package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ElementGeometryCreator { protected WayGeometrySource data; public void setWayGeometryProvider(WayGeometrySource data) { = data; } public ElementGeometry create(Node node) { return new ElementGeometry(node.getPosition()); } public ElementGeometry create(Way way) { if(data == null) throw new NullPointerException(); List<LatLon> polyline = data.getNodePositions(way.getId()); // unable to create geometry if(polyline.isEmpty()) return null; eliminateDuplicates(polyline); List<List<LatLon>> polylines = new ArrayList<>(1); polylines.add(polyline); ElementGeometry result; if(OsmAreas.isArea(way)) { // ElementGeometry considers polygons that are defined clockwise holes, so ensure that // it is defined CCW here. if(ElementGeometry.isRingDefinedClockwise(polyline)) { Collections.reverse(polyline); } result = new ElementGeometry(null, polylines); } else { result = new ElementGeometry(polylines, null); } if( == null) return null; return result; } private void eliminateDuplicates(List<LatLon> polyline) { Iterator<LatLon> it = polyline.iterator(); LatLon previous = null; while(it.hasNext()) { LatLon line =; if(previous == null || line.getLatitude() != previous.getLatitude() || line.getLongitude() != previous.getLongitude()) { previous = line; } else { it.remove(); } } } public ElementGeometry create(Relation relation) { if(data == null) throw new NullPointerException(); if(OsmAreas.isArea(relation)) { return createMultipolygonGeometry(relation); } else { return createPolylinesGeometry(relation); } } private List<List<LatLon>> getWaysOfRelationWithRole(Relation relation, String role) { List<List<LatLon>> result = new ArrayList<>(); for(RelationMember member : relation.getMembers()) { if(member.getType() != Element.Type.WAY) continue; long wayId = member.getRef(); if(role == null || role.equals(member.getRole())) { List<LatLon> nodePositions = data.getNodePositions(wayId); eliminateDuplicates(nodePositions); if(nodePositions.size() > 1) { result.add(nodePositions); } } } return result; } private ElementGeometry createPolylinesGeometry(Relation relation) { List<List<LatLon>> waysNodePositions = getWaysOfRelationWithRole(relation, null); ConnectedWays ways = joinWays(waysNodePositions); List<List<LatLon>> polylines =; polylines.addAll(ways.rings); // no valid geometry if(polylines.isEmpty()) return null; ElementGeometry result = new ElementGeometry(polylines, null); if( == null) return null; return result; } private ElementGeometry createMultipolygonGeometry(Relation relation) { List<List<LatLon>> rings = new ArrayList<>(); rings.addAll(createNormalizedRingGeometry(relation, "outer", false)); rings.addAll(createNormalizedRingGeometry(relation, "inner", true)); // no valid geometry if(rings.isEmpty()) return null; ElementGeometry result = new ElementGeometry(null, rings); if( == null) return null; return result; } private List<List<LatLon>> createNormalizedRingGeometry(Relation relation, String role, boolean clockwise) { List<List<LatLon>> waysNodePositions = getWaysOfRelationWithRole(relation, role); List<List<LatLon>> ringGeometry = joinWays(waysNodePositions).rings; setOrientation(ringGeometry, clockwise); return ringGeometry; } /** Ensures that all given rings are defined in clockwise/counter-clockwise direction */ private static void setOrientation(List<List<LatLon>> rings, boolean clockwise) { for(List<LatLon> ring : rings) { if(ElementGeometry.isRingDefinedClockwise(ring) != clockwise) { Collections.reverse(ring); } } } private static class ConnectedWays { List<List<LatLon>> rings = new ArrayList<>(); List<List<LatLon>> rest = new ArrayList<>(); } private static ConnectedWays joinWays(List<List<LatLon>> waysNodePositions) { NodeWayMap<LatLon> nodeWayMap = new NodeWayMap<>(waysNodePositions); ConnectedWays result = new ConnectedWays(); List<LatLon> currentWay = new ArrayList<>(); while(nodeWayMap.hasNextNode()) { LatLon node; if(currentWay.isEmpty()) { node = nodeWayMap.getNextNode(); } else { node = currentWay.get(currentWay.size()-1); } List<List<LatLon>> waysAtNode = nodeWayMap.getWaysAtNode(node); if(waysAtNode == null) {; currentWay = new ArrayList<>(); } else { List<LatLon> way = waysAtNode.get(0); addTo(way, currentWay); nodeWayMap.removeWay(way); // finish ring and start new one if(isRing(currentWay)) { result.rings.add(currentWay); currentWay = new ArrayList<>(); } } } if(!currentWay.isEmpty()) {; } return result; } private static boolean isRing(List<?> way) { return way.get(0).equals(way.get(way.size() - 1)); } /** add <tt>way</tt> to the end of <tt>polyWay</tt>, if necessary in reverse */ private static void addTo(List<LatLon> way, List<LatLon> polyWay) { if(polyWay.isEmpty()) { polyWay.addAll(way); } else { LatLon addLast = way.get(way.size() - 1); LatLon toLast = polyWay.get(polyWay.size() - 1); if(addLast == toLast) { way = Lists.reverse(way); } // +1 to not add the first vertex because it has already been added ListIterator<LatLon> it = way.listIterator(1); while(it.hasNext()) { polyWay.add(; } } } }