package vpc2vpc; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * CreateConnection * * @author Vinay Selvaraj */ public class CreateConnection extends BaseAction { private Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(CreateConnection.class); private List<Vpc> vpcs; private List<Subnet> subnets; private HashMap<String, Vpc> vpcIdMap; private HashMap<String, List<Vpc>> vpcCidrMap; private HashMap<String, Subnet> subnetIdMap; private HashMap<String, List<Subnet>> subnetCidrMap; private HashMap<String, Region> vpcIdRegionMap; private HashMap<String, Region> subnetIdRegionMap; private HashMap<String, List<RouteTable>> vpcIdRouteTableMap; String vpc2vpcId = "vpc2vpc-" + UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 8); private final String CLOUD_INIT_TEMPLATE = "cloud-init.template"; private final String CLOUD_INIT_IPSEC_CONF_TEMPLATE = "cloud-init-ipsec-conf.template"; public CreateConnection(String[] args, AWSCredentials awsCreds) { super(args, awsCreds); } public void run() { Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "display the help message"); options.addOption("t", "instance-type", true, "instance type (t1.micro, m1.small, etc..)"); options.addOption("v", "verbose", false, "be extra verbose"); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); CommandLine cmd = null; try { cmd = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException pe) { LOG.error("Unable to parse command: " + pe.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } if (cmd != null) { if (cmd.hasOption("v")) { LogManager.getRootLogger().setLevel(Level.DEBUG); } if (cmd.hasOption("h")) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("vpc2vpc create [options] <endpoint1> <endpoint2> <endpointX>", options); System.exit(0); } } populateLookupData(); List<String> endpointArgs = new ArrayList(); for (String arg : args) { if (isCidr(arg) || isSubnetId(arg) || isVpcId(arg)) { endpointArgs.add(arg); } } List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints = new ArrayList(); for (String endpointArg : endpointArgs) { VPNEndpoint endpoint = getVpnEndpoint(endpointArg); if (endpoint != null) { vpnEndpoints.add(endpoint); } } if (endpointArgs.size() != vpnEndpoints.size()) { LOG.error("Errors detected. Aborting operation"); System.exit(1); } if (areEndpointsDuplicate(vpnEndpoints)) { LOG.error("Two or more endpoints contain the same VPC ID or CIDR block. Aborting operation"); System.exit(1); } LOG.debug("Found " + vpnEndpoints.size() + " endpoints"); for (VPNEndpoint endpoint : vpnEndpoints) { LOG.debug(endpoint); updateOrConfirmPublicSubnet(endpoint); LOG.debug(endpoint); // Abort if a public subnet is not set if (endpoint.getSubnet() == null) { LOG.error("Aborting operation"); System.exit(1); } } // From this point on, we're going to be creating things"Preparing to create vpc2vpc connection"); try { // Check if routes exist if (checkIfRoutesExist(vpnEndpoints)) { throw new RuntimeException("One or more VPC to VPC routes already exist between the endpoints"); } // Starting with the elastic IPs allocateElasticIPs(vpnEndpoints); LOG.debug("Allocated elastic IPs"); // Configure Security Groups configureSecurityGroups(vpnEndpoints); LOG.debug("Configured security groups"); // Launch the EC2 instances launchInstances(vpnEndpoints); LOG.debug("Launched vpc2vpc instances"); // Wait for instances to start up waitOnInstances(vpnEndpoints); // Disable Src/Dest checks on instances disableSrcDestCheck(vpnEndpoints); // Create tags createTags(vpnEndpoints); // Associate Public IP associatePublicIP(vpnEndpoints); // Setup Routes createAndAssociateRoutes(vpnEndpoints);"vpc2vpc connection (" + vpc2vpcId + ") has been created. Please allow 15 minutes for VPN to start"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Aborting operation: " + e.getMessage()); RollbackHelper.getInstance().rollback(awsCreds, vpnEndpoints, false); System.exit(1); } } /** * Checks if routes between the selected VPCs already exist * * @param vpnEndpoints * @return */ private boolean checkIfRoutesExist(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) { boolean