package com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.syncthing; import; import; import android.content.ClipData; import android.content.ClipboardManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.AsyncTask; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import; import; import; import com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.BuildConfig; import com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.R; import com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.activities.RestartActivity; import com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.http.GetTask; import com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.http.PostTask; import com.nutomic.syncthingandroid.util.FolderObserver; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Provides functions to interact with the syncthing REST API. */ public class RestApi implements SyncthingService.OnWebGuiAvailableListener, FolderObserver.OnFolderFileChangeListener { private static final String TAG = "RestApi"; /** * Parameter for {@link #getValue} or {@link #setValue} referring to "options" config item. */ public static final String TYPE_OPTIONS = "options"; /** * Parameter for {@link #getValue} or {@link #setValue} referring to "gui" config item. */ public static final String TYPE_GUI = "gui"; /** * The name of the HTTP header used for the syncthing API key. */ public static final String HEADER_API_KEY = "X-API-Key"; /** * Key of the map element containing connection info for the local device, in the return * value of {@link #getConnections} */ public static final String TOTAL_STATS = "total"; public static final int USAGE_REPORTING_UNDECIDED = 0; public static final int USAGE_REPORTING_ACCEPTED = 2; public static final int USAGE_REPORTING_DENIED = -1; private static final List<Integer> USAGE_REPORTING_DECIDED = Arrays.asList(USAGE_REPORTING_ACCEPTED, USAGE_REPORTING_DENIED); public static class Device implements Serializable { public List<String> addresses; public String name; public String deviceID; public String compression; public boolean introducer; } public static class SystemInfo { public long alloc; public double cpuPercent; public int extAnnounceConnected; // Number of connected announce servers. public int extAnnounceTotal; // Total number of configured announce servers. public int goroutines; public String myID; public long sys; } public static class SystemVersion { @SerializedName("arch") public String architecture; @SerializedName("codename") public String codename; @SerializedName("longVersion") public String longVersion; @SerializedName("os") public String os; @SerializedName("version") public String version; } public static class Folder implements Serializable { public String path; public String label; public String id; public String invalid; public List<String> deviceIds; public boolean readOnly; public int rescanIntervalS; public Versioning versioning; } public static class Versioning implements Serializable { protected final Map<String, String> mParams = new HashMap<>(); public String getType() { return ""; } public Map<String, String> getParams() { return mParams; } } public static class SimpleVersioning extends Versioning { @Override public String getType() { return "simple"; } public void setParams(int keep) { mParams.put("keep", Integer.toString(keep)); } } public static class Connection { public String at; public long inBytesTotal; public long outBytesTotal; public long inBits; public long outBits; public String address; public String clientVersion; public int completion; public boolean connected; } public static class Model { public long globalBytes; public long globalDeleted; public long globalFiles; public long localBytes; public long localDeleted; public long localFiles; public long inSyncBytes; public long inSyncFiles; public long needBytes; public long needFiles; public long needDeletes; public String state; public String invalid; } public interface OnConfigChangedListener { void onConfigChanged(); } private final Context mContext; private String mVersion; private final URL mUrl; private final String mApiKey; private final String mHttpsCertPath; private JSONObject mConfig; private String mLocalDeviceId; private boolean mRestartPostponed = false; /** * Stores the result of the last successful request to {@link GetTask#URI_CONNECTIONS}, * or an empty Map. */ private Map<String, Connection> mPreviousConnections = new