package com.rubiconproject.oss.kv.distributed.impl; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.rubiconproject.oss.kv.distributed.Configuration; import com.rubiconproject.oss.kv.distributed.Context; import com.rubiconproject.oss.kv.distributed.ContextFilter; import com.rubiconproject.oss.kv.distributed.ContextFilterResult; import com.rubiconproject.oss.kv.distributed.DistributedKeyValueStoreException; import com.rubiconproject.oss.kv.distributed.Node; import com.rubiconproject.oss.kv.distributed.Operation; import com.rubiconproject.oss.kv.distributed.OperationStatus; /** * A simple context filter that orders results by node rank from the preference * list. Other nodes that responde with a null value or an exception will be * updated with the selected value (if configured to do so). * * @author Sam Tingleff <> * * @param <V> */ public class NodeRankContextFilter<V> implements ContextFilter<V> { private Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private Log backfillLog = LogFactory.getLog("haymitch.backfilllog"); private Comparator<Context<V>> comparator = new NodeRankComparator<V>(); private Configuration config; public NodeRankContextFilter(Configuration config) { this.config = config; } public ContextFilterResult<V> filter(List<Context<V>> contexts) throws DistributedKeyValueStoreException { Collections.sort(contexts, comparator); // Select the first non-null value and call set() on any null nodes. Context<V> lowestNonNullValueContext = null; List<Node> nodesRequiringUpdate = new LinkedList<Node>(); for (Context<V> context : contexts) { if (lowestNonNullValueContext == null) lowestNonNullValueContext = context; if ((lowestNonNullValueContext.getValue() == null) && (context.getValue() != null)) { lowestNonNullValueContext = context; } } if (log.isDebugEnabled() && (lowestNonNullValueContext != null)) log.debug(String.format("Selected context from node # %1$d", lowestNonNullValueContext.getSourceNode().getId())); if ((lowestNonNullValueContext != null) && (lowestNonNullValueContext.getValue() != null)) { for (Context<V> context : contexts) { if (context.getValue() == null) { OperationStatus status = context.getResult().getStatus(); if ((status.equals(OperationStatus.NullValue)) && (config.getFillNullGetResults()) && (context.getNodeRank() < config.getWriteReplicas())) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log .debug(String .format( "Node # %1$d requires update due to null value", context.getSourceNode() .getId())); nodesRequiringUpdate.add(context.getSourceNode()); } else if ((OperationStatus.Error.equals(status)) && (config.getFillErrorGetResults())) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(String.format( "Node # %1$d requires update due to error", context.getSourceNode().getId())); nodesRequiringUpdate.add(context.getSourceNode()); } } } } List<Operation<V>> ops = null; if ((lowestNonNullValueContext != null) && (nodesRequiringUpdate.size() > 0)) { ops = new LinkedList<Operation<V>>(); for (Node node : nodesRequiringUpdate) { Operation<V> op = new SetOperation<V>(null, lowestNonNullValueContext.getKey(), lowestNonNullValueContext.getValue()); op.setNode(node); ops.add(op); } } log(lowestNonNullValueContext, ops); return new DefaultContextFilterResult<V>(lowestNonNullValueContext, ops); } private void log(Context<V> choice, List<Operation<V>> ops) { if (backfillLog.isInfoEnabled() && (choice != null) && (ops != null)) { StringBuffer format = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) format.append(','); format.append(ops.get(i).getNode().getId()); }"%1$s\t%2$s", choice.getSourceNode() .getId(), format.toString())); } } private static class NodeRankComparator<V> implements Comparator<Context<V>> { public int compare(Context<V> o1, Context<V> o2) { return new Integer(o1.getNodeRank()).compareTo(new Integer(o2 .getNodeRank())); } } }