package org.oscim.layers; import java.util.HashMap; import; import org.jeo.feature.Feature; import; import; import; import; import org.oscim.backend.canvas.Color; import org.oscim.jeo.JeoUtils; import; import org.oscim.renderer.bucket.LineBucket; import org.oscim.renderer.bucket.MeshBucket; import org.oscim.renderer.bucket.TextBucket; import org.oscim.renderer.bucket.TextItem; import org.oscim.theme.styles.AreaStyle; import org.oscim.theme.styles.LineStyle; import org.oscim.theme.styles.TextStyle; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; public class OSMIndoorLayer extends JeoVectorLayer { protected TextBucket mTextLayer; protected TextStyle mText = TextStyle.builder() .fontSize(16).color(Color.BLACK) .strokeWidth(2.2f).strokeColor(Color.WHITE) .build(); public OSMIndoorLayer(Map map, VectorDataset data, Style style) { super(map, data, style); } public boolean[] activeLevels = new boolean[10]; @Override protected void processFeatures(Task t, Envelope b) { mTextLayer = new TextBucket(); t.buckets.set(mTextLayer); super.processFeatures(t, b); //render TextItems to a bitmap and prepare vertex buffer data. mTextLayer.prepare(); mTextLayer.clearLabels(); } protected void addLine(Task t, Feature f, Rule rule, Geometry g) { if (((LineString) g).isClosed()) { addPolygon(t, f, rule, g); return; } int level = getLevel(f); LineBucket ll = t.buckets.getLineBucket(level * 3 + 2); if (ll.line == null) { RGB color = rule.color(f, CartoCSS.LINE_COLOR,; float width = rule.number(f, CartoCSS.LINE_WIDTH, 1.2f); ll.line = new LineStyle(0, JeoUtils.color(color), width); ll.heightOffset = level * 4; ll.setDropDistance(0); } addLine(t, g, ll); } protected void addPolygon(Task t, Feature f, Rule rule, Geometry g) { int level = getLevel(f); LineBucket ll = t.buckets.getLineBucket(level * 3 + 1); boolean active = activeLevels[level + 1]; if (ll.line == null) { float width = rule.number(f, CartoCSS.LINE_WIDTH, 1.2f); int color = Color.rainbow((level + 1) / 10f); if (level > -2 && !active) color = Color.fade(color, 0.1f); ll.line = new LineStyle(0, color, width); ll.heightOffset = level * 4; ll.setDropDistance(0); } MeshBucket mesh = t.buckets.getMeshBucket(level * 3); if (mesh.area == null) { int color = JeoUtils.color(rule.color(f, CartoCSS.POLYGON_FILL,; if (level > -2 && !active) color = Color.fade(color, 0.1f); mesh.area = new AreaStyle(color); //mesh.area = new Area(Color.fade(Color.DKGRAY, 0.1f)); mesh.heightOffset = level * 4f; } addPolygon(t, g, mesh, ll); if (active) { Object o = f.get("name"); if (o instanceof String) { float x = 0; float y = 0; int n = mGeom.index[0]; for (int i = 0; i < n;) { x += mGeom.points[i++]; y += mGeom.points[i++]; } TextItem ti = TextItem.pool.get(); ti.set(x / (n / 2) / 8, y / (n / 2) / 8, (String) o, mText); mTextLayer.addText(ti); } } } @Override protected void addPoint(Task t, Feature f, Rule rule, Geometry g) { } private int getLevel(Feature f) { /* not sure if one could match these geojson properties with cartocss */ Object o = f.get("@relations"); if (o instanceof HashMap) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") HashMap<String, Object> tags = (HashMap<String, Object>) o; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") HashMap<String, Object> reltags = (HashMap<String, Object>) tags.get("reltags"); if (reltags != null) { o = reltags.get("level"); if (o instanceof String) { //log.debug("got level {}", o); return Integer.parseInt((String) o); } } } return 0; } }