package org.apache.cordova.facebook; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Currency; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext; import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin; import org.apache.cordova.PluginResult; import org.apache.cordova.CordovaWebView; import org.apache.cordova.CordovaInterface; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import com.facebook.AppEventsLogger; import com.facebook.FacebookDialogException; import com.facebook.FacebookException; import com.facebook.FacebookOperationCanceledException; import com.facebook.FacebookRequestError; import com.facebook.FacebookServiceException; import com.facebook.Request; import com.facebook.Response; import com.facebook.Session; import com.facebook.SessionState; import com.facebook.UiLifecycleHelper; import com.facebook.model.GraphObject; import com.facebook.model.GraphUser; import com.facebook.widget.FacebookDialog; import com.facebook.widget.WebDialog; import com.facebook.widget.WebDialog.OnCompleteListener; public class ConnectPlugin extends CordovaPlugin { private static final String PUBLISH_PERMISSION_PREFIX = "publish"; private static final String MANAGE_PERMISSION_PREFIX = "manage"; @SuppressWarnings("serial") private static final Set<String> OTHER_PUBLISH_PERMISSIONS = new HashSet<String>() { { add("ads_management"); add("create_event"); add("rsvp_event"); } }; private final String TAG = "ConnectPlugin"; private AppEventsLogger logger; private String applicationId = null; private CallbackContext loginContext = null; private CallbackContext showDialogContext = null; private CallbackContext graphContext = null; private Bundle paramBundle; private String method; private String graphPath; private String userID; private UiLifecycleHelper uiHelper; private boolean trackingPendingCall = false; @Override public void initialize(CordovaInterface cordova, CordovaWebView webView) { //Initialize UiLifecycleHelper uiHelper = new UiLifecycleHelper(cordova.getActivity(), null); // Init logger logger = AppEventsLogger.newLogger(cordova.getActivity()); int appResId = cordova.getActivity().getResources().getIdentifier("fb_app_id", "string", cordova.getActivity().getPackageName()); applicationId = cordova.getActivity().getString(appResId); // Set up the activity result callback to this class cordova.setActivityResultCallback(this); // Open a session if we have one cached Session session = new Session.Builder(cordova.getActivity()).setApplicationId(applicationId).build(); if (session.getState() == SessionState.CREATED_TOKEN_LOADED) { Session.setActiveSession(session); // - Create the request Session.OpenRequest openRequest = new Session.OpenRequest(cordova.getActivity()); // - Set the status change call back openRequest.setCallback(new Session.StatusCallback() { @Override public void call(Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception) { onSessionStateChange(state, exception); } }); session.openForRead(openRequest); } // If we have a valid open session, get user's info if (session != null && session.isOpened()) { // Call this method to initialize the session state info onSessionStateChange(session.getState(), null); } super.initialize(cordova, webView); } @Override public void onResume(boolean multitasking) { super.onResume(multitasking); uiHelper.onResume(); // Developers can observe how frequently users activate their app by logging an app activation event. AppEventsLogger.activateApp(cordova.getActivity()); } protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { uiHelper.onSaveInstanceState(outState); } public void onPause() { uiHelper.onPause(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); uiHelper.onDestroy(); } @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent); Log.d(TAG, "activity result in plugin"); if (trackingPendingCall) { uiHelper.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent, new FacebookDialog.Callback() { @Override public void onError(FacebookDialog.PendingCall pendingCall, Exception error, Bundle data) { Log.e("Activity", String.format("Error: %s", error.toString())); handleError(error); } @Override public void onComplete(FacebookDialog.PendingCall pendingCall, Bundle data) { Log.i("Activity", "Success!"); handleSuccess(data); } }); } else { Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); if (session != null && (loginContext != null || session.isOpened())) { session.onActivityResult(cordova.getActivity(), requestCode, resultCode, intent); } } trackingPendingCall = false; } @Override public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) throws JSONException { if (action.equals("login")) { Log.d(TAG, "login FB"); // Get the permissions String[] arrayPermissions = new String[args.