package org.vaadin.touchkit.itest.oldtests; import org.vaadin.touchkit.ui.NavigationButton; import org.vaadin.touchkit.ui.NavigationManager; import org.vaadin.touchkit.ui.NavigationButton.NavigationButtonClickEvent; import org.vaadin.touchkit.ui.NavigationButton.NavigationButtonClickListener; import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentContainer; import com.vaadin.ui.CssLayout; import com.vaadin.v7.ui.Label; public class NavPanelTestWithNavButtons extends NavigationManager implements ComponentContainer { private SimpleNavView[] views; public NavPanelTestWithNavButtons() { views = new SimpleNavView[7]; for (int i = 0; i < views.length; i++) { SimpleNavView v = new SimpleNavView(); views[i] = v; if (i == 0) { v.getPrev().setEnabled(false); continue; } v.getPrev().setTargetView(views[i - 1]); views[i - 1].getNext().setTargetView(v); views[i - 1].getNext().setCaption(v.getCaption()); if (i + 1 == views.length) { v.getNext().setEnabled(false); } } navigateTo(views[0]); } static class SimpleNavView extends CssLayout { static int counter = 0; private NavigationButton next = new NavigationButton("next"); private NavigationButton prev = new NavigationButton("prev"); public void setNext(NavigationButton next) { = next; } public NavigationButton getNext() { return next; } public void setPrev(NavigationButton prev) { this.prev = prev; } public NavigationButton getPrev() { return prev; } public SimpleNavView() { setId("SNV" + counter); setCaption("Nav view " + counter); addComponent(new Label("Nav view " + counter++)); addComponent(prev); addComponent(next); prev.addClickListener(new NavigationButtonClickListener() { public void buttonClick(NavigationButtonClickEvent event) { /* * Hack to make test somewhat working. * addAttribute(Paintable) don't support painting un * attached components properly. It works but breaks subtree * caching in some cases. This is handled in * NavigatioButton. Thats why we need to force repaint of * prev button in next visible view. This will be * automatically handled by NavigationManager for * NavigationViews. */ SimpleNavView targetView = (SimpleNavView) prev .getTargetView(); targetView.prev.requestRepaint();; } }); } } }