routesExist = false; for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { ec2Client.setEndpoint(vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); DescribeRouteTablesResult descRouteTableResult = ec2Client.describeRouteTables(); List<RouteTable> routeTables = descRouteTableResult.getRouteTables(); for (RouteTable routeTable : routeTables) { if (routeTable.getVpcId().equals(vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getVpcId())) { List<Route> routes = routeTable.getRoutes(); for (Route route : routes) { for (VPNEndpoint extVpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { if (!vpnEndpoint.equals(extVpnEndpoint)) { LOG.debug("Checking if route allows requested traffic: " + route); if (route.getDestinationCidrBlock().endsWith(extVpnEndpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock())) { routesExist = true; LOG.error("A route already exists between " + vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock() + " and " + extVpnEndpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock()); } } } } } } } return routesExist; } /** * Create routes * * @param vpnEndpoints */ private void createAndAssociateRoutes(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) { for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { ec2Client.setEndpoint(vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); for (VPNEndpoint extVpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { if (!vpnEndpoint.equals(extVpnEndpoint)) { // Get route tables DescribeRouteTablesResult descRouteTablesResult = ec2Client.describeRouteTables(); List<RouteTable> routeTables = descRouteTablesResult.getRouteTables(); for (RouteTable routeTable : routeTables) { if (routeTable.getVpcId().equals(vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getVpcId())) { // Create the route CreateRouteRequest createRouteReq = new CreateRouteRequest(); createRouteReq.setDestinationCidrBlock(extVpnEndpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock()); createRouteReq.setInstanceId(vpnEndpoint.getInstance().getInstanceId()); createRouteReq.setRouteTableId(routeTable.getRouteTableId()); LOG.debug("About to create a route in " + vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getVpcId() + " to " + extVpnEndpoint.getVpc().getVpcId() + " in route table: " + routeTable.getRouteTableId()); ec2Client.createRoute(createRouteReq); LOG.debug("Created route in " + vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getVpcId() + " to " + extVpnEndpoint.getVpc().getVpcId() + " in route table: " + routeTable.getRouteTableId()); } } } } } } private void configureSecurityGroups(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) { for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { ec2Client.setEndpoint(vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); String securityGroupName = vpc2vpcId; // Create Security Group CreateSecurityGroupRequest createSecGrpReq = new CreateSecurityGroupRequest(); createSecGrpReq.setGroupName(securityGroupName); createSecGrpReq.setDescription("vpc2vpc Security Group"); createSecGrpReq.setVpcId(vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getVpcId()); LOG.debug("Creating security group in " + vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getRegionName()); CreateSecurityGroupResult createSecGrpResult = ec2Client.createSecurityGroup(createSecGrpReq); String securityGroupId = createSecGrpResult.getGroupId(); LOG.debug("Created security group " + securityGroupId + " in " + vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getRegionName()); // Set the endpoint's security group vpnEndpoint.setSecurityGroupId(securityGroupId); // Get a list of external endpoint's EIPs List<String> ipRanges = new ArrayList(); for (VPNEndpoint extVpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { if (!vpnEndpoint.equals(extVpnEndpoint)) { ipRanges.add(extVpnEndpoint.getElasticIPAddress() + "/32"); } } List<String> localIpRanges = new ArrayList(); localIpRanges.add(vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock()); // Create the IpPermissions List<IpPermission> ipPermissions = new ArrayList(); IpPermission allTcpTraffic = new IpPermission(); allTcpTraffic.setIpRanges(localIpRanges); allTcpTraffic.setIpProtocol("tcp"); allTcpTraffic.setFromPort(1); allTcpTraffic.setToPort(65535); ipPermissions.add(allTcpTraffic); IpPermission allUdpTraffic = new IpPermission(); allUdpTraffic.setIpRanges(localIpRanges); allUdpTraffic.setIpProtocol("udp"); allUdpTraffic.setFromPort(1); allUdpTraffic.setToPort(65535); ipPermissions.add(allUdpTraffic); IpPermission allIcmpTraffic = new IpPermission(); allIcmpTraffic.setIpRanges(localIpRanges); allIcmpTraffic.setIpProtocol("icmp"); allIcmpTraffic.setFromPort(-1); allIcmpTraffic.setToPort(-1); ipPermissions.add(allIcmpTraffic); IpPermission ipPermUdp500 = new IpPermission(); ipPermUdp500.setIpProtocol("udp"); ipPermUdp500.setFromPort(500); ipPermUdp500.setToPort(500); ipPermUdp500.setIpRanges(ipRanges); ipPermissions.add(ipPermUdp500); IpPermission ipPermTcp500 = new IpPermission(); ipPermTcp500.setIpProtocol("tcp"); ipPermTcp500.setFromPort(500); ipPermTcp500.setToPort(500); ipPermTcp500.setIpRanges(ipRanges); ipPermissions.add(ipPermTcp500); IpPermission ipPermUdp4500 = new IpPermission(); ipPermUdp4500.setIpProtocol("udp"); ipPermUdp4500.setFromPort(4500); ipPermUdp4500.setToPort(4500); ipPermUdp4500.setIpRanges(ipRanges); ipPermissions.add(ipPermUdp4500); // Set permissions on security group AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest authSecGrpIngressReq = new AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressRequest(); authSecGrpIngressReq.setGroupId(securityGroupId); authSecGrpIngressReq.setIpPermissions(ipPermissions); LOG.debug("About to authorize SecurityGroup Ingress on : " + securityGroupId); // Apply security group rules. Need to retry a few times since API takes a bit of time to realize the SG really does exist int retryCount = 0; boolean done = false; while (!done && retryCount < 3) { try { ec2Client.authorizeSecurityGroupIngress(authSecGrpIngressReq); done = true; } catch (Exception e) { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (Exception ie) { // Eat it } if (retryCount > 3) { LOG.debug("Exceeded retries. Throwing exception"); throw new RuntimeException(e); } else { retryCount = retryCount + 1; LOG.debug("Caught exception. Going to retry request. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } } } } } private void associatePublicIP(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) throws Exception { for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { ec2Client.setEndpoint(vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); Instance instance = vpnEndpoint.getInstance(); // Associate Elastic IP (Public IP) AssociateAddressRequest assocAddrReq = new AssociateAddressRequest(); assocAddrReq.setInstanceId(instance.getInstanceId()); assocAddrReq.setAllocationId(vpnEndpoint.getElasticIPAllocationId()); String associationId = ec2Client.associateAddress(assocAddrReq).getAssociationId(); LOG.debug("Associated public IP " + vpnEndpoint.getElasticIPAddress() + " with instance " + instance); } } private void waitOnInstances(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) throws Exception { int timeoutInMinutes = 5; // TODO: Remove hardcoding and put in config boolean done = false; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long endTime = startTime + (timeoutInMinutes * 60 * 1000);"Waiting on EC2 VPN instances to launch.. This may take up to %d minutes", timeoutInMinutes)); while (!done && (System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime)) { done = true; for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { try { ec2Client.setEndpoint(vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); String instanceId = vpnEndpoint.getInstance().getInstanceId(); DescribeInstancesRequest descInstancesReq = new DescribeInstancesRequest().withInstanceIds(instanceId); List<Reservation> reservations = ec2Client.describeInstances(descInstancesReq).getReservations(); Instance instance = reservations.get(0).getInstances().get(0); LOG.debug("Waiting on instances: " + instance.getInstanceId() + " state: " + instance.getState()); if (!instance.getState().getName().equals("running")) { done = false; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.debug("Ignoring exception: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!done) { Thread.sleep(15 * 1000); } } LOG.debug("startTime: " + startTime); LOG.debug("endTime: " + endTime); LOG.debug("now: " + System.currentTimeMillis()); } // Disable Src/Dest Check private void disableSrcDestCheck(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) { for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { ec2Client.setEndpoint(vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); Instance instance = vpnEndpoint.getInstance(); List<NetworkInterface> networkInterfaces = ec2Client.describeNetworkInterfaces().getNetworkInterfaces(); for (NetworkInterface nic : networkInterfaces) { if (nic.getAttachment().getInstanceId().equals(instance.getInstanceId())) { ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest modifyNicAttribute = new ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttributeRequest(); modifyNicAttribute.setNetworkInterfaceId(nic.getNetworkInterfaceId()); modifyNicAttribute.setSourceDestCheck(false); ec2Client.modifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute(modifyNicAttribute); LOG.debug("Disabled Src/Dest check on " + instance.getInstanceId()); } } } } private void createTags(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) { // Setup Tags List<Tag> commonTags = new ArrayList(); commonTags.add(new Tag("Name", "vpc2vpc")); commonTags.add(new Tag("vpc2vpc:id", vpc2vpcId)); commonTags.add(new Tag("vpc2vpc:created_on", Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString())); List<String> vpcIdList = new ArrayList(); List<String> subnetIdList = new ArrayList(); List<String> publicIpList = new ArrayList(); for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { ec2Client.setEndpoint(vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); Vpc vpc = vpnEndpoint.getVpc(); Subnet subnet = vpnEndpoint.getSubnet(); vpcIdList.add(vpc.getVpcId()); subnetIdList.add(subnet.getSubnetId()); publicIpList.add(vpnEndpoint.getElasticIPAddress()); } String vpcIds = new String(); for (String vpcId : vpcIdList) { if (vpcIds.length() > 0) { vpcIds = vpcIds + ","; } vpcIds = vpcIds + vpcId; } commonTags.add(new Tag("vpc2vpc:vpc_id_list", vpcIds)); String subnetIds = new String(); for (String subnetId : subnetIdList) { if (subnetIds.length() > 0) { subnetIds = subnetIds + ","; } subnetIds = subnetIds + subnetId; } commonTags.add(new Tag("vpc2vpc:subnet_id_list", subnetIds)); String publicIps = new String(); for (String publicIp : publicIpList) { if (publicIps.length() > 0) { publicIps = publicIps + ","; } publicIps = publicIps + publicIp; } commonTags.add(new Tag("vpc2vpc:public_ip_list", publicIps)); for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { ec2Client.setEndpoint(vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); // Create a new list of tags including common tags and endpoint specific tags List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList(); tags.addAll(commonTags); tags.add(new Tag("vpc2vpc:public_ip", vpnEndpoint.getElasticIPAddress())); // Create tags List<String> resourceIds = new ArrayList(); resourceIds.add(vpnEndpoint.getInstance().getInstanceId()); CreateTagsRequest createTagsRequest = new CreateTagsRequest(resourceIds, tags); LOG.debug("About to create tags: " + createTagsRequest); ec2Client.createTags(createTagsRequest); LOG.debug("Created tags: " + createTagsRequest); } } private void launchInstances(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) throws Exception { ApplicationConfig appConfig = ApplicationConfig.getInstance(); for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { Region region = vpnEndpoint.getRegion(); ec2Client.setEndpoint(region.getEndpoint()); // Get the AMI for the region String amiKey = "ami." + region.getRegionName(); String amiId = appConfig.get(amiKey); if (amiId == null) { String msg = "Unable to find AMI in " + region.getRegionName(); LOG.error(msg); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } // Get