/* * This software copyright by various authors including the RPTools.net * development team, and licensed under the LGPL Version 3 or, at your * option, any later version. * * Portions of this software were originally covered under the Apache * Software License, Version 1.1 or Version 2.0. * * See the file LICENSE elsewhere in this distribution for license details. */ package net.sbbi.upnp; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.URL; /** * This class is used to provide information about a subscription done via the ServicesEventing class * * @author <a href="mailto:superbonbon@sbbi.net">SuperBonBon</a> * @version 1.0 */ public class ServiceEventSubscription { private String serviceType = null; private String serviceId = null; private URL serviceURL = null; private String SID = null; private InetAddress deviceIp = null; private int durationTime = 0; public ServiceEventSubscription(String serviceType, String serviceId, URL serviceURL, String sid, InetAddress deviceIp, int durationTime) { this.serviceType = serviceType; this.serviceId = serviceId; this.serviceURL = serviceURL; SID = sid; this.deviceIp = deviceIp; this.durationTime = durationTime; } public InetAddress getDeviceIp() { return deviceIp; } /** * Subcription duration in seconds * * @return sub duration time, 0 for an infinite time */ public int getDurationTime() { return durationTime; } public String getServiceId() { return serviceId; } public String getServiceType() { return serviceType; } public URL getServiceURL() { return serviceURL; } /** * The subscription ID returned by the UPNPDevice * * @return subscription id */ public String getSID() { return SID; } }