/* DroidFish - An Android chess program. Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Peter Ă–sterlund, peterosterlund2@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package org.petero.droidfish.engine; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.petero.droidfish.EngineOptions; import org.petero.droidfish.book.BookOptions; import org.petero.droidfish.book.DroidBook; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.Move; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.MoveGen; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.Pair; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.Position; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.SearchListener; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.TextIO; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.UndoInfo; import org.petero.droidfish.gamelogic.SearchListener.PvInfo; import org.petero.droidfish.gtb.Probe; import android.content.Context; /** * A computer algorithm player. * @author petero */ public class DroidComputerPlayer { private UCIEngine uciEngine = null; private final Context context; private final SearchListener listener; private final DroidBook book; private EngineOptions engineOptions; /** Set when "ucinewgame" needs to be sent. */ private boolean newGame = false; /** >1 if multiPV mode is supported. */ private int maxPV = 1; private int numCPUs = 1; private String engineName = "Computer"; /** Engine state. */ private static enum MainState { READ_OPTIONS, // "uci" command sent, waiting for "option" and "uciok" response. WAIT_READY, // "isready" sent, waiting for "readyok". IDLE, // engine not searching. SEARCH, // "go" sent, waiting for "bestmove" PONDER, // "go" sent, waiting for "bestmove" ANALYZE, // "go" sent, waiting for "bestmove" (which will be ignored) STOP_SEARCH, // "stop" sent, waiting for "bestmove" DEAD, // engine process has terminated } /** Engine state details. */ private static final class EngineState { String engine; /** Current engine state. */ MainState state; /** ID of current search job. */ int searchId; /** Default constructor. */ EngineState() { engine = ""; setState(MainState.DEAD); searchId = -1; } final void setState(MainState s) { // System.out.printf("state: %s -> %s\n", // (state != null) ? state.toString() : "(null)", // s.toString()); state = s; } } /** Information about current/next engine search task. */ public static final class SearchRequest { int searchId; // Unique identifier for this search request long startTime; // System time (milliseconds) when search request was created Position prevPos; // Position at last irreversible move ArrayList<Move> mList; // Moves after prevPos, including ponderMove Position currPos; // currPos = prevPos + mList - ponderMove boolean drawOffer; // True if other side made draw offer boolean isSearch; // True if regular search or ponder search boolean isAnalyze; // True if analysis search int wTime; // White remaining time, milliseconds int bTime; // Black remaining time, milliseconds int inc; // Time increment per move, milliseconds int movesToGo; // Number of moves to next time control String engine; // Engine name (identifier) int engineThreads; // Number of engine threads to use int strength; // Engine strength setting (0 - 1000) int numPV; // Number of PV lines to compute boolean ponderEnabled; // True if pondering enabled, for engine time management Move ponderMove; // Ponder move, or null if not a ponder search long[] posHashList; // For draw decision after completed search int posHashListSize; // For draw decision after completed search ArrayList<Move> searchMoves; // Moves to search, or null to search all moves /** * Create a request to start an engine. * @param id Search ID. * @param engine Chess engine to use for searching. */ public static SearchRequest startRequest(int id, String engine) { SearchRequest sr = new SearchRequest(); sr.searchId = id; sr.isSearch = false; sr.isAnalyze = false; sr.engine = engine; sr.posHashList = null; sr.posHashListSize = 0; return sr; } /** * Create a search request object. * @param id Search ID. * @param now Current system time. * @param pos An earlier position from the game. * @param mList List of moves to go from the earlier position to the current position. * This list makes it possible for the computer to correctly handle draw * by repetition/50 moves. * @param ponderEnabled True if pondering is enabled in the GUI. Can affect time management. * @param ponderMove Move to ponder, or null for non-ponder search. * @param engine Chess engine to use for searching. * @param engineThreads Number of engine threads to use, if supported by engine. * @param strength Engine strength setting. */ public static SearchRequest searchRequest(int id, long now, Position prevPos, ArrayList<Move> mList, Position currPos, boolean drawOffer, int wTime, int bTime, int inc, int movesToGo, boolean ponderEnabled, Move ponderMove, String engine, int engineThreads, int strength) { SearchRequest sr = new SearchRequest(); sr.searchId = id; sr.startTime = now; sr.prevPos = prevPos; sr.mList = mList; sr.currPos = currPos; sr.drawOffer = drawOffer; sr.isSearch = true; sr.isAnalyze = false; sr.wTime = wTime; sr.bTime = bTime; sr.inc = inc; sr.movesToGo = movesToGo; sr.engine = engine; sr.engineThreads = engineThreads; sr.strength = strength; sr.numPV = 1; sr.ponderEnabled = ponderEnabled; sr.ponderMove = ponderMove; sr.posHashList = null; sr.posHashListSize = 0; return sr; } /** * Create an analysis request object. * @param id Search ID. * @param prevPos Position corresponding to last irreversible move. * @param mList List of moves from prevPos to currPos. * @param currPos Position to analyze. * @param drawOffer True if other side have offered draw. * @param engine Chess engine to use for searching * @param engineThreads Number of threads to use, or 0 for default value. * @param numPV Multi-PV mode. */ public static SearchRequest analyzeRequest(int id, Position prevPos, ArrayList<Move> mList, Position currPos, boolean drawOffer, String engine, int engineThreads, int numPV) { SearchRequest sr = new SearchRequest(); sr.searchId = id; sr.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); sr.prevPos = prevPos; sr.mList = mList; sr.currPos = currPos; sr.drawOffer = drawOffer; sr.isSearch = false; sr.isAnalyze = true; sr.wTime = sr.bTime = sr.inc = sr.movesToGo = 0; sr.engine = engine; sr.engineThreads = engineThreads; sr.strength = 1000; sr.numPV = numPV; sr.ponderEnabled = false; sr.ponderMove = null; sr.posHashList = null; sr.posHashListSize = 0; return sr; } /** Update data for ponder hit. */ final void ponderHit() { if (ponderMove == null) return; UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); currPos.makeMove(ponderMove, ui); ponderMove = null; } } private EngineState engineState; private SearchRequest searchRequest; private Thread engineMonitor; /** Constructor. Starts engine process if not already started. */ public DroidComputerPlayer(Context context, SearchListener listener) { this.context = context; this.listener = listener; book = DroidBook.getInstance(); engineOptions = new EngineOptions(); engineState = new EngineState(); searchRequest = null; } /** Return true if computer player is consuming CPU time. */ public final synchronized boolean computerBusy() { switch (engineState.state) { case SEARCH: case PONDER: case ANALYZE: case STOP_SEARCH: return true; default: return false; } } /** Return maximum number of PVs supported by engine. */ public final synchronized int getMaxPV() { return maxPV; } /** Set opening book options. */ public final void setBookOptions(BookOptions options) { book.setOptions(options); } public final void setEngineOptions(EngineOptions options) { engineOptions = options; } /** Return all book moves, both as a formatted string and as a list of moves. */ public final Pair<String, ArrayList<Move>> getBookHints(Position pos, boolean localized) { return book.getAllBookMoves(pos, localized); } /** Get engine reported name. */ public final synchronized String getEngineName() { return engineName; } /** Clear transposition table. Takes effect when next search started. */ public final synchronized void clearTT() { newGame = true; } /** Sends "ponderhit" command to engine. */ public final synchronized void ponderHit(int id) { if ((searchRequest == null) || (searchRequest.ponderMove == null) || (searchRequest.searchId != id)) return; searchRequest.ponderHit(); if (engineState.state != MainState.PONDER) searchRequest.