/** * Licensed to Apereo under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. Apereo * licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at the * following location: * * <p>http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * <p>Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the * License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apereo.portal.io; import org.apereo.portal.EntityIdentifier; import org.apereo.portal.groups.IEntityGroup; import org.apereo.portal.groups.IGroupConstants; import org.apereo.portal.portlet.om.IPortletDefinition; import org.apereo.portal.security.IPerson; import org.apereo.portal.services.GroupService; import org.apereo.portal.spring.locator.PortletDefinitionRegistryLocator; import org.danann.cernunnos.EntityConfig; import org.danann.cernunnos.Formula; import org.danann.cernunnos.Phrase; import org.danann.cernunnos.Reagent; import org.danann.cernunnos.ReagentType; import org.danann.cernunnos.SimpleFormula; import org.danann.cernunnos.SimpleReagent; import org.danann.cernunnos.TaskRequest; import org.danann.cernunnos.TaskResponse; import org.dom4j.Element; public class GetMemberKeyPhrase implements Phrase { // Instance Members. private Phrase element; /* * Public API. */ public static final Reagent ELEMENT = new SimpleReagent( "ELEMENT", "descendant-or-self::text()", ReagentType.PHRASE, Element.class, "Element whose text is a member name."); public Formula getFormula() { Reagent[] reagents = new Reagent[] {ELEMENT}; return new SimpleFormula(GetMemberKeyPhrase.class, reagents); } public void init(EntityConfig config) { // Instance Members. this.element = (Phrase) config.getValue(ELEMENT); } public Object evaluate(TaskRequest req, TaskResponse res) { Element e = (Element) element.evaluate(req, res); return getPhrase(e.getName(), e.getText()); } public static String getPhrase(String name, String memberValue) { String rslt = null; // We can cut & run now if the element is a <literal>... if (name.equals("literal")) { return memberValue; } try { // Next see if it's a <channel> element... if (name.equals("channel")) { IPortletDefinition def = PortletDefinitionRegistryLocator.getPortletDefinitionRegistry() .getPortletDefinitionByFname(memberValue); return String.valueOf(def.getPortletDefinitionId().getStringId()); } // Must be a group... Class[] leafTypes = new Class[] {IPerson.class, IPortletDefinition.class}; for (int i = 0; i < leafTypes.length && rslt == null; i++) { EntityIdentifier[] eis = GroupService.searchForGroups(memberValue, IGroupConstants.IS, leafTypes[i]); if (eis.length == 1) { // Match! IEntityGroup g = GroupService.findGroup(eis[0].getKey()); rslt = g.getLocalKey(); break; } else if (eis.length > 1) { String msg = "Ambiguous member name: " + memberValue; throw new RuntimeException(msg); } } } catch (Throwable t) { String msg = "Error looking up the specified member: " + memberValue; throw new RuntimeException(msg, t); } if (rslt == null) { String msg = "The specified member was not found: " + memberValue; throw new RuntimeException(msg); } return rslt; } }