package nl.utwente.viskell.ui.components; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import; import javafx.event.Event; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.scene.control.Slider; import javafx.scene.input.TouchEvent; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.ToplevelPane; import nl.utwente.viskell.ui.serialize.Bundleable; /** * An extension of ValueBlock. * The value of this Block can be changed by dragging a slider. */ public class SliderBlock extends ValueBlock implements Bundleable { @FXML protected Slider slider; /** Whether this slider represent an integral value. */ public final boolean isIntegral; /** The value as of the latest finished modification. */ private double baseValue; /** * Constructs a new SliderBlock * @param pane The parent pane this Block resides on. * @param isIntegral wWhether this slider represent an integral value. */ public SliderBlock(ToplevelPane pane, boolean isIntegral) { super("SliderBlock", pane, pane.getEnvInstance().buildType(isIntegral ? "Num a => a" : "Fractional a => a")); this.isIntegral = isIntegral; this.baseValue = 0; this.slider.setValue(0); this.updateValue(); slider.getStyleClass().add("inactive"); slider.setOnMousePressed(e -> slider.getStyleClass().removeAll("inactive")); slider.setOnMouseReleased(e -> slider.getStyleClass().add("inactive")); slider.setOnTouchPressed(e -> slider.getStyleClass().removeAll("inactive")); slider.setOnTouchReleased(e -> slider.getStyleClass().add("inactive")); slider.valueProperty().addListener(ev -> this.updateValue()); slider.valueChangingProperty().addListener(ev -> this.toggleSliding()); slider.addEventHandler(TouchEvent.TOUCH_MOVED, Event::consume); } @Override protected ImmutableMap<String, Object> toBundleFragment() { return ImmutableMap.of( "isIntegral", isIntegral, "value", getValue()); } public static SliderBlock fromBundleFragment(ToplevelPane pane, Map<String,Object> bundleFragment) { boolean isIntegral = (Boolean)bundleFragment.get("isIntegral"); SliderBlock sliderBlock = new SliderBlock(pane, isIntegral); sliderBlock.setValue((String)bundleFragment.get("value")); return sliderBlock; } private double computeCurrentValue() { double offset = this.slider.getValue(); if (this.isIntegral) { return Math.rint(this.baseValue + Math.signum(offset) * 4 * Math.expm1(Math.abs(offset) * 4)); } else { return this.baseValue + Math.signum(offset) * Math.expm1(Math.abs(offset) * 5); } } private void updateValue() { if (this.isIntegral) { setValue("" + Math.round(this.computeCurrentValue())); } else { setValue(String.format(Locale.US, "%.5f", this.computeCurrentValue())); } this.initiateConnectionChanges(); } private void toggleSliding() { if (!slider.isValueChanging()) { // on finish reset slider and use new base value this.baseValue = this.computeCurrentValue(); this.slider.setValue(0.0); } } public void resetSlider() { this.baseValue = 0; this.slider.setValue(0); this.updateValue(); } @Override public Optional<Block> getNewCopy() { SliderBlock block = new SliderBlock(this.getToplevel(), this.isIntegral); block.slider.setValue(this.slider.getValue()); return Optional.of(block); } }