package org.tldgen.writers; import org.tldgen.model.AbstractTldElement; import org.tldgen.model.Function; import org.tldgen.model.Library; import org.tldgen.model.Listener; import org.tldgen.model.Tag; import; import; /** * Create a single HTML file * @author carlos * */ public abstract class AbstractHtmlWriter extends AbstractWriter { private static final String YUI_VERSION = "2.7.0"; /** buffered contents of this writer */ protected StringWriter out; /** filename to write */ private String filename; protected AbstractHtmlWriter(String htmlFile) throws IOException { out = new StringWriter(); this.filename = htmlFile; } /** * Format the HTML output and writes to the output filename */ public void close() { formatAndWriteXml(out.toString(), filename); } /** * @param title HTML title */ protected void startDocument(String title) throws IOException { print("<!DOCTYPE html>"); startTag("html"); startTag("head"); startTag("title").print(title).endTag("title"); startTag("link", "rel", "stylesheet", "type", "text/css", "href", "yui-" + YUI_VERSION + "/reset-fonts-grids.css").endTag("link"); startTag("link", "rel", "stylesheet", "type", "text/css", "href", "styles.css").endTag("link"); endTag("head"); } protected void endDocument() throws IOException { endTag("html"); } protected void startBody() throws IOException { startTag("body"); startTag("div", "id","custom-doc","class","yui-t2"); startTag("div", "id","bd", "role","main"); startTag("div", "id","yui-main"); startTag("div", "id", "wrapper", "class","yui-b left-delimiter"); } protected void endBody(String footerName) throws IOException { startTag("div", "id","ft", "role","contentinfo"); print(footerName + " TLD Documentation"); startTag("p"); print("Generated by ").startTag("a", "href","").print("TLDGen").endTag("a"); endTag("p"); endTag("div"); endTag("div"); endTag("body"); } /** * * @param selectedItem If not null, the selected tag or the first function instance */ protected void printMenu(Library library, AbstractTldElement selectedItem) throws IOException { endTag("div"); endTag("div"); startTag("div", "class","yui-b menu"); startTag("ol"); for (Tag tag : library.getTags()) { printMenuItem(tag.getName() + ".html", tag.getName(), tag == selectedItem); } if (!library.getFunctions().isEmpty()) { printMenuItem("functions.html", "functions", selectedItem instanceof Function); } if (!library.getListeners().isEmpty()) { printMenuItem("listeners.html", "listeners", selectedItem instanceof Listener); } endTag("ol"); endTag("div"); endTag("div"); } protected void printMenuItem(String link, String itemName, boolean selected) throws IOException { startTag("li", "class", selected? "selected" : null); startTag("a", "href", link); print(itemName); endTag("a"); endTag("li"); } protected void printHeader(int headerId, String value, String...attributes) throws IOException { startTag("h" + headerId, attributes); print(value); endTag("h" + headerId); } /** * Write the name and the value of a table row if value not null or false */ protected void printTableEntry(String name, String value) throws IOException { if (isPrintable(value)) { printTableRow(name,value); } } /** * Write all the provided values inside a table row */ protected void printTableRow(String... values) throws IOException { startTag("tr"); for (String value: values) { startTag("td").print(value).endTag("td"); } endTag("tr"); } /** * Write the table headers inside a table row */ protected void printTableHeaders(String... headers) throws IOException { startTag("tr"); for (String value: headers) { startTag("th").print(value).endTag("th"); } endTag("tr"); } /** * * @param tag the tag to write * @param attributes the list of pairs attribute / value, if any */ protected AbstractHtmlWriter startTag(String tag, String... attributes) throws IOException{ print("<").print(tag); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i += 2) { if (attributes[i + 1] != null) { print(" ").print(attributes[i]).print("=\"").print(attributes[i + 1]).print("\""); } } print(">"); return this; } protected AbstractHtmlWriter endTag(String tag) throws IOException{ print("</").print(tag).print(">"); return this; } protected boolean isPrintable(String value) { return value != null; } protected AbstractHtmlWriter print(String s) throws IOException { if (isPrintable(s)) { out.write(s); } return this; } }