/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *******************************************************************************/ package org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.utils.plugin; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.utils.UtilsActivator; import org.ebayopensource.turmeric.eclipse.utils.lang.StringUtil; import org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceStatus; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceStatus; import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.MultiStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; /** * This is a helper util class for dealing with the Eclipse messages and * statuses. * * @author yayu */ public class EclipseMessageUtils { private static final String STATUS_LABEL_OK = "ok"; private static final String STATUS_LABEL_CANCEL = "cancel"; private static final String STATUS_LABEL_WARNING = "warning"; private static final String STATUS_LABEL_INFO = "information"; private static final String STATUS_LABEL_ERROR = "error"; private static final Map<Integer, String> SEVERITY_LABELS; /** The Constant ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN. */ public static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN = "Unknown error"; static { Map<Integer, String> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String>(); map.put(IStatus.OK, STATUS_LABEL_OK); map.put(IStatus.CANCEL, STATUS_LABEL_CANCEL); map.put(IStatus.WARNING, STATUS_LABEL_WARNING); map.put(IStatus.INFO, STATUS_LABEL_INFO); map.put(IStatus.ERROR, STATUS_LABEL_ERROR); SEVERITY_LABELS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } /** * Creates the assert safe status. * * @param severity the severity * @param pluginId the plugin id * @param code the code * @param message the message * @param exception the exception * @return the status */ public static Status createAssertSafeStatus(int severity, String pluginId, int code, String message, Throwable exception) { if (!(severity == IStatus.OK || severity == IStatus.ERROR || severity == IStatus.WARNING || severity == IStatus.INFO || severity == IStatus.CANCEL)) { severity = IStatus.INFO; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(pluginId)) { pluginId = UtilsActivator.PLUGIN_ID; } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(message)) { if (exception != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(exception.getLocalizedMessage())) { message = exception.getLocalizedMessage(); } else { message = ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN; } } /*if (exception == null) { exception = new Exception(ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN); }*/ return new Status(severity, pluginId, code, message, exception); } /** * Creates the soa resource error status. * * @param resource the resource * @param message the message * @param exception the exception * @return the sOA resource status */ public static SOAResourceStatus createSOAResourceErrorStatus( IResource resource, String message, Throwable exception) { final SOAResourceStatus status = new SOAResourceStatus(IStatus.ERROR, IStatus.ERROR, resource.getLocation(), message, exception); status.setResource(resource); return status; } /** * Creates the soa resource warn status. * * @param resource the resource * @param message the message * @param exception the exception * @return the sOA resource status */ public static SOAResourceStatus createSOAResourceWarnStatus( IResource resource, String message, Throwable exception) { final SOAResourceStatus status = new SOAResourceStatus(IStatus.WARNING, IStatus.WARNING, resource.getLocation(), message, exception); status.setResource(resource); return status; } /** * Creates the resource error status. * * @param resourcePath the resource path * @param message the message * @param exception the exception * @return the i resource status */ public static IResourceStatus createResourceErrorStatus(IPath resourcePath, String message, Throwable exception) { return new SOAResourceStatus(IStatus.ERROR, IStatus.ERROR, resourcePath, message, exception); } // Allow missing resources to be set at Warning Levels instead of Error. /** * Creates the resource warn status. * * @param resourcePath the resource path * @param message the message * @param exception the exception * @return the i resource status */ public static IResourceStatus createResourceWarnStatus(IPath resourcePath, String message, Throwable exception) { return new SOAResourceStatus(IStatus.WARNING, IStatus.WARNING, resourcePath, message, exception); } /** * Creates the empty ok multi status. * * @param description the description * @return the i status */ public static IStatus createEmptyOKMultiStatus(String description) { return createMultiStatus(null, IStatus.OK, null, description, null); } /** * Creates the empty error multi status. * * @param description the description * @return the i status */ public static IStatus createEmptyErrorMultiStatus(String