/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Dirk Riehle, http://dirkriehle.com * * This file is part of the Wahlzeit photo rating application. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.wahlzeit.handlers; /** * A utility class for web parts. */ public interface PartUtil { String DEFAULT_PAGE_NAME = "index"; String NULL_INFO_NAME = "nullInfo"; String NULL_INFO_FILE = "infos/NullInfo"; String NULL_FORM_NAME = "nullForm"; String NULL_FORM_FILE = "forms/NullForm"; String SHOW_INFO_PAGE_FILE = "pages/ShowInfoPage"; String SHOW_PART_PAGE_FILE = "pages/ShowPartPage"; String SHOW_NOTE_PAGE_NAME = "note"; String SHOW_NOTE_PAGE_FILE = "pages/ShowNotePage"; String SHOW_PHOTO_PAGE_NAME = "index"; String SHOW_PHOTO_PAGE_FILE = "pages/ShowPhotoPage"; String CAPTION_INFO_FILE = "infos/CaptionInfo"; String BLURP_INFO_FILE = "infos/BlurpInfo"; String PHOTO_INFO_FILE = "infos/PhotoInfo"; String LINKS_INFO_FILE = "infos/LinksInfo"; String BANNER_INFO_FILE = "infos/BannerInfo"; String FILTER_PHOTOS_FORM_NAME = "filterPhotosForm"; String FILTER_PHOTOS_FORM_FILE = "forms/FilterPhotosForm"; String PRAISE_PHOTO_FORM_NAME = "praisePhotoForm"; String PRAISE_PHOTO_FORM_FILE = "forms/PraisePhotoForm"; String ENGAGE_GUEST_FORM_NAME = "engageGuestForm"; String ENGAGE_GUEST_FORM_FILE = "forms/EngageGuestForm"; String ABOUT_PAGE_NAME = "about"; String ABOUT_INFO_FILE = "infos/AboutInfo"; String CONTACT_PAGE_NAME = "contact"; String CONTACT_INFO_FILE = "infos/ContactInfo"; String IMPRINT_PAGE_NAME = "imprint"; String IMPRINT_INFO_FILE = "infos/ImprintInfo"; String TERMS_PAGE_NAME = "terms"; String TERMS_INFO_FILE = "infos/TermsInfo"; String HIDDEN_INFO_FILE = "infos/HiddenInfo"; String DONE_INFO_FILE = "infos/DoneInfo"; String FILTER_PHOTOS_PAGE_NAME = "filter"; String FLAG_PHOTO_PAGE_NAME = "flag"; String FLAG_PHOTO_FORM_NAME = "flagPhotoForm"; String FLAG_PHOTO_FORM_FILE = "forms/FlagPhotoForm"; String TELL_FRIEND_PAGE_NAME = "tell"; String TELL_FRIEND_FORM_NAME = "tellFriendForm"; String TELL_FRIEND_FORM_FILE = "forms/TellFriendForm"; String SEND_EMAIL_PAGE_NAME = "connect"; String SEND_EMAIL_FORM_NAME = "sendEmailForm"; String SEND_EMAIL_FORM_FILE = "forms/SendEmailForm"; String SET_OPTIONS_PAGE_NAME = "options"; String SET_OPTIONS_FORM_NAME = "setOptionsForm"; String SET_OPTIONS_FORM_FILE = "forms/SetOptionsForm"; String CONFIRM_ACCOUNT_PAGE_NAME = "confirm"; String LOGIN_PAGE_NAME = "login"; String LOGIN_FORM_NAME = "loginForm"; String LOGIN_FORM_FILE = "forms/LoginForm"; String EMAIL_USER_NAME_PAGE_NAME = "emailun"; String EMAIL_USER_NAME_FORM_NAME = "emailUserNameForm"; String EMAIL_USER_NAME_FORM_FILE = "forms/EmailUserNameForm"; String EMAIL_PASSWORD_PAGE_NAME = "emailpw"; String EMAIL_PASSWORD_FORM_NAME = "emailPasswordForm"; String EMAIL_PASSWORD_FORM_FILE = "forms/EmailPasswordForm"; String RESET_SESSION_PAGE_NAME = "reset"; String LOGOUT_PAGE_NAME = "logout"; String SET_ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_PAGE_NAME = "langen"; String SET_GERMAN_LANGUAGE_PAGE_NAME = "langde"; String SET_SPANISH_LANGUAGE_PAGE_NAME = "langes"; String SET_JAPANESE_LANGUAGE_PAGE_NAME = "langja"; String SET_EXTRA_SMALL_PHOTO_SIZE_PAGE_NAME = "psizexs"; String SET_SMALL_PHOTO_SIZE_PAGE_NAME = "psizes"; String SET_MEDIUM_PHOTO_SIZE_PAGE_NAME = "psizem"; String SET_LARGE_PHOTO_SIZE_PAGE_NAME = "psizel"; String SET_EXTRA_LARGE_PHOTO_SIZE_PAGE_NAME = "psizexl"; String SHOW_USER_HOME_PAGE_NAME = "home"; String SHOW_USER_HOME_PAGE_FILE = "pages/ShowUserHomePage"; String SHOW_USER_PROFILE_FORM_NAME = "showUserProfileForm"; String SHOW_USER_PROFILE_FORM_FILE = "forms/ShowUserProfileForm"; String SHOW_USER_PHOTO_FORM_NAME = "showUserPhotoForm"; String SHOW_USER_PHOTO_FORM_FILE = "forms/ShowUserPhotoForm"; String EDIT_USER_PROFILE_PAGE_NAME = "profile"; String EDIT_USER_PROFILE_FORM_NAME = "editUserProfileForm"; String EDIT_USER_PROFILE_FORM_FILE = "forms/EditUserProfileForm"; String CHANGE_PASSWORD_PAGE_NAME = "password"; String CHANGE_PASSWORD_FORM_NAME = "changePasswordForm"; String CHANGE_PASSWORD_FORM_FILE = "forms/ChangePasswordForm"; String UPLOAD_PHOTO_PAGE_NAME = "upload"; String UPLOAD_PHOTO_FORM_NAME = "uploadPhotoForm"; String UPLOAD_PHOTO_FORM_FILE = "forms/UploadPhotoForm"; String EDIT_USER_PHOTO_PAGE_NAME = "photo"; String EDIT_USER_PHOTO_FORM_NAME = "editUserPhotoForm"; String EDIT_USER_PHOTO_FORM_FILE = "forms/EditUserPhotoForm"; String SHOW_PHOTO_CASES_PAGE_NAME = "cases"; String SHOW_PHOTO_CASES_PAGE_FILE = "pages/ShowPhotoCasesPage"; String EDIT_PHOTO_CASE_FORM_NAME = "editPhotoCaseForm"; String EDIT_PHOTO_CASE_FORM_FILE = "forms/EditPhotoCaseForm"; String SHOW_ADMIN_PAGE_NAME = "admin"; String SHOW_ADMIN_PAGE_FILE = "pages/ShowAdminPage"; String SHOW_ADMIN_MENU_FORM_NAME = "showAdminMenuForm"; String ADMIN_USER_PROFILE_FORM_NAME = "adminUserProfileForm"; String ADMIN_USER_PROFILE_FORM_FILE = "forms/AdminUserProfileForm"; String ADMIN_USER_PHOTO_FORM_NAME = "adminUserPhotoForm"; String ADMIN_USER_PHOTO_FORM_FILE = "forms/AdminUserPhotoForm"; }