package net.gnehzr.tnoodle.server; import static net.gnehzr.tnoodle.utils.GwtSafeUtils.azzert; import tray.SystemTrayProvider; import tray.SystemTrayAdapter; import tray.TrayIconAdapter; import; import java.awt.Desktop; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.PopupMenu; import java.awt.MenuItem; import java.awt.SystemTray; import java.awt.TrayIcon; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import joptsimple.OptionParser; import joptsimple.OptionSet; import joptsimple.OptionSpec; import joptsimple.util.KeyValuePair; import net.gnehzr.tnoodle.utils.Launcher; import net.gnehzr.tnoodle.utils.TNoodleLogging; import net.gnehzr.tnoodle.utils.Utils; import net.gnehzr.tnoodle.utils.GwtSafeUtils; import winstone.TNoodleWinstoneLauncher; public class TNoodleServer { private static final Logger l = Logger.getLogger(TNoodleServer.class.getName()); public static String NAME = Utils.getProjectName(); public static String VERSION = Utils.getVersion(); private static final int TNOODLE_PORT = 2014; private static final int MIN_HEAP_SIZE_MEGS = 512; private static final String ICONS_FOLDER = "icons"; private static final String ICON_WRAPPER = "tnoodle_logo_1024_gray.png"; private static final String ICON_WORKER = "tnoodle_logo_1024.png"; private static final String DB_NAME = "tnoodledb"; private static final String DB_USERNAME = "root"; private static final String DB_PASSWORD = "password"; private int httpPort; public TNoodleServer(int httpPort, boolean bindAggressively, boolean browse) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NamingException { this.httpPort = httpPort; // at startup Map<String, String> serverArgs = new HashMap<String, String>(); serverArgs.put("webappsDir", Utils.getWebappsDir().getAbsolutePath()); serverArgs.put("httpPort", "" + httpPort); serverArgs.put("ajp13Port", "-1"); String dbDriver = "org.h2.Driver"; boolean initializeDb; try { Class.forName(dbDriver); initializeDb = true; } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) { initializeDb = false;"Could not find class " + dbDriver + ", so we're not creating an entry in JNDI for a db."); } if(initializeDb) { File db = new File(Utils.getResourceDirectory(), DB_NAME); serverArgs.put("useJNDI", "true"); serverArgs.put("jndi.resource.jdbc/connPool", "javax.sql.DataSource"); serverArgs.put("jndi.param.jdbc/connPool.url", String.format("jdbc:h2:%s;MODE=MySQL;USER=%s;PASSWORD=%s;MVCC=TRUE", db.getAbsoluteFile(), DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD)); serverArgs.put("jndi.param.jdbc/connPool.driverClassName", dbDriver); serverArgs.put("jndi.param.jdbc/connPool.username", DB_USERNAME); serverArgs.put("jndi.param.jdbc/connPool.password", DB_PASSWORD); } // By default, winstone looks in ./lib, which I don't like, as it means // we'll behave differently when run from different directories. serverArgs.put("commonLibFolder", ""); ServerSocket ss = aggressivelyBindSocket(httpPort, bindAggressively); azzert(ss != null); final Logger winstoneLogger = Logger.getLogger(winstone.Logger.class.getName()); winstone.Logger.init(winstone.Logger.MAX, new OutputStream() { private StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); @Override public void write(int b) throws IOException { char ch = (char) b; if(ch == '\n') { winstoneLogger.log(Level.FINER, msg.toString()); msg.setLength(0); } else { msg.append(ch); } } }, false); TNoodleWinstoneLauncher.create(serverArgs, ss); System.out.println(NAME + "-" + VERSION + " started"); String url = openTabInBrowser(browse); System.out.println("Visit " + url + " for a readme and demo."); } public String openTabInBrowser(boolean browse) { String url = "http://localhost" + ":" + this.httpPort; if(browse) { if(Desktop.isDesktopSupported()) { Desktop d = Desktop.getDesktop(); if(d.isSupported(Desktop.Action.BROWSE)) { try { URI uri = new URI(url);"Attempting to open " + uri + " in browser."); d.browse(uri); } catch(URISyntaxException e) { l.