package li.strolch.agent.api; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Properties; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import li.strolch.runtime.configuration.ConfigurationParser; import li.strolch.runtime.configuration.StrolchConfigurationException; import li.strolch.utils.dbc.DBC; import li.strolch.utils.helper.FileHelper; import li.strolch.utils.helper.StringHelper; import li.strolch.utils.helper.XmlHelper; public class StrolchBootstrapper extends DefaultHandler { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StrolchBootstrapper.class); public static final String APP_VERSION_PROPERTIES = "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String SYS_PROP_USER_DIR = "user.dir"; private static final String STROLCH_BOOTSTRAP = "StrolchBootstrap"; private static final String ENV = "env"; private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String DEFAULT = "default"; private static final String ENVIRONMENT = "environment"; private static final String ROOT = "root"; private static final String CONFIG = "config"; private static final String DATA = "data"; private static final String TEMP = "temp"; public static final String FILE_BOOTSTRAP = "StrolchBootstrap.xml"; public static final String PATH_CONFIG = "config"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String PATH_DATA = "data"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String PATH_TEMP = "temp"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // input private String environment; // intermediary private boolean defaultAllowed; private String environmentOverride; private boolean envFound; private boolean insideEnv; private StringBuilder textB; private String rootS; private String configS; private String dataS; private String tempS; // result private File configPathF; private File dataPathF; private File tempPathF; private StrolchVersion appVersion; /** * <p> * Bootstrap Strolch using the given app {@link StrolchVersion}. This version is used for information on the code * base from which the agent is instantiated. * </p> * * @param appVersion */ public StrolchBootstrapper(StrolchVersion appVersion) { DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("appVersion must be set!", appVersion); this.appVersion = appVersion; } /** * <p> * Bootstrap Strolch using the given {@link Class} from which to get the {@link #APP_VERSION_PROPERTIES} resource * stream. The version is used for information on the code base from which the agent is instantiated. * </p> * * @param appClass * the class where the {@link #APP_VERSION_PROPERTIES} resource resides */ public StrolchBootstrapper(Class<?> appClass) { DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("appClass must be set!", appClass); Properties env = new Properties(); try (InputStream in = appClass.getResourceAsStream(APP_VERSION_PROPERTIES)) { env.load(in); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not find resource " + APP_VERSION_PROPERTIES + " on ClassLoader of class " + appClass); } StrolchVersion appVersion = new StrolchVersion(env); this.appVersion = appVersion; } public void setEnvironmentOverride(String environmentOverride) { this.environmentOverride = environmentOverride; } public StrolchAgent setupByUserDir(String environment) { DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("Environment must be set!", environment); this.environment = environment; File rootPathF = new File(System.getProperty(SYS_PROP_USER_DIR)); this.configPathF = new File(rootPathF, PATH_CONFIG); this.dataPathF = new File(rootPathF, PATH_DATA); this.tempPathF = new File(rootPathF, PATH_TEMP); return setup(); } public StrolchAgent setupByRoot(String environment, File rootPath) { DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("Environment must be set!", environment); DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("rootPath must be set!", rootPath); this.environment = environment; this.configPathF = new File(rootPath, PATH_CONFIG); this.dataPathF = new File(rootPath, PATH_DATA); this.tempPathF = new File(rootPath, PATH_TEMP); return setup(); } public StrolchAgent setupByCopyingRoot(String environment, File rootSrcPath, File rootDstPath) { DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("Environment must be set!", environment); DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("rootPath must be set!", rootSrcPath); DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("rootPath must be set!", rootDstPath); this.environment = environment; // root path: readable directory if (!rootSrcPath.isDirectory() || !rootSrcPath.canRead()) { String msg = "[{0}] Root src path is not readable at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, rootSrcPath); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } // Make sure config exists in this root src File configPathF = new File(rootSrcPath, PATH_CONFIG); File configurationFile = new File(configPathF, ConfigurationParser.STROLCH_CONFIGURATION_XML); if (!configurationFile.isFile() || !configurationFile.canRead()) { String msg = "[{0}] Source Configuration file is not readable at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, configurationFile); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } // if destination exists, make sure it is a directory and empty if (rootDstPath.exists()) { if (!rootDstPath.isDirectory()) { String msg = "[{0}] Destination root exists and is not a directory at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, rootDstPath.getAbsolutePath()); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } if (rootDstPath.list().length != 0) { String msg = "[{0}] Destination root exists and is not empty at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, rootDstPath.getAbsolutePath()); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } } else if (!rootDstPath.mkdir()) { String msg = "[{0}] Destination root does not exist and could not be created. Either parent does not exist, or permission is denied at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, rootDstPath.getAbsolutePath()); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } String msg = "[{0}] Copying source {1} to {2}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, rootSrcPath.getAbsolutePath(), rootDstPath.getAbsolutePath())); if (!FileHelper.copy(rootSrcPath.listFiles(), rootDstPath, true)) { msg = "[{0}] Failed to copy source files from {1} to {2}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, rootSrcPath.getAbsolutePath(), rootDstPath.getAbsolutePath()); throw new RuntimeException(msg); } this.configPathF = new File(rootDstPath, PATH_CONFIG); this.dataPathF = new File(rootDstPath, PATH_DATA); this.tempPathF = new File(rootDstPath, PATH_TEMP); return setup(); } public StrolchAgent setupByBoostrapFile(String environment, File bootstrapFile) { DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("Environment must be set!", environment); DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("bootstrapFile must be set!", bootstrapFile); this.environment = environment; parseBoostrapFile(bootstrapFile); return setup(); } private StrolchAgent setup() { DBC.PRE.assertNotEmpty("Environment must be set!", this.environment); DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("configPathF must be set!", this.configPathF); //$NON-NLS-1$ DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("dataPathF must be set!", this.dataPathF); //$NON-NLS-1$ DBC.PRE.assertNotNull("tempPathF must be set!", this.tempPathF); //$NON-NLS-1$ // config path: readable directory if (!this.configPathF.isDirectory() || !this.configPathF.canRead()) { String msg = "[{0}] Config path is not readable at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, this.configPathF); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } // configuration file must exist // get path to configuration file File configurationFile = new File(this.configPathF, ConfigurationParser.STROLCH_CONFIGURATION_XML); if (!configurationFile.isFile() || !configurationFile.canRead()) { String msg = "[{0}] Configuration file is not readable at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, configurationFile); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } // data path: writable directory if (!this.dataPathF.exists() && !this.dataPathF.mkdir()) { String msg = "[{0}] Could not create missing data path at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, this.dataPathF); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } if (!this.dataPathF.isDirectory() || !this.dataPathF.canRead() || !this.dataPathF.canWrite()) { String msg = "[{0}] Data path is not a directory or readable or writeable at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, this.dataPathF); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } // tmp path: writable directory if (!this.tempPathF.exists() && !this.tempPathF.mkdir()) { String msg = "[{0}] Could not create missing temp path at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, this.tempPathF); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } if (!this.tempPathF.isDirectory() || !this.tempPathF.canRead() || !this.tempPathF.canWrite()) { String msg = "[{0}] Temp path is not a directory or readable or writeable at {1}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ msg = MessageFormat.format(msg, environment, this.tempPathF); throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } String env; if (StringHelper.isEmpty(this.environmentOverride)) { env = this.environment; } else { String msg = "[{0}] Environment override to ''{1}''";, this.environment, this.environmentOverride)); env = this.environmentOverride; } StrolchAgent agent = new StrolchAgent(this.appVersion); agent.setup(env, this.configPathF, this.dataPathF, this.tempPathF); return agent; } private void parseBoostrapFile(File bootstrapFile) { // parse the document using ourselves as the DefaultHandler XmlHelper.parseDocument(bootstrapFile, this); if (!this.envFound) { throw new StrolchConfigurationException("Environment " + this.environment + " not configured in bootstrap configuration " + bootstrapFile.getAbsolutePath()); } // validate the parsed data if (!this.defaultAllowed) { if (StringHelper.isEmpty(this.configS) || StringHelper.isEmpty(this.dataS) || StringHelper.isEmpty(this.tempS)) { String msg = "One element of " + Arrays.toString(new String[] { CONFIG, DATA, TEMP }) + " is not set and environment " + this.environment + " does not have attribute " + DEFAULT + "=\"true\". Either set the value or allow using default values!"; throw new StrolchConfigurationException(msg); } } String root = StringHelper.isEmpty(this.rootS) ? new File(System.getProperty(SYS_PROP_USER_DIR)).getAbsolutePath() : this.rootS; String config = StringHelper.isEmpty(this.configS) ? PATH_CONFIG : this.configS; String data = StringHelper.isEmpty(this.dataS) ? PATH_DATA : this.dataS; String temp = StringHelper.isEmpty(this.tempS) ? PATH_TEMP : this.tempS; File rootPathF = new File(root); File tmp; tmp = new File(config); this.configPathF = tmp.isAbsolute() ? tmp : new File(rootPathF, config); tmp = new File(data); this.dataPathF = tmp.isAbsolute() ? tmp : new File(rootPathF, data); tmp = new File(temp); this.tempPathF = tmp.isAbsolute() ? tmp : new File(rootPathF, temp); } @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { switch (qName) { case STROLCH_BOOTSTRAP: break; case ENV: if (attributes.getValue(ID).equals(this.environment)) { this.insideEnv = true; this.envFound = true; } else { this.insideEnv = false; } String defaultS = attributes.getValue(DEFAULT); this.defaultAllowed = defaultS == null ? false : StringHelper.parseBoolean(defaultS); break; case ENVIRONMENT: case ROOT: case CONFIG: case DATA: case TEMP: if (this.insideEnv) this.textB = new StringBuilder(); break; default: throw new StrolchConfigurationException("Unhandled element " + qName); } } @Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { switch (qName) { case STROLCH_BOOTSTRAP: break; case ENV: this.insideEnv = false; break; case ENVIRONMENT: if (this.insideEnv) this.environmentOverride = this.textB.toString(); break; case ROOT: if (this.insideEnv) this.rootS = this.textB.toString(); break; case CONFIG: if (this.insideEnv) this.configS = this.textB.toString(); break; case DATA: if (this.insideEnv) this.dataS = this.textB.toString(); break; case TEMP: if (this.insideEnv) this.tempS = this.textB.toString(); break; default: throw new StrolchConfigurationException("Unhandled element " + qName); } this.textB = null; } @Override public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (this.textB != null) this.textB.append(ch, start, length); } }