < listOverviewPolylinePoints.size(); i++) { options.add(listOverviewPolylinePoints.get(i)); } this.createRouteInstance.setPolyline(googleMap.addPolyline(options)); this.route.setPointsWhoDrawsPolylineLatLng(listOverviewPolylinePoints); this.route.setValidate(true); } /** * Write the details of the route (distance, duration), on the action bar */ private void writeRouteDetailsOnActionBar(){ String strSubtitle = ""; double dist = route.getDistTotal(); if (dist < 1000) { strSubtitle += ((int) dist + "m"); } else { strSubtitle += ((dist / 1000) + "Km"); } int dureeSecond = route.getDureeTotal(); int heures = (dureeSecond / 3600); int minutes = ((dureeSecond % 3600) / 60); if (heures == 0) { strSubtitle += " - ~" + (minutes + "min"); } else { strSubtitle += " - ~" + (heures + "h" + minutes + "min"); } this.createRouteInstance.getActionBar().setSubtitle(strSubtitle); } }