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (engineState.state == MainState.PONDER) { uciEngine.writeLineToEngine("ponderhit"); engineState.setState(MainState.SEARCH); pvModified = true; notifyGUI(); } } /** Stop the engine process. */ public final synchronized void shutdownEngine() { if (uciEngine != null) { engineMonitor.interrupt(); engineMonitor = null; uciEngine.shutDown(); uciEngine = null; } engineState.setState(MainState.DEAD); } /** Start an engine, if not already started. * Will shut down old engine first, if needed. */ public final synchronized void queueStartEngine(int id, String engine) { killOldEngine(engine); stopSearch(); searchRequest = SearchRequest.startRequest(id, engine); handleQueue(); } /** Decide what moves to search. Filters out non-optimal moves if tablebases are used. */ private final ArrayList<Move> movesToSearch(SearchRequest sr) { ArrayList<Move> moves = null; if (engineOptions.rootProbe) moves = Probe.getInstance().findOptimal(sr.currPos); if (moves != null) { sr.searchMoves = moves; } else { moves = new MoveGen().legalMoves(sr.currPos); sr.searchMoves = null; } return moves; } /** * Start a search. Search result is returned to the search listener object. * The result can be a valid move string, in which case the move is played * and the turn goes over to the other player. The result can also be a special * command, such as "draw" and "resign". */ public final synchronized void queueSearchRequest(SearchRequest sr) { killOldEngine(sr.engine); stopSearch(); if (sr.ponderMove != null) sr.mList.add(sr.ponderMove); // Set up for draw detection long[] posHashList = new long[sr.mList.size()+1]; int posHashListSize = 0; Position p = new Position(sr.prevPos); UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < sr.mList.size(); i++) { posHashList[posHashListSize++] = p.zobristHash(); p.makeMove(sr.mList.get(i), ui); } if (sr.ponderMove == null) { // If we have a book move, play it. Move bookMove = book.getBookMove(sr.currPos); if (bookMove != null) { if (canClaimDraw(sr.currPos, posHashList, posHashListSize, bookMove) == "") { listener.notifySearchResult(sr.searchId, TextIO.moveToString(sr.currPos, bookMove, false, false), null); return; } } // If only one move to search, play it without searching ArrayList<Move> moves = movesToSearch(sr); if (moves.size() == 0) { listener.notifySearchResult(sr.searchId, "", null); // User set up a position where computer has no valid moves. return; } if (moves.size() == 1) { Move bestMove = moves.get(0); if (canClaimDraw(sr.currPos, posHashList, posHashListSize, bestMove) == "") { listener.notifySearchResult(sr.searchId, TextIO.moveToUCIString(bestMove), null); return; } } } sr.posHashList = posHashList; sr.posHashListSize = posHashListSize; searchRequest = sr; handleQueue(); } /** Start analyzing a position. */ public final synchronized void queueAnalyzeRequest(SearchRequest sr) { killOldEngine(sr.engine); stopSearch(); // If no legal moves, there is nothing to analyze ArrayList<Move> moves = movesToSearch(sr); if (moves.size() == 0) return; searchRequest = sr; handleQueue(); } private final void handleQueue() { if (engineState.state == MainState.DEAD) { engineState.engine = ""; engineState.setState(MainState.IDLE); } if (engineState.state == MainState.IDLE) handleIdleState(); } private void killOldEngine(String engine) { boolean needShutDown = !engine.equals(engineState.engine); if (!needShutDown) { UCIEngine uci = uciEngine; if (uci != null) needShutDown = !uci.optionsOk(engineOptions); } if (needShutDown) shutdownEngine(); } /** Tell engine to stop searching. */ public final synchronized boolean stopSearch() { searchRequest = null; switch (engineState.state) { case SEARCH: case PONDER: case ANALYZE: uciEngine.writeLineToEngine("stop"); engineState.setState(MainState.STOP_SEARCH); return true; default: return false; } } /** Tell engine to move now. */ public void moveNow() { if (engineState.state == MainState.SEARCH) uciEngine.writeLineToEngine("stop"); } /** Return true if current search job is equal to id. */ public final synchronized boolean sameSearchId(int id) { return (searchRequest != null) && (searchRequest.searchId == id); } /** Type of search the engine is currently requested to perform. */ public static enum SearchType { NONE, SEARCH, PONDER, ANALYZE } /** Return type of search the engine is currently requested to perform. */ public final synchronized SearchType getSearchType() { if (searchRequest == null) return SearchType.NONE; if (searchRequest.isAnalyze) return SearchType.ANALYZE; if (!searchRequest.isSearch) return SearchType.NONE; if (searchRequest.ponderMove == null) return SearchType.SEARCH; else return SearchType.PONDER; } /** Determine what to do next when in idle state. */ private final void handleIdleState() { SearchRequest sr = searchRequest; if (sr == null) return; // Make sure correct engine is running if ((uciEngine == null) || !engineState.engine.equals(sr.engine)) { shutdownEngine(); startEngine(); return; } // Send "ucinewgame" (clear hash table) if needed if (newGame) { uciEngine.writeLineToEngine("ucinewgame"); uciEngine.writeLineToEngine("isready"); engineState.setState(MainState.WAIT_READY); newGame = false; return; } // Check if only engine start was requested boolean isSearch = sr.isSearch; boolean isAnalyze = sr.isAnalyze; if (!isSearch && !isAnalyze) { searchRequest = null; return; } engineState.searchId = searchRequest.searchId; // Reduce remaining time if there was an engine delay if (isSearch) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); int delay = (int)(now - searchRequest.startTime); boolean wtm = searchRequest.currPos.whiteMove ^ (searchRequest.ponderMove != null); if (wtm) searchRequest.wTime = Math.max(1, searchRequest.wTime - delay); else searchRequest.bTime = Math.max(1, searchRequest.bTime - delay); } // Set strength and MultiPV parameters clearInfo(); uciEngine.setStrength(searchRequest.strength); if (maxPV > 1) { int num = Math.min(maxPV, searchRequest.numPV); uciEngine.setOption("MultiPV", num); } if (isSearch) { // Search or ponder search StringBuilder posStr = new StringBuilder(); posStr.append("position fen "); posStr.append(TextIO.toFEN(sr.prevPos)); int nMoves = sr.mList.size(); if (nMoves > 0) { posStr.append(" moves"); for (int i = 0; i < nMoves; i++) { posStr.append(" "); posStr.append(TextIO.moveToUCIString(sr.mList.get(i))); } } uciEngine.setOption("Ponder", sr.ponderEnabled); uciEngine.setOption("UCI_AnalyseMode", false); uciEngine.setOption("Threads", sr.engineThreads > 0 ? sr.engineThreads : numCPUs); uciEngine.writeLineToEngine(posStr.toString()); if (sr.wTime < 1) sr.wTime = 1; if (sr.bTime < 1) sr.bTime = 1; StringBuilder goStr = new StringBuilder(96); goStr.append(String.format("go wtime %d btime %d", sr.wTime, sr.bTime)); if (sr.inc > 0) goStr.append(String.format(" winc %d binc %d", sr.inc, sr.inc)); if (sr.movesToGo > 0) goStr.append(String.format(" movestogo %d", sr.movesToGo)); if (sr.ponderMove != null) goStr.append(" ponder"); if (sr.searchMoves != null) { goStr.append(" searchmoves"); for (Move m : sr.searchMoves) { goStr.append(' '); goStr.append(TextIO.moveToUCIString(m)); } } uciEngine.writeLineToEngine(goStr.toString()); engineState.setState((sr.ponderMove == null) ? MainState.SEARCH : MainState.PONDER); } else { // Analyze StringBuilder posStr = new