HashMap<>(); /** * Stores the timestamp of the last successful request to {@link GetTask#URI_CONNECTIONS}. */ private long mPreviousConnectionTime = 0; /** * Stores the latest result of {@link #getModel(String, OnReceiveModelListener)} for each folder, * for calculating device percentage in {@link #getConnections(OnReceiveConnectionsListener)}. */ private final HashMap<String, Model> mCachedModelInfo = new HashMap<>(); /** * Stores a hash map to resolve folders to paths for events. */ private final Map<String, String> mCacheFolderPathLookup = new HashMap<>(); public RestApi(Context context, URL url, String apiKey, OnApiAvailableListener apiListener, OnConfigChangedListener configListener) { mContext = context; mUrl = url; mApiKey = apiKey; mHttpsCertPath = mContext.getFilesDir() + "/" + SyncthingService.HTTPS_CERT_FILE; mOnApiAvailableListener = apiListener; mOnConfigChangedListener = configListener; } /** * Number of previous calls to {@link #tryIsAvailable()}. */ private final AtomicInteger mAvailableCount = new AtomicInteger(0); /** * Number of asynchronous calls performed in {@link #onWebGuiAvailable()}. */ private static final int TOTAL_STARTUP_CALLS = 3; public interface OnApiAvailableListener { public void onApiAvailable(); } private final OnApiAvailableListener mOnApiAvailableListener; private final OnConfigChangedListener mOnConfigChangedListener; /** * Gets local device ID, syncthing version and config, then calls all OnApiAvailableListeners. */ @Override public void onWebGuiAvailable() { mAvailableCount.set(0); new GetTask(mUrl, GetTask.URI_VERSION, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(String s) { if (s == null) return; try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(s); mVersion = json.getString("version"); Log.i(TAG, "Syncthing version is " + mVersion); tryIsAvailable(); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to parse config", e); } } }.execute(); new GetTask(mUrl, GetTask.URI_CONFIG, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(String config) { try { mConfig = new JSONObject(config); tryIsAvailable(); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to parse config", e); } } }.execute(); getSystemInfo(info -> { mLocalDeviceId = info.myID; tryIsAvailable(); }); } /** * Increments mAvailableCount by one, and, if it reached TOTAL_STARTUP_CALLS, * calls {@link SyncthingService#onApiChange()}. */ private void tryIsAvailable() { int value = mAvailableCount.incrementAndGet(); if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && value > TOTAL_STARTUP_CALLS) { throw new AssertionError("Too many startup calls"); } if (value == TOTAL_STARTUP_CALLS) { mOnApiAvailableListener.onApiAvailable(); } } /** * Returns the version name, or a (text) error message on failure. */ public String getVersion() { return mVersion; } /** * Stops syncthing and cancels notification. For use by {@link SyncthingService}. */ public void shutdown() { // Happens in unit tests. if (mContext == null) return; NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); nm.cancel(RestartActivity.NOTIFICATION_RESTART); mRestartPostponed = false; } /** * Gets a value from config, * * Booleans are returned as {@link }Boolean#toString}, arrays as space seperated string. * * @param name {@link #TYPE_OPTIONS} or {@link #TYPE_GUI} * @param key The key to read from. * @return The value as a String, or null on failure. */ public String getValue(String name, String key) { // Happens if this functions is called before class is fully initialized. if (mConfig == null) return ""; try { Object value = mConfig.getJSONObject(name).get(key); return (value instanceof JSONArray) ? ((JSONArray) value).join(", ").replace("\"", "").replace("\\", "") : value.toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to get value for " + key, e); return ""; } } /** * Sets a value to config and sends it via Rest API. * <p/> * Booleans must be passed as {@link Boolean}, arrays as space seperated string * with isArray true. * * @param name {@link #TYPE_OPTIONS} or {@link #TYPE_GUI} * @param key The key to write to. * @param value The new value to set, either String, Boolean or Integer. * @param isArray True if value is a space seperated String that should be converted to array. */ public <T> void setValue(String name, String key, T value, boolean isArray, Activity activity) { try { mConfig.getJSONObject(name).put(key, (isArray) ? new