/* * Copyright © 2012-2013 The University of Texas at Dallas * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package edu.utdallas.cs.stormrider.vocab; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; /** * A TBox for the Twitter dataset with properties that cannot be mapped to existing ontologies * @author vaibhav * */ public class TWITTER { //URI to use for this ontology protected static final String uri = "http://cs.utdallas.edu/semanticweb/StormRider/vocabs/twitter/0.1#"; /** * Method to return the URI for this ontology * @return the URI */ public static String getURI() { return uri; } //Create an in-memory Jena model used to create the properties private static Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); //Define the properties we need for the Twitter user profile public static final Property Location = m.createProperty( uri, "Location" ); public static final Property Description = m.createProperty( uri, "Description" ); public static final Property Followers_Count = m.createProperty( uri, "Followers_Count" ); public static final Property Friends_Count = m.createProperty( uri, "Friends_Count" ); public static final Property Screen_Name = m.createProperty( uri, "Screen_Name" ); public static final Property Created_At = m.createProperty( uri, "Created_At" ); public static final Property Favourites_Count = m.createProperty( uri, "Favorites_Count" ); public static final Property Statuses_Count = m.createProperty( uri, "Statuses_Count" ); public static final Property Has_Friend = m.createProperty( uri, "Has_Friend" ); public static final Property Has_Follower = m.createProperty( uri, "Has_Follower" ); public static final Property Is_Follower_Of = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Follower_Of" ); public static final Property UTC_Offset = m.createProperty( uri, "UTC_Offset" ); public static final Property Lang = m.createProperty( uri, "Lang" ); public static final Property Listed_Count = m.createProperty( uri, "Listed_Count" ); //Define the properties needed for a Twitter user's style information public static final Property Profile_Background_Color = m.createProperty( uri, "Profile_Background_Color" ); public static final Property Profile_Text_Color = m.createProperty( uri, "Profile_Text_Color" ); public static final Property Profile_Link_Color = m.createProperty( uri, "Profile_Link_Color" ); public static final Property Profile_Sidebar_Fill_Color = m.createProperty( uri, "Profile_Sidebar_Fill_Color" ); public static final Property Profile_Sidebar_Border_Color = m.createProperty( uri, "Profile_Sidebar_Border_Color" ); public static final Property Profile_Background_Image_Url = m.createProperty( uri, "Profile_Background_Image_Url" ); //Define the properties needed for a user's latest tweet public static final Property Has_Tweet = m.createProperty( uri, "Has_Tweet" ); public static final Property Tweet_Created_At = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_Created_At" ); public static final Property Tweet_Text = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_Text" ); public static final Property Tweet_Source = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_Source" ); public static final Property Tweet_In_Reply_To_Status_Id = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_In_Reply_To_Status_Id" ); public static final Property Tweet_In_Reply_To_User_Id = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_In_Reply_To_User_Id" ); public static final Property Tweet_In_Reply_To_Screen_Name = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_In_Reply_To_Screen_Name" ); public static final Property Tweet_Retweet_Count = m.createProperty( uri, "Retweet_Count" ) ; public static final Property Tweet_Geo = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_Geo" ) ; public static final Property Tweet_Coordinates = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_Coordinates" ) ; public static final Property Tweet_Place = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_Place" ) ; public static final Property Tweet_Contributors = m.createProperty( uri, "Tweet_Contributors" ) ; //Define the boolean variables used in a user's profile public static final Property Is_Profile_Background_Tiled = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Profile_Background_Tiled" ); public static final Property Is_Profile_Background_Image_Used = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Profile_Background_Image_Used" ); public static final Property Is_Protected = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Protected" ); public static final Property Has_Notifications = m.createProperty( uri, "Has_Notifications" ); public static final Property Is_Geo_Enabled = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Geo_Enabled" ); public static final Property Is_Verified = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Verified" ); public static final Property Is_Following = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Following" ); public static final Property Is_Truncated = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Truncated" ); public static final Property Is_Favorited = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Favorited" ); public static final Property Is_Retweeted = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Retweeted" ) ; public static final Property Is_Contributors_Enabled = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Contributors_Enabled" ) ; public static final Property Is_Follow_Request_Sent = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Follow_Request_Sent" ) ; public static final Property Is_Show_All_Inline_Media = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Show_All_Inline_Media" ) ; public static final Property Is_Translator = m.createProperty( uri, "Is_Translator" ) ; }