package; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry; /** * This object contains factory methods for each * Java content interface and Java element interface * generated in the package. * <p>An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically * construct new instances of the Java representation * for XML content. The Java representation of XML * content can consist of schema derived interfaces * and classes representing the binding of schema * type definitions, element declarations and model * groups. Factory methods for each of these are * provided in this class. * */ @XmlRegistry @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public class ObjectFactory { /** * Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: * */ public ObjectFactory() { } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudySubjectType } * */ public StudySubjectType createStudySubjectType() { return new StudySubjectType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link ListStudySubjectsInStudyType } * */ public ListStudySubjectsInStudyType createListStudySubjectsInStudyType() { return new ListStudySubjectsInStudyType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudyEventDefinitionListAllType } * */ public StudyEventDefinitionListAllType createStudyEventDefinitionListAllType() { return new StudyEventDefinitionListAllType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link CrfVersionType } * */ public CrfVersionType createCrfVersionType() { return new CrfVersionType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link CrfsType } * */ public CrfsType createCrfsType() { return new CrfsType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudySubjectRefType } * */ public StudySubjectRefType createStudySubjectRefType() { return new StudySubjectRefType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudiesType } * */ public StudiesType createStudiesType() { return new StudiesType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link CrfObjType } * */ public CrfObjType createCrfObjType() { return new CrfObjType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudyEventDefinitionType } * */ public StudyEventDefinitionType createStudyEventDefinitionType() { return new StudyEventDefinitionType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudyRefType } * */ public StudyRefType createStudyRefType() { return new StudyRefType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudyType } * */ public StudyType createStudyType() { return new StudyType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link SitesType } * */ public SitesType createSitesType() { return new SitesType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link EventDefinitionCrfsType } * */ public EventDefinitionCrfsType createEventDefinitionCrfsType() { return new EventDefinitionCrfsType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link SubjectType } * */ public SubjectType createSubjectType() { return new SubjectType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link SiteType } * */ public SiteType createSiteType() { return new SiteType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link EventDefinitionCrfType } * */ public EventDefinitionCrfType createEventDefinitionCrfType() { return new EventDefinitionCrfType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudyEventDefinitionsType } * */ public StudyEventDefinitionsType createStudyEventDefinitionsType() { return new StudyEventDefinitionsType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudyMetadataType } * */ public StudyMetadataType createStudyMetadataType() { return new StudyMetadataType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link SiteRefType } * */ public SiteRefType createSiteRefType() { return new SiteRefType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudySubjectsType } * */ public StudySubjectsType createStudySubjectsType() { return new StudySubjectsType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link EventsType } * */ public EventsType createEventsType() { return new EventsType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link StudySubjectWithEventsType } * */ public StudySubjectWithEventsType createStudySubjectWithEventsType() { return new StudySubjectWithEventsType(); } /** * Create an instance of {@link EventType } * */ public EventType createEventType() { return new EventType(); } }