JSONArray(Arrays.asList(((String) value).split(","))) : value); requireRestart(activity); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to set value for " + key, e); } } private List<String> jsonToList(JSONArray array) throws JSONException { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>(array.length()); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { list.add(array.getString(i)); } return list; } /** * Either shows a restart dialog, or only updates the config, depending on * {@link #mRestartPostponed}. */ public void requireRestart(Activity activity) { if (mRestartPostponed) { new PostTask(mUrl, PostTask.URI_CONFIG, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey).execute(mConfig.toString()); } else { activity.startActivity(new Intent(mContext, RestartActivity.class)); } mOnConfigChangedListener.onConfigChanged(); } /** * Sends the current config to Syncthing and restarts it. * * This executes a restart immediately, and does not show a dialog. */ public void updateConfig() { new PostTask(mUrl, PostTask.URI_CONFIG, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean b) { mContext.startService(new Intent(mContext, SyncthingService.class) .setAction(SyncthingService.ACTION_RESTART)); } }.execute(mConfig.toString()); } /** * Returns a list of all existing devices. * * @param includeLocal True if the local device should be included in the result. */ public List<Device> getDevices(boolean includeLocal) { if (mConfig == null) return new ArrayList<>(); try { JSONArray devices = mConfig.getJSONArray("devices"); List<Device> ret = new ArrayList<>(devices.length()); for (int i = 0; i < devices.length(); i++) { JSONObject json = devices.getJSONObject(i); Device n = new Device(); n.addresses = jsonToList(json.optJSONArray("addresses")); = json.getString("name"); n.deviceID = json.getString("deviceID"); n.compression = json.getString("compression"); n.introducer = json.getBoolean("introducer"); // Use null-save check because mLocalDeviceId might not be initialized yet. // Should be replaced with Object.equals() when that becomes available in Android. boolean sameId = (mLocalDeviceId == n.deviceID) || (mLocalDeviceId != null && mLocalDeviceId.equals(n.deviceID)); if (includeLocal || !sameId) { ret.add(n); } } return ret; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to read devices", e); return new ArrayList<>(); } } /** * Result listener for {@link #getSystemInfo(OnReceiveSystemInfoListener)}. */ public interface OnReceiveSystemInfoListener { public void onReceiveSystemInfo(SystemInfo info); } /** * Result listener for {@link #getSystemVersion(OnReceiveSystemVersionListener)}. */ public interface OnReceiveSystemVersionListener { void onReceiveSystemVersion(SystemVersion version); } /** * Requests and parses information about current system status and resource usage. * * @param listener Callback invoked when the result is received. */ public void getSystemInfo(final OnReceiveSystemInfoListener listener) { new GetTask(mUrl, GetTask.URI_SYSTEM, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(String s) { if (s == null) return; try { JSONObject system = new JSONObject(s); SystemInfo si = new SystemInfo(); si.alloc = system.getLong("alloc"); si.cpuPercent = system.getDouble("cpuPercent"); if (system.has("discoveryEnabled")) { si.extAnnounceTotal = system.getInt("discoveryMethods"); si.extAnnounceConnected = si.extAnnounceTotal - system.getJSONObject("discoveryErrors").length(); } else { si.extAnnounceTotal = 0; si.extAnnounceConnected = 0; } si.goroutines = system.getInt("goroutines"); si.myID = system.getString("myID"); si.sys = system.getLong("sys"); listener.onReceiveSystemInfo(si); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to read system info", e); } } }.execute(); } /** * Requests and parses system version information. * * @param listener Callback invoked when the result is received. */ public void getSystemVersion(final OnReceiveSystemVersionListener listener) { new GetTask(mUrl, GetTask.URI_VERSION, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(String response) { if (response == null) { return; } try { SystemVersion systemVersion = new Gson().fromJson(response, SystemVersion.class); listener.onReceiveSystemVersion(systemVersion); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to read system info", e); } } }.execute(); } /** * Returns a list of all existing folders. */ public List<Folder> getFolders() { if (mConfig == null) return new