/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010, 2016 Wind River Systems, Inc. and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Xilinx - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.tcf.internal.debug.tests; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; import org.eclipse.tcf.protocol.IChannel; import org.eclipse.tcf.protocol.IErrorReport; import org.eclipse.tcf.protocol.IToken; import org.eclipse.tcf.services.IDiagnostics; class TestEchoINT implements ITCFTest, IDiagnostics.DoneEchoINT { private final TCFTestSuite test_suite; private final IDiagnostics diag; private final LinkedList<BigInteger> msgs = new LinkedList<BigInteger>(); private final Random rnd = new Random(); private static final int MAX_COUNT = 0x1000; private static final int MAX_TIME_MS = 4000; private int count = 0; private long start_time; TestEchoINT(TCFTestSuite test_suite, IChannel channel) { this.test_suite = test_suite; diag = channel.getRemoteService(IDiagnostics.class); } public void start() { if (diag == null) { test_suite.done(this, null); } else { start_time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) sendMessage(); } } private void sendMessage() { int t = 0; BigInteger n = null; switch (count) { case 0: n = new BigInteger("-2147483648"); break; case 1: n = new BigInteger("2147483647"); break; case 2: t = 2; n = new BigInteger("-9223372036854775808"); break; case 3: t = 2; n = new BigInteger("9223372036854775807"); break; } if (n == null) { byte[] buf = null; t = rnd.nextInt() & 3; switch (t) { case 0: n = BigInteger.valueOf(rnd.nextInt()); break; case 1: buf = new byte[4]; rnd.nextBytes(buf); n = new BigInteger(1, buf); break; case 2: buf = new byte[8]; rnd.nextBytes(buf); buf[0] = (byte)(buf[0] & 0x7f); n = new BigInteger(rnd.nextBoolean() ? 1 : -1, buf); break; case 3: buf = new byte[8]; rnd.nextBytes(buf); n = new BigInteger(1, buf); break; } } msgs.add(n); diag.echoINT(t, n, this); count++; } public void doneEchoINT(IToken token, Throwable error, BigInteger b) { BigInteger s = msgs.removeFirst(); if (!test_suite.isActive(this)) return; if (error instanceof IErrorReport && ((IErrorReport)error).getErrorCode() == IErrorReport.TCF_ERROR_INV_COMMAND) { test_suite.done(this, null); } else if (error != null) { test_suite.done(this, error); } else if (!s.equals(b)) { test_suite.done(this, new Exception("EchoINT test failed: " + s + " != " + b)); } else if (count < MAX_COUNT) { sendMessage(); // Don't run the test longer then MAX_TIME_MS ms if (count % 0x40 == 0 && System.currentTimeMillis() - start_time >= MAX_TIME_MS) { count = MAX_COUNT; } } else if (msgs.isEmpty()) { test_suite.done(this, null); } } public boolean canResume(String id) { return true; } }