/* Copyright 2004, Martian Software, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.martiansoftware.nailgun; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.tools.ant.ExitException; /** * Reads the NailGun stream from the client through the command, * then hands off processing to the appropriate class. The NGSession * obtains its sockets from an NGSessionPool, which created this * NGSession. * * @author <a href="http://www.martiansoftware.com/contact.html">Marty Lamb</a> */ class NGSession extends Thread { /** * The server this NGSession is working for */ private NGServer server = null; /** * The pool this NGSession came from, and to which it will * return itself */ private NGSessionPool sessionPool = null; /** * Synchronization object */ private Object lock = new Object(); /** * The next socket this NGSession has been tasked with processing * (by NGServer) */ private Socket nextSocket = null; /** * True if the server has been shutdown and this NGSession should * terminate completely */ private boolean done = false; /** * The instance number of this NGSession. That is, if this is the Nth * NGSession to be created, then this is the value for N. */ private long instanceNumber = 0; /** * A lock shared among all NGSessions */ private static Object sharedLock = new Object(); /** * The instance counter shared among all NGSessions */ private static long instanceCounter = 0; /** * signature of main(String[]) for reflection operations */ private static Class[] mainSignature; /** * signature of nailMain(NGContext) for reflection operations */ private static Class[] nailMainSignature; static { // initialize the signatures mainSignature = new Class[1]; mainSignature[0] = String[].class; nailMainSignature = new Class[1]; nailMainSignature[0] = NGContext.class; } /** * Creates a new NGSession running for the specified NGSessionPool and * NGServer. * @param sessionPool The NGSessionPool we're working for * @param server The NGServer we're working for */ NGSession(NGSessionPool sessionPool, NGServer server) { super(); this.sessionPool = sessionPool; this.server = server; synchronized(sharedLock) { this.instanceNumber = ++instanceCounter; } // server.out.println("Created NGSession " + instanceNumber); } /** * Shuts down this NGSession gracefully */ void shutdown() { done = true; synchronized(lock) { nextSocket = null; lock.notifyAll(); } } /** * Instructs this NGSession to process the specified socket, after which * this NGSession will return itself to the pool from which it came. * @param socket the socket (connected to a client) to process */ public void run(Socket socket) { synchronized(lock) { nextSocket = socket; lock.notify(); } Thread.yield(); } /** * Returns the next socket to process. This will block the NGSession * thread until there's a socket to process or the NGSession has been * shut down. * * @return the next socket to process, or <code>null</code> if the NGSession * has been shut down. */ private Socket nextSocket() { Socket result = null; synchronized(lock) { result = nextSocket; while (!done && result == null) { try { lock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { done = true; } result = nextSocket; } nextSocket = null; } return (result); } /** * The main NGSession loop. This gets the next socket to process, runs * the nail for the socket, and loops until shut down. */ public void run() { updateThreadName(null); Socket socket = nextSocket(); while (socket != null) { try { // buffer for reading headers byte[] lbuf = new byte[5]; java.io.DataInputStream sockin = new java.io.DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); java.io.OutputStream sockout = socket.getOutputStream(); // client info - command line arguments and environment List remoteArgs = new java.util.ArrayList(); Properties remoteEnv = new Properties(); String cwd = null; // working directory String command = null; // alias or class name // read everything from the client up to and including the command while (command == null) { sockin.readFully(lbuf); long bytesToRead = LongUtils.fromArray(lbuf, 0); char chunkType = (char) lbuf[4]; byte[] b = new byte[(int) bytesToRead]; sockin.readFully(b); String line = new String(b, "US-ASCII"); switch(chunkType) { case NGConstants.CHUNKTYPE_ARGUMENT: // command line argument remoteArgs.add(line); break; case NGConstants.CHUNKTYPE_ENVIRONMENT: // parse environment into property int equalsIndex = line.indexOf('='); if (equalsIndex > 0) { remoteEnv.setProperty( line.substring(0, equalsIndex), line.substring(equalsIndex + 1)); } String key = line.substring(0, equalsIndex); break; case NGConstants.CHUNKTYPE_COMMAND: // command (alias or classname) command = line; break; case NGConstants.CHUNKTYPE_WORKINGDIRECTORY: // client working directory cwd = line; break; default: // freakout? } } updateThreadName(socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + ": " + command); // can't create NGInputStream until we've received a command, because at // that point the stream from the client will only include stdin and stdin-eof // chunks InputStream in = new NGInputStream(sockin); PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new NGOutputStream(sockout, NGConstants.CHUNKTYPE_STDOUT)); PrintStream err = new PrintStream(new NGOutputStream(sockout, NGConstants.CHUNKTYPE_STDERR)); PrintStream exit = new PrintStream(new NGOutputStream(sockout, NGConstants.CHUNKTYPE_EXIT)); // ThreadLocal streams for System.in/out/err redirection ((ThreadLocalInputStream) System.in).init(in); ((ThreadLocalPrintStream) System.out).init(out); ((ThreadLocalPrintStream) System.err).init(err); try { Alias alias = server.getAliasManager().getAlias(command); Class cmdclass = null; if (alias != null) { cmdclass = alias.getAliasedClass(); } else if (server.allowsNailsByClassName()) { cmdclass = Class.forName(command); } else { cmdclass = server.getDefaultNailClass(); } Object[] methodArgs = new Object[1]; Method mainMethod = null; // will be either main(String[]) or nailMain(NGContext) String[] cmdlineArgs = (String[]) remoteArgs.toArray(new String[remoteArgs.size()]); try { mainMethod = cmdclass.getMethod("nailMain", nailMainSignature); NGContext context = new NGContext(); context.setArgs(cmdlineArgs); context.in = in; context.out = out; context.err = err; context.setCommand(command); context.setExitStream(exit); context.setNGServer(server); context.setEnv(remoteEnv); context.setInetAddress(socket.getInetAddress()); context.setPort(socket.getPort()); context.setWorkingDirectory(cwd); methodArgs[0] = context; } catch (NoSuchMethodException toDiscard) { // that's ok - we'll just try main(String[]) next. } if (mainMethod == null) { mainMethod = cmdclass.getMethod("main", mainSignature); methodArgs[0] = cmdlineArgs; } if (mainMethod != null) { server.nailStarted(cmdclass); NGSecurityManager.setExit(exit); try { mainMethod.invoke(null, methodArgs); } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) { throw(ite.getCause()); } catch (Throwable t) { throw(t); } finally { server.nailFinished(cmdclass); } exit.println(0); } } catch (ExitException exitEx) { exit.println(exitEx.getStatus()); server.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " exited with status " + exitEx.getStatus()); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(server.out); t.printStackTrace(); exit.println(NGConstants.EXIT_EXCEPTION); // remote exception constant } exit.flush(); out.flush(); socket.getOutputStream().flush(); socket.shutdownOutput(); socket.shutdownInput(); socket.close(); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(server.out); t.printStackTrace(); } ((ThreadLocalInputStream) System.in).init(null); ((ThreadLocalPrintStream) System.out).init(null); ((ThreadLocalPrintStream) System.err).init(null); updateThreadName(null); sessionPool.give(this); socket = nextSocket(); } // server.out.println("Shutdown NGSession " + instanceNumber); } /** * Updates the current thread name (useful for debugging). */ private void updateThreadName(String detail) { setName("NGSession " + instanceNumber + ": " + ((detail == null) ? "(idle)" : detail)); } }