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++) { arrayPermissions[i] = args.getString(i); } List<String> permissions = null; if (arrayPermissions.length > 0) { permissions = Arrays.asList(arrayPermissions); } // Get the currently active session Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); // Set a pending callback to cordova loginContext = callbackContext; PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.NO_RESULT); pr.setKeepCallback(true); loginContext.sendPluginResult(pr); // Check if the active session is open if (session != null && session.isOpened()) { // Reauthorize flow boolean publishPermissions = false; boolean readPermissions = false; // Figure out if this will be a read or publish reauthorize if (permissions == null) { // No permissions, read readPermissions = true; } // Loop through the permissions to see what // is being requested for (String permission : arrayPermissions) { if (isPublishPermission(permission)) { publishPermissions = true; } else { readPermissions = true; } // Break if we have a mixed bag, as this is an error if (publishPermissions && readPermissions) { break; } } if (publishPermissions && readPermissions) { callbackContext.error("Cannot ask for both read and publish permissions."); } else { // Set up the new permissions request Session.NewPermissionsRequest newPermissionsRequest = new Session.NewPermissionsRequest(cordova.getActivity(), permissions); // Set up the activity result callback to this class cordova.setActivityResultCallback(this); // Check for write permissions, the default is read (empty) if (publishPermissions) { // Request new publish permissions session.requestNewPublishPermissions(newPermissionsRequest); } else { // Request new read permissions session.requestNewReadPermissions(newPermissionsRequest); } } } else { // Initial login, build a new session open request. // - Create a new session and set the application ID session = new Session.Builder(cordova.getActivity()).setApplicationId(applicationId).build(); Session.setActiveSession(session); // - Create the request Session.OpenRequest openRequest = new Session.OpenRequest(cordova.getActivity()); // - Set the permissions openRequest.setPermissions(permissions); // - Set the status change call back openRequest.setCallback(new Session.StatusCallback() { @Override public void call(Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception) { onSessionStateChange(state, exception); } }); // Can only ask for read permissions initially session.openForRead(openRequest); } return true; } else if (action.equals("logout")) { Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); if (session != null) { if (session.isOpened()) { session.closeAndClearTokenInformation(); userID = null; callbackContext.success(); } else { // Session not open callbackContext.error("Session not open."); } } else { callbackContext.error("No valid session found, must call init and login before logout."); } return true; } else if (action.equals("getLoginStatus")) { callbackContext.success(getResponse()); return true; } else if (action.equals("getAccessToken")) { Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); if (session != null) { if (session.isOpened()) { callbackContext.success(session.getAccessToken()); } else { // Session not open callbackContext.error("Session not open."); } } else { callbackContext .error("No valid session found, must call init and login before logout."); } return true; } else if (action.equals("logEvent")) { if (args.length() == 0) { // Not enough parameters callbackContext.error("Invalid arguments"); return true; } String eventName = args.getString(0); if (args.length() == 1) { logger.logEvent(eventName); } else { // args is greater than 1 JSONObject params = args.getJSONObject(1); Bundle parameters = new Bundle(); Iterator<?> iterator = params.keys(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { try { // Try get a String String value = params.getString((String); parameters.putString((String), value); } catch (Exception e) { // Maybe it was an int Log.w(TAG, "Type in AppEvent parameters was not String for key: " + (String); try { int value = params.getInt((String); parameters.putInt((String), value); } catch (Exception e2) { // Nope Log.e(TAG, "Unsupported type in AppEvent parameters for key: " + (String); } } } if (args.length() == 2) { logger.logEvent(eventName, parameters); } if (args.length() == 3) { double value = args.getDouble(2); logger.logEvent(eventName, value, parameters); } } callbackContext.success(); return true; } else if (action.equals("logPurchase")) { /* * While calls to logEvent can be made to register purchase events, * there is a helper method that explicitly takes a currency indicator. */ if (args.length() != 2) { callbackContext.error("Invalid arguments"); return true; } int value = args.getInt(0); String currency = args.getString(1); logger.logPurchase(BigDecimal.valueOf(value), Currency.getInstance(currency)); callbackContext.success(); return true; } else if (action.equals("showDialog")) { Bundle collect = new Bundle(); JSONObject params = null; try { params = args.getJSONObject(0); } catch (JSONException e) { params = new JSONObject(); } final ConnectPlugin me = this; Iterator<?