/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 The RCP Company and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * The RCP Company - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package com.rcpcompany.uibindings.extests.viewerBindings; import static com.rcpcompany.test.utils.BaseTestUtils.*; import static com.rcpcompany.test.utils.ui.UITestUtils.*; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewerColumn; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.IBinding; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.IBindingContext; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.IManager; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.IValueBinding; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.IViewerBinding; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.TextCommitStrategy; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.tests.shop.Shop; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.tests.shop.ShopFactory; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.tests.shop.ShopItem; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.tests.shop.ShopPackage; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.tests.utils.BaseUIBTestUtils; import com.rcpcompany.uibindings.tests.utils.views.UIBTestView; /** * Tests of the different way editing of a cell can start and end as well as traversal out of the * cell. * <p> * Tests the functionality of {@link IManager#isEditCellAnyKey()} and * {@link IManager#isAutoApplySingleQuickfix()}. * * @author Tonny Madsen, The RCP Company */ @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class ViewerEditCheckboxTest { @Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> data() { return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { // boolean anyKey, boolean singleClick { false, false }, { false, true }, { true, false }, { true, true } }); } private final boolean myEditCellAnyKey; private final boolean myEditCellSingleClick; private final String what; private Shop myShop; private ShopItem myShopItem1; private UIBTestView myView; private Composite myBody; private TableViewer myTableViewer; private TableViewerColumn myForSaleColumn; private IBindingContext myContext; private IViewerBinding myViewerBinding; private Table myTable; // private TableViewerColumn myForSaleColumn; public ViewerEditCheckboxTest(boolean anyKey, boolean singleClick) { myEditCellAnyKey = anyKey; myEditCellSingleClick = singleClick; what = "(key: " + anyKey + ", single: " + singleClick + ")"; } @Before public void before() { BaseUIBTestUtils.resetAll(); IManager.Factory.getManager().setTextCommitStrategy(TextCommitStrategy.ON_MODIFY); IManager.Factory.getManager().setEditCellAnyKey(myEditCellAnyKey); IManager.Factory.getManager().setEditCellSingleClick(myEditCellSingleClick); createShop(); createView(); bindUI(); myView.getSite().getPage().activate(myView); myBody.layout(); // final Listener listener = new Listener() { // @Override // public void handleEvent(Event event) { // LogUtils.debug(this, ToStringUtils.toString(event)); // } // }; // for (int i = SWT.None; i <= SWT.ImeComposition; i++) { // myTable.getDisplay().addFilter(i, listener); // } // // myTableViewer.getColumnViewerEditor().addEditorActivationListener(new // ColumnViewerEditorActivationListener() // { // // @Override // public void beforeEditorDeactivated(ColumnViewerEditorDeactivationEvent event) { // LogUtils.debug(this, ""); // } // // @Override // public void beforeEditorActivated(ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent event) { // LogUtils.debug(this, ""); // } // // @Override // public void afterEditorDeactivated(ColumnViewerEditorDeactivationEvent event) { // LogUtils.debug(this, ""); // } // // @Override // public void afterEditorActivated(ColumnViewerEditorActivationEvent event) { // LogUtils.debug(this, ""); // } // }); } @After public void after() { IManager.Factory.getManager().setTextCommitStrategy(TextCommitStrategy.ON_MODIFY); IManager.Factory.getManager().setEditCellAnyKey(false); IManager.Factory.getManager().setEditCellSingleClick(false); } /** * Creates the shop itself */ public void createShop() { myShop = ShopFactory.eINSTANCE.createShop(); myShopItem1 = ShopFactory.eINSTANCE.createShopItem(); myShopItem1.setName("item 0"); myShopItem1.setPrice(5f); myShopItem1.setForSale(true); myShop.getShopItems().add(myShopItem1); } /** * Creates the view */ public void createView() { myView = BaseUIBTestUtils.createUIBTestView(this); myBody = myView.getBody(); myTableViewer = new TableViewer(myBody, SWT.FULL_SELECTION); myTable = myTableViewer.getTable(); myTable.setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.FILL, SWT.CENTER, true, false)); myTable.setHeaderVisible(true); myForSaleColumn = new TableViewerColumn(myTableViewer, SWT.NONE); myForSaleColumn.getColumn().setWidth(100); } @After public void disposeView() { if (myView != null) { myView.getSite().getPage().hideView(myView); } } /** * Binds the UI */ public void bindUI() { myContext = IBindingContext.Factory.createContext(myView.getScrolledForm()); myViewerBinding = myContext.addViewer(myTableViewer, myShop, ShopPackage.Literals.SHOP__SHOP_ITEMS); myViewerBinding.addColumn(myForSaleColumn, ShopPackage.Literals.SHOP_ITEM__FOR_SALE); myContext.finish(); yield(); } /** * Tests double click: changed twice = original */ @Test public void testDoubleClick() { testEditStrategy(false, false, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { postMouse(myTable, 0 + myViewerBinding.getFirstTableColumnOffset(), 0, 2); } }); } /** * Tests single click: changed */ @Test public void testSingleClick() { testEditStrategy(false, true, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { postMouse(myTable, 0 + myViewerBinding.getFirstTableColumnOffset(), 0); } }); } /** * Tests any key: no change */ @Test public void testAnyKey() { testEditStrategy(false, false, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { postKeyStroke(myTable, "a"); } }); } /** * Tests SPACE: change */ @Test public void testSPACEKey() { testEditStrategy(false, true, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { postKeyStroke(myTable, "SPACE"); } }); } /** * Tests ENTER: change */ @Test public void testENTERKey() { testEditStrategy(false, true, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { postKeyStroke(myTable, "ENTER"); } }); } /** * Tests that the specified runnable changes the "forSale" attribute to the expected value * * @param start TODO * @param expected the new forSale value * @param runnable the runnable to get the */ private void testEditStrategy(final boolean start, final boolean expected, final Runnable runnable) { assertNoLog(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myShopItem1.setForSale(start); runnable.run(); yield(); } }); assertNoLog(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { assertEquals(what, false, myTableViewer.isCellEditorActive()); assertEquals(what, expected, myShopItem1.isForSale()); } }); } protected void testBindingValue(final String expectedValue) { assertEquals(what, true, myTableViewer.isCellEditorActive()); final EList<IBinding> bindings = myContext.getBindings(); final IBinding b = bindings.get(bindings.size() - 1); assertTrue(what + " is IValueBinding", b instanceof IValueBinding); final IValueBinding editBinding = (IValueBinding) b; final Control c = editBinding.getControl(); assertNotNull(what + " edit controll null", c); assertTrue(what + " is Text", c instanceof Text); final Text t = (Text) c; assertEquals(what, expectedValue, t.getText()); } }