package com.v2ex.v2droid; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.cookie.BasicClientCookie2; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import org.jsoup.Connection; import org.jsoup.Connection.Method; import org.jsoup.Connection.Response; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import; public class ApiClient { public static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8"; public static final String DESC = "descend"; public static final String ASC = "ascend"; private final static int TIMEOUT_CONNECTION = 20000; private final static int TIMEOUT_SOCKET = 20000; private final static int RETRY_TIME = 1; private static String appUserAgent; static final String KEY_ID = "id"; static final String KEY_TITLE = "title"; static final String KEY_REPLIES = "replies"; static final String KEY_USERNAME = "username"; static final String KEY_AVATAR = "avatar"; static final String KEY_NODE = "node"; static final String KEY_TIME = "time"; static final String KEY_REPLY = "reply"; static final String KEY_MESSAGE = "message"; static final String KEY_HEADER_ID = "header_id"; static final String KEY_HEADER = "header"; static final String KEY_NAME = "name"; static final String KEY_LINK = "link"; static final String KEY_GRAY = "gray"; static final String KEY_INFO = "info"; static final String KEY_CONTENT = "content"; static final String KEY_FAVORITE = "favorite"; static final String KEY_FLOOR = "floor"; static final String KEY_ONCE = "once"; static final String KEY_FAV = "fav"; private static Map<String, String> mCookies = new HashMap<String, String>(); private static String getUserAgent(AppContext appContext) { if (appUserAgent == null || appUserAgent == "") { StringBuilder ua = new StringBuilder("V2EX.COM"); ua.append('/' + appContext.getPackageInfo().versionName + '_' + appContext.getPackageInfo().versionCode);// App版本 ua.append("/Android");// 手机系统平台 ua.append("/" + android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE);// 手机系统版本 ua.append("/" + android.os.Build.MODEL); // 手机型号 ua.append("/" + appContext.getAppId());// 客户端唯一标识 appUserAgent = ua.toString(); } return appUserAgent; } private static Map<String, String> getCookies(AppContext appContext) { if (mCookies.isEmpty() && AppConfig.getLogin(appContext)) { PersistentCookieStore pcs = new PersistentCookieStore(appContext); List<Cookie> cookieList = pcs.getCookies(); for (Cookie cookie : cookieList) { // cookieStore.addCookie(cookie); mCookies.put(cookie.getName(), cookie.getValue()); System.out.println("getCookies=====>" + cookie.getName()); System.out.println("getCookies=====>" + cookie.getExpiryDate()); } } return mCookies; } public static void storeCookies(AppContext appContext) { PersistentCookieStore pcs = new PersistentCookieStore(appContext); Map<String, String> cookies = getCookies(appContext); for (Entry<String, String> cookie : cookies.entrySet()) { Cookie c = new BasicClientCookie2(cookie.getKey(), cookie.getValue()); pcs.addCookie(c); System.out.println("storeCookies=====>" + cookie.getKey()); } } public static Response get(AppContext appContext, String url, String referrer) throws IOException { Map<String, String> cookies = getCookies(appContext); String userAgent = getUserAgent(appContext); Connection connection = Jsoup.connect(url).cookies(cookies) .referrer(referrer).userAgent(userAgent); Response response = connection.execute(); cookies.putAll(response.cookies()); mCookies = cookies; return response; } public static Document getWithoutUserAgent(AppContext appContext, String url, String referrer) throws IOException { Map<String, String> cookies = getCookies(appContext); Connection connection = Jsoup.connect(url); Response response = connection.execute(); cookies.putAll(response.cookies()); mCookies = cookies; return response.parse(); } public static String getHtmlByUrl(String url) { String html = null; HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();// 创建httpClient对象 HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(url);// 以get方式请求该URL try { HttpResponse responce = httpClient.execute(httpget);// 得到responce对象 int resStatu = responce.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();// 返回码 if (resStatu == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {// 200正常 其他就不对 // 获得相应实体 HttpEntity entity = responce.getEntity(); if (entity != null) { html = EntityUtils.toString(entity);// 获得html源代码 } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("访问[" + url + "]出现异常!"