package com.github.witoldsz.ultm.test.examples; import com.github.witoldsz.ultm.TxManager; import com.github.witoldsz.ultm.ULTM; import com.github.witoldsz.ultm.test.H2DemoDatabase; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Random; import static; import org.jooq.DSLContext; import org.jooq.Field; import org.jooq.Record; import static org.jooq.SQLDialect.H2; import org.jooq.Table; import org.jooq.impl.DSL; import static org.jooq.impl.DSL.count; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Before; /** * Example of (superb) jOOQ with ULTM. * @author Witold Szczerba */ public class JooqExampleTest { private final H2DemoDatabase h2DemoDatabase = new H2DemoDatabase(); private final Table<Record> PERSONS = DSL.tableByName("PERSONS"); private final Field<Integer> ID = DSL.fieldByName(Integer.class, "PERSONS", "ID"); private final Field<String> NAME = DSL.fieldByName(String.class, "PERSONS", "NAME"); private final Random random = new Random(); private TxManager txManager; private DSLContext jooq; @Before public void setup() throws SQLException { h2DemoDatabase.setup(); ULTM ultm = new ULTM(h2DemoDatabase.getDataSource()); txManager = ultm.getTxManager(); jooq = DSL.using(ultm.getManagedDataSource(), H2); } @After public void tearDown() throws SQLException { h2DemoDatabase.tearDown(); } @Test public void jooq_example_with_begin_commit_rollback() { txManager.begin(); jooq.insertInto(PERSONS).set(ID, random.nextInt()).set(NAME, "Mr jOOQ").execute(); assertThat(personsCount(), is(1)); txManager.commit(); txManager.begin(); jooq.delete(PERSONS).execute(); assertThat(personsCount(), is(0)); txManager.rollback(); txManager.begin(); assertThat(personsCount(), is(1)); txManager.commit(); } /** * This test is using transaction executors declaring no checked exceptions, * so there is no need to declare or catch them. */ @Test public void jooq_example_with_unit_of_work() { txManager.tx(() -> { jooq.insertInto(PERSONS).set(ID, random.nextInt()).set(NAME, "Mr jOOQ").execute(); assertThat(personsCount(), is(1)); }); try { txManager.tx(() -> { jooq.delete(PERSONS).execute(); assertThat(personsCount(), is(0)); throw new RuntimeException("I am bad exception"); }); } catch (RuntimeException e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), is("I am bad exception")); } int personsCount = txManager.txResult(this::personsCount); assertThat(personsCount, is(1)); } private Integer personsCount() { return jooq.selectCount().from(PERSONS).fetchOne(count()); } }