package net.sourceforge.texlipse.builder; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; /** * Tracks project files for maintaining information about user or LaTeX build * generated files, as well as the changes therein. * * @author Matthias Erll * */ public class ProjectFileTracking { private final IProject project; private final Set<IFolder> excludeFolders; private IFolder outputDir; private IFolder tempDir; private Set<IPath> tempDirNames; private Map<IPath, Long> buildDirNames; /** * Checks if the given file name has any of the extensions in * <code>ext</code>. * * @param name file name * @param ext array of potential file extensions to match * @return true, if any of the extensions matches */ private static boolean hasMatchingExt(String name, String[] ext) { if (name != null) { for (String e : ext) { if (name.endsWith(e)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Checks if the given file name has any of the extensions in * <code>ext</code>. If so, the first matching extension is returned. * * @param name file name * @param ext array of potential file extensions to match * @return true, if any of the extensions matches */ private static String getMatchingExt(String name, String[] ext) { if (ext != null) { for (String e : ext) { if (name.endsWith(e)) { return e; } } } return null; } /** * Checks if the given file is a standard project file and should not be * messed with. * * @param name file name * @return true, if the file is a project file */ private static boolean isProjectFile(String name) { if (name != null) { return ".project".equals(name) || ".texlipse".equals(name) || hasMatchingExt(name, new String[] {".tex", ".cls", ".sty", ".ltx"}); } else { return false; } } /** * Check whether the given file has a temp file extension. * * @param name file name * @param ext temp. file extensions * @param format build output format * @return true, if file has a temporary file extension or is * an intermediate output file */ private static boolean isTempFile(String name, String[] ext, String format) { return hasMatchingExt(name, ext) // dvi and ps can also be temporary files at this point // pdf can not, because nothing is generated from pdfs || (name.endsWith(".dvi") && !"dvi".equals(format)) || (name.endsWith(".ps") && !"ps".equals(format)); } /** * Checks if the given time stamp is newer than the reference time stamp * recorded in the snapshot of the build directory. The file is also * considered newer, if it had not been recorded before. * * @param name IPath reference to the file * @param currentTimestamp current time stamp of the file * @return true, if the file is new or newer than the snapshot; false * otherwise */ private boolean isNewer(IPath name, long currentTimestamp) { Long prevTimestamp = buildDirNames.get(name); return prevTimestamp == null || (prevTimestamp.longValue() < currentTimestamp); } /** * Recursively scans the given container for files and adds them to the * given map, along with their time stamps. This does not list the * folders it recurses into. * * @param container container to scan for files * @param nameMap map of file paths to put the files and time stamps into * @param monitor progress monitor * @throws CoreException if an error occurs */ private void recursiveScanFiles(final IContainer container, final Map<IPath, Long> nameMap, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { IResource[] res = container.members(); for (IResource current : res) { if (current instanceof IFolder) { if (!excludeFolders.contains(current)) { // Recurse into subfolders IFolder subFolder = (IFolder) current; recursiveScanFiles(subFolder, nameMap, monitor); } } else if (!isProjectFile(current.getName())) { Long timestamp = new Long(current.getModificationStamp()); nameMap.put(current.getProjectRelativePath(), timestamp); } monitor.worked(1); } } /** * Generates a map of output files in the given folder, along with their * file extensions. The latter can be used for renaming the output files * later. Output files can be the main output file, a partial build output, * or a file with the same name, but different file extension as the source * file. This different extension has to be any of the ones passed in * <code>derivedExts</code>. * * @param aSourceContainer source container to scan for output files * @param sourceBaseName name without extension of the current source file * @param derivedExts derived file extensions * @param format current output format * @param monitor progress monitor * @return a map with output files (keys) and