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { httpClient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); } return html; } public static Response post(AppContext appContext, String url, String referrer, List<NameValuePair> params) throws IOException { Map<String, String> cookies = getCookies(appContext); String userAgent = getUserAgent(appContext); Connection connection = Jsoup.connect(url).cookies(cookies) .referrer(referrer).userAgent(userAgent).method(Method.POST); for (NameValuePair param : params) { connection =, param.getValue()); } Response response = connection.execute(); cookies.putAll(response.cookies()); mCookies = cookies; return response; } public static boolean login(AppContext appContext, String username, String password) throws IOException { String once = getOnce(get(appContext, URLs.LOGIN_VALIDATE_HTTP, URLs.HOST).parse()); List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("next", "/")); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("u", username)); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("p", password)); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("once", once)); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("next", "/")); post(appContext, URLs.LOGIN_VALIDATE_HTTP, URLs.LOGIN_VALIDATE_HTTP, params); Map<String, String> cookies = getCookies(appContext); if (cookies.containsKey("auth")) { return true; } return false; } public static Response newTopic(AppContext appContext, String url, String title, String content) throws IOException { String once = getOnce(get(appContext, url, URLs.HOST).parse()); List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("title", title)); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("content", content)); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("once", once)); Response response = post(appContext, url, url, params); System.out.println("newTopic response=====>" + response.statusCode()); return response; } public static Response reply(AppContext appContext, String url, String content, String once) throws IOException { List<NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("content", content)); params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("once", once)); Response response = post(appContext, url, url, params); System.out.println("reply response=====>" + response.statusCode()); return response; } public static String getOnce(Document doc) { String once = ""; Element item ="input[name=once]").first(); if (item != null) { once = item.attr("value"); System.out.println("once======>" + item.attr("value")); } return once; } public static ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getTopics( AppContext appContext, Document doc, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> topics) { Elements items ="div[class=cell item]"); for (Element item : items) { // System.out.println("item======>" + item.toString()); Element titleElement ="span[class=item_title]>a").get( 0); String href = titleElement.attr("href"); String id = getMatcher("/t/([\\d]+)", href); String replies = getMatcher("#reply([\\d]+)", href); // System.out.println("replies======>" + replies); String title = titleElement.text(); Element usernameElement ="td>a").get(0); String href2 = usernameElement.attr("href"); String username = getMatcher("/member/([0-9a-zA-Z]+)", href2); Element avatarElement ="img").get(0); String avatar = avatarElement.attr("src"); Element nodeElement ="span[class=small fade]>a") .get(0); String node = nodeElement.text(); Element timeElement ="span[class=small fade]").get(1); String time = timeElement.text(); // creating new HashMap HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); // adding each child node to HashMap key => // value map.put(KEY_ID, id); map.put(KEY_TITLE, title); map.put(KEY_USERNAME, username); map.put(KEY_REPLIES, replies); map.put(KEY_AVATAR, avatar); map.put(KEY_NODE, node); map.put(KEY_TIME, time); /* * //map.put(KEY_REPLY, reply); if (links.size() == 3) { * map.put(KEY_REPLY, reply); } */ // adding HashList to ArrayList topics.add(map); } HashMap<String, String> mapMore = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapMore.put(KEY_ID, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_TITLE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_USERNAME, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_REPLIES, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_AVATAR, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_NODE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); // adding HashList to ArrayList topics.add(mapMore); return topics; } public static boolean getNodeTopics( AppContext appContext, String url, String nodeName, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> topics) { String html = getHtmlByUrl(url); Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html); Elements items ="div#TopicsNode").select("table"); if (!items.isEmpty() && !topics.isEmpty()) { topics.remove(topics.size() - 1); } for (Element item : items) { Element titleElement ="span[class=item_title]>a").get( 0); String href = titleElement.attr("href"); String id = getMatcher("/t/([\\d]+)", href); String replies = getMatcher("#reply([\\d]+)", href); String title = titleElement.text(); Element usernameElement ="td>a").get(0); String href2 = usernameElement.attr("href"); String username = getMatcher("/member/([0-9a-zA-Z]+)", href2); Element avatarElement ="img").get(0); String avatar = avatarElement.attr("src"); Element timeElement ="span[class=small fade]").get(0); String time = timeElement.text(); String[] s = time.split("\u00a0"); time = ""; for (int i = 2; i < s.length; i++) { time += s[i]; } // creating new HashMap HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); // adding each child node to HashMap key => // value map.put(KEY_ID, id); map.put(KEY_TITLE, title); map.put(KEY_USERNAME, username); map.put(KEY_REPLIES, replies); map.put(KEY_AVATAR, avatar); map.put(KEY_NODE, nodeName); map.put(KEY_TIME, time); // adding HashList to ArrayList topics.add(map); } HashMap<String, String> mapMore = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapMore.put(KEY_ID, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_TITLE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_USERNAME, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_REPLIES, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_AVATAR, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_NODE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); topics.add(mapMore); Element itemPage ="div#Main").select("strong[class=fade]").get(0); String page = itemPage.text(); String[] s = page.split("/"); if (s[0].equals(s[1])) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean getFavorites( AppContext appContext, Document doc, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> topics) { Elements items ="div[class=cell item]"); if (!topics.isEmpty()) { topics.remove(topics.size() - 1); } for (Element item : items) { // System.out.println("item======>" + item.toString()); Element titleElement ="span[class=item_title]>a").get( 0); String href = titleElement.attr("href"); String id = getMatcher("/t/([\\d]+)", href); String replies = getMatcher("#reply([\\d]+)", href); System.out.println("replies======>" + replies); String title = titleElement.text(); Element usernameElement ="td>a").get(0); String href2 = usernameElement.attr("href"); String username = getMatcher("/member/([0-9a-zA-Z]+)", href2); Element avatarElement ="img").get(0); String avatar = avatarElement.attr("src"); Element nodeElement ="span[class=small fade]>a") .get(0); String node = nodeElement.text(); System.out.println(node); Element timeElement ="span[class=small fade]").get(0); System.out.println("t=>" + timeElement.text()); String time = timeElement.text(); String[] s = time.split("\u00a0"); time = ""; for (int i = 4; i < s.length; i++) { time += s[i]; } HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put(KEY_ID, id); map.put(KEY_TITLE, title); map.put(KEY_USERNAME, username); map.put(KEY_REPLIES, replies); map.put(KEY_AVATAR, avatar); map.put(KEY_NODE, node); map.put(KEY_TIME, time); topics.add(map); } HashMap<String, String> mapMore = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapMore.put(KEY_ID, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_USERNAME, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_REPLIES, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_AVATAR, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_NODE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); if (items.isEmpty() && topics.isEmpty()) { mapMore.put(KEY_TITLE, "您目前尚未收藏任何主题"); } else { mapMore.put(KEY_TITLE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); } topics.add(mapMore); Element itemPage ="div#Main").select("strong[class=fade]").get(0); String page = itemPage.text(); String[] s = page.split("/"); if (s[0].equals(s[1])) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean getUserTopics( AppContext appContext, Document doc, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> topics, String avatar) { Elements items ="div[class=cell item]"); if (!topics.isEmpty()) { topics.remove(topics.size() - 1); } for (Element item : items) { Element titleElement ="span[class=item_title]>a").get( 0); String href = titleElement.attr("href"); String id = getMatcher("/t/([\\d]+)", href); String replies = getMatcher("#reply([\\d]+)", href); String title = titleElement.text(); Element usernameElement ="span[class=small fade]") .select("a").get(1); String href2 = usernameElement.attr("href"); String username = getMatcher("/member/([0-9a-zA-Z]+)", href2); Element nodeElement ="span[class=small fade]>a") .get(0); String node = nodeElement.text(); Element timeElement ="span[class=small fade]").get(0); String time = timeElement.text(); String[] s = time.split("\u00a0"); time = ""; for (int i = 4; i < s.length; i++) { time += s[i]; } HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put(KEY_ID, id); map.put(KEY_TITLE, title); map.put(KEY_USERNAME, username); map.put(KEY_REPLIES, replies); map.put(KEY_AVATAR, avatar); map.put(KEY_NODE, node); map.put(KEY_TIME, time); topics.add(map); } HashMap<String, String> mapMore = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapMore.put(KEY_ID, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_USERNAME, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_REPLIES, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_AVATAR, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_NODE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); if (items.isEmpty() && topics.isEmpty()) { mapMore.put(KEY_TITLE, "您目前尚未收藏任何主题"); } else { mapMore.put(KEY_TITLE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); } topics.add(mapMore); Element itemPage ="strong[class=fade]").get(0); String page = itemPage.text(); String[] s = page.split("/"); if (s[0].equals(s[1])) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean getUserReplies( AppContext appContext, Document doc, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> replies) { System.out.println("getUserReplies======>"); Elements itemsDockArea ="div[class=dock_area]"); Elements itemsInner ="div[class=reply_content]"); if (!replies.isEmpty()) { replies.remove(replies.size() - 1); } int i = 0; for (Element item : itemsDockArea) { Element titleElement ="span[class=gray]").select("a").get(0); String href = titleElement.attr("href"); String id = getMatcher("/t/([\\d]+)", href); Element grayElement ="span[class=gray]").get(0); String gray = grayElement.text(); Element timeElement ="span[class=fade]").get(0); String time = timeElement.text(); Element replyElement = itemsInner.get(i); String reply = replyElement.toString(); HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put(KEY_ID, id); map.put(KEY_GRAY, gray); map.put(KEY_TIME, time); map.put(KEY_REPLY, reply); replies.add(map); i++; } HashMap<String, String> mapMore = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapMore.put(KEY_ID, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_GRAY, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_TIME, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); if (itemsDockArea.isEmpty() && replies.isEmpty()) { mapMore.put(KEY_REPLY, "目前尚未有回复"); } else { mapMore.put(KEY_REPLY, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); } replies.add(mapMore); Element itemPage ="strong[class=fade]").get(0); String page = itemPage.text(); String[] s = page.split("/"); if (s[0].equals(s[1])) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static String getUserAvatar(AppContext appContext, Document doc) { String avatar = null; if (doc != null) { Elements items ="div#Wrapper").select( "img[class=avatar]"); if (!items.isEmpty()) { avatar = items.get(0).attr("src"); System.out.println("getUserAvatar=====>" + avatar); } } return avatar; } public static String getMatcher(String regex, String source) { String result = ""; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(source); while (matcher.find()) { result =;// 只取第一组 } return result; } public static String getMessageNum(AppContext appContext, Document doc) { String messageNum = null; if (doc != null) { Elements items ="input[class=super special button]"); if (!items.isEmpty()) { messageNum = items.get(0).attr("value") .replaceAll("[^0-9]", ""); AppConfig.setMessageNum(appContext, messageNum); System.out.println("messageNum=====>" + messageNum); } } return messageNum; } public static boolean getMessages( AppContext appContext, Document doc, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> messages) { System.out.println("getUserReplies======>"); Elements items ="div[class=cell]"); if (!messages.isEmpty()) { messages.remove(messages.size() - 1); } int i = 0; for (Element item : items) { Element avatarElement ="img[class=avatar]").get(0); String avatar = avatarElement.attr("src"); Element usernameElement ="span[class=fade]").select("a").get(0); String username = usernameElement.text(); Element titleElement ="span[class=fade]").get(0); String title = titleElement.text(); Element tidElement ="span[class=fade]").select("a").get(1); String href = tidElement.attr("href"); String tid = getMatcher("/t/([\\d]+)", href); Element timeElement ="span[class=snow]").get(0); String time = timeElement.text(); Element messageElement ="div[class=payload]").get(0); String message = messageElement.toString(); // creating new HashMap HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); // adding each child node to HashMap key => // value map.put(KEY_AVATAR, avatar); map.put(KEY_USERNAME, username); map.put(KEY_TITLE, title); map.put(KEY_ID, tid); map.put(KEY_TIME, time); map.put(KEY_MESSAGE, message); // adding HashList to ArrayList messages.add(map); i++; } HashMap<String, String> mapMore = new HashMap<String, String>(); mapMore.put(KEY_AVATAR, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_TIME, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_MESSAGE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_USERNAME, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); mapMore.put(KEY_ID, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); if (items.isEmpty() && messages.isEmpty()) { mapMore.put(KEY_TITLE, "目前尚未有消息"); } else { mapMore.put(KEY_TITLE, MainActivity.MORE_TAG); } // adding HashList to ArrayList messages.add(mapMore); Elements itemsPage ="strong[class=fade]"); if (!itemsPage.isEmpty()) { Element itemPage = itemsPage.get(0); String page = itemPage.text(); String[] s = page.split("/"); if (s[0].equals(s[1])) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } public static int getTopic(AppContext appContext, Document doc, HashMap<String, String> content) { Element itemContent ="div[class=box]").get(0); Element