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not convert " + url + " to URI", e); } catch(IOException e) { l.log(Level.WARNING, "Error opening tab in browser", e); } } else { l.warning("Sorry, it appears the Desktop api is supported on your platform, but the BROWSE action is not."); } } else { l.warning("Sorry, it appears the Desktop api is not supported on your platform."); } } return url; } private ServerSocket aggressivelyBindSocket(int port, boolean bindAggressively) throws IOException { ServerSocket server = null; final int MAX_TRIES = 10; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_TRIES && server == null; i++) { if(i > 0) { System.out.println("Attempt " + (i+1) + "/" + MAX_TRIES + " to bind to port " + port); } try { server = new ServerSocket(port, AggressiveHttpListener.getBacklogCount()); } catch(BindException e) { // If this port is in use, we assume it's an instance of // TNoodleServer, and ask it to commit honorable suicide. // After that, we can start up. If it was a TNoodleServer, // it hopefully will have freed up the port we want. System.out.println("Detected server running on port " + port + ", maybe it's an old " + NAME + "?"); if(!bindAggressively) { System.out.println("noupgrade option set. You'll have to free up port " + port + " manually, or clear this option."); break; } try { URL url = new URL("http://localhost:" + port + "/kill/now"); System.out.println("Sending request to " + url + " to hopefully kill it."); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); InputStream in = conn.getInputStream(); in.close(); Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(MalformedURLException ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } catch(IOException ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } catch(InterruptedException ee) { ee.printStackTrace(); } } } if(server == null) { System.out.println("Failed to bind to port " + port + ". Giving up"); System.exit(1); } return server; } // Preferred way to detect OSX according to public static boolean isOSX() { String osName = System.getProperty(""); return osName.contains("OS X"); } /* * Sets the dock icon in OSX. Could be made to have uses in other operating systems. */ private static void setApplicationIcon() { // Find out which icon to use. final Launcher.PROCESS_TYPE processType = Launcher.getProcessType(); final String iconFileName; switch (processType) { case WORKER: iconFileName = ICON_WORKER; break; default: iconFileName = ICON_WRAPPER; break; } // Get the file name of the icon. final String fullFileName = Utils.getResourceDirectory() + "/" + ICONS_FOLDER + "/" + iconFileName; final Image image = new ImageIcon(fullFileName).getImage(); // OSX-specific code to set the dock icon. if(isOSX()) { try { final application =; application.setDockIconImage(image); } catch(Exception e) { l.log(Level.WARNING, "Error setting OSX dock icon", e); } } else { if(iconFileName != ICON_WORKER) { // Only want to create one tray icon. return; } if(!SystemTray.isSupported()) { l.warning("SystemTray is not supported"); return; } URL imageUrl; try { imageUrl = new File(fullFileName).toURI().toURL(); } catch(MalformedURLException e) { l.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not convert " + fullFileName + " to a URL", e); return; } SystemTrayAdapter trayAdapter = new SystemTrayProvider().getSystemTray(); final PopupMenu popup = new PopupMenu(); MenuItem openItem = new MenuItem("Open"); popup.add(openItem); MenuItem exitItem = new MenuItem("Exit"); popup.add(exitItem); openItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if(tnoodleServer != null) { tnoodleServer.openTabInBrowser(true); } } }); exitItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {"Exit initiated from tray icon"); System.exit(0); } }); TrayIconAdapter trayIconAdapter = trayAdapter.createAndAddTrayIcon( imageUrl, NAME + " v" + VERSION, popup); if(trayIconAdapter instanceof JavaIconAdapter) { // Unfortunately, java internally uses some shitty resizing // algorithm for