the security group for the instance String securityGroupId = vpnEndpoint.getSecurityGroupId(); List<String> securityGroupIds = new ArrayList(); securityGroupIds.add(securityGroupId); // Setup the instance request object LOG.debug("Setting up RunInstancesRequest for instance in " + vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock() + " - " + region.getEndpoint()); RunInstancesRequest runInstancesRequest = new RunInstancesRequest(); runInstancesRequest.setMinCount(1); runInstancesRequest.setMaxCount(1); runInstancesRequest.setImageId(amiId); runInstancesRequest.setSecurityGroupIds(securityGroupIds); runInstancesRequest.setInstanceType(InstanceType.T1Micro); // TODO: Make this configurable runInstancesRequest.setSubnetId(vpnEndpoint.getSubnet().getSubnetId()); runInstancesRequest.setUserData(generateCloudInitScript(vpnEndpoint, vpnEndpoints)); //runInstancesRequest.setKeyName("amazon"); // TODO: Remove this or make this configurable // Launch the instance LOG.debug("Issuing runInstances with: " + runInstancesRequest); RunInstancesResult result = ec2Client.runInstances(runInstancesRequest); Reservation reservation = result.getReservation(); Instance instance = reservation.getInstances().get(0); // Should be just one vpnEndpoint.setInstance(instance); LOG.debug("Launched instance: " + instance); } } private String generateCloudInitScript(VPNEndpoint originVpnEndpoint, List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) throws Exception { InputStream cloudInitTmplInputStream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(CLOUD_INIT_TEMPLATE); byte[] cloudInitTmplBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(cloudInitTmplInputStream); String cloudInitTmplStr = new String(cloudInitTmplBytes); InputStream cloudInitIPSecTmplInputStream = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(CLOUD_INIT_IPSEC_CONF_TEMPLATE); byte[] cloudInitIPSecTmplBytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(cloudInitIPSecTmplInputStream); String cloudInitIPSecTmplStr = new String(cloudInitIPSecTmplBytes); String ipsecConfigs = new String(); for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { if (!originVpnEndpoint.getVpc().equals(vpnEndpoint.getVpc())) { String ipsecConfig = cloudInitIPSecTmplStr; ipsecConfig = ipsecConfig.replaceAll("_SRC_VPC_ID_", originVpnEndpoint.getVpc().getVpcId()); ipsecConfig = ipsecConfig.replaceAll("_DEST_VPC_ID_", vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getVpcId()); ipsecConfig = ipsecConfig.replaceAll("_SRC_VPC_EIP_", originVpnEndpoint.getElasticIPAddress()); ipsecConfig = ipsecConfig.replaceAll("_DEST_VPC_EIP_", vpnEndpoint.getElasticIPAddress()); ipsecConfig = ipsecConfig.replaceAll("_SRC_VPC_CIDR_", originVpnEndpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock()); ipsecConfig = ipsecConfig.replaceAll("_DEST_VPC_CIDR_", vpnEndpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock()); ipsecConfig = ipsecConfig.replaceAll("_VPC2VPC_ID_", vpc2vpcId); ipsecConfigs = ipsecConfigs.concat(ipsecConfig); } } String cloudInitScript = cloudInitTmplStr.replaceAll("_VPC_CONFIG_", ipsecConfigs); LOG.debug("cloudInitScript=" + cloudInitScript); return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(cloudInitScript.getBytes())); } /** * Allocate Elastic IPs as needed and assign it to the endpoints. If there are * any errors, roll back by releasing all allocated IPs if possible * * @param vpnEndpoints */ private void allocateElasticIPs(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) { for (VPNEndpoint vpnEndpoint : vpnEndpoints) { ec2Client.setEndpoint(vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); AllocateAddressResult allocAddrResult = ec2Client.allocateAddress(new AllocateAddressRequest().withDomain(DomainType.Vpc)); String publicIp = allocAddrResult.getPublicIp(); vpnEndpoint.setElasticIPAddress(publicIp); vpnEndpoint.setElasticIPAllocationId(allocAddrResult.getAllocationId()); LOG.debug("Allocated elastic IP " + publicIp + " in " + vpnEndpoint.getRegion().getEndpoint()); } } /** * Checks to see if the endpoint