package backtype.storm.spout; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import net.lag.kestrel.thrift.Item; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.thrift7.TException; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext; import backtype.storm.topology.OutputFieldsDeclarer; import backtype.storm.topology.base.BaseRichSpout; import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; /** * This spout can be used to consume messages in a reliable way from a cluster * of Kestrel servers. It is recommended that you set the parallelism hint to a * multiple of the number of Kestrel servers, otherwise the read load will be * higher on some Kestrel servers than others. */ public class KestrelThriftSpout extends BaseRichSpout { public static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(KestrelThriftSpout.class); public static final long BLACKLIST_TIME_MS = 1000 * 60; public static final int BATCH_SIZE = 4000; private List<String> _hosts = null; private int _port = -1; private String _queueName = null; private SpoutOutputCollector _collector; private MultiScheme _scheme; private List<KestrelClientInfo> _kestrels; private int _emitIndex; private Queue<EmitItem> _emitBuffer = new LinkedList<EmitItem>(); private class EmitItem { public KestrelSourceId sourceId; public List<Object> tuple; public EmitItem(List<Object> tuple, KestrelSourceId sourceId) { this.tuple = tuple; this.sourceId = sourceId; } } private static class KestrelSourceId { public KestrelSourceId(int index, long id) { this.index = index; = id; } int index; long id; } private static class KestrelClientInfo { public Long blacklistTillTimeMs; public String host; public int port; private KestrelThriftClient client; public KestrelClientInfo(String host, int port) { = host; this.port = port; this.blacklistTillTimeMs = 0L; this.client = null; } public KestrelThriftClient getValidClient() throws TException { if(this.client==null) { // If client was blacklisted, remake it."Attempting reconnect to kestrel " + + ":" + this.port); this.client = new KestrelThriftClient(, this.port); } return this.client; } public void closeClient() { if(this.client != null) { this.client.close(); this.client = null; } } } public KestrelThriftSpout(List<String> hosts, int port, String queueName, Scheme scheme) { this(hosts, port, queueName, new SchemeAsMultiScheme(scheme)); } public KestrelThriftSpout(List<String> hosts, int port, String queueName, MultiScheme scheme) { if(hosts.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must configure at least one host"); } _port = port; _hosts = hosts; _queueName = queueName; _scheme = scheme; } public KestrelThriftSpout(String hostname, int port, String queueName, Scheme scheme) { this(hostname, port, queueName, new SchemeAsMultiScheme(scheme)); } public KestrelThriftSpout(String hostname, int port, String queueName, MultiScheme scheme) { this(Arrays.asList(hostname), port, queueName, scheme); } public KestrelThriftSpout(String hostname, int port, String queueName) { this(hostname, port, queueName, new RawMultiScheme()); } public KestrelThriftSpout(List<String> hosts, int port, String queueName) { this(hosts, port, queueName, new RawMultiScheme()); } public Fields getOutputFields() { return _scheme.getOutputFields(); } int _messageTimeoutMillis; public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) { //TODO: should switch this to maxTopologyMessageTimeout Number timeout = (Number) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS); _messageTimeoutMillis = 1000 * timeout.intValue(); _collector = collector; _emitIndex = 0; _kestrels = new ArrayList<KestrelClientInfo>(); int numTasks = context.getComponentTasks(context.getThisComponentId()).size(); int myIndex = context.getThisTaskIndex(); int numHosts = _hosts.size(); if(numTasks < numHosts) { for(String host: _hosts) { _kestrels.add(new KestrelClientInfo(host, _port)); } } else { String host = _hosts.get(myIndex % numHosts); _kestrels.add(new KestrelClientInfo(host, _port)); } } public void close() { for(KestrelClientInfo info: _kestrels) info.closeClient(); // Closing the client connection causes all the open reliable reads to be aborted. // Thus, clear our local buffer of these reliable reads. _emitBuffer.clear(); _kestrels.clear(); } public boolean bufferKestrelGet(int index) { assert _emitBuffer.size() == 0; // JTODO KestrelClientInfo info = _kestrels.get(index); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if(now > info.blacklistTillTimeMs) { List<Item> items = null; try { items = info.getValidClient().get(_queueName, BATCH_SIZE, 0, _messageTimeoutMillis); } catch(TException e) { blacklist(info, e); return false; } assert items.size() <= BATCH_SIZE; //"Kestrel batch get fetched " + items.size() + " items. (batchSize= " + BATCH_SIZE + // " queueName=" + _queueName + ", index=" + index + ", host=" + + ")"); HashSet toAck = new HashSet(); for(Item item : items) { Iterable<List<Object>> retItems = _scheme.deserialize(item.get_data()); if (retItems != null) { for(List<Object> retItem: retItems) { EmitItem emitItem = new EmitItem(retItem, new KestrelSourceId(index, item.get_id())); if(!_emitBuffer.offer(emitItem)) { throw new RuntimeException("KestrelThriftSpout's Internal Buffer Enqeueue Failed."); } } } else { toAck.add(item.get_id()); } } if(toAck.size() > 0) { try { info.client.confirm(_queueName, toAck); } catch(TException e) { blacklist(info, e); } } if(items.size() > 0) return true; } return false; } public void tryEachKestrelUntilBufferFilled() { for(int i=0; i<_kestrels.size(); i++) { int index = (_emitIndex + i) % _kestrels.size(); if(bufferKestrelGet(index)) { _emitIndex = index; break; } } _emitIndex = (_emitIndex + 1) % _kestrels.size(); } public void nextTuple() { if(_emitBuffer.isEmpty()) tryEachKestrelUntilBufferFilled(); EmitItem item = _emitBuffer.poll(); if(item != null) { _collector.emit(item.tuple, item.sourceId); } else { // If buffer is still empty here, then every kestrel Q is also empty. Utils.sleep(10); } } private void blacklist(KestrelClientInfo info, Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Failed to read from Kestrel at " + + ":" + info.port, t); //this case can happen when it fails to connect to Kestrel (and so never stores the connection) info.closeClient(); info.blacklistTillTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + BLACKLIST_TIME_MS; int index = _kestrels.indexOf(info); // we just closed the connection, so all open reliable reads will be aborted. empty buffers. for(Iterator<EmitItem> i = _emitBuffer.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { EmitItem item =; if(item.sourceId.index == index) i.remove(); } } public void ack(Object msgId) { KestrelSourceId sourceId = (KestrelSourceId) msgId; KestrelClientInfo info = _kestrels.get(sourceId.index); //if the transaction didn't exist, it just returns false. so this code works //even if client gets blacklisted, disconnects, and kestrel puts the item //back on the queue try { if(info.client!=null) { HashSet xids = new HashSet(); xids.add(; info.client.confirm(_queueName, xids); } } catch(TException e) { blacklist(info, e); } } public void fail(Object msgId) { KestrelSourceId sourceId = (KestrelSourceId) msgId; KestrelClientInfo info = _kestrels.get(sourceId.index); // see not above about why this works with blacklisting strategy try { if(info.client!=null) { HashSet xids = new HashSet(); xids.add(; info.client.abort(_queueName, xids); } } catch(TException e) { blacklist(info, e); } } public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) { declarer.declare(getOutputFields()); } }