package org.thrudb.thrudoc.tokyocabinet; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.thrudb.thrudoc.ThrudocBackend; import tokyocabinet.BDB; import tokyocabinet.BDBCUR; /** * Implements thrudoc api using TokyoCabinet. * * @author jake * */ public class TokyoCabinetDB implements ThrudocBackend { private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(getClass()); private String docRoot; private String bucketName; private BDB bdb; /** * Allocates a new tokyo cabinet bdb. * * Works like a key/value store with list functionality * If the db is not on disk it creates it. * * @param docRoot where all the dbs live. * @param bucketName db name really * * @throws TException */ public TokyoCabinetDB(String docRoot, String bucketName) throws TException{ this.docRoot = docRoot; this.bucketName = bucketName; int bdbFlags = BDB.OWRITER; //verify db file String dbFileName = docRoot+File.separatorChar+bucketName+".tcb"; File dbFile = new File(dbFileName); if(dbFile.isFile() && !dbFile.canWrite()) throw new TException(dbFileName+" is not writable"); if(dbFile.isDirectory()) throw new TException(dbFileName+" should not be a directory"); if(!dbFile.exists()) bdbFlags |= BDB.OCREAT; bdb = new BDB(); if(!,bdbFlags)){ throw new TException(bdb.errmsg()); } } /** * Gets a key from the db. * * @param key the key name * @return the value for this key (binary) */ public byte[] get(String key) { byte[] value = bdb.get(key.getBytes()); return value; } /** * Creates or Replaces a key in the db with a binary value * @param key the key name * @param value the binary value */ public void put(String key, byte[] value) { bdb.put(key.getBytes(), value); } /** * Removes a key/value from the db. * * @param key the name of key to remove */ public void remove(String key) { bdb.out(key); } /** * Returns a list of keys that have a lexical order greater than the seed. * * @param seed the starting key to search from * @param limit the max results * @return list of keys greater than the seed */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> scan(String seed, int limit) { return bdb.fwmkeys(seed, limit); } /** * Increments a counter by a specified amount. * * @param key the counter name * @param amount the amount to increment by * @return */ public int incr(String key, int amount){ return bdb.addint(key, amount); } /** * Decrements a counter by a specified amount * * @param key the counter name * @param amount the amount to decrement by * @return */ public int decr(String key, int amount){ if(amount > 0) amount *= -1; return bdb.addint(key, amount); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void push_back(String key, byte[] value) throws TException { //first get the next key. List<byte[]> nextKey = bdb.fwmkeys(key.getBytes(),2); BDBCUR cursor = new BDBCUR(bdb); //look for edge cases //no forward keys if(nextKey.isEmpty() ){ this.put(key, value); return; } //the input is all that was found. jump to last record. if( Arrays.equals(nextKey.get(0),key.getBytes()) && nextKey.size() == 1){ if(!cursor.last()) throw new RuntimeException("Can't jump to last record"); }else{ //jump to key ahead of our input key if(nextKey.size() == 1){ if(!cursor.jump(nextKey.get(0))) throw new RuntimeException("Key should exist but failed to jump to it's location"); } else { if(!cursor.jump(nextKey.get(1))) throw new RuntimeException("Key should exist but failed to jump to it's location"); } } //back one should be the input key, if it's not then the key //does not exist yet, so we add it if(!Arrays.equals(cursor.key(),key.getBytes())){ if(!cursor.prev()){ this.put(key, value); return; } } // the key under this cursor should match, if not we add a new key //based on input if(!Arrays.equals(cursor.key(),key.getBytes())){ this.put(key, value); return; } //we are at the right spot, now append the value if(!cursor.put(value, BDBCUR.CPAFTER)) throw new TException(bdb.errmsg()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public byte[] pop_back(String key) throws TException{ //first get the next key. List<byte[]> nextKey = bdb.fwmkeys(key.getBytes(),2); BDBCUR cursor = new BDBCUR(bdb); if(nextKey.isEmpty()){ return new byte[]{}; } //first entry should match, if not the input key is missing so fail if(!Arrays.equals(nextKey.get(0),key.getBytes())){ return new byte[]{}; } //the input key is at the end of the index so jump to end if(nextKey.size() == 1) { if(!cursor.last()) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to jump to last key"); } else { if(!cursor.jump(nextKey.get(1))) throw new RuntimeException("Key should exist but failed to jump to it's location"); } //move back one, to tail of the input key if(!cursor.prev()) throw new RuntimeException("Key should exist but failed to jump to it's location"); if(!Arrays.equals(cursor.key(),key.getBytes())) throw new TException("key mismatch "+key+" vs "+cursor.key2()); byte[] value = cursor.val(); //delete if(!cursor.out()) throw new TException(bdb.errmsg()); return value; } public void push_front(String key, byte[] value) throws TException { BDBCUR cursor = new BDBCUR(bdb); if(!cursor.jump(key)){ this.put(key, value); return; } //not matching key so add new if(!Arrays.equals(cursor.key(),key.getBytes())){ this.put(key, value); return; } if(!cursor.put(value, BDBCUR.CPBEFORE)) throw new TException(bdb.errmsg()); } public byte[] pop_front(String key) throws TException{ BDBCUR cursor = new BDBCUR(bdb); if(!cursor.jump(key)) return new byte[]{}; if(!Arrays.equals(cursor.key(),key.getBytes())) return new byte[]{}; //save value byte[] value = cursor.val(); //delete if(!cursor.out()) throw new TException(bdb.errmsg()); return value; } private BDBCUR goto_position(String key, int position) { if(position < 0) return null; BDBCUR cursor = new BDBCUR(bdb); if(!cursor.jump(key)) return null; int currentPos = 0; int checkMod = 10; //verify key every few records while(currentPos < position){; if(currentPos % checkMod == 0){ if(!Arrays.equals(cursor.key(), key.getBytes())) return null; } currentPos++; } //at position if(!Arrays.equals(cursor.key(), key.getBytes())) return null; return cursor; } public byte[] remove_at(String key, int position){ BDBCUR cursor = this.goto_position(key, position); //if position not found if(cursor == null) return null; byte[] value = cursor.val(); if(!cursor.out()) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to remove record"); return value; } public void insert_at(String key, byte[] value, int position) { BDBCUR cursor = this.goto_position(key, position); if(cursor == null) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to insert at position: "+position); if(!cursor.put(value, BDBCUR.CPBEFORE)) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to replace record"); } public void replace_at(String key, byte[] value, int position) { BDBCUR cursor = this.goto_position(key, position); if(cursor == null) return; if(!cursor.put(value, BDBCUR.CPCURRENT)) throw new RuntimeException("Unable to replace record"); } public byte[] retrieve_at(String key, int position){ BDBCUR cursor = this.goto_position(key, position); //if position not found if(cursor == null) return null; byte[] value = cursor.val(); return value; } public List<byte[]> range(String key, int start, int end){ if(start > end || end < 0 || start < 0) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid start and/or end context"); BDBCUR cursor = this.goto_position(key, start); if(cursor == null) return null; int currentPos = 0; int distance = end - start; List<byte[]> response = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); while(currentPos <= distance){ response.add(cursor.val()); if(! break; currentPos++; } return response; } public int length(String key) { BDBCUR cursor = new BDBCUR(bdb); if(!cursor.jump(key)) return 0; if(!Arrays.equals(cursor.key(),key.getBytes())) return 0; int length = 0; while(Arrays.equals(cursor.key(),key.getBytes())){ length++; if(! return length; } return length; } public boolean erase(){ return bdb.vanish(); } }