ArrayList<>(); List<Folder> ret; try { JSONArray folders = mConfig.getJSONArray("folders"); ret = new ArrayList<>(folders.length()); for (int i = 0; i < folders.length(); i++) { JSONObject json = folders.getJSONObject(i); Folder r = new Folder(); r.path = json.getString("path"); r.label = json.getString("label"); = json.getString("id"); // TODO: Field seems to be missing sometimes. // r.invalid = json.optString("invalid"); r.deviceIds = new ArrayList<>(); JSONArray devices = json.getJSONArray("devices"); for (int j = 0; j < devices.length(); j++) { JSONObject n = devices.getJSONObject(j); r.deviceIds.add(n.getString("deviceID")); } r.readOnly = json.getString("type").equals("readonly"); r.rescanIntervalS = json.getInt("rescanIntervalS"); JSONObject versioning = json.getJSONObject("versioning"); if (versioning.getString("type").equals("simple")) { SimpleVersioning sv = new SimpleVersioning(); JSONObject params = versioning.getJSONObject("params"); sv.setParams(params.getInt("keep")); r.versioning = sv; } else { r.versioning = new Versioning(); } ret.add(r); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to read devices", e); return new ArrayList<>(); } return ret; } /** * Converts a number of bytes to a human readable file size (eg 3.5 GiB). * * Based on */ public static String readableFileSize(Context context, long bytes) { final String[] units = context.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.file_size_units); if (bytes <= 0) return "0 " + units[0]; int digitGroups = (int) (Math.log10(bytes) / Math.log10(1024)); return new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#") .format(bytes / Math.pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups]; } /** * Converts a number of bytes to a human readable transfer rate in bytes per second * (eg 100 KiB/s). * * Based on */ public static String readableTransferRate(Context context, long bits) { final String[] units = context.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.transfer_rate_units); long bytes = bits / 8; if (bytes <= 0) return "0 " + units[0]; int digitGroups = (int) (Math.log10(bytes) / Math.log10(1024)); return new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#") .format(bytes / Math.pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups]; } /** * Listener for {@link #getConnections}. */ public interface OnReceiveConnectionsListener { /** * @param connections Map from Device id to {@link Connection}. * <p/> * NOTE: The parameter connections is cached internally. Do not modify it or * any of its contents. */ public void onReceiveConnections(Map<String, Connection> connections); } /** * Returns connection info for the local device and all connected devices. * <p/> * Use the key {@link #TOTAL_STATS} to get connection info for the local device. */ public void getConnections(final OnReceiveConnectionsListener listener) { new GetTask(mUrl, GetTask.URI_CONNECTIONS, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(String s) { if (s == null) return; Long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Long timeElapsed = (now - mPreviousConnectionTime) / 1000; if (timeElapsed < 1) { listener.onReceiveConnections(mPreviousConnections); return; } try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(s); Map<String, JSONObject> jsonConnections = new HashMap<>(); jsonConnections.put(TOTAL_STATS, json.getJSONObject(TOTAL_STATS)); JSONArray extConnections = json.getJSONObject("connections").names(); if (extConnections != null) { for (int i = 0; i < extConnections.length(); i++) { String deviceId = extConnections.get(i).toString(); jsonConnections.put(deviceId, json.getJSONObject("connections").getJSONObject(deviceId)); } } Map<String, Connection> connections = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, JSONObject> jsonConnection : jsonConnections.entrySet()) { String deviceId = jsonConnection.getKey(); Connection c = new Connection(); JSONObject conn = jsonConnection.getValue(); c.address = deviceId; = conn.getString("at"); c.inBytesTotal = conn.getLong("inBytesTotal"); c.outBytesTotal = conn.getLong("outBytesTotal"); c.address = conn.getString("address"); c.clientVersion = conn.getString("clientVersion"); c.completion = getDeviceCompletion(deviceId); c.connected = conn.getBoolean("connected"); Connection prev = (mPreviousConnections.containsKey(deviceId)) ? mPreviousConnections.get(deviceId) : new Connection(); mPreviousConnectionTime = now; c.inBits = Math.max(0, 8 * (conn.getLong("inBytesTotal") - prev.inBytesTotal) / timeElapsed); c.outBits = Math.max(0, 8 * (conn.getLong("outBytesTotal") - prev.outBytesTotal) / timeElapsed); connections.put(deviceId, c); } mPreviousConnections = connections; listener.onReceiveConnections(mPreviousConnections); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to parse connections", e); } } }.execute(); } /** * Calculates completion percentage for the given device using {@link #mCachedModelInfo}. */ private int getDeviceCompletion(String deviceId) { int folderCount = 0; float percentageSum = 0; // Syncthing UI limits pending deletes to 95% completion of a device int maxPercentage = 100; for (Map.Entry<String, Model> modelInfo : mCachedModelInfo.entrySet()) { boolean isShared = false; outerloop: for (Folder r : getFolders()) { for (String n : r.deviceIds) { if (n.equals(deviceId)) { isShared = true; break outerloop; } } } if (isShared) { long global = modelInfo.getValue().globalBytes; long local = modelInfo.getValue().inSyncBytes; if (modelInfo.getValue().needFiles == 0 && modelInfo.getValue().needDeletes > 0) maxPercentage = 95; percentageSum += (global != 0) ? (local * 100f) / global : 100f; folderCount++; } } return (folderCount != 0) ? Math.min(Math.round(percentageSum / folderCount), maxPercentage) : 100; } /** * Listener for {@link #getModel}. */ public interface OnReceiveModelListener { public void onReceiveModel(String folderId, Model model); } /** * Listener for {@link #getEvents}. */ public interface OnReceiveEventListener { /** * Called for each event. * * Events with a "folder" field in the data have an extra "folderpath" element added. * @param eventType Name of the event. (See Syncthing documentation) * @param data Contains the data fields of the event. */ void onEvent(String eventType, JSONObject data) throws JSONException; /** * Called after all available events have been processed. * @param lastId The id of the last event processed. Should be used as a starting point for * the next round of event processing. */ void onDone(long lastId); } /** * Returns status information about the folder with the given id. */ public void getModel(final String folderId, final OnReceiveModelListener listener) { new GetTask(mUrl, GetTask.URI_MODEL, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(String s) { if (s == null) return; try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(s); Model m = new Model(); m.globalBytes = json.getLong("globalBytes"); m.globalDeleted = json.getLong("globalDeleted"); m.globalFiles = json.getLong("globalFiles"); m.localBytes = json.getLong("localBytes"); m.localDeleted = json.getLong("localDeleted"); m.localFiles = json.getLong("localFiles"); m.inSyncBytes = json.getLong("inSyncBytes"); m.inSyncFiles = json.getLong("inSyncFiles"); m.needBytes = json.getLong("needBytes"); m.needFiles = json.getLong("needFiles"); m.needDeletes = json.getLong("needDeletes"); m.state = json.getString("state"); m.invalid = json.optString("invalid"); mCachedModelInfo.put(folderId, m); listener.onReceiveModel(folderId, m); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to read folder info", e); } } }.execute("folder", folderId); } /** * Refreshes the lookup table to convert folder names to paths for events. */ private String getPathForFolder(String folderName) { synchronized(mCacheFolderPathLookup) { if (!mCacheFolderPathLookup.containsKey(folderName)) { mCacheFolderPathLookup.clear(); for (Folder folder : getFolders()) { mCacheFolderPathLookup.put(, folder.path); } } return mCacheFolderPathLookup.get(folderName); } } private void clearFolderCache() { synchronized(mCacheFolderPathLookup) { mCacheFolderPathLookup.clear(); } } /** * Retrieves the events that have accumulated since the given event id. * * The OnReceiveEventListeners onEvent method is called for each event. */ public final void getEvents(final long sinceId, final long limit, final OnReceiveEventListener listener) { new GetTask(mUrl, GetTask.URI_EVENTS, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(String s) { if (s == null) return; try { JSONArray jsonEvents = new JSONArray(s); long lastId = 0; for (int i = 0; i < jsonEvents.length(); i++) { JSONObject json = jsonEvents.getJSONObject(i); String type = json.getString("type"); long id = json.getLong("id"); if (lastId < id) lastId = id; JSONObject data = json.optJSONObject("data"); // Add folder path to data. if (data != null && data.has("folder")) { String folder = data.getString("folder"); String folderPath = getPathForFolder(folder); data.put("folderpath", folderPath); } listener.onEvent(type, data); } listener.onDone(lastId); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to read events", e); } } }.