extensions (values) * @throws CoreException if an error occurs */ public static Map<IPath, String> getOutputNames(IContainer aSourceContainer, String sourceBaseName, String[] derivedExts, String format, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { final Map<IPath, String> outputNames = new HashMap<IPath, String>(); final String dotFormat = '.' + format; final String currentOutput = sourceBaseName + dotFormat; for (IResource res : aSourceContainer.members()) { // Disregard subfolders if (res instanceof IFile) { String name = res.getName(); if (name.equals(currentOutput)) { outputNames.put(res.getProjectRelativePath(), dotFormat); } else { String ext = getMatchingExt(name, derivedExts); if (ext != null && OutputFileManager.stripFileExt(name, ext).equals(sourceBaseName)) { outputNames.put(res.getProjectRelativePath(), ext); } } } monitor.worked(1); } return outputNames; } /** * Constructor. * * @param project current project */ public ProjectFileTracking(final IProject project) { this.project = project; this.excludeFolders = new HashSet<IFolder>(); init(); } /** * (Re-)Initializes this instance and reads the current settings * from the project preferences. */ public void init() { excludeFolders.clear(); tempDirNames = null; buildDirNames = null; outputDir = TexlipseProperties.getProjectOutputDir(project); tempDir = TexlipseProperties.getProjectTempDir(project); if (outputDir != null) { excludeFolders.add(outputDir); } if (tempDir != null) { excludeFolders.add(tempDir); } } /** * Checks if snapshots have been created. * * @return true if snapshots exist, false otherwise */ public boolean isInitial() { return tempDirNames == null || buildDirNames == null; } /** * Retrieves the current snapshot of temporary files. * * @param monitor progress monitor * @return a set of paths to all files in the current snapshot */ public Set<IPath> getTempFiles() { return new HashSet<IPath>(tempDirNames); } /** * Retrieves the current contents of the temporary files folder. * * @return a set of paths to all files inside the temp folder * @throws CoreException if an error occurs */ public Set<IPath> getTempFolderNames(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { final Map<IPath, Long> tempDirFiles = new HashMap<IPath, Long>(); if (tempDir != null && tempDir.exists()) { recursiveScanFiles(tempDir, tempDirFiles, monitor); } // We do not need the time stamps in this case. return tempDirFiles.keySet(); } /** * Determines the temporary files, which have been added to or changed * within the source container during the last build. Temporary files * are defined by the file extensions given in <code>tempExts</code>. * * @param container source container to scan for new files * @param tempExts extensions of temporary files * @param monitor progress monitor * @return set of new temporary files * @throws CoreException if an error occurs */ public Set<IPath> getNewTempNames(final IContainer container, final String[] tempExts, final String format, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { Set<IPath> newNames = new HashSet<IPath>(); Map<IPath, Long> currentNames = new HashMap<IPath, Long>(); // Scan for current files in the build folder recursiveScanFiles(container, currentNames, monitor); for (Entry<IPath, Long> names : currentNames.entrySet()) { // Check which of the files are new, and if they are temporary files IPath name = names.getKey(); Long timestamp = names.getValue(); if (isTempFile(name.lastSegment(), tempExts, format) && isNewer(name, timestamp.longValue())) { newNames.add(name); } monitor.worked(1); } return newNames; } /** * Memorizes two sets of files: * <ul> * <li>temporary files currently located in the temp. files folder</li> * <li>all files currently located in the source container</li> * </ul> * These can later be used to determine, which temporary files have been * added during a LaTeX build process. * * @param container source container * @param monitor progress monitor * @throws CoreException if an error occurs */ public void refreshSnapshots(final IContainer container, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException { tempDirNames = getTempFolderNames(monitor); final Map<IPath, Long> newBuildDirFiles = new HashMap<IPath, Long>(); if (container != null && container.exists()) { recursiveScanFiles(container, newBuildDirFiles, monitor); } buildDirNames = newBuildDirFiles; } /** * Drops the snapshots of the temporary files directory and build directory. */ public void clearSnapshots() { tempDirNames = null; buildDirNames = null; } }