package org.stagemonitor.tracing.profiler; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import org.stagemonitor.core.Stagemonitor; import org.stagemonitor.tracing.TracingPlugin; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; public class CallStackElement { private static final boolean useObjectPooling = Stagemonitor.getPlugin(TracingPlugin.class).isProfilerObjectPoolingActive(); private static Queue<CallStackElement> objectPool; static { if (useObjectPooling) { objectPool = new ArrayBlockingQueue<CallStackElement>(100000); } } private static final String HORIZONTAL; private static final String HORIZONTAL_ANGLE; private static final String ANGLE; static { HORIZONTAL = new String(new char[]{9474, ' ', ' ', ' '}); ANGLE = new String(new char[] {9492, 9472, 9472, ' '}); HORIZONTAL_ANGLE = new String(new char[]{9500, 9472, 9472, ' '}); } @JsonIgnore private CallStackElement parent; private String signature; private long executionTime; private List<CallStackElement> children = new LinkedList<CallStackElement>(); public static CallStackElement createRoot(String signature) { return CallStackElement.create(null, signature, System.nanoTime()); } public static CallStackElement create(CallStackElement parent, String signature) { return CallStackElement.create(parent, signature, System.nanoTime()); } /** * This static factory method also sets the parent-child relationships. * @param parent the parent * @param startTimestamp the timestamp at the beginning of the method */ public static CallStackElement create(CallStackElement parent, String signature, long startTimestamp) { CallStackElement cse; if (useObjectPooling) { cse = objectPool.poll(); if (cse == null) { cse = new CallStackElement(); } } else { cse = new CallStackElement(); } cse.executionTime = startTimestamp; cse.signature = signature; if (parent != null) { cse.parent = parent; parent.children.add(cse); } return cse; } public void recycle() { if (!useObjectPooling) { return; } parent = null; signature = null; executionTime = 0; for (CallStackElement child : children) { child.recycle(); } children.clear(); objectPool.offer(this); } public void removeCallsFasterThan(long thresholdNs) { for (Iterator<CallStackElement> iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { CallStackElement child =; if (child.executionTime < thresholdNs && !child.isIOQuery()) { iterator.remove(); child.recycle(); } else { child.removeCallsFasterThan(thresholdNs); } } } public boolean isIOQuery() { // that might be a bit ugly, but it saves reference to a boolean and thus memory return signature.charAt(signature.length() - 1) == ' '; } /** * The execution time of the Method. * Initially set to the start timestamp * * @return the execution time/start timestamp of the method */ public long getExecutionTime() { return executionTime; } public void setExecutionTime(long executionTime) { this.executionTime = executionTime; } public long getNetExecutionTime() { long net = executionTime; for (CallStackElement child : children) { net -= child.executionTime; } return net; } public void incrementExecutionTime(long additionalExecutionTime) { executionTime += additionalExecutionTime; } public List<CallStackElement> getChildren() { return children; } public void setChildren(List<CallStackElement> children) { this.children = children; } public String getSignature() { return signature; } public void setSignature(String signature) { this.signature = signature; } /** * Returns <code>null</code>, if the signature is no method signature (such as 'total') ClassName#methodName * otherwise * * @return <code>null</code>, if the signature is no method signature (such as 'total') ClassName#methodName * otherwise */ public String getShortSignature() { if (signature.indexOf('(') == -1 || signature.indexOf(':') != -1) { return null; } String[] split = signature.substring(0, signature.indexOf('(')).split("\\."); if (split.length > 1) { return split[split.length - 2] + '#' + split[split.length - 1]; } else { return split.length == 1 ? split[0] : "null"; } } public CallStackElement getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(CallStackElement parent) { this.parent = parent; } private void removeLastChild() { children.remove(children.size() - 1).recycle(); } /** * Removes this node from the parent */ public void remove() { if (parent != null) { parent.getChildren().remove(this); recycle(); } } public void executionStopped(long executionTime) { this.executionTime = executionTime; } /** * * @param timestamp the stop timestamp * @param minExecutionTime the threshold for the minimum execution time * @return the parent of this {@link CallStackElement} */ public CallStackElement executionStopped(long timestamp, long minExecutionTime) { // executionTime is initialized to start timestamp long localExecutionTime = timestamp - this.executionTime; this.executionTime = localExecutionTime; if (localExecutionTime < minExecutionTime && parent != null) { // <this> is always the last entry in parent.getChildren() parent.removeLastChild(); } return parent; } @Override public String toString() { return toString(false); } public String toString(boolean asciiArt) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(3000); logStats(getExecutionTime(), new LinkedList<String>(), sb, asciiArt); return sb.toString(); } public void logStats(long totalExecutionTimeNs, Deque<String> indentationStack, StringBuilder sb, final boolean asciiArt) { if (isRoot()) { sb.append("----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); sb.append("Selftime (ms) Total (ms) Method signature\n"); sb.append("----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } appendTimesPercentTable(totalExecutionTimeNs, sb, asciiArt); appendCallTree(indentationStack, sb, asciiArt); for (CallStackElement callStats : getChildren()) { if (!isRoot()) { if (isLastChild()) { indentationStack.add(" "); } else { indentationStack.add(asciiArt ? HORIZONTAL : "| "); } } callStats.logStats(totalExecutionTimeNs, indentationStack, sb, asciiArt); if (!isRoot()) { indentationStack.pollLast(); } } } private void appendTimesPercentTable(long totalExecutionTimeNs, StringBuilder sb, boolean asciiArt) { appendNumber(sb, getNetExecutionTime()); appendPercent(sb, getNetExecutionTime(), totalExecutionTimeNs, asciiArt); appendNumber(sb, getExecutionTime()); appendPercent(sb, getExecutionTime(), totalExecutionTimeNs, asciiArt); } private void appendNumber(StringBuilder sb, long time) { sb.append(String.format(Locale.US, "%09.2f", time / 1000000.0)).append(" "); } private void appendPercent(StringBuilder sb, long time, long totalExecutionTimeNs, boolean asciiArt) { final double percent = time / (double) totalExecutionTimeNs; sb.append(String.format(Locale.US, "%03.0f", percent * 100)).append("% ").append(printPercentAsBar(percent, 10, asciiArt)).append(' '); } static String printPercentAsBar(double percent, int totalBars, boolean asciiArt) { int actualBars = (int) (percent * totalBars); boolean includeHalfBarAtEnd = actualBars * 2 != (int) (percent * totalBars * 2); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(totalBars); for (int i = 0; i < totalBars; i++) { if (i < actualBars) { sb.append(asciiArt ? (char) 9608 : '|'); } else if (i == actualBars && includeHalfBarAtEnd) { sb.append(asciiArt ? (char) 9619 : ':'); } else { sb.append(asciiArt ? (char) 9617 : '-'); } } return sb.toString(); } private void appendCallTree(Deque<String> indentationStack, StringBuilder sb, final boolean asciiArt) { for (String indentation : indentationStack) { sb.append(indentation); } if (!isRoot()) { if (isLastChild()) { sb.append(asciiArt ? ANGLE : "`-- "); } else { sb.append(asciiArt ? HORIZONTAL_ANGLE : "|-- "); } } sb.append(getSignature()).append('\n'); } private boolean isLastChild() { if (parent == null) { return true; } final List<CallStackElement> parentChildren = parent.getChildren(); return parentChildren.get(parentChildren.size() - 1) == this; } private boolean isRoot() { return parent == null; } }