/* * tuProlog - Copyright (C) 2001-2002 aliCE team at deis.unibo.it * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package alice.tuprolog; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Reader; import java.io.StreamTokenizer; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; /** * BNF for tuProlog * * part 1: Lexer * digit ::= 0 .. 9 * lc_letter ::= a .. z * uc_letter ::= A .. Z | _ * symbol ::= \ | $ | & | ^ | @ | # | . | , | : | ; | = | < | > | + | - | * | / | ~ * letter ::= digit | lc_letter | uc_letter * integer ::= { digit }+ * float ::= { digit }+ . { digit }+ [ E|e [ +|- ] { digit }+ ] * // TODO Update BNF for quotes? * atom ::= lc_letter { letter }* | ! * variable ::= uc_letter { letter }* * * from the super class, the super.nextToken() returns and updates the following relevant fields: * - if the next token is a collection of wordChars, * the type returned is TT_WORD and the value is put into the field sval. * - if the next token is an ordinary char, * the type returned is the same as the unicode int value of the ordinary character * - other characters should be handled as ordinary characters. */ class Tokenizer extends StreamTokenizer { static final int TYPEMASK = 0x00FF; static final int ATTRMASK = 0xFF00; static final int LPAR = 0x0001; static final int RPAR = 0x0002; static final int LBRA = 0x0003; static final int RBRA = 0x0004; static final int BAR = 0x0005; static final int INTEGER = 0x0006; static final int FLOAT = 0x0007; static final int ATOM = 0x0008; static final int VARIABLE = 0x0009; static final int SQ_SEQUENCE = 0x000A; static final int DQ_SEQUENCE = 0x000B; static final int END = 0x000D; static final int LBRA2 = 0x000E; static final int RBRA2 = 0x000F; static final int FUNCTOR = 0x0100; static final int OPERATOR = 0x0200; static final int EOF = 0x1000; static final char[] GRAPHIC_CHARS = {'\\', '$', '&', '?', '^', '@', '#', '.', ',', ':', ';', '=', '<', '>', '+', '-', '*', '/', '~'}; static { Arrays.sort(Tokenizer.GRAPHIC_CHARS); // must be done to ensure correct behavior of Arrays.binarySearch } //used to enable pushback from the parser. Not in any way connected with pushBack2 and super.pushBack(). private LinkedList<Token> tokenList = new LinkedList<Token>(); //used in the double lookahead check that . following ints is a fraction marker or end marker (pushback() only works on one level) private PushBack pushBack2 = null; public Tokenizer(String text) { this(new StringReader(text)); } /** * Creating a tokenizer for the source stream. */ public Tokenizer(Reader text) { super(text); // Prepare the tokenizer for Prolog-style tokenizing rules resetSyntax(); // letters wordChars('a', 'z'); wordChars('A', 'Z'); wordChars('_', '_'); wordChars('0', '9'); // need to parse numbers as special words ordinaryChar('!'); // symbols ordinaryChar('\\'); ordinaryChar('$'); ordinaryChar('&'); ordinaryChar('^'); ordinaryChar('@'); ordinaryChar('#'); ordinaryChar(','); ordinaryChar('.'); ordinaryChar(':'); ordinaryChar(';'); ordinaryChar('='); ordinaryChar('<'); ordinaryChar('>'); ordinaryChar('+'); ordinaryChar('-'); ordinaryChar('*'); ordinaryChar('/'); ordinaryChar('~'); // quotes ordinaryChar('\''); // must be parsed individually to handles \\ in quotes and character code constants ordinaryChar('\"'); // same as above? // comments ordinaryChar('%'); // it is not possible to enable StreamTokenizer#slashStarComments and % as a StreamTokenizer#commentChar // and it is also not possible to use StreamTokenizer#whitespaceChars for ' ' } /** * Reads next available token. */ Token readToken() throws InvalidTermException, IOException { return !tokenList.isEmpty() ? (Token) tokenList.removeFirst() : readNextToken(); } /** * Puts back token to be read again. */ void unreadToken(Token token) { tokenList.addFirst(token); } Token readNextToken() throws IOException, InvalidTermException { int typea; String svala; if (pushBack2 != null) { typea = pushBack2.typea; svala = pushBack2.svala; pushBack2 = null; } else { typea = super.nextToken(); svala = sval; } // skips whitespace // could be simplified if lookahead for blank space in functors wasn't necessary // and if '.' in numbers could be written with blank space while (Tokenizer.isWhite(typea)) { typea = super.nextToken(); svala = sval; } // skips single line comments // could be simplified if % was not a legal character in quotes if (typea == '%'){ do { typea = super.nextToken(); } while (typea != '\r' && typea != '\n' && typea != TT_EOF); pushBack(); // pushes back \r