StringBuilder(); posStr.append("position fen "); posStr.append(TextIO.toFEN(sr.prevPos)); int nMoves = sr.mList.size(); if (nMoves > 0) { posStr.append(" moves"); for (int i = 0; i < nMoves; i++) { posStr.append(" "); posStr.append(TextIO.moveToUCIString(sr.mList.get(i))); } } uciEngine.writeLineToEngine(posStr.toString()); uciEngine.setOption("UCI_AnalyseMode", true); uciEngine.setOption("Threads", sr.engineThreads > 0 ? sr.engineThreads : numCPUs); StringBuilder goStr = new StringBuilder(96); goStr.append("go infinite"); if (sr.searchMoves != null) { goStr.append(" searchmoves"); for (Move m : sr.searchMoves) { goStr.append(' '); goStr.append(TextIO.moveToUCIString(m)); } } uciEngine.writeLineToEngine(goStr.toString()); engineState.setState(MainState.ANALYZE); } } private final void startEngine() { myAssert(uciEngine == null); myAssert(engineMonitor == null); myAssert(engineState.state == MainState.DEAD); myAssert(searchRequest != null); engineName = "Computer"; uciEngine = UCIEngineBase.getEngine(context, searchRequest.engine, engineOptions, new UCIEngine.Report() { @Override public void reportError(String errMsg) { if (errMsg == null) errMsg = ""; listener.reportEngineError(errMsg); } }); uciEngine.initialize(); final UCIEngine uci = uciEngine; engineMonitor = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { monitorLoop(uci); } }); engineMonitor.start(); uciEngine.clearOptions(); uciEngine.writeLineToEngine("uci"); int nThreads = getNumCPUs(); if (nThreads > 8) nThreads = 8; numCPUs = nThreads; maxPV = 1; engineState.engine = searchRequest.engine; engineState.setState(MainState.READ_OPTIONS); } private final static long guiUpdateInterval = 100; private long lastGUIUpdate = 0; private final void monitorLoop(UCIEngine uci) { while (true) { int timeout = getReadTimeout(); if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; String s = uci.readLineFromEngine(timeout); if ((s == null) || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; processEngineOutput(uci, s); if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; notifyGUI(); if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; } } /** Process one line of data from the engine. */ private final synchronized void processEngineOutput(UCIEngine uci, String s) { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; if (s == null) { shutdownEngine(); return; } if (s.length() == 0) return; switch (engineState.state) { case READ_OPTIONS: { if (readUCIOption(uci, s)) { uci.initOptions(engineOptions); uci.writeLineToEngine("ucinewgame"); uci.writeLineToEngine("isready"); engineState.setState(MainState.WAIT_READY); } break; } case WAIT_READY: { if ("readyok".equals(s)) { engineState.setState(MainState.IDLE); handleIdleState(); } break; } case SEARCH: case PONDER: case ANALYZE: { String[] tokens = tokenize(s); if (tokens[0].equals("info")) { parseInfoCmd(tokens); } else if (tokens[0].equals("bestmove")) { String bestMove = tokens[1]; String nextPonderMoveStr = ""; if ((tokens.length >= 4) && (tokens[2].equals("ponder"))) nextPonderMoveStr = tokens[3]; Move nextPonderMove = TextIO.UCIstringToMove(nextPonderMoveStr); if (engineState.state == MainState.SEARCH) reportMove(bestMove, nextPonderMove); engineState.setState(MainState.IDLE); searchRequest = null; handleIdleState(); } break; } case STOP_SEARCH: { String[] tokens = tokenize(s); if (tokens[0].equals("bestmove")) { uci.writeLineToEngine("isready"); engineState.setState(MainState.WAIT_READY); } break; } default: } } /** Handle reading of UCI options. Return true when finished. */ private final boolean readUCIOption(UCIEngine uci, String s) { String[] tokens = tokenize(s); if (tokens[0].equals("uciok")) return true; if (tokens[0].equals("id")) { if (tokens[1].equals("name")) { engineName = ""; for (int i = 2; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (engineName.length() > 0) engineName += " "; engineName += tokens[i]; } listener.notifyEngineName(engineName); } } else