/** * Copyright © 2016-2017 The Thingsboard Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.thingsboard.server.dao.timeseries; import com.datastax.driver.core.*; import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder; import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Select; import com.google.common.base.Function; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.AsyncFunction; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.FutureCallback; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.Futures; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.thingsboard.server.common.data.kv.*; import org.thingsboard.server.common.data.kv.DataType; import org.thingsboard.server.dao.AbstractAsyncDao; import org.thingsboard.server.dao.AbstractDao; import org.thingsboard.server.dao.model.ModelConstants; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.annotation.PreDestroy; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import static com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder.eq; import static com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder.select; /** * @author Andrew Shvayka */ @Component @Slf4j public class BaseTimeseriesDao extends AbstractAsyncDao implements TimeseriesDao { //@Value("${cassandra.query.min_aggregation_step_ms}") //TODO: private int minAggregationStepMs = 1000; @Value("${cassandra.query.ts_key_value_partitioning}") private String partitioning; private TsPartitionDate tsFormat; private PreparedStatement partitionInsertStmt; private PreparedStatement[] latestInsertStmts; private PreparedStatement[] saveStmts; private PreparedStatement[] fetchStmts; private PreparedStatement findLatestStmt; private PreparedStatement findAllLatestStmt; @PostConstruct public void init() { super.startExecutor(); getFetchStmt(Aggregation.NONE); Optional<TsPartitionDate> partition = TsPartitionDate.parse(partitioning); if (partition.isPresent()) { tsFormat = partition.get(); } else { log.warn("Incorrect configuration of partitioning {}", partitioning); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to parse partitioning property: " + partitioning + "!"); } } @PreDestroy public void stop() { super.stopExecutor(); } @Override public long toPartitionTs(long ts) { LocalDateTime time = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(ts), ZoneOffset.UTC); return tsFormat.truncatedTo(time).toInstant(ZoneOffset.UTC).toEpochMilli(); } @Override public ListenableFuture<List<TsKvEntry>> findAllAsync(String entityType, UUID entityId, List<TsKvQuery> queries) { List<ListenableFuture<List<TsKvEntry>>> futures = queries.stream().map(query -> findAllAsync(entityType, entityId, query)).collect(Collectors.toList()); return Futures.transform(Futures.allAsList(futures), new Function<List<List<TsKvEntry>>, List<TsKvEntry>>() { @Nullable @Override public List<TsKvEntry> apply(@Nullable List<List<TsKvEntry>> results) { List<TsKvEntry> result = new ArrayList<TsKvEntry>(); results.forEach(r -> result.addAll(r)); return result; } }, readResultsProcessingExecutor); } private ListenableFuture<List<TsKvEntry>> findAllAsync(String entityType, UUID entityId, TsKvQuery query) { if (query.getAggregation() == Aggregation.NONE) { return findAllAsyncWithLimit(entityType, entityId, query); } else { long step = Math.max(query.getInterval(), minAggregationStepMs); long stepTs = query.getStartTs(); List<ListenableFuture<Optional<TsKvEntry>>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); while (stepTs < query.getEndTs()) { long startTs = stepTs; long endTs = stepTs + step; TsKvQuery subQuery = new BaseTsKvQuery(query.getKey(), startTs, endTs, step, 1, query.getAggregation()); futures.add(findAndAggregateAsync(entityType, entityId, subQuery, toPartitionTs(startTs), toPartitionTs(endTs))); stepTs = endTs; } ListenableFuture<List<Optional<TsKvEntry>>> future = Futures.allAsList(futures); return Futures.transform(future, new Function<List<Optional<TsKvEntry>>, List<TsKvEntry>>() { @Nullable @Override public List<TsKvEntry> apply(@Nullable List<Optional<TsKvEntry>> input) { return input.stream().filter(v -> v.isPresent()).map(v -> v.get()).collect(Collectors.toList()); } }, readResultsProcessingExecutor); } } private ListenableFuture<List<TsKvEntry>> findAllAsyncWithLimit(String entityType, UUID entityId, TsKvQuery query) { long minPartition = toPartitionTs(query.getStartTs()); long maxPartition = toPartitionTs(query.getEndTs()); ResultSetFuture partitionsFuture = fetchPartitions(entityType, entityId, query.getKey(), minPartition, maxPartition); final SimpleListenableFuture<List<TsKvEntry>> resultFuture = new SimpleListenableFuture<>(); final ListenableFuture<List<Long>> partitionsListFuture = Futures.transform(partitionsFuture, getPartitionsArrayFunction(), readResultsProcessingExecutor); Futures.addCallback(partitionsListFuture, new FutureCallback<List<Long>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable List<Long> partitions) { TsKvQueryCursor cursor = new TsKvQueryCursor(entityType, entityId, query, partitions); findAllAsyncSequentiallyWithLimit(cursor, resultFuture); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { log.error("[{}][{}] Failed to fetch partitions for interval {}-{}", entityType, entityId, minPartition, maxPartition, t); } }, readResultsProcessingExecutor); return resultFuture; } private void findAllAsyncSequentiallyWithLimit(final TsKvQueryCursor cursor, final SimpleListenableFuture<List<TsKvEntry>> resultFuture) { if (cursor.isFull() || !cursor.hasNextPartition()) { resultFuture.set(cursor.getData()); } else { PreparedStatement proto = getFetchStmt(Aggregation.NONE); BoundStatement stmt = proto.bind(); stmt.setString(0, cursor.getEntityType()); stmt.setUUID(1, cursor.getEntityId()); stmt.setString(2, cursor.getKey()); stmt.setLong(3, cursor.getNextPartition()); stmt.setLong(4, cursor.getStartTs()); stmt.setLong(5, cursor.getEndTs()); stmt.setInt(6, cursor.getCurrentLimit()); Futures.addCallback(executeAsyncRead(stmt), new FutureCallback<ResultSet>() { @Override public void onSuccess(@Nullable ResultSet result) { cursor.addData(convertResultToTsKvEntryList(result.all())); findAllAsyncSequentiallyWithLimit(cursor, resultFuture); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { log.error("[{}][{}] Failed to fetch data for query {}-{}", stmt, t); } }, readResultsProcessingExecutor); } } private ListenableFuture<Optional<TsKvEntry>> findAndAggregateAsync(String entityType, UUID entityId, TsKvQuery query, long minPartition, long maxPartition) { final Aggregation aggregation = query.getAggregation(); final String key = query.getKey(); final long startTs = query.getStartTs(); final long endTs = query.getEndTs(); final long ts = startTs + (endTs - startTs) / 2; ResultSetFuture partitionsFuture = fetchPartitions(entityType, entityId, key, minPartition, maxPartition); ListenableFuture<List<Long>> partitionsListFuture = Futures.transform(partitionsFuture, getPartitionsArrayFunction(), readResultsProcessingExecutor); ListenableFuture<List<ResultSet>> aggregationChunks = Futures.transform(partitionsListFuture, getFetchChunksAsyncFunction(entityType, entityId, key, aggregation, startTs, endTs), readResultsProcessingExecutor); return Futures.transform(aggregationChunks, new AggregatePartitionsFunction(aggregation, key, ts), readResultsProcessingExecutor); } private Function<ResultSet, List<Long>> getPartitionsArrayFunction() { return rows -> rows.all().stream() .map(row -> row.getLong(ModelConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN)).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private AsyncFunction<List<Long>, List<ResultSet>> getFetchChunksAsyncFunction(String entityType, UUID entityId, String key, Aggregation aggregation, long startTs, long endTs) { return partitions -> { try { PreparedStatement proto = getFetchStmt(aggregation); List<ResultSetFuture> futures = new ArrayList<>(partitions.size()); for (Long partition : partitions) { log.trace("Fetching data for partition [{}] for entityType {} and entityId {}", partition, entityType, entityId); BoundStatement stmt = proto.bind(); stmt.setString(0, entityType); stmt.setUUID(1, entityId); stmt.setString(2, key); stmt.setLong(3, partition); stmt.setLong(4, startTs); stmt.setLong(5, endTs); log.debug("Generated query [{}] for entityType {} and entityId {}", stmt, entityType, entityId); futures.add(executeAsyncRead(stmt)); } return Futures.allAsList(futures); } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Failed to fetch data", e); throw e; } }; } @Override public ResultSetFuture findLatest(String entityType, UUID entityId, String key) { BoundStatement stmt = getFindLatestStmt().bind(); stmt.setString(0, entityType); stmt.setUUID(1, entityId); stmt.setString(2, key); log.debug("Generated query [{}] for entityType {} and entityId {}", stmt, entityType, entityId); return executeAsyncRead(stmt); } @Override public ResultSetFuture findAllLatest(String entityType, UUID entityId) { BoundStatement stmt = getFindAllLatestStmt().bind(); stmt.setString(0, entityType); stmt.setUUID(1, entityId); log.debug("Generated query [{}] for entityType {} and entityId {}", stmt, entityType, entityId); return executeAsyncRead(stmt); } @Override public ResultSetFuture save(String entityType, UUID entityId, long partition, TsKvEntry tsKvEntry) { DataType type = tsKvEntry.getDataType(); BoundStatement stmt = getSaveStmt(type).bind() .setString(0, entityType) .setUUID(1, entityId) .setString(2, tsKvEntry.getKey()) .setLong(3, partition) .setLong(4, tsKvEntry.getTs()); addValue(tsKvEntry, stmt, 5); return executeAsyncWrite(stmt); } @Override public ResultSetFuture saveLatest(String entityType, UUID entityId, TsKvEntry tsKvEntry) { DataType type = tsKvEntry.getDataType(); BoundStatement stmt = getLatestStmt(type).bind() .setString(0, entityType) .setUUID(1, entityId) .setString(2, tsKvEntry.getKey()) .setLong(3, tsKvEntry.getTs()); addValue(tsKvEntry, stmt, 4); return executeAsyncWrite(stmt); } @Override public ResultSetFuture savePartition(String entityType, UUID entityId, long partition, String key) { log.debug("Saving partition {} for the entity [{}-{}] and key {}", partition, entityType, entityId, key); return executeAsyncWrite(getPartitionInsertStmt().bind() .setString(0, entityType) .setUUID(1, entityId) .setLong(2, partition) .setString(3, key)); } @Override public List<TsKvEntry> convertResultToTsKvEntryList(List<Row> rows) { List<TsKvEntry> entries = new ArrayList<>(rows.size()); if (!rows.isEmpty()) { rows.forEach(row -> { TsKvEntry kvEntry = convertResultToTsKvEntry(row); if (kvEntry != null) { entries.add(kvEntry); } }); } return entries; } @Override public TsKvEntry convertResultToTsKvEntry(Row row) { String key = row.getString(ModelConstants.KEY_COLUMN); long ts = row.getLong(ModelConstants.TS_COLUMN); return new BasicTsKvEntry(ts, toKvEntry(row, key)); } public static KvEntry toKvEntry(Row row, String key) { KvEntry kvEntry = null; String strV = row.get(ModelConstants.STRING_VALUE_COLUMN, String.class); if (strV != null) { kvEntry = new StringDataEntry(key, strV); } else { Long longV = row.get(ModelConstants.LONG_VALUE_COLUMN, Long.class); if (longV != null) { kvEntry = new LongDataEntry(key, longV); } else { Double doubleV = row.get(ModelConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_COLUMN, Double.class); if (doubleV != null) { kvEntry = new DoubleDataEntry(key, doubleV); } else { Boolean boolV = row.get(ModelConstants.BOOLEAN_VALUE_COLUMN, Boolean.class); if (boolV != null) { kvEntry = new BooleanDataEntry(key, boolV); } else { log.warn("All values in key-value row are nullable "); } } } } return kvEntry; } /** * Select existing partitions from the table * <code>{@link ModelConstants#TS_KV_PARTITIONS_CF}</code> for the given entity */ private ResultSetFuture fetchPartitions(String entityType, UUID entityId, String key, long minPartition, long maxPartition) { Select.Where select = QueryBuilder.select(ModelConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN).from(ModelConstants.TS_KV_PARTITIONS_CF).where(eq(ModelConstants.ENTITY_TYPE_COLUMN, entityType)) .and(eq(ModelConstants.ENTITY_ID_COLUMN, entityId)).and(eq(ModelConstants.KEY_COLUMN, key)); select.and(QueryBuilder.gte(ModelConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN, minPartition)); select.and(QueryBuilder.lte(ModelConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN, maxPartition)); return executeAsyncRead(select); } private PreparedStatement getSaveStmt(DataType dataType) { if (saveStmts == null) { saveStmts = new PreparedStatement[DataType.values().length]; for (DataType type : DataType.values()) { saveStmts[type.ordinal()] = getSession().prepare("INSERT INTO " + ModelConstants.TS_KV_CF + "(" + ModelConstants.ENTITY_TYPE_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.ENTITY_ID_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.KEY_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.TS_COLUMN + "," + getColumnName(type) + ")" + " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } } return saveStmts[dataType.ordinal()]; } private PreparedStatement getFetchStmt(Aggregation aggType) { if (fetchStmts == null) { fetchStmts = new PreparedStatement[Aggregation.values().length]; for (Aggregation type : Aggregation.values()) { if (type == Aggregation.SUM && fetchStmts[Aggregation.AVG.ordinal()] != null) { fetchStmts[type.ordinal()] = fetchStmts[Aggregation.AVG.ordinal()]; } else if (type == Aggregation.AVG && fetchStmts[Aggregation.SUM.ordinal()] != null) { fetchStmts[type.ordinal()] = fetchStmts[Aggregation.SUM.ordinal()]; } else { fetchStmts[type.ordinal()] = getSession().prepare("SELECT " + String.join(", ", ModelConstants.getFetchColumnNames(type)) + " FROM " + ModelConstants.TS_KV_CF + " WHERE " + ModelConstants.ENTITY_TYPE_COLUMN + " = ? " + "AND " + ModelConstants.ENTITY_ID_COLUMN + " = ? " + "AND " + ModelConstants.KEY_COLUMN + " = ? " + "AND " + ModelConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN + " = ? " + "AND " + ModelConstants.TS_COLUMN + " > ? " + "AND " + ModelConstants.TS_COLUMN + " <= ?" + (type == Aggregation.NONE ? " ORDER BY " + ModelConstants.TS_COLUMN + " DESC LIMIT ?" : "")); } } } return fetchStmts[aggType.ordinal()]; } private PreparedStatement getLatestStmt(DataType dataType) { if (latestInsertStmts == null) { latestInsertStmts = new PreparedStatement[DataType.values().length]; for (DataType type : DataType.values()) { latestInsertStmts[type.ordinal()] = getSession().prepare("INSERT INTO " + ModelConstants.TS_KV_LATEST_CF + "(" + ModelConstants.ENTITY_TYPE_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.ENTITY_ID_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.KEY_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.TS_COLUMN + "," + getColumnName(type) + ")" + " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); } } return latestInsertStmts[dataType.ordinal()]; } private PreparedStatement getPartitionInsertStmt() { if (partitionInsertStmt == null) { partitionInsertStmt = getSession().prepare("INSERT INTO " + ModelConstants.TS_KV_PARTITIONS_CF + "(" + ModelConstants.ENTITY_TYPE_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.ENTITY_ID_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.PARTITION_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.KEY_COLUMN + ")" + " VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)"); } return partitionInsertStmt; } private PreparedStatement getFindLatestStmt() { if (findLatestStmt == null) { findLatestStmt = getSession().prepare("SELECT " + ModelConstants.KEY_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.TS_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.STRING_VALUE_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.BOOLEAN_VALUE_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.LONG_VALUE_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_COLUMN + " " + "FROM " + ModelConstants.TS_KV_LATEST_CF + " " + "WHERE " + ModelConstants.ENTITY_TYPE_COLUMN + " = ? " + "AND " + ModelConstants.ENTITY_ID_COLUMN + " = ? " + "AND " + ModelConstants.KEY_COLUMN + " = ? "); } return findLatestStmt; } private PreparedStatement getFindAllLatestStmt() { if (findAllLatestStmt == null) { findAllLatestStmt = getSession().prepare("SELECT " + ModelConstants.KEY_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.TS_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.STRING_VALUE_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.BOOLEAN_VALUE_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.LONG_VALUE_COLUMN + "," + ModelConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_COLUMN + " " + "FROM " + ModelConstants.TS_KV_LATEST_CF + " " + "WHERE " + ModelConstants.ENTITY_TYPE_COLUMN + " = ? " + "AND " + ModelConstants.ENTITY_ID_COLUMN + " = ? "); } return findAllLatestStmt; } public static String getColumnName(DataType type) { switch (type) { case BOOLEAN: return ModelConstants.BOOLEAN_VALUE_COLUMN; case STRING: return ModelConstants.STRING_VALUE_COLUMN; case LONG: return ModelConstants.LONG_VALUE_COLUMN; case DOUBLE: return ModelConstants.DOUBLE_VALUE_COLUMN; default: throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented!"); } } public static void addValue(KvEntry kvEntry, BoundStatement stmt, int column) { switch (kvEntry.getDataType()) { case BOOLEAN: stmt.setBool(column, kvEntry.getBooleanValue().get().booleanValue()); break; case STRING: stmt.setString(column, kvEntry.getStrValue().get()); break; case LONG: stmt.setLong(column, kvEntry.getLongValue().get().longValue()); break; case DOUBLE: stmt.setDouble(column, kvEntry.getDoubleValue().get().doubleValue()); break; } } }