or \n. These are whitespace, so when readNextToken() finds them, they are marked as whitespace return readNextToken(); } // skips /* comments */ if (typea == '/'){ int typeb = super.nextToken(); if (typeb == '*'){ do { typea = typeb; typeb = super.nextToken(); } while (typea != '*' || typeb != '/'); return readNextToken(); } else { pushBack(); } } // syntactic characters if (typea == TT_EOF) return new Token("", Tokenizer.EOF); if (typea == '(') return new Token("(", Tokenizer.LPAR); if (typea == ')') return new Token(")", Tokenizer.RPAR); if (typea == '{') return new Token("{", Tokenizer.LBRA2); if (typea == '}') return new Token("}", Tokenizer.RBRA2); if (typea == '[') return new Token("[", Tokenizer.LBRA); if (typea == ']') return new Token("]", Tokenizer.RBRA); if (typea == '|') return new Token("|", Tokenizer.BAR); if (typea == '!') return new Token("!", Tokenizer.ATOM); if (typea == ',') return new Token(",", Tokenizer.OPERATOR); if (typea == '.') { // check that '.' as end token is followed by a layout character, see ISO Standard 6.4.8 endnote int typeb = super.nextToken(); if (Tokenizer.isWhite(typeb) || typeb == '%' || typeb == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) return new Token(".", Tokenizer.END); else pushBack(); } boolean isNumber = false; // variable, atom or number if (typea == TT_WORD) { char firstChar = svala.charAt(0); // variable if (Character.isUpperCase(firstChar) || '_' == firstChar) return new Token(svala, Tokenizer.VARIABLE); else if (firstChar >= '0' && firstChar <= '9') // all words starting with 0 or 9 must be a number isNumber = true; // set type to number and handle later else { // otherwise, it must be an atom (or wrong) int typeb = super.nextToken(); // lookahead 1 to identify what type of atom pushBack(); // this does not skip whitespaces, only readNext does so. if (typeb == '(') return new Token(svala, Tokenizer.ATOM | Tokenizer.FUNCTOR); if (Tokenizer.isWhite(typeb)) return new Token(svala, Tokenizer.ATOM | Tokenizer.OPERATOR); return new Token(svala, Tokenizer.ATOM); } } // quotes if (typea == '\'' || typea == '\"' || typea == '`' ) { int qType = typea; StringBuilder quote = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { // run through entire quote and added body to quote buffer typea = super.nextToken(); svala = sval; // continuation escape sequence if (typea == '\\'){ int typeb = super.nextToken(); if (typeb == '\n') // continuation escape sequence marker \\n continue; if (typeb == '\r'){ int typec = super.nextToken(); if (typec == '\n') continue; // continuation escape sequence marker \\r\n pushBack(); continue; // continuation escape sequence marker \\r } pushBack(); // pushback typeb } // double '' or "" or `` if (typea == qType){ int typeb = super.nextToken(); if (typeb == qType) { // escaped '' or "" or `` quote.append((char) qType); continue; } else { pushBack(); break; // otherwise, break on single quote } } if (typea == '\n' || typea == '\r') throw new InvalidTermException("line break in quote not allowed (unless they are escaped \\ first)"); if (svala != null) quote.append(svala); else quote.append((char) typea); } String quoteBody = quote.toString(); qType = qType == '\'' ? SQ_SEQUENCE : qType == '\"' ? DQ_SEQUENCE : SQ_SEQUENCE; if (qType == SQ_SEQUENCE) { if (Parser.isAtom(quoteBody)) qType = ATOM; int typeb = super.nextToken(); // lookahead 1 to identify what type of quote pushBack(); // nextToken() does not skip whitespaces, only readNext does so. if (typeb == '(') return new Token(quoteBody, qType | FUNCTOR); } return new Token(quoteBody, qType); } // symbols if (Arrays.binarySearch(Tokenizer.GRAPHIC_CHARS, (char) typea) >= 0) { // the symbols are parsed individually by the super.nextToken(), so accumulate symbollist StringBuilder symbols = new StringBuilder(); int typeb = typea; // String svalb = null; while (Arrays.binarySearch(Tokenizer.GRAPHIC_CHARS, (char) typeb) >= 0) { symbols.append((char) typeb); typeb = super.nextToken(); // svalb = sval; } pushBack(); // special symbols: unary + and unary - // try { // if (symbols.length() == 1 && typeb == TT_WORD && java.lang.Long.parseLong(svalb) > 0) { // if (typea == '+') //todo, issue of handling + and -. I don't think this is ISO.. // return readNextToken(); //skips + and returns the next number // if (typea == '-') { // Token t = readNextToken(); //read the next number // t.seq = "-" + t.seq; //add minus to value // return t; //return token // } // } //ps. the reason why the number isn't returned right