if (tokens.length > 2) { String optName = tokens[2].toLowerCase(); uci.registerOption(optName); if (optName.equals("multipv")) { try { for (int i = 3; i < tokens.length; i++) { if (tokens[i].equals("max") && (i+1 < tokens.length)) { maxPV = Math.max(maxPV, Integer.parseInt(tokens[i+1])); break; } } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } } return false; } private final void reportMove(String bestMove, Move nextPonderMove) { SearchRequest sr = searchRequest; boolean canPonder = true; // Claim draw if appropriate if (statScore <= 0) { String drawClaim = canClaimDraw(sr.currPos, sr.posHashList, sr.posHashListSize, TextIO.UCIstringToMove(bestMove)); if (drawClaim != "") { bestMove = drawClaim; canPonder = false; } } // Accept draw offer if engine is losing if (sr.drawOffer && !statIsMate && (statScore <= -300)) { bestMove = "draw accept"; canPonder = false; } if (canPonder) { Move bestM = TextIO.stringToMove(sr.currPos, bestMove); if ((bestM == null) || !TextIO.isValid(sr.currPos, bestM)) canPonder = false; if (canPonder) { Position tmpPos = new Position(sr.currPos); UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); tmpPos.makeMove(bestM, ui); if (!TextIO.isValid(tmpPos, nextPonderMove)) canPonder = false; } } if (!canPonder) nextPonderMove = null; listener.notifySearchResult(sr.searchId, bestMove, nextPonderMove); } /** Convert a string to tokens by splitting at whitespace characters. */ private final String[] tokenize(String cmdLine) { cmdLine = cmdLine.trim(); return cmdLine.split("\\s+"); } /** Check if a draw claim is allowed, possibly after playing "move". * @param move The move that may have to be made before claiming draw. * @return The draw string that claims the draw, or empty string if draw claim not valid. */ private final static String canClaimDraw(Position pos, long[] posHashList, int posHashListSize, Move move) { String drawStr = ""; if (canClaimDraw50(pos)) { drawStr = "draw 50"; } else if (canClaimDrawRep(pos, posHashList, posHashListSize, posHashListSize)) { drawStr = "draw rep"; } else if (move != null) { String strMove = TextIO.moveToString(pos, move, false, false); posHashList[posHashListSize++] = pos.zobristHash(); UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); pos.makeMove(move, ui); if (canClaimDraw50(pos)) { drawStr = "draw 50 " + strMove; } else if (canClaimDrawRep(pos, posHashList, posHashListSize, posHashListSize)) { drawStr = "draw rep " + strMove; } pos.unMakeMove(move, ui); } return drawStr; } private final static boolean canClaimDraw50(Position pos) { return (pos.halfMoveClock >= 100); } private final static boolean canClaimDrawRep(Position pos, long[] posHashList, int posHashListSize, int posHashFirstNew) { int reps = 0; for (int i = posHashListSize - 4; i >= 0; i -= 2) { if (pos.zobristHash() == posHashList[i]) { reps++; if (i >= posHashFirstNew) { reps++; break; } } } return (reps >= 2); } private int statCurrDepth = 0; private int statPVDepth = 0; private int statScore = 0; private boolean statIsMate = false; private boolean statUpperBound = false; private boolean statLowerBound = false; private int statTime = 0; private long statNodes = 0; private int statNps = 0; private int pvNum = 0; private ArrayList<String> statPV = new ArrayList<String>(); private String statCurrMove = ""; private int statCurrMoveNr = 0; private ArrayList<PvInfo> statPvInfo = new ArrayList<PvInfo>(); private boolean depthModified = false; private boolean currMoveModified = false; private boolean pvModified = false; private boolean statsModified = false; private final void clearInfo() { depthModified = false; currMoveModified = false; pvModified = false; statsModified = false; statPvInfo.clear(); } private final synchronized int getReadTimeout() { boolean needGuiUpdate = depthModified || currMoveModified || pvModified || statsModified; int timeout = 2000000000; if (needGuiUpdate) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); timeout = (int)(lastGUIUpdate + guiUpdateInterval - now + 1); timeout = Math.max(1, Math.min(1000, timeout)); } return timeout; } private final void parseInfoCmd(String[] tokens) { try { boolean havePvData = false; int nTokens = tokens.length; int i = 1; while (i < nTokens - 1) { String is = tokens[i++]; if (is.equals("depth")) { statCurrDepth = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i++]); depthModified = true; } else if (is.equals("currmove")) { statCurrMove = tokens[i++]; currMoveModified = true; } else if (is.equals("currmovenumber")) { statCurrMoveNr = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i++]); currMoveModified = true; } else if (is.equals("time")) { statTime = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i++]); statsModified = true; } else if (is.equals("nodes")) { statNodes = Long.parseLong(tokens[i++]); statsModified = true; } else if (is.equals("nps")) { statNps = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i++]); statsModified = true; } else if (is.equals("multipv")) { pvNum = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i++]) - 1; if (pvNum < 0) pvNum = 0; if (pvNum > 255) pvNum = 255; pvModified = true; } else if (is.equals("pv")) { statPV.clear(); while (i < nTokens) statPV.add(tokens[i++]); pvModified = true; havePvData = true; statPVDepth = statCurrDepth; } else if (is.equals("score")) { statIsMate = tokens[i++].equals("mate"); statScore = Integer.parseInt(tokens[i++]); statUpperBound = false; statLowerBound = false; if (tokens[i].equals("upperbound")) { statUpperBound = true; i++; } else if (tokens[i].equals("lowerbound")) { statLowerBound = true; i++; } pvModified = true; } } if (havePvData) { while (statPvInfo.size() < pvNum) statPvInfo.add(new PvInfo(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, new ArrayList<Move>())); while (statPvInfo.size() <= pvNum) statPvInfo.add(null); ArrayList<Move> moves = new ArrayList<Move>(); int nMoves = statPV.size(); for (i = 0; i < nMoves; i++) moves.add(TextIO.UCIstringToMove(statPV.get(i))); statPvInfo.set(pvNum, new PvInfo(statPVDepth, statScore, statTime, statNodes, statNps, statIsMate, statUpperBound, statLowerBound, moves)); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // Ignore } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aioob) { // Ignore } } /** Notify GUI about search statistics. */ private final synchronized void notifyGUI() { if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) return; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (now < lastGUIUpdate + guiUpdateInterval) return; lastGUIUpdate = now; if ((searchRequest == null) || (searchRequest.currPos == null)) return; int id = engineState.searchId; if (depthModified) { listener.notifyDepth(id, statCurrDepth); depthModified = false; } if (currMoveModified) { Move m = TextIO.UCIstringToMove(statCurrMove); Position pos = searchRequest.currPos; if ((searchRequest.ponderMove != null) && (m != null)) { pos = new Position(pos); UndoInfo ui = new UndoInfo(); pos.makeMove(searchRequest.ponderMove, ui); } listener.notifyCurrMove(id, pos, m, statCurrMoveNr); currMoveModified = false; } if (pvModified) { listener.notifyPV(id, searchRequest.currPos, statPvInfo, searchRequest.ponderMove); pvModified = false; } if (statsModified) { listener.notifyStats(id, statNodes, statNps, statTime); statsModified = false; } } private static final int getNumCPUs() { int nCPUsFromProc = 1; try { FileReader fr = new FileReader("/proc/stat"); BufferedReader inBuf = new BufferedReader(fr, 8192); String line; int nCPUs = 0; while ((line = inBuf.readLine()) != null) { if ((line.length() >= 4) && line.startsWith("cpu") && Character.isDigit(line.charAt(3))) nCPUs++; } inBuf.close(); if (nCPUs < 1) nCPUs = 1; nCPUsFromProc = nCPUs; } catch (IOException e) { } int nCPUsFromOS = EngineUtil.getNPhysicalProcessors(); return Math.max(nCPUsFromProc, nCPUsFromOS); } private final static void myAssert(boolean b) { if (!b) throw new RuntimeException(); } }