description) { return createMultiStatus(null, IStatus.ERROR, null, description, null); } /** * Creates the error multi status. * * @param children the children * @param description the description * @return the i status */ public static IStatus createErrorMultiStatus(Collection<IStatus> children, String description) { return createMultiStatus(null, IStatus.ERROR, children .toArray(new IStatus[0]), description, null); } /** * Creates the error multi status based on children severity. * * @param children the children * @param description the description * @return the i status */ public static IStatus createErrorMultiStatusBasedOnChildrenSeverity(Collection<IStatus> children, String description) { int severity = IStatus.OK; for (IStatus status : children) { if (status.getSeverity() == IStatus.OK) { continue; } else if (status.getSeverity() == IStatus.WARNING) { severity = IStatus.WARNING; continue; } else if (status.getSeverity() == IStatus.ERROR) { severity = IStatus.ERROR; break; } } return createMultiStatus(null, severity, children .toArray(new IStatus[0]), description, null); } /** * Creates the error multi status. * * @param children the children * @param description the description * @return the i status */ public static IStatus createErrorMultiStatus(IStatus[] children, String description) { return createMultiStatus(null, IStatus.ERROR, children, description, null); } /** * Creates the multi status. * * @param children the children * @param description the description * @param thrown the thrown * @return the i status */ public static IStatus createMultiStatus(IStatus[] children, String description, Throwable thrown) { int code = thrown != null ? IStatus.ERROR : IStatus.OK; return createMultiStatus(null, code, children, description, thrown); } /** * Creates the multi status. * * @param pluginID the plugin id * @param code the code * @param children the children * @param description the description * @param thrown the thrown * @return the i status */ public static IStatus createMultiStatus(String pluginID, int code, IStatus[] children, String description, Throwable thrown) { if (description == null) { description = (thrown == null) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(thrown.getLocalizedMessage()) ? ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN : thrown.getLocalizedMessage(); } if (pluginID == null) pluginID = UtilsActivator.SOA_PLUGIN_ID; if (children == null || children.length == 0) { return new MultiStatus(pluginID, code, description, thrown); } else { return new MultiStatus(pluginID, code, children, description, thrown); } } /** * Creates the error status. * * @param pluginID the plugin id * @param description the description * @param thrown the thrown * @return an instance of <code>IStatus</code> with Error severity level */ public static IStatus createErrorStatus(String pluginID, String description, Throwable thrown) { if (description == null) { description = (thrown == null) || StringUtils.isBlank(thrown.getLocalizedMessage()) ? ERROR_MESSAGE_UNKNOWN : thrown.getLocalizedMessage(); } if (pluginID == null) pluginID = UtilsActivator.SOA_PLUGIN_ID; return createAssertSafeStatus(IStatus.ERROR, pluginID, 0, description, thrown); } /** * Creates the error status. * * @param description the description * @param thrown the thrown * @return an instance of <code>IStatus</code> with Error severity level */ public static IStatus createErrorStatus(String description, Throwable thrown) { return createErrorStatus(UtilsActivator.SOA_PLUGIN_ID, description, thrown); } /** * Creates the error status. * * @param description the description * @return the i status */ public static IStatus createErrorStatus(String description) { return createErrorStatus(UtilsActivator.SOA_PLUGIN_ID, description, null); } /** * Creates the error status. * * @param thrown the thrown * @return an instance of <code>IStatus</code> with Error severity level */ public static IStatus createErrorStatus(Throwable thrown) { return createErrorStatus(UtilsActivator.SOA_PLUGIN_ID, thrown .getLocalizedMessage(), thrown); } /** * Creates the status. * * @param description the description * @param severity the severity * @return the i status */ public static IStatus createStatus(String description, int severity) { return createAssertSafeStatus(severity, UtilsActivator.SOA_PLUGIN_ID, 0, description, null); } /** * Wrap messages as IStatus, making every effort to complete normally by * correcting parameters. If there are more than 1 substatus, then returns a * MultiStatus with an entry for each substatus. Otherwise , return one * IStatus with description (and any single substatus) as message. * * @param pluginId * the String id of the plugin (if null, replaced with * Activator.PLUGIN_ID) * @param description * the String master description of the status. If null, replaced * with something like "3 error messages". * @param severity * the int (one of IStatus.ERROR, etc - replaced with * IStatus.ERROR if invalid) * @param substatus * the String[] of substatus messages (may be null; null elements * are ignored) * @return non-null IStatus */ public static IStatus createStatus(String pluginId, String description, int severity, String... substatus) { if (null == pluginId) { pluginId = UtilsActivator.SOA_PLUGIN_ID; } if (SEVERITY_LABELS.containsKey(severity) == false) { // use Error as the default severity severity = IStatus.ERROR; } final int numSubstatus = substatus == null ? 