> iter = params.keys(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String key = (String); if (key.equals("method")) { try { this.method = params.getString(key); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Nonstring method parameter provided to dialog"); } } else { try { collect.putString(key, params.getString(key)); } catch (JSONException e) { // Need to handle JSON parameters Log.w(TAG, "Nonstring parameter provided to dialog discarded"); } } } this.paramBundle = new Bundle(collect); // Begin by sending a callback pending notice to Cordova showDialogContext = callbackContext; PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.NO_RESULT); pr.setKeepCallback(true); showDialogContext.sendPluginResult(pr); // Setup callback context final OnCompleteListener dialogCallback = new OnCompleteListener() { @Override public void onComplete(Bundle values, FacebookException exception) { if (exception != null) { handleError(exception); } else { handleSuccess(values); } } }; if (this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("feed")) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { WebDialog feedDialog = (new WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder(me.cordova.getActivity(), Session.getActiveSession(), paramBundle)).setOnCompleteListener(dialogCallback).build();; } }; cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(runnable); } else if (this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("apprequests")) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { WebDialog requestsDialog = (new WebDialog.RequestsDialogBuilder(me.cordova.getActivity(), Session.getActiveSession(), paramBundle)).setOnCompleteListener(dialogCallback) .build();; } }; cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(runnable); } else if (this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("share") || this.method.equalsIgnoreCase("share_open_graph")) { if (FacebookDialog.canPresentShareDialog(me.cordova.getActivity(), FacebookDialog.ShareDialogFeature.SHARE_DIALOG)) { Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { // Publish the post using the Share Dialog FacebookDialog shareDialog = new FacebookDialog.ShareDialogBuilder(me.cordova.getActivity()) .setName(paramBundle.getString("name")) .setCaption(paramBundle.getString("caption")) .setDescription(paramBundle.getString("description")) .setLink(paramBundle.getString("link")) .setPicture(paramBundle.getString("picture")) .build(); uiHelper.trackPendingDialogCall(shareDialog.present()); } }; this.trackingPendingCall = true; cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(runnable); } else { // Fallback. For example, publish the post using the Feed Dialog Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { public void run() { WebDialog feedDialog = (new WebDialog.FeedDialogBuilder(me.cordova.getActivity(), Session.getActiveSession(), paramBundle)).setOnCompleteListener(dialogCallback).build();; } }; cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(runnable); } } else { callbackContext.error("Unsupported dialog method."); } return true; } else if (action.equals("graphApi")) { graphContext = callbackContext; PluginResult pr = new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.NO_RESULT); pr.setKeepCallback(true); graphContext.sendPluginResult(pr); graphPath = args.getString(0); JSONArray arr = args.getJSONArray(1); final List<String> permissionsList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { permissionsList.add(arr.getString(i)); } final Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); final ConnectPlugin me = this; boolean publishPermissions = false; boolean readPermissions = false; if (permissionsList.size() > 0) { for (String permission : permissionsList) { if (isPublishPermission(permission)) { publishPermissions = true; } else { readPermissions = true; } // Break if we have a mixed bag, as this is an error if (publishPermissions && readPermissions) { break; } } if (publishPermissions && readPermissions) { graphContext.error("Cannot ask for both read and publish permissions."); } else { if (session.getPermissions().containsAll(permissionsList)) { makeGraphCall(); } else { // Set up the new permissions request Session.NewPermissionsRequest newPermissionsRequest = new Session.NewPermissionsRequest(cordova.getActivity(), permissionsList); // Set up the activity result callback to this class cordova.setActivityResultCallback(me); // Check for write permissions, the default is read (empty) if (publishPermissions) { // Request new publish permissions session.requestNewPublishPermissions(newPermissionsRequest); } else { // Request new read permissions session.requestNewReadPermissions(newPermissionsRequest); } } } } else { makeGraphCall(); } return true; } return false; } private void handleError(Exception exception) { String errMsg = "Facebook error: " + exception.getMessage(); // User clicked "x" if (exception instanceof FacebookOperationCanceledException) { errMsg = "User cancelled dialog"; } else if (exception instanceof FacebookDialogException) { // Dialog error errMsg = "Dialog error: " + exception.getMessage(); } else if (exception instanceof FacebookServiceException) { FacebookRequestError error = ((FacebookServiceException) exception).getRequestError(); if (error.getErrorCode() == 4201) { // User