away, but through nextToken(), is because the number might be for instance a float // } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // } return new Token(symbols.toString(), Tokenizer.OPERATOR); } // numbers: 1. integer, 2. float if (isNumber) { try { // the various parseInt checks will throw exceptions when parts of numbers are written illegally // 1.a. complex integers if (svala.startsWith("0")) { if (svala.indexOf('b') == 1) return new Token("" + java.lang.Long.parseLong(svala.substring(2), 2), Tokenizer.INTEGER); // try binary if (svala.indexOf('o') == 1) return new Token("" + java.lang.Long.parseLong(svala.substring(2), 8), Tokenizer.INTEGER); // try octal if (svala.indexOf('x') == 1) return new Token("" + java.lang.Long.parseLong(svala.substring(2), 16), Tokenizer.INTEGER); // try hex } // lookahead 1 int typeb = super.nextToken(); String svalb = sval; // 1.b ordinary integers if (typeb != '.' && typeb != '\'') { // i.e. not float or character constant pushBack(); // lookahead 0 return new Token("" + java.lang.Long.parseLong(svala), Tokenizer.INTEGER); } // 1.c character code constant if (typeb == '\'' && "0".equals(svala)) { int typec = super.nextToken(); // lookahead 2 String svalc = sval; int intVal; if ((intVal = isCharacterCodeConstantToken(typec, svalc)) != -1) return new Token("" + intVal, Tokenizer.INTEGER); // this is an invalid character code constant int throw new InvalidTermException("Character code constant starting with 0'<X> at line: " + super.lineno() + " cannot be recognized."); } // 2.a check that the value of the word prior to period is a valid long java.lang.Long.parseLong(svala); // throws an exception if not // 2.b first int is followed by a period if (typeb != '.') throw new InvalidTermException("A number starting with 0-9 cannot be rcognized as an int and does not have a fraction '.' at line: " + super.lineno() ); // lookahead 2 int typec = super.nextToken(); String svalc = sval; // 2.c check that the next token after '.' is a possible fraction if (typec != TT_WORD) { // if its not, the period is an End period pushBack(); // pushback 1 the token after period pushBack2 = new PushBack(typeb, svalb); // pushback 2 the period token return new Token(svala, INTEGER); // return what must be an int } // 2.d checking for exponent int exponent = svalc.indexOf("E"); if (exponent == -1) exponent = svalc.indexOf("e"); if (exponent >= 1) { // the float must have a valid exponent if (exponent == svalc.length() - 1) { // the exponent must be signed exponent int typeb2 = super.nextToken(); if (typeb2 == '+' || typeb2 == '-') { int typec2 = super.nextToken(); String svalc2 = sval; if (typec2 == TT_WORD){ // verify the remaining parts of the float and return java.lang.Long.parseLong(svalc.substring(0, exponent)); java.lang.Integer.parseInt(svalc2); return new Token(svala + "." + svalc + (char) typeb2 + svalc2, Tokenizer.FLOAT); } } } } // 2.e verify lastly that ordinary floats and unsigned exponent floats are Java legal and return them java.lang.Double.parseDouble(svala + "." + svalc); return new Token(svala + "." + svalc, Tokenizer.FLOAT); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // TODO return more info on what was wrong with the number given throw new InvalidTermException("A term starting with 0-9 cannot be parsed as a number at line: "+ lineno()); } } throw new InvalidTermException("Unknown Unicode character: " + typea + " (" + svala + ")"); } /** * * * @param typec * @param svalc * @return the intValue of the next character token, -1 if invalid * TODO needs a lookahead if typec is \ */ private static int isCharacterCodeConstantToken(int typec, String svalc) { if (svalc != null) { if (svalc.length() == 1) return (int) svalc.charAt(0); if (svalc.length() > 1) { // TODO the following charachters is not implemented: // * 1 meta escape sequence (* *) todo // * 1 control escape sequence (* *) // * 1 octal escape sequence (* *) // * 1 hexadecimal escape sequence (* *) return -1; } } if (typec == ' ' || // space char (* 6.5.4 *) Arrays.binarySearch(GRAPHIC_CHARS, (char)typec) >= 0) // graphic char (* 6.5.1 *) // TODO solo char (* 6.5.3 *) return typec; return -1; } private static boolean isWhite(int type) { return type == ' ' || type == '\r' || type == '\n' || type == '\t' || type == '\f'; } /** * Uused to implement lookahead for two tokens, super.pushBack() only handles one pushBack. */ private static class PushBack { int typea; String svala; public PushBack(int i, String s) { typea = i; svala = s; } } }