package com.github.ggeorgovassilis.springjsonmapper.spring; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import com.github.ggeorgovassilis.springjsonmapper.BaseRestInvokerProxyFactoryBean; import com.github.ggeorgovassilis.springjsonmapper.MethodInspector; /** * Binds a java interface to a remote REST service. Provide the interface class * ({@link #setRemoteServiceInterfaceClass(Class)} or * {@link #setRemoteServiceInterfaceClassName(String)}) and the base url of the * REST service ({@link #setBaseUrl(String)}). If instantiating this class * programmatically (i.e. not in a spring application context) then make sure to * invoke the {@link #initialize()} method before using this class. * * Any service methods are accessed under the base URL. Take for example the * google book api which can be bound to the interface "BookServiceSpring". * <p> * <code> *  <bean id="RemoteBookService" class="com.github.ggeorgovassilis.springjsonmapper.spring.SpringAnnoationsHttpJsonInvokerFactoryProxyBean"><br> *   <property name="baseUrl" value="" /><br> *   <property name="remoteServiceInterfaceClass" value="com.github.ggeorgovassilis.springjsonmapper.suppert.BookServiceSpring"/><br> *  </bean><br> * </code> * </p> * Every method on the BookServiceSpring interface is mapped to some URL below * The exact mapping is defined in the * BookServiceSpring interface via {@link RequestMapping}, {@link RequestParam} and * {@link PathVariable} annotations. Please note that only a subset of * Spring's URL mapping annotations are implemented here.<br> * <br> * <code> * public interface BookServiceSpring {<br> * <br> * * @RequestMapping("/volumes")<br> QueryResult * findBooksByTitle(@RequestParam("q") String * q);<br> <br> * @RequestMapping("/volumes/{id ")<br> Item findBookById(@PathVariable("id") * String id);<br> }</code> * <br> * <br> * Annotations understood are: * * <ul> * <li>{@link RequestMapping} which specifies the relative URL to contact, the HTTP method to use and content types * <li>{@link RequestParam} which specifies a name for the method argument. This name can be used as a URL query parameter, a multipart form parameter or a field name in a JSON document * <li>{@link RequestBody} which specifies that the parameter value is to be encoded as JSON. If it's the only such annotated parameter, then the generated JSON will be the entire body submitted during the request. * If there are multiple annotated parameters, then a {@link RequestParam} must be used to distinguish them. * <li>{@link RequestPart} which specifies that the parameter is to be encoded as part of a multipart form request * <li>{@link PathVariable} which specifies that the parameter value is to be encoded into the URL as part of the path. Use a notation like <code>/users/{name}/details</code> in the URL of {@link RequestMapping} to escape * the parameter name <code>@PathVariable("name")</code> * </ul> * * @author george georgovassilis * @author Maxime Guennec * */ public class SpringRestInvokerProxyFactoryBean extends BaseRestInvokerProxyFactoryBean{ @Override protected MethodInspector constructDefaultMethodInspector() { SpringAnnotationMethodInspector inspector = new SpringAnnotationMethodInspector(); inspector.setEmbeddedValueResolver(expressionResolver); return inspector; } }