hit the cancel button in the WebView // Tried error.getErrorMessage() but it returns null // if though the URL says: // Redirect URL: fbconnect://success?error_code=4201&error_message=User+canceled+the+Dialog+flow errMsg = "User cancelled dialog"; } } Log.e(TAG, errMsg); showDialogContext.error(errMsg); } private void handleSuccess(Bundle values) { // Handle a successful dialog: // Send the URL parameters back, for a requests dialog, the "request" parameter // will include the resulting request id. For a feed dialog, the "post_id" // parameter will include the resulting post id. // Note: If the user clicks on the Cancel button, the parameter will be empty if (values.size() > 0) { JSONObject response = new JSONObject(); try { Set<String> keys = values.keySet(); for (String key : keys) { response.put(key, values.get(key)); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } showDialogContext.success(response); } else { Log.e(TAG, "User cancelled dialog"); showDialogContext.error("User cancelled dialog"); } } private void getUserInfo(final Session session) { if (cordova != null) { Request.newMeRequest(session, new Request.GraphUserCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(GraphUser user, Response response) { // Create a new result with response data if (loginContext != null) { GraphObject graphObject = response.getGraphObject(); Log.d(TAG, "returning login object " + graphObject.getInnerJSONObject().toString()); userID = user.getId(); loginContext.success(getResponse()); loginContext = null; } } }).executeAsync(); } } private void makeGraphCall() { Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); Request.Callback graphCallback = new Request.Callback() { @Override public void onCompleted(Response response) { if (graphContext != null) { if (response.getError() != null) { graphContext.error(response.getError().getErrorMessage()); } else { GraphObject graphObject = response.getGraphObject(); graphContext.success(graphObject.getInnerJSONObject()); } graphPath = null; graphContext = null; } } }; //If you're using the paging URLs they will be URLEncoded, let's decode them. try { graphPath = URLDecoder.decode(graphPath, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String[] urlParts = graphPath.split("\\?"); String graphAction = urlParts[0]; Request graphRequest = Request.newGraphPathRequest(null, graphAction, graphCallback); Bundle params = graphRequest.getParameters(); if (urlParts.length > 1) { String[] queries = urlParts[1].split("&"); for (String query : queries) { int splitPoint = query.indexOf("="); if (splitPoint > 0) { String key = query.substring(0, splitPoint); String value = query.substring(splitPoint + 1, query.length()); params.putString(key, value); } } } params.putString("access_token", session.getAccessToken()); graphRequest.setParameters(params); graphRequest.executeAsync(); } /* * Handles session state changes */ private void onSessionStateChange(SessionState state, Exception exception) { final Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); // Check if the session is open if (state.isOpened()) { if (loginContext != null) { // Get user info getUserInfo(session); } else if (graphContext != null) { // Make the graph call makeGraphCall(); } } } /* * Checks for publish permissions */ private boolean isPublishPermission(String permission) { return permission != null && (permission.startsWith(PUBLISH_PERMISSION_PREFIX) || permission.startsWith(MANAGE_PERMISSION_PREFIX) || OTHER_PUBLISH_PERMISSIONS.contains(permission)); } /** * Create a Facebook Response object that matches the one for the Javascript SDK * @return JSONObject - the response object */ public JSONObject getResponse() { String response; Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); if (session != null && session.isOpened()) { Date today = new Date(); long expiresTimeInterval = (session.getExpirationDate().getTime() - today.getTime()) / 1000L; long expiresIn = (expiresTimeInterval > 0) ? expiresTimeInterval : 0; response = "{" + "\"status\": \"connected\"," + "\"authResponse\": {" + "\"accessToken\": \"" + session.getAccessToken() + "\"," + "\"expiresIn\": \"" + expiresIn + "\"," + "\"session_key\": true," + "\"sig\": \"...\"," + "\"userID\": \"" + this.userID + "\"" + "}" + "}"; } else { response = "{" + "\"status\": \"unknown\"" + "}"; } try { return new JSONObject(response); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return new JSONObject(); } private class WebDialogBuilderRunnable implements Runnable { private Context context; private Session session; private String method; private Bundle paramBundle; private OnCompleteListener dialogCallback; public WebDialogBuilderRunnable(Context context, Session session, String method, Bundle paramBundle, OnCompleteListener dialogCallback) { this.context = context; this.session = session; this.method = method; this.paramBundle = paramBundle; this.dialogCallback = dialogCallback; } public void run() { WebDialog shareDialog = (new WebDialog.Builder(context, session, method, paramBundle)).setOnCompleteListener(dialogCallback).build();; } } }