/* * ToroDB * Copyright © 2014 8Kdata Technology (www.8kdata.com) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.batch; import com.eightkdata.mongowp.Status; import com.torodb.core.cursors.Cursor; import com.torodb.core.cursors.IteratorCursor; import com.torodb.core.document.ToroDocument; import com.torodb.core.exceptions.user.UniqueIndexViolationException; import com.torodb.core.exceptions.user.UserException; import com.torodb.core.language.AttributeReference; import com.torodb.core.transaction.RollbackException; import com.torodb.kvdocument.values.KvDocument; import com.torodb.kvdocument.values.KvValue; import com.torodb.mongodb.core.WriteMongodTransaction; import com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.ApplierContext; import com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.analyzed.AnalyzedOp; import com.torodb.mongodb.repl.oplogreplier.analyzed.AnalyzedOpType; import org.jooq.lambda.tuple.Tuple2; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; /** * */ @ThreadSafe public class NamespaceJobExecutor { private static final AttributeReference _ID_ATT_REF = new AttributeReference.Builder() .addObjectKey("_id") .build(); public void apply(NamespaceJob job, WriteMongodTransaction transaction, ApplierContext applierContext, boolean optimisticDeleteAndCreate) throws RollbackException, UserException, NamespaceJobExecutionException, UniqueIndexViolationException { Map<AnalyzedOp, Integer> fetchDids = fetchDids(job, transaction, optimisticDeleteAndCreate); List<Status<?>> errors = findErrors(job, fetchDids); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { throw new NamespaceJobExecutionException(job, errors); } if (errors.isEmpty()) { Map<AnalyzedOp, ToroDocument> fetchDocs = fetchDocs(job, transaction, fetchDids); deleteDocs(job, transaction, fetchDids); insertDocs(job, transaction, fetchDocs); } } /** * Returns a map whose entries are the did of each analyzed op that requires to fetch them. * * @param job * @param transaction * @return * @see AnalyzedOp#requiresToFetchToroId() */ private static Map<AnalyzedOp, Integer> fetchDids(NamespaceJob job, WriteMongodTransaction transaction, boolean optimisticDeleteAndCreate) { Stream<AnalyzedOp> filteredJobs = job.getJobs().stream() .filter(AnalyzedOp::requiresToFetchToroId); if (optimisticDeleteAndCreate) { filteredJobs = filteredJobs.filter(op -> op.getType() != AnalyzedOpType.DELETE_CREATE); } Map<KvValue<?>, AnalyzedOp> mapToFetch = filteredJobs .collect(Collectors.toMap( op -> op.getMongoDocId(), Function.identity() )); return transaction.getTorodTransaction() .findByAttRefInProjection( job.getDatabase(), job.getCollection(), _ID_ATT_REF, mapToFetch.keySet()) .getRemaining() .stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( tuple -> mapToFetch.get(tuple.v2), Tuple2::v1) ); } /** * Returns a list of all mismatching errors on the given job. * * @param job * @param fetchDids * @return */ private List<Status<?>> findErrors(NamespaceJob job, Map<AnalyzedOp, Integer> fetchDids) { return job.getJobs().stream() .filter(AnalyzedOp::requiresMatch) //only care about ops that requires a match .filter(op -> !fetchDids.containsKey(op)) //only care about ops that did not match .map(AnalyzedOp::getMismatchErrorMessage) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } private Map<AnalyzedOp, ToroDocument> fetchDocs(NamespaceJob job, WriteMongodTransaction transaction, Map<AnalyzedOp, Integer> fetchDids) { Map<Integer, AnalyzedOp> didToOps = job.getJobs().stream() .filter(AnalyzedOp::requiresFetch) //only care about ops that requires a fetch .collect(Collectors.toMap( op -> fetchDids.get(op), Function.identity()) ); Cursor<Integer> didCursor = new IteratorCursor<>(didToOps.keySet().iterator()); return transaction.getTorodTransaction() .fetch(job.getDatabase(), job.getCollection(), didCursor) .asDocCursor() .getRemaining() .stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( toroDoc -> didToOps.get(toroDoc.getId()), Function.identity()) ); } private void deleteDocs(NamespaceJob job, WriteMongodTransaction transaction, Map<AnalyzedOp, Integer> fetchDids) { if (fetchDids.isEmpty()) { return; } Stream<Integer> didsToDelete = job.getJobs().stream() .filter(AnalyzedOp::deletes) .map(op -> fetchDids.get(op)) .filter(did -> did != null); transaction.getTorodTransaction().delete(job.getDatabase(), job.getCollection(), new IteratorCursor<>(didsToDelete.iterator())); } private void insertDocs(NamespaceJob job, WriteMongodTransaction transaction, Map<AnalyzedOp, ToroDocument> fetchDocs) throws UserException { Function<AnalyzedOp, KvDocument> getFetchDocFun = op -> { ToroDocument fetchToroDoc = fetchDocs.get(op); if (fetchToroDoc == null) { return null; } else { return fetchToroDoc.getRoot(); } }; Stream<KvDocument> docsToInsert = job.getJobs().stream() .map(op -> op.calculateDocToInsert(getFetchDocFun)) .filter(doc -> doc != null); transaction.getTorodTransaction().insert(job.getDatabase(), job.getCollection(), docsToInsert); } }