elAvatar ="div[class=header]") .select("img[class=avatar]").get(0); String avatar = elAvatar.attr("src"); Element elTitle ="div[class=header]").select("h1") .get(0); String title = elTitle.text(); Element elInfo ="div[class=header]") .select("small[class=gray]").get(0); String info = elInfo.text(); Element elUsername ="div[class=header]") .select("small[class=gray]").select("a").get(0); String username = elUsername.text(); Element elNode ="div[class=header]") .select("a").get(2); String node = elNode.text(); Elements elsContent ="div[class=topic_content]"); String contentStr = ""; if (!elsContent.isEmpty()) { Element elContent = elsContent.get(0); contentStr = elContent.toString(); } Elements elsFavorite ="div[class=inner]") .select("div[class=fr]").select("span"); String favorite = ""; if (!elsFavorite.isEmpty()) { System.out.println("!elsFavorite.isEmpty()======>"); Element elFavorite = elsFavorite.get(0); favorite = elFavorite.text(); } System.out.println("favorite======>" + favorite); Elements elsOnce ="input[name=once]"); String once = ""; if (!elsOnce.isEmpty()) { once = elsOnce.get(0).attr("value"); } Element favElement ="a[class=op]").get(0); String fav = favElement.attr("href"); content.put(KEY_AVATAR, avatar); content.put(KEY_TITLE, title); content.put(KEY_NODE, node); content.put(KEY_INFO, info); content.put(KEY_USERNAME, username); content.put(KEY_CONTENT, contentStr); content.put(KEY_FAVORITE, favorite); content.put(KEY_ONCE, once); content.put(KEY_FAV, fav); int replyNum = 0; if ("div[class=box transparent]").isEmpty()) { Elements itemsReply ="div[class=box]").get(1) .select("table"); replyNum = itemsReply.size(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<html><head>"); sb.append("<style type=\"text/css\">body{color: #63656a }"); sb.append("</style></head>"); sb.append("<body link=\"#C0C0C0\" vlink=\"#808080\" alink=\"#FF0000\">"); sb.append("<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\">"); for (Element item : itemsReply) { Element avatarElement ="img[class=avatar]").get(0); String ravatar = avatarElement.attr("src"); Element usernmeElement ="strong").get(0); String rusername = usernmeElement.text(); Element timeElement ="span[class=fade small]") .get(0); String rtime = timeElement.text(); Element floorElement ="span[class=no]").get(0); String rfloor = floorElement.text(); Element replyElement ="div[class=reply_content]") .get(0); String rreply = replyElement.toString(); sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td width=\"32\" border=\"1\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\"><img src="); sb.append(ravatar); sb.append(" Height=32 Width=32 class=\"avatar\" border=\"0\" align=\"center\"auto /></td>"); sb.append("<td width=\"auto\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">"); sb.append("<strong>"); sb.append(rusername); sb.append("</strong>"); sb.append("<span class=\"time\" style=\"font-size: 11px; color: #ccc;\">"); sb.append("   " + rtime); sb.append("</span>"); sb.append("<span class=\"floor\" style=\"font-size: 9px;ine-height: 9px;font-weight: 500;border-radius: 8px;display: inline-block;background-color: #f3ede0;color: #ccc;padding:2px 5px 1px 5px; color: #ccc; float: right;\">"); sb.append(rfloor); sb.append("</span>"); sb.append("<br/>"); sb.append("<div class=\"reply_content\" style=\"padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px;\">"); sb.append(rreply); sb.append("</div>"); sb.append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>"); } sb.append("</table>"); sb.append("</body></html>"); content.put(KEY_REPLIES, sb.toString()); } return replyNum; } public static String[] getAllNodes(AppContext appContext, Document doc, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> nodes) { Elements items ="a[class=item_node]"); String[] nodeArray = new String[items.size()]; int i = 0; for (Element item : items) { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put(KEY_ID, Integer.toString(i));; map.put(KEY_NAME, item.text()); map.put(KEY_LINK, item.attr("href")); nodes.add(map); nodeArray[i] = item.text(); i++; } return nodeArray; } public static ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getHotNodes(AppContext appContext, Document doc, ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> nodes) { Elements items ="div#Wrapper") .select("div[class=content]").select("div[class=box]") .select("table"); int headerId = 0; int nodeId = 0; for (Element item : items) { Elements headerElements ="span[class=fade"); if (headerElements.isEmpty()) { continue; } Element headerElement = headerElements.get(0); Elements nodeItems ="a"); for (Element nodeItem : nodeItems) { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); map.put(KEY_ID, Integer.toString(nodeId)); map.put(KEY_HEADER_ID, Integer.toString(headerId)); map.put(KEY_HEADER, headerElement.text()); map.put(KEY_NAME, nodeItem.text()); map.put(KEY_LINK, nodeItem.attr("href")); nodes.add(map); nodeId++; } headerId++; System.out.println("table===> " + headerElement.toString()); } return nodes; } }