package com.door43.util.root; import; /** * This class uses three different methods to determine if the device is rooted * @author Kevin Kowalewski * */ public class Root { private static String LOG_TAG = Root.class.getName(); /** * Checks if the device is rooted * @return */ public static boolean isDeviceRooted() { return checkRootMethod1() || checkRootMethod2() || checkRootMethod3(); } private static boolean checkRootMethod1() { String buildTags = android.os.Build.TAGS; return buildTags != null && buildTags.contains("test-keys"); } private static boolean checkRootMethod2() { try { File file = new File("/system/app/Superuser.apk"); return file.exists(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } private static boolean checkRootMethod3() { return new ExecShell().executeCommand(ExecShell.SHELL_CMD.check_su_binary)!=null; } }