package org.tynamo.descriptor.annotation.beaneditor; import org.tynamo.PageType; import java.lang.annotation.*; @Target(ElementType.PARAMETER) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface BeanModel { /** * Identifier key for these BeanModel configuration properties */ String key() default ""; /** * Shortcut for the most commonly used keys * This value is ignored if the "key" is specified. * This value is ignored when the @BeanModel annotation is used on pages. */ PageType pageType() default PageType.DEFAULT; /** * The type of bean for this model * This value is ignored when the @BeanModel annotation is used on entities. */ Class beanType() default void.class; /** * A comma-separated list of property names to be removed from the BeanModel. The names are case-insensitive. */ String exclude() default ""; /** * A comma-separated list of property names to be retained from the BeanModel. Only these properties will be retained, * and the properties will also be reordered. The names are case-insensitive. */ String include() default ""; /** * A comma-separated list of property names indicating the order in which the properties should be presented. The names * are case insensitive. Any properties not indicated in the list will be appended to the end of the display order. * <p/> * * @see org.apache.tapestry5.beaneditor.ReorderProperties */ String reorder() default ""; }