package network.thunder.core.communication.objects.messages.impl.blockchainlistener.bciapi; import com.squareup.okhttp.*; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * This class implements the {@link HttpClientInterface} using OkHttp. * OkHttp handles Gzip, connection pooling, caching and retries out of the box. * The library also provides a set of fluent builders for creating requests and responses. * For more information about OkHttp visit */ public class OkClient implements HttpClientInterface { public static final String URL_SCHEME = "https"; public static final String URL_HOST = ""; public static final int TIMEOUT_MS = 10000; private static OkHttpClient okHttpClientInstance = null; private static OkClient okClientInstance = null; /** * Private constructor to prevent instantiation. */ private OkClient () { //prevent instantiation through reflection. if (okClientInstance != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already initialized."); } } /** * OkClient singleton */ public synchronized static OkClient getOkClientInstance () { if (okClientInstance == null) { okClientInstance = new OkClient(); } return okClientInstance; } /** * OkHttpClient singleton */ private synchronized static OkHttpClient getOkHttpClientInstance () { if (okHttpClientInstance == null) { okHttpClientInstance = new OkHttpClient(); okHttpClientInstance.setConnectTimeout(TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } return okHttpClientInstance; } /** * This method makes a get request to a specific API resource. * Request is built using the OkHttp {@link HttpUrl} builder. * * @param resource The API resource being requested. * @param params A set of params sent to the resource * @return Returns a response as a {@link String} * @throws IOException Thrown if the request was unsuccessful. */ @Override public String get (String resource, Map<String, String> params) throws APIException, IOException { HttpUrl.Builder url = getHttpUrlBuilder(resource); for (String paramName : params.keySet()) { url.addEncodedQueryParameter(paramName, params.get(paramName)); } Request request = new Request.Builder() .url( .build(); Response response = getOkHttpClientInstance().newCall(request).execute(); if (isNotSuccessfulResponse(response)) { throw new IOException(String.format("Unsuccessful call to %s Response: %s", request.urlString(), response)); } return response.body().string(); } /** * This method makes a post request to a specific API resource. * Request is built using the OkHttp {@link HttpUrl} builder. * Request body is built using the OkHttp {@link FormEncodingBuilder} builder . * * @param resource The API resource being requested. * @param params A set of params sent to the resource * @return Returns a response as a {@link String} * @throws IOException Thrown if the request was unsuccessful. */ @Override public String post (String resource, Map<String, String> params) throws APIException, IOException { HttpUrl.Builder url = getHttpUrlBuilder(resource); FormEncodingBuilder formEncodingBuilder = new FormEncodingBuilder(); for (String paramName : params.keySet()) { formEncodingBuilder.addEncoded(paramName, params.get(paramName)); } Request request = new Request.Builder() .url( .post( .build(); Response response = getOkHttpClientInstance().newCall(request).execute(); if (isNotSuccessfulResponse(response)) { throw new IOException(String.format("Unsuccessful call to %s Response: %s", request.urlString(), response)); } return response.body().string(); } private HttpUrl.Builder getHttpUrlBuilder (String resource) { HttpUrl.Builder url = new HttpUrl.Builder(); url.scheme(URL_SCHEME) .host(URL_HOST) .addPathSegment(resource); return url; } private boolean isNotSuccessfulResponse (Response response) { return !response.isSuccessful(); } }