0 : substatus.length; if (description == null) { if (numSubstatus > 0) { String severityLabel = SEVERITY_LABELS.get(severity); description = StringUtil.toString(numSubstatus, " ", severityLabel, " messages"); } else { description = "(No description)"; } } if (numSubstatus < 2) { // only one sub status if ((numSubstatus == 1) && (substatus[0] != null)) { return createAssertSafeStatus(severity, pluginId, 0, StringUtil .toString(description, ": ", substatus[0]), null); } return createAssertSafeStatus(severity, pluginId, 0, description, null); } else {// multi sub statuses MultiStatus result = new MultiStatus(pluginId, 0, description, null); for (String status : substatus) { if (status != null) { result.add(createAssertSafeStatus(severity, pluginId, 0, status, null)); } } return result; } } /** * Formats the status and give a string out. If its multi status then each * message would be in seperate line. Its suitable to show in a dialog * * @param status the status * @return the string */ public static String formatStatus(IStatus status) { StringBuffer retBuffer = new StringBuffer(); if (status.isMultiStatus()) { for (IStatus childStatus : status.getChildren()) { retBuffer.append(childStatus.getMessage() + "\r\n"); } } else { retBuffer.append(status.getMessage() + "\r\n"); } return retBuffer.toString(); } /** * Severity label. * * @param severity the severity * @return null if not a valid severity or a user-readable name otherwise */ public static String severityLabel(int severity) { return SEVERITY_LABELS.get(severity); } /** * The Class SOAResourceStatus. * * @author yayu * @see ResourceStatus */ public static class SOAResourceStatus extends Status implements IResourceStatus { private IPath path; private IResource resource; /** * Instantiates a new sOA resource status. * * @param type the type * @param code the code * @param path the path * @param message the message * @param exception the exception */ public SOAResourceStatus(int type, int code, IPath path, String message, Throwable exception) { super(type, ResourcesPlugin.PI_RESOURCES, code, message, exception); this.path = path; } /** * Instantiates a new sOA resource status. * * @param code the code * @param message the message */ public SOAResourceStatus(int code, String message) { this(getSeverity(code), code, null, message, null); } /** * Instantiates a new sOA resource status. * * @param code the code * @param path the path * @param message the message */ public SOAResourceStatus(int code, IPath path, String message) { this(getSeverity(code), code, path, message, null); } /** * Instantiates a new sOA resource status. * * @param code the code * @param path the path * @param message the message * @param exception the exception */ public SOAResourceStatus(int code, IPath path, String message, Throwable exception) { this(getSeverity(code), code, path, message, exception); } /** * Gets the path. * * @return the path * @see IResourceStatus#getPath() */ @Override public IPath getPath() { return path; } /** * Gets the severity. * * @param code the code * @return the severity */ protected static int getSeverity(int code) { return code == 0 ? 0 : 1 << (code % 100 / 33); } // for debug only private String getTypeName() { switch (getSeverity()) { case IStatus.OK: return "OK"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case IStatus.ERROR: return "ERROR"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case IStatus.INFO: return "INFO"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case IStatus.WARNING: return "WARNING"; //$NON-NLS-1$ default: return String.valueOf(getSeverity()); } } /** * Gets the resource. * * @return the resource */ public IResource getResource() { return resource; } /** * Sets the resource. * * @param resource the new resource */ public void setResource(IResource resource) { this.resource = resource; } // for debug only /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("[type: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(getTypeName()); sb.append("], [path: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(getPath()); sb.append("], [message: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(getMessage()); sb.append("], [plugin: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(getPlugin()); sb.append("], [exception: "); //$NON-NLS-1$ sb.append(getException()); sb.append("]\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return sb.toString(); } } }