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, "since", String.valueOf(sinceId), "limit", String.valueOf(limit)); } /** * Updates or creates the given device, depending on whether it already exists. * * @param device Settings of the device to edit. To create a device, pass a non-existant device ID. * @param listener for the normalized device ID (may be null). */ public void editDevice(@NonNull final Device device, final Activity activity, final OnDeviceIdNormalizedListener listener) { normalizeDeviceId(device.deviceID, (normalizedId, error) -> { if (listener != null) listener.onDeviceIdNormalized(normalizedId, error); if (normalizedId == null) return; device.deviceID = normalizedId; // If the device already exists, just update it. boolean create = true; for (Device n : getDevices(true)) { if (n.deviceID.equals(device.deviceID)) { create = false; } } try { JSONArray devices = mConfig.getJSONArray("devices"); JSONObject n = null; if (create) { n = new JSONObject(); devices.put(n); } else { for (int i = 0; i < devices.length(); i++) { JSONObject json = devices.getJSONObject(i); if (device.deviceID.equals(json.getString("deviceID"))) { n = devices.getJSONObject(i); break; } } } n.put("deviceID", device.deviceID); n.put("name",; n.put("addresses", new JSONArray(device.addresses)); n.put("compression", device.compression); n.put("introducer", device.introducer); requireRestart(activity); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to read devices", e); } } ); } /** * Deletes the given device from syncthing. */ public boolean deleteDevice(Device device, Activity activity) { try { JSONArray devices = mConfig.getJSONArray("devices"); for (int i = 0; i < devices.length(); i++) { JSONObject json = devices.getJSONObject(i); if (device.deviceID.equals(json.getString("deviceID"))) { mConfig.remove("devices"); mConfig.put("devices", delete(devices, devices.getJSONObject(i))); break; } } requireRestart(activity); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to edit folder", e); return false; } return true; } /** * Updates or creates the given device. */ public void editFolder(Folder folder, boolean create, Activity activity) { try { JSONArray folders = mConfig.getJSONArray("folders"); JSONObject r = null; if (create) { r = new JSONObject(); folders.put(r); } else { for (int i = 0; i < folders.length(); i++) { JSONObject json = folders.getJSONObject(i); if ("id"))) { r = folders.getJSONObject(i); break; } } } r.put("path", folder.path); r.put("label", folder.label); r.put("id",; r.put("ignorePerms", true); r.put("type", (folder.readOnly) ? "readonly" : "readwrite"); JSONArray devices = new JSONArray(); for (String n : folder.deviceIds) { JSONObject element = new JSONObject(); element.put("deviceID", n); devices.put(element); } r.put("devices", devices); JSONObject versioning = new JSONObject(); versioning.put("type", folder.versioning.getType()); JSONObject params = new JSONObject(); versioning.put("params", params); for (String key : folder.versioning.getParams().keySet()) { params.put(key, folder.versioning.getParams().get(key)); } r.put("rescanIntervalS", folder.rescanIntervalS); r.put("versioning", versioning); requireRestart(activity); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to edit folder " + + " at " + folder.path, e); return; } clearFolderCache(); } /** * Deletes the given folder from syncthing. */ public boolean deleteFolder(Folder folder, Activity activity) { try { JSONArray folders = mConfig.getJSONArray("folders"); for (int i = 0; i < folders.length(); i++) { JSONObject json = folders.getJSONObject(i); if ("id"))) { mConfig.remove("folders"); mConfig.put("folders", delete(folders, folders.getJSONObject(i))); break; } } requireRestart(activity); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to edit folder", e); return false; } clearFolderCache(); return true; } /** * Replacement for {@link org.json.JSONArray#remove(int)}, which is not available on older APIs. */ private JSONArray delete(JSONArray array, JSONObject delete) throws JSONException { JSONArray newArray = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { if (!array.getJSONObject(i).equals(delete)) { newArray.put(array.get(i)); } } return