package com.termux.terminal; /** * ${CSI}${top};${bottom}r" - set Scrolling Region [top;bottom] (default = full size of window) (DECSTBM). * <p/> * "DECSTBM moves the cursor to column 1, line 1 of the page" ( */ public class ScrollRegionTest extends TerminalTestCase { public void testScrollRegionTop() { withTerminalSized(3, 4).enterString("111222333444").assertLinesAre("111", "222", "333", "444"); enterString("\033[2r").assertCursorAt(0, 0); enterString("\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nCDEFGH").assertLinesAre("111", "444", "CDE", "FGH").assertHistoryStartsWith("333"); enterString("IJK").assertLinesAre("111", "CDE", "FGH", "IJK").assertHistoryStartsWith("444"); // Reset scroll region and enter line: enterString("\033[r").enterString("\r\n\r\n\r\n").enterString("LMNOPQ").assertLinesAre("CDE", "FGH", "LMN", "OPQ"); } public void testScrollRegionBottom() { withTerminalSized(3, 4).enterString("111222333444"); assertLinesAre("111", "222", "333", "444"); enterString("\033[1;3r").assertCursorAt(0, 0); enterString("\r\n\r\nCDEFGH").assertLinesAre("222", "CDE", "FGH", "444").assertHistoryStartsWith("111"); // Reset scroll region and enter line: enterString("\033[r").enterString("\r\n\r\n\r\n").enterString("IJKLMN").assertLinesAre("CDE", "FGH", "IJK", "LMN"); } public void testScrollRegionResetWithOriginMode() { withTerminalSized(3, 4).enterString("111222333444"); assertLinesAre("111", "222", "333", "444"); // "\033[?6h" sets origin mode, so that the later DECSTBM resets cursor to below margin: enterString("\033[?6h\033[2r").assertCursorAt(1, 0); } public void testScrollRegionLeft() { // ${CSI}?69h for DECLRMM enabling, ${CSI}${LEFTMARGIN};${RIGHTMARGIN}s for DECSLRM margin setting. withTerminalSized(3, 3).enterString("\033[?69h\033[2sABCDEFG").assertLinesAre("ABC", " DE", " FG"); enterString("HI").assertLinesAre("ADE", " FG", " HI").enterString("JK").assertLinesAre("AFG", " HI", " JK"); enterString("\n").assertLinesAre("AHI", " JK", " "); } public void testScrollRegionRight() { // ${CSI}?69h for DECLRMM enabling, ${CSI}${LEFTMARGIN};${RIGHTMARGIN}s for DECSLRM margin setting. withTerminalSized(3, 3).enterString("YYY\033[?69h\033[1;2sABCDEF").assertLinesAre("ABY", "CD ", "EF "); enterString("GH").assertLinesAre("CDY", "EF ", "GH ").enterString("IJ").assertLinesAre("EFY", "GH ", "IJ "); enterString("\n").assertLinesAre("GHY", "IJ ", " "); } public void testScrollRegionOnAllSides() { // ${CSI}?69h for DECLRMM enabling, ${CSI}${LEFTMARGIN};${RIGHTMARGIN}s for DECSLRM margin setting. withTerminalSized(4, 4).enterString("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP").assertLinesAre("ABCD", "EFGH", "IJKL", "MNOP"); // enterString("\033[?6h\033[2;3r").assertCursorAt(1, 0); enterString("\033[?69h\033[2;3s").assertCursorAt(1, 1); enterString("QRST").assertLinesAre("ABCD", "EQRH", "ISTL", "MNOP"); enterString("UV").assertLinesAre("ABCD", "ESTH", "IUVL", "MNOP"); } public void testDECCOLMResetsScrollMargin() { // DECCOLM — Select 80 or 132 Columns per Page ( has the important // side effect to clear scroll margins, which is useful for e.g. the "reset" utility to clear scroll margins. withTerminalSized(3, 4).enterString("111222333444").assertLinesAre("111", "222", "333", "444"); enterString("\033[2r\033[?3h\r\nABCDEFGHIJKL").assertLinesAre("ABC", "DEF", "GHI", "JKL"); } public void testScrollOutsideVerticalRegion() { withTerminalSized(3, 4).enterString("\033[0;2rhi\033[4;0Hyou").assertLinesAre("hi ", " ", " ", "you"); //enterString("see").assertLinesAre("hi ", " ", " ", "see"); } public void testNELRespectsLeftMargin() { // vttest "Menu 11.3.2: VT420 Cursor-Movement Test", select "10. Test other movement (CR/HT/LF/FF) within margins". // The NEL (ESC E) sequence moves cursor to first position on next line, where first position depends on origin mode and margin. withTerminalSized(3, 3).enterString("\033[?69h\033[2sABC\033ED").assertLinesAre("ABC", "D ", " "); withTerminalSized(3, 3).enterString("\033[?69h\033[2sABC\033[?6h\033ED").assertLinesAre("ABC", " D ", " "); } public void testBackwardIndex() { // vttest "Menu 11.3.2: VT420 Cursor-Movement Test", test 7. // Without margins: withTerminalSized(3, 3).enterString("ABCDEF\0336H").assertLinesAre("ABC", "DHF", " "); enterString("\0336\0336I").assertLinesAre("ABC", "IHF", " "); enterString("\0336\0336").assertLinesAre(" AB", " IH", " "); // With left margin: withTerminalSized(3, 3).enterString("\033[?69h\033[2sABCDEF\0336\0336").assertLinesAre("A B", " D", " F"); } public void testForwardIndex() { // vttest "Menu 11.3.2: VT420 Cursor-Movement Test", test 8. // Without margins: withTerminalSized(3, 3).enterString("ABCD\0339E").assertLinesAre("ABC", "D E", " "); enterString("\0339").assertLinesAre("BC ", " E ", " "); // With right margin: withTerminalSized(3, 3).enterString("\033[?69h\033[0;2sABCD\0339").assertLinesAre("B ", "D ", " "); } public void testScrollDownWithScrollRegion() { withTerminalSized(2, 5).enterString("1\r\n2\r\n3\r\n4\r\n5").assertLinesAre("1 ", "2 ", "3 ", "4 ", "5 "); enterString("\033[3r").enterString("\033[2T").assertLinesAre("1 ", "2 ", " ", " ", "3 "); } }