package com.github.kongchen.swagger.docgen.mavenplugin; import io.swagger.annotations.SwaggerDefinition; import io.swagger.models.Contact; import io.swagger.models.Info; import io.swagger.models.License; import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * User: kongchen * Date: 3/7/13 */ public class ApiSource { /** * Java classes containing Swagger's annotation <code>@Api</code>, or Java packages containing those classes * can be configured here. */ @Parameter(required = true) private List<String> locations; @Parameter private Info info; /** * The basePath of your APIs. */ @Parameter private String basePath; /** * The host (name or ip) serving the API. * This MUST be the host only and does not include the scheme nor sub-paths. * It MAY include a port. If the host is not included, the host serving the documentation * is to be used (including the port). The host does not support path templating. */ private String host; /* * The transfer protocols of the API. Values MUST be from the list: "http", "https", "ws", "wss" */ private List<String> schemes; /** * <code>templatePath</code> is the path of a hbs template file, * see more details in next section. * If you don't want to generate extra api documents, just don't set it. */ @Parameter private String templatePath; @Parameter private String outputPath; @Parameter private String outputFormats; @Parameter private String swaggerDirectory; @Parameter private String swaggerFileName; /** * <code>attachSwaggerArtifact</code> triggers plugin execution to attach the generated * swagger.json to Maven session for deployment purpose. The attached classifier * is the directory name of <code>swaggerDirectory</code> */ @Parameter private boolean attachSwaggerArtifact; @Parameter private String swaggerUIDocBasePath; @Parameter private String modelSubstitute; @Parameter private String apiSortComparator; /** * Information about swagger filter that will be used for prefiltering */ @Parameter private String swaggerInternalFilter; @Parameter private String swaggerApiReader; @Parameter private boolean springmvc; @Parameter private boolean useJAXBAnnotationProcessor; @Parameter private boolean useJAXBAnnotationProcessorAsPrimary = true; @Parameter private String swaggerSchemaConverter; @Parameter private List<SecurityDefinition> securityDefinitions; @Parameter private List<String> typesToSkip = new ArrayList<String>(); @Parameter private List<String> apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions = new ArrayList<String>(); @Parameter private boolean jsonExampleValues = false; @Parameter private File descriptionFile; @Parameter private List<String> modelConverters; public Set<Class<?>> getValidClasses(Class<? extends Annotation> clazz) { Set<Class<?>> classes = new LinkedHashSet<Class<?>>(); if (getLocations() == null) { Set<Class<?>> c = new Reflections("").getTypesAnnotatedWith(clazz, true); classes.addAll(c); Set<Class<?>> inherited = new Reflections("").getTypesAnnotatedWith(clazz); classes.addAll(inherited); } else { for (String location : locations) { Set<Class<?>> c = new Reflections(location).getTypesAnnotatedWith(clazz, true); classes.addAll(c); Set<Class<?>> inherited = new Reflections(location).getTypesAnnotatedWith(clazz); classes.addAll(inherited); } } return classes; } public List<String> getApiModelPropertyAccessExclusions() { return apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions; } public void setApiModelPropertyExclusions(List<String> apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions) { this.apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions = apiModelPropertyAccessExclusions; } public List<SecurityDefinition> getSecurityDefinitions() { return securityDefinitions; } public List<String> getTypesToSkip() { return typesToSkip; } public void setTypesToSkip(List<String> typesToSkip) { this.typesToSkip = typesToSkip; } public void setSecurityDefinitions(List<SecurityDefinition> securityDefinitions) { this.securityDefinitions = securityDefinitions; } public Info getInfo() { if (info == null) { setInfoFromAnnotation(); } return info; } private void setInfoFromAnnotation() { Info resultInfo = new Info(); for (Class<?> aClass : getValidClasses(SwaggerDefinition.class)) { SwaggerDefinition swaggerDefinition = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(aClass, SwaggerDefinition.class); io.swagger.annotations.Info infoAnnotation =; Info info = new Info().title(infoAnnotation.title()) .description(infoAnnotation.description()) .version(infoAnnotation.version()) .termsOfService(infoAnnotation.termsOfService()) .license(from(infoAnnotation.license())) .contact(from(; resultInfo.mergeWith(info); } info = resultInfo; } private Contact from(io.swagger.annotations.Contact contactAnnotation) { return new Contact() .name( .email( .url(contactAnnotation.url()); } private License from(io.swagger.annotations.License licenseAnnotation) { return new License() .name( .url(licenseAnnotation.url()); } private void setBasePathFromAnnotation() { for (Class<?