this, so we have to do this ourselves. //trayIconAdapter.setImageAutoSize(true); SystemTray st = SystemTray.getSystemTray(); JavaIconAdapter jia = (JavaIconAdapter) trayIconAdapter; TrayIcon ti = jia.getTrayIcon(); ti.setImage(image.getScaledInstance(st.getTrayIconSize().width, -1, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH)); } } } private static TNoodleServer tnoodleServer = null; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Utils.doFirstRunStuff(); TNoodleLogging.initializeLogging(); OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(); OptionSpec<Integer> httpPortOpt = parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("p", "http"), "The port to run the http server on") .withRequiredArg().ofType(Integer.class).defaultsTo(TNOODLE_PORT); OptionSpec<?> noBrowserOpt = parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("n", "nobrowser"), "Don't open the browser when starting the server"); OptionSpec<?> noUpgradeOpt = parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("u", "noupgrade"), "If an instance of " + NAME + " is running on the desired port(s), " + "do not attempt to kill it and start up"); OptionSpec<?> noReexecOpt = parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList(Launcher.NO_REEXEC_OPT), "Do not reexec. This is sometimes done to rename java.exe on Windows, or to get a larger heap size."); OptionSpec<File> injectJsOpt = parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("i", "inject"), "File containing code to inject into the bottom of the " + "<head>...</head> section of all html served") .withRequiredArg().ofType(File.class); OptionSpec<KeyValuePair> jsEnvOpt = parser.accepts("jsenv", "Add entry to global js object TNOODLE_ENV in /env.js. " + "Treated as strings, so FOO=42 will create the entry TNOODLE_ENV['FOO'] = '42';") .withOptionalArg().ofType(KeyValuePair.class); OptionSpec<?> help = parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("h", "help", "?"), "Show this help"); String levels = GwtSafeUtils.join(TNoodleLogging.getLevels(), ","); OptionSpec<String> consoleLogLevel = parser. acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("cl", "consoleLevel"), "The minimum level a log must be to be " + "printed to the console. Options: " + levels). withRequiredArg(). ofType(String.class). defaultsTo(Level.WARNING.getName()); OptionSpec<String> fileLogLevel = parser. acceptsAll(Arrays.asList("fl", "fileLevel"), "The minimum level a log must be to be printed to " + TNoodleLogging.getLogFile() + ". Options: " + levels). withRequiredArg(). ofType(String.class). defaultsTo(Level.INFO.getName()); try { OptionSet options = parser.parse(args); if(!options.has(help)) { boolean bindAggressively = !options.has(noUpgradeOpt); Level cl = Level.parse(options.valueOf(consoleLogLevel)); TNoodleLogging.setConsoleLogLevel(cl); Level fl = Level.parse(options.valueOf(fileLogLevel)); TNoodleLogging.setFileLogLevel(fl); // Note that we set the log level *before* we do any of this. // These two calls to setApplicationIcon() are intentional. // We want different icons for the parent process and the child // process. setApplicationIcon(); Launcher.wrapMain(args, MIN_HEAP_SIZE_MEGS); setApplicationIcon(); if(options.has(injectJsOpt)) { File injectCodeFile = options.valueOf(injectJsOpt); if(!injectCodeFile.exists() || !injectCodeFile.canRead()) { System.err.println("Cannot find or read " + injectCodeFile); System.exit(1); } HtmlInjectFilter.setHeadInjectFile(injectCodeFile); } if(options.has(jsEnvOpt)) { List<KeyValuePair> jsEnv = options.valuesOf(jsEnvOpt); for(KeyValuePair key_value : jsEnv) { JsEnvServlet.putJsEnv(key_value.key, key_value.value); } } int httpPort = options.valueOf(httpPortOpt); boolean openBrowser = !options.has(noBrowserOpt); tnoodleServer = new TNoodleServer(httpPort, bindAggressively, openBrowser); return; } } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } parser.printHelpOn(System.out); System.exit(1); // non zero exit status } }