newArray; } /** * Result listener for {@link #normalizeDeviceId(String, OnDeviceIdNormalizedListener)}. */ public interface OnDeviceIdNormalizedListener { /** * On any call, exactly one parameter will be null. * * @param normalizedId The normalized device ID, or null on error. * @param error An error message, or null on success. */ public void onDeviceIdNormalized(String normalizedId, String error); } /** * Normalizes a given device ID. */ public void normalizeDeviceId(final String id, final OnDeviceIdNormalizedListener listener) { new GetTask(mUrl, GetTask.URI_DEVICEID, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(String s) { super.onPostExecute(s); if (s == null) return; String normalized = null; String error = null; try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(s); normalized = json.optString("id", null); error = json.optString("error", null); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to parse normalized device ID JSON", e); } listener.onDeviceIdNormalized(normalized, error); } }.execute("id", id); } /** * Shares the given device ID via Intent. Must be called from an Activity. */ public static void shareDeviceId(Context context, String id) { Intent shareIntent = new Intent(); shareIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND); shareIntent.setType("text/plain"); shareIntent.putExtra(android.content.Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, id); context.startActivity(Intent.createChooser( shareIntent, context.getString(R.string.send_device_id_to))); } /** * Copies the given device ID to the clipboard (and shows a Toast telling about it). * * @param id The device ID to copy. */ public void copyDeviceId(String id) { ClipboardManager clipboard = (ClipboardManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.CLIPBOARD_SERVICE); ClipData clip = ClipData.newPlainText(mContext.getString(R.string.device_id), id); clipboard.setPrimaryClip(clip); Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.device_id_copied_to_clipboard, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } /** * Force a rescan of the given subdirectory in folder. */ @Override public void onFolderFileChange(String folderId, String relativePath) { new PostTask(mUrl, PostTask.URI_SCAN, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey).execute(folderId, relativePath); } /** * Returns the object representing the local device. */ public Device getLocalDevice() { for (Device d : getDevices(true)) { if (d.deviceID.equals(mLocalDeviceId)) { return d; } } return new Device(); } /** * Returns value of usage reporting preference. */ public int getUsageReportAccepted() { try { int value = mConfig.getJSONObject(TYPE_OPTIONS).getInt("urAccepted"); if (value > USAGE_REPORTING_ACCEPTED) throw new RuntimeException("Inalid usage reporting value"); if (!USAGE_REPORTING_DECIDED.contains(value)) value = USAGE_REPORTING_UNDECIDED; return value; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to read usage report value", e); return USAGE_REPORTING_DENIED; } } /** * Sets new value for usage reporting preference. */ public void setUsageReportAccepted(int value, Activity activity) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG && !USAGE_REPORTING_DECIDED.contains(value)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value for usage report"); try { mConfig.getJSONObject(TYPE_OPTIONS).put("urAccepted", value); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to set usage report value", e); } requireRestart(activity); } /** * Callback for {@link #getUsageReport}. */ public interface OnReceiveUsageReportListener { public void onReceiveUsageReport(String report); } /** * Returns prettyfied usage report. */ public void getUsageReport(final OnReceiveUsageReportListener listener) { new GetTask(mUrl, GetTask.URI_REPORT, mHttpsCertPath, mApiKey) { @Override protected void onPostExecute(String s) { try { if (s == null) return; listener.onReceiveUsageReport(new JSONObject(s).toString(4)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to prettify usage report", e); } } }.execute(); } /** * Sets {@link #mRestartPostponed} to true. */ public void setRestartPostponed() { mRestartPostponed = true; } /** * Returns the device name, or the first characters of the ID if the name is empty. */ public static String getDeviceDisplayName(Device device) { return (TextUtils.isEmpty( ? device.deviceID.substring(0, 7) :; } }