> aClass : getValidClasses(SwaggerDefinition.class)) { SwaggerDefinition swaggerDefinition = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(aClass, SwaggerDefinition.class); basePath = swaggerDefinition.basePath(); } } private void setHostFromAnnotation() { for (Class<?> aClass : getValidClasses(SwaggerDefinition.class)) { SwaggerDefinition swaggerDefinition = AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(aClass, SwaggerDefinition.class); host =; } } public void setInfo(Info info) { = info; } public List<String> getLocations() { return locations; } public void setLocations(List<String> locations) { this.locations = locations; } public String getTemplatePath() { return templatePath; } public void setTemplatePath(String templatePath) { this.templatePath = templatePath; } public String getOutputPath() { return outputPath; } public void setOutputPath(String outputPath) { this.outputPath = outputPath; } public String getOutputFormats() { return outputFormats; } public void setOutputFormats(String outputFormats) { this.outputFormats = outputFormats; } public String getBasePath() { if (basePath == null) { setBasePathFromAnnotation(); } return basePath; } public void setBasePath(String basePath) { this.basePath = basePath; } public String getSwaggerDirectory() { return swaggerDirectory; } public void setSwaggerDirectory(String swaggerDirectory) { this.swaggerDirectory = swaggerDirectory; } public String getSwaggerFileName() { return swaggerFileName; } public void setSwaggerFileName(String swaggerFileName) { this.swaggerFileName = swaggerFileName; } public boolean isAttachSwaggerArtifact() { return attachSwaggerArtifact; } public void setAttachSwaggerArtifact(boolean attachSwaggerArtifact) { this.attachSwaggerArtifact = attachSwaggerArtifact; } public void setSwaggerUIDocBasePath(String swaggerUIDocBasePath) { this.swaggerUIDocBasePath = swaggerUIDocBasePath; } public String getSwaggerUIDocBasePath() { return swaggerUIDocBasePath; } public String getHost() { if (host == null) { setHostFromAnnotation(); } return host; } public void setModelSubstitute(String modelSubstitute) { this.modelSubstitute = modelSubstitute; } public String getSwaggerInternalFilter() { return swaggerInternalFilter; } public void setSwaggerInternalFilter(String swaggerInternalFilter) { this.swaggerInternalFilter = swaggerInternalFilter; } public String getSwaggerApiReader() { return swaggerApiReader; } public void setSwaggerApiReader(String swaggerApiReader) { this.swaggerApiReader = swaggerApiReader; } public String getApiSortComparator() { return apiSortComparator; } public void setApiSortComparator(String apiSortComparator) { this.apiSortComparator = apiSortComparator; } public void setHost(String host) { = host; } public List<String> getSchemes() { return schemes; } public void setSchemes(List<String> schemes) { this.schemes = schemes; } public String getModelSubstitute() { return modelSubstitute; } public boolean isSpringmvc() { return springmvc; } public void setSpringmvc(boolean springmvc) { this.springmvc = springmvc; } public String getSwaggerSchemaConverter() { return swaggerSchemaConverter; } public void setSwaggerSchemaConverter(String swaggerSchemaConverter) { this.swaggerSchemaConverter = swaggerSchemaConverter; } public boolean isJsonExampleValues() { return jsonExampleValues; } public void setJsonExampleValues(boolean jsonExampleValues) { this.jsonExampleValues = jsonExampleValues; } public boolean isUseJAXBAnnotationProcessor() { return useJAXBAnnotationProcessor; } public void setUseJAXBAnnotationProcessor(boolean useJAXBAnnotationProcessor) { this.useJAXBAnnotationProcessor = useJAXBAnnotationProcessor; } public boolean isUseJAXBAnnotationProcessorAsPrimary() { return useJAXBAnnotationProcessorAsPrimary; } public void setUseJAXBAnnotationProcessorAsPrimary(boolean useJAXBAnnotationProcessorAsPrimary) { this.useJAXBAnnotationProcessorAsPrimary = useJAXBAnnotationProcessorAsPrimary; } public File getDescriptionFile() { return descriptionFile; } public void setDescriptionFile(File descriptionFile) { this.descriptionFile = descriptionFile; } public List<String> getModelConverters() { return modelConverters; } public void setModelConverters(List<String> modelConverters) { this.modelConverters = modelConverters; } }