/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Álinson Santos Xavier <isoron@gmail.com> * * This file is part of Loop Habit Tracker. * * Loop Habit Tracker is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * Loop Habit Tracker is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.isoron.uhabits.utils; import android.app.*; import org.isoron.uhabits.*; import org.isoron.uhabits.commands.*; import org.isoron.uhabits.intents.*; import org.isoron.uhabits.models.*; import org.junit.*; import java.util.*; import static org.mockito.Mockito.*; @SuppressWarnings("JavaDoc") public class ReminderSchedulerTest extends BaseUnitTest { private Habit habit; private PendingIntent intent; private ReminderScheduler reminderScheduler; private HabitLogger logger; private PendingIntentFactory pendingIntentFactory; private IntentScheduler intentScheduler; private CommandRunner commandRunner; @Before @Override public void setUp() { super.setUp(); intent = mock(PendingIntent.class); logger = mock(HabitLogger.class); pendingIntentFactory = mock(PendingIntentFactory.class); intentScheduler = mock(IntentScheduler.class); commandRunner = mock(CommandRunner.class); reminderScheduler = new ReminderScheduler(pendingIntentFactory, intentScheduler, logger, commandRunner, habitList); habit = fixtures.createEmptyHabit(); DateUtils.setFixedTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT-4")); } @Test public void testSchedule_atSpecificTime() { long atTime = timestamp(2015, 1, 30, 11, 30); long expectedCheckmarkTime = timestamp(2015, 1, 30, 0, 0); habit.setReminder(new Reminder(8, 30, WeekdayList.EVERY_DAY)); scheduleAndVerify(atTime, expectedCheckmarkTime, atTime); } @Test public void testSchedule_laterToday() { long now = timestamp(2015, 1, 26, 6, 30); DateUtils.setFixedLocalTime(now); long expectedCheckmarkTime = timestamp(2015, 1, 26, 0, 0); long expectedReminderTime = timestamp(2015, 1, 26, 12, 30); habit.setReminder(new Reminder(8, 30, WeekdayList.EVERY_DAY)); scheduleAndVerify(null, expectedCheckmarkTime, expectedReminderTime); } @Test public void testSchedule_list() { long now = timestamp(2015, 1, 26, 13, 0); DateUtils.setFixedLocalTime(now); Habit h1 = fixtures.createEmptyHabit(); h1.setReminder(new Reminder(8, 30, WeekdayList.EVERY_DAY)); habitList.add(h1); Habit h2 = fixtures.createEmptyHabit(); h2.setReminder(new Reminder(18, 30, WeekdayList.EVERY_DAY)); habitList.add(h2); Habit h3 = fixtures.createEmptyHabit(); habitList.add(h3); reminderScheduler.scheduleAll(); verify(intentScheduler).schedule(timestamp(2015, 1, 27, 12, 30), null); verify(intentScheduler).schedule(timestamp(2015, 1, 26, 22, 30), null); verifyNoMoreInteractions(intentScheduler); } @Test public void testSchedule_tomorrow() { long now = timestamp(2015, 1, 26, 13, 0); DateUtils.setFixedLocalTime(now); long expectedCheckmarkTime = timestamp(2015, 1, 27, 0, 0); long expectedReminderTime = timestamp(2015, 1, 27, 12, 30); habit.setReminder(new Reminder(8, 30, WeekdayList.EVERY_DAY)); scheduleAndVerify(null, expectedCheckmarkTime, expectedReminderTime); } @Test public void testSchedule_withoutReminder() { reminderScheduler.schedule(habit, null); verifyZeroInteractions(intentScheduler); } public long timestamp(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute) { Calendar cal = DateUtils.getStartOfTodayCalendar(); cal.set(year, month, day, hour, minute); return cal.getTimeInMillis(); } private void scheduleAndVerify(Long atTime, long expectedCheckmarkTime, long expectedReminderTime) { when(pendingIntentFactory.showReminder(habit, expectedReminderTime, expectedCheckmarkTime)).thenReturn(intent); reminderScheduler.schedule(habit, atTime); verify(logger).logReminderScheduled(habit, expectedReminderTime); verify(pendingIntentFactory).showReminder(habit, expectedReminderTime, expectedCheckmarkTime); verify(intentScheduler).schedule(expectedReminderTime, intent); } }