/* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package com.sun.tools.visualvm.coredump.impl; import com.sun.tools.visualvm.coredump.CoreDump; import com.sun.tools.visualvm.core.ui.DataSourceView; import com.sun.tools.visualvm.core.ui.components.DataViewComponent; import com.sun.tools.visualvm.tools.sa.SaModel; import com.sun.tools.visualvm.tools.sa.SaModelFactory; import com.sun.tools.visualvm.uisupport.HTMLTextArea; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.util.Properties; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JPanel; import org.openide.util.ImageUtilities; import org.openide.util.NbBundle; /** * * @author Tomas Hurka */ class CoreDumpOverviewView extends DataSourceView { private static final String IMAGE_PATH = "com/sun/tools/visualvm/coredump/resources/overview.png"; // NOI18N public CoreDumpOverviewView(CoreDump coreDump) { super(coreDump, NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Overview"), new ImageIcon(ImageUtilities.loadImage(IMAGE_PATH, true)).getImage(), 0, false); // NOI18N } protected DataViewComponent createComponent() { CoreDump coreDump = (CoreDump)getDataSource(); SaModel saAgent = SaModelFactory.getSAAgentFor(coreDump); DataViewComponent dvc = new DataViewComponent( new MasterViewSupport(saAgent).getMasterView(), new DataViewComponent.MasterViewConfiguration(false)); if (saAgent != null) { Properties jvmProperties = saAgent.getSystemProperties(); String jvmargs = saAgent.getJvmArgs(); dvc.configureDetailsView(new DataViewComponent.DetailsViewConfiguration(0.25, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1)); dvc.configureDetailsArea(new DataViewComponent.DetailsAreaConfiguration(NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Saved_data"), true), DataViewComponent.TOP_LEFT); // NOI18N dvc.addDetailsView(new OverviewViewSupport.SnapshotsViewSupport(coreDump).getDetailsView(), DataViewComponent.TOP_LEFT); dvc.configureDetailsArea(new DataViewComponent.DetailsAreaConfiguration(NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Details"), true), DataViewComponent.TOP_RIGHT); // NOI18N dvc.addDetailsView(new OverviewViewSupport.JVMArgumentsViewSupport(jvmargs).getDetailsView(), DataViewComponent.TOP_RIGHT); dvc.addDetailsView(new OverviewViewSupport.SystemPropertiesViewSupport(jvmProperties).getDetailsView(), DataViewComponent.TOP_RIGHT); } return dvc; } // --- General data -------------------------------------------------------- private static class MasterViewSupport extends JPanel { public MasterViewSupport(SaModel saAgent) { initComponents(saAgent); } public DataViewComponent.MasterView getMasterView() { return new DataViewComponent.MasterView(NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Overview"), null, this); // NOI18N } private void initComponents(SaModel saAgent) { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setOpaque(false); HTMLTextArea area = new HTMLTextArea("<nobr>" + getGeneralProperties(saAgent) + "</nobr>"); // NOI18N area.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(14, 8, 14, 8)); // TODO: implement listener for CoreDump.oomeHeapDumpEnabled add(area, BorderLayout.CENTER); } private String getGeneralProperties(SaModel saAgent) { StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder(); if (saAgent != null) { // CoreDump information String commandLine = saAgent.getJavaCommand(); if (commandLine != null) { // Application information int firstSpace = commandLine.indexOf(' '); String mainClass; String mainArgs = null; if (firstSpace == -1) { mainClass = commandLine; } else { mainClass = commandLine.substring(0,firstSpace); mainArgs = commandLine.substring(firstSpace+1); } String mainClassLbl = NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Main_class"); // NOI18N String argsLbl = NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Arguments"); // NOI18N data.append("<b>"+mainClassLbl+":</b> " + mainClass + "<br>"); // NOI18N data.append("<b>"+argsLbl+":</b> " + (mainArgs == null ? NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_none") : mainArgs) + "<br>"); // NOI18N } // JVM information String jvmFlags = saAgent.getJvmFlags(); String jvmLbl = NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_JVM"); // NOI18N String jLbl = NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Java"); // NOI18N String verLbl = NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Java_Version"); // NOI18N String vendorLbl = NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Java_Vendor"); // NOI18N String jhLbl = NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_Java_Home"); // NOI18N String flagsLbl = NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_JVM_Flags"); // NOI18N data.append("<br>"); // NOI18N data.append("<b>"+jvmLbl+":</b> " + saAgent.getVmName() + " (" + saAgent.getVmVersion() + ", " + saAgent.getVmInfo() + ")<br>"); // NOI18N Properties props = saAgent.getSystemProperties(); if (props != null) { String javaVersion = props.getProperty("java.version"); // NOI18N String javaVendor = props.getProperty("java.vendor"); // NOI18N if (javaVersion != null || javaVendor != null) { data.append("<b>"+jLbl+":</b>"); if (javaVersion != null) { data.append(" "+verLbl+" " + javaVersion); // NOI18N } if (javaVendor != null) { if (javaVersion != null) data.append(","); data.append(" "+vendorLbl+" " + javaVendor); // NOI18N } data.append("<br>"); } } data.append("<b>"+jhLbl+":</b> " + saAgent.getJavaHome() + "<br>"); // NOI18N data.append("<b>"+flagsLbl+":</b> " + (jvmFlags == null || jvmFlags.length() == 0 ? NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "LBL_none") : jvmFlags) + "<br><br>"); // NOI18N } else { data.append(NbBundle.getMessage(CoreDumpOverviewView.class, "MSG_CoreDump_Failed")); // NOI18N } return data.toString(); } } }