has a subnet set and if so makes sure the * subnet is a 'public' subnet. If it doesn't then unset the subnet. If no * subnet is set, then find a 'public' subnet and set it. * * @param endpoint */ private void updateOrConfirmPublicSubnet(VPNEndpoint endpoint) { Subnet selectedSubnet = null; Vpc vpc = endpoint.getVpc(); if (endpoint.getSubnet() != null) { selectedSubnet = endpoint.getSubnet(); } List<RouteTable> publicRouteTables = new ArrayList(); // Get the route tables that have a default route to an IGW List<RouteTable> vpcRouteTables = vpcIdRouteTableMap.get(vpc.getVpcId()); for (RouteTable routeTable : vpcRouteTables) { LOG.debug(routeTable); for (Route route : routeTable.getRoutes()) { if (route.getDestinationCidrBlock().equals("") && route.getGatewayId() != null && route.getState().equals("active")) { LOG.debug("Public Route: " + route); if (!publicRouteTables.contains(routeTable)) { publicRouteTables.add(routeTable); } } } } List<Subnet> publicSubnets = new ArrayList(); // Get a list of public subnets for (RouteTable routeTable : publicRouteTables) { for (RouteTableAssociation assoc : routeTable.getAssociations()) { Subnet subnet = subnetIdMap.get(assoc.getSubnetId()); if (!publicSubnets.contains(subnet)) { publicSubnets.add(subnet); LOG.debug("Public Subnet: " + subnet); } } } if (selectedSubnet != null) { if (publicSubnets.contains(selectedSubnet)) { LOG.debug("The user selected subnet is public : " + selectedSubnet); } else { LOG.error("Subnet " + selectedSubnet.getCidrBlock() + " (" + selectedSubnet.getSubnetId() + ") is not a public subnet"); endpoint.setSubnet(null); } } else { // Selected a public subnet for the endpoint if (publicSubnets.isEmpty()) { LOG.error("No public subnets available for VPC " + vpc.getCidrBlock() + " (" + vpc.getVpcId() + ")"); } else { // Get the first public subnet found for (Subnet subnet : publicSubnets) { if (subnet.getAvailableIpAddressCount() > 0) { selectedSubnet = subnet; break; } } if (selectedSubnet == null) { LOG.error("No public subnets available with enough available IPs for VPC " + vpc.getCidrBlock() + " (" + vpc.getVpcId() + ")"); } else { selectedSubnet = publicSubnets.get(0); endpoint.setSubnet(selectedSubnet); LOG.debug("Selected public subnet " + selectedSubnet.getCidrBlock() + " (" + selectedSubnet.getSubnetId() + ") for VPC " + vpc.getCidrBlock() + " (" + vpc.getVpcId() + ")"); } } } } /** * Sets up some lists and maps that are used through out this class to lookup * VPCs */ private void populateLookupData() { HashMap<Region, List> regionVpcMap = VPCHelper.getInstance().listRegionVpcs(awsCreds); HashMap<Region, List> regionSubnetMap = VPCHelper.getInstance().listRegionSubnets(awsCreds); HashMap<Region, List> regionRouteTableMap = VPCHelper.getInstance().listRegionRouteTables(awsCreds); vpcs = new ArrayList(); for (List<Vpc> regionVpcs : regionVpcMap.values()) { vpcs.addAll(regionVpcs); } subnets = new ArrayList(); for (List<Subnet> regionSubnets : regionSubnetMap.values()) { subnets.addAll(regionSubnets); } vpcIdRegionMap = new HashMap(); for (Region region : regionVpcMap.keySet()) { List<Vpc> regionVpcs = regionVpcMap.get(region); for (Vpc vpc : regionVpcs) { vpcIdRegionMap.put(vpc.getVpcId(), region); } } subnetIdRegionMap = new HashMap(); for (Region region : regionSubnetMap.keySet()) { List<Subnet> regionSubnets = regionSubnetMap.get(region); for (Subnet subnet : regionSubnets) { subnetIdRegionMap.put(subnet.getSubnetId(), region); } } vpcIdMap = new HashMap(); for (Vpc vpc : vpcs) { vpcIdMap.put(vpc.getVpcId(), vpc); } vpcCidrMap = new HashMap(); for (Vpc vpc : vpcs) { String cidrBlock = vpc.getCidrBlock(); List<Vpc> cidrVpcs = vpcCidrMap.get(cidrBlock); if (cidrVpcs == null) { cidrVpcs = new ArrayList(); vpcCidrMap.put(cidrBlock, cidrVpcs); } cidrVpcs.add(vpc); } subnetIdMap = new HashMap(); for (Subnet subnet : subnets) { subnetIdMap.put(subnet.getSubnetId(), subnet); } subnetCidrMap = new HashMap(); for (Subnet subnet : subnets) { String cidrBlock = subnet.getCidrBlock(); List<Subnet> cidrSubnets = subnetCidrMap.get(cidrBlock); if (cidrSubnets == null) { cidrSubnets = new ArrayList(); subnetCidrMap.put(cidrBlock, cidrSubnets); } cidrSubnets.add(subnet); } vpcIdRouteTableMap = new HashMap(); for (Region region : regionRouteTableMap.keySet()) { List<RouteTable> routeTables = regionRouteTableMap.get(region); for (RouteTable routeTable : routeTables) { String vpcId = routeTable.getVpcId(); List<RouteTable> vpcRouteTables = vpcIdRouteTableMap.get(vpcId); if (vpcRouteTables == null) { vpcRouteTables = new ArrayList(); vpcIdRouteTableMap.put(routeTable.getVpcId(), vpcRouteTables); } vpcRouteTables.add(routeTable); } } } /** * Checks to see if there are duplicate VPN Endpoints. Also checks to see if * there are duplicate CIDR blocks. * * @param vpnEndpoints * @return */ private boolean areEndpointsDuplicate(List<VPNEndpoint> vpnEndpoints) { HashMap<String, VPNEndpoint> endpointVpcIdMap = new HashMap(); for (VPNEndpoint endpoint : vpnEndpoints) { if (endpointVpcIdMap.containsKey(endpoint.getVpc().getVpcId())) { return true; } else { endpointVpcIdMap.put(endpoint.getVpc().getVpcId(), endpoint); } } HashMap<String, VPNEndpoint> endpointCidrMap = new HashMap(); for (VPNEndpoint endpoint : vpnEndpoints) { if (endpointCidrMap.containsKey(endpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock())) { return true; } else { endpointCidrMap.put(endpoint.getVpc().getCidrBlock(), endpoint); } } return false; } /** * Creates a VPNEndpoint object from the user provided input * * @param endpointArg * @return */ private VPNEndpoint getVpnEndpoint(String endpointArg) { VPNEndpoint endpoint = new VPNEndpoint(); if (isVpcId(endpointArg)) { Vpc vpc = vpcIdMap.get(endpointArg); if (vpc == null) { LOG.error("Unable to find a VPC for ID " + endpointArg); return null; } endpoint.setVpc(vpc); LOG.debug(vpc + " matched VPC id " + endpointArg); } else if (isSubnetId(endpointArg)) { Subnet subnet = subnetIdMap.get(endpointArg); if (subnet == null) { LOG.error("Unable to find Subnet for ID " + endpointArg); return null; } endpoint.setSubnet(subnet); endpoint.setVpc(vpcIdMap.get(subnet.getVpcId())); LOG.debug(subnet + " matched Subnet id " + endpointArg); } else if (isCidr(endpointArg)) { List<Subnet> subnetsMatchingCidr = subnetCidrMap.get(endpointArg); if (subnetsMatchingCidr != null) { for (Subnet subnet : subnetsMatchingCidr) { LOG.debug(subnet + " matches CIDR " + endpointArg); } } if (subnetsMatchingCidr != null && subnetsMatchingCidr.size() > 1) { LOG.error("More than one subnet matches the CIDR " + endpointArg + ". Please specify the Subnet/VPC by ID"); return null; } else if (subnetsMatchingCidr != null) { endpoint.setSubnet(subnetsMatchingCidr.get(0)); endpoint.setVpc(vpcIdMap.get(endpoint.getSubnet().getVpcId())); } List<Vpc> vpcsMatchingCidr = vpcCidrMap.get(endpointArg); if (vpcsMatchingCidr != null) { for (Vpc vpc : vpcsMatchingCidr) { LOG.debug(vpc + " matches CIDR " + endpointArg); } } if (vpcsMatchingCidr != null && vpcsMatchingCidr.size() > 1) { LOG.error("More than one VPC matches the CIDR " + endpointArg + ". Please specify the Subnet/VPC by ID"); return null; } else if (vpcsMatchingCidr != null) { endpoint.setVpc(vpcsMatchingCidr.get(0)); } if (endpoint.getVpc() == null) { LOG.error("Unable to find a matching Subnet/VPC for CIDR " + endpointArg); return null; } } else { return null; } endpoint.setRegion(vpcIdRegionMap.get(endpoint.getVpc().getVpcId())); return endpoint; } /** * Checks if string is a CIDR * * @param cidrNotation * @return */ private boolean isCidr(String cidrNotation) { String ipv4Cidr = "(((2(5[0-5]|[0-4][0-9])|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\\.){3}(2(5[0-5]|[0-4][0-9])|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(/(3[012]|[12]?[0-9])))"; return cidrNotation.matches(ipv4Cidr); } /** * Checks if string is a subnet ID * * @param subnetId * @return */ private boolean isSubnetId(String subnetId) { String subnetRegex = "^subnet-[a-zA-Z0-9]*"; return subnetId.matches(subnetRegex); } /** * Checks if string is a VPC ID * * @param vpcId * @return */ public boolean isVpcId(String vpcId) { String vpcRegex = "^vpc-[a-zA-Z0-9]*"; return vpcId.matches(vpcRegex); } }