package com.trendmicro.mist.session; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.TreeMap; import; import; import; import com.trendmicro.mist.Client; import com.trendmicro.mist.Connection; import com.trendmicro.mist.Daemon; import com.trendmicro.mist.MistException; import com.trendmicro.mist.proto.GateTalk; public class SessionPool { public static TreeMap<Integer, Session> pool = new TreeMap<Integer, Session>(); /** * Get a session from the session pool by session id. If the session's role * is not specified yet, then create the concrete session according to the * role. It is thread-safe. * * @param sessId * The session id * @param role * The request role, GateTalk.Request.Role.SINK or * GateTalk.Request.Role.SOURCE<br> * If role is null, then if the session has not been initialized, * it will return null * @return The ConsumerSession / ProducerSession in the session pool * @throws MistException * If the session id is not valid, throw a MistException */ public synchronized static Session getOrCreateConcreteSession(int sessId, GateTalk.Request.Role role) throws MistException { if(!pool.containsKey(sessId)) throw new MistException("invalid session id " + sessId); Session sess = SessionPool.pool.get(sessId); if(sess == null && role != null) { if(role == GateTalk.Request.Role.SOURCE) sess = new ConsumerSession(sessId, null); else if(role == GateTalk.Request.Role.SINK) sess = new ProducerSession(sessId, null); SessionPool.pool.put(sessId, sess); } return sess; } public static String getSessionListString() { StringWriter strOut = new StringWriter(); strOut.write(String.format("%d sessions%n", pool.size())); if(pool.size() > 0) { Table tab = new Table(5); tab.addCell("ID"); tab.addCell("Status"); tab.addCell("Type"); tab.addCell("Exchange"); tab.addCell("Conn. IDs"); try { for(Entry<Integer, Session> ent : pool.entrySet()) { if(ent.getValue() == null) { tab.addCell(ent.getKey().toString()); tab.addCell("idle"); tab.addCell(""); tab.addCell(""); tab.addCell(""); } else { Collection<Client> clients = ent.getValue().getClientList(); Session sess = ent.getValue(); tab.addCell(ent.getKey().toString()); tab.addCell(sess.isAttached() ? "BUSY": "idle"); if(sess instanceof ProducerSession) tab.addCell("producer"); else tab.addCell("consumer"); String exchanges = ""; String conn_ids = ""; if(ent.getValue().isAttached()) for(Client c : clients) conn_ids += (c.getConnection().getId() + " "); for(Client c : clients) exchanges += (c.getExchange().toString() + " "); tab.addCell(exchanges); tab.addCell(conn_ids); } } } catch(Exception e) { } strOut.write(tab.render() + "\n"); } strOut.write(String.format("%d connections%n", Daemon.connectionPool.size())); if(Daemon.connectionPool.size() > 0) { Table tab = new Table(6); tab.addCell("ID"); tab.addCell("Connected"); tab.addCell("Type"); tab.addCell("Auth"); tab.addCell("Host"); tab.addCell("Ref. Count"); for(Connection conn : Daemon.connectionPool) { tab.addCell(String.valueOf(conn.getId())); tab.addCell(String.valueOf(conn.isConnected()), new CellStyle(; tab.addCell(conn.getType()); tab.addCell(conn.getConfig().getUsername() + ":*"); tab.addCell(conn.getConnectionString()); tab.addCell(String.valueOf(conn.getReferenceCount()), new CellStyle(HorizontalAlign.right)); } strOut.write